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The Freshman Ch. 25


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Again Cecilia pushed him against the wall. She grabbed his hand and guided it up under her skirt. She wasn't wearing any panties. As his fingers brushed up against her, he realized she was very wet. He became hard himself, in spite of the rather shocking assault he was experiencing.

She passed him a condom. He would have liked a bit more foreplay, but it was obvious that wasn't going to happen. She needed him inside her, immediately. She hopped up on the bed, pulled her skirt up, and waited for him to get the condom on and get inside her.

As soon as he was inside of her, she gasped with delight. She pushed up as she dug her fingernails into his back and bottom. He thrust for a long time, working himself up to his own climax. Then he remembered his secret plan to get her to give him another belt-whipping. As the thought of submitting to the belt flashed through his mind, Jason's own arousal took off. He thrust vigorously, dripping sweat onto her blouse as that strange fantasy returned to his mind, that vivid image of his agonized bottom struggling under the uncompromising strokes of that cruel belt. Spank me...spank me...spank me...

Finally he finished, or so he thought. Normally after a vigorous session of lovemaking Jason and Cecilia lay together resting for a few minutes, but not that night. Her desperate mood was only slightly diminished from the first round of sex. He owed her a lot more.

She grabbed a damp washrag and wiped herself off while he pulled off his condom. She then grabbed his hand and told him to stand still while she cleaned his penis with the cloth. Quickly she pulled off her blouse and skirt and plopped back on the bed.

"Jason, get over here!"

It was time for him to pay homage to the Temple of Venus, to bow his head and worship the tiny goddess between her legs. She grabbed his hair and guided his face into position, making it very clear that he would stop when she told him to stop, not a moment sooner. The smell of her arousal hit his senses full-force as he began moving his tongue over her very wet vulva. As he had been trained, he very slowly worked his way around her labia, teasing her and making her desperate. When the moment came, he gently touched his tongue to her clitoris and immediately was rewarded with a desperate gasp. As he continued licking, she shuttered with the first of several orgasms he would have to give her before being allowed to stop. She was in an uncontrolled sexual frenzy that he could only satisfy with a lot of patience and hard work.

Jason's mouth was sore and he was exhausted by the time she allowed him to stop licking. However, she still wanted more. She studied her partner. His face was tired, but what about the other end? She gently rubbed and kissed his chest and thighs, subtly teasing him. She massaged and patted his bottom until she noticed his penis stiffening. Then she did the one thing that was sure to get him aroused, got into the submissive posture on her elbows and knees, spreading herself and shamelessly exposing her most intimate areas to the gaze of her lover. Sure enough, that did the trick. He put on a condom and entered her, thrusting vigorously and thoroughly enjoying himself. He pushed hard, grabbing her thighs as she gasped with the faint high-pitched groans of extreme pleasure. The second time was much better for Jason, because he had been able to take his time getting properly aroused. The first time had been a bit too rushed because of Cecilia's desperate mood. As always, her needs came before his own needs. However, if he was patient enough, she usually saw to it that his needs were taken care of as well. That was the unspoken agreement between them.

Much later, with that sarcastic smile that had so captivated him back at the beginning of September, she asked him: "So, you glad to be back?"


Lisa came back the next morning, in a foul mood because of her recent break-up with Mike and an extremely unpleasant trip into Chicago. It was Ken who picked her up, given that he was the only person in the group that had a car.

Lisa saw Ken as harmless, so she unloaded her frustrations on him, giving him the details of the fights the preceded the final ultimatum from Mike: either you stay here in Santa Cruz or we're through. They were through.

"It's weird, before we broke up, I kinda thought I'd be totally fucked-up about it, but I'm not. What I felt was a huge relief. I don't know, I guess he was just getting too serious...maybe, getting old a bit faster than me. It wasn't fun anymore."

Ken confided some details about his own life and talked at length about his vacation as they neared the university. He helped Lisa get her things upstairs and then the two decided to go back out. The original purpose of their trip was to buy some textbooks for their spring classes, but they ended up having some coffee and looking into some of the novelty shops around the university. Their explorations took them into a sex shop, which prompted Lisa to confide that her sexual relationship with Mike was part of the problem that existed between them.

"Mike has absolutely no imagination when it comes to sex. He always wanted to do things the same way, every fucking night. He wouldn't even try any new positions. And what pissed me was that he knew I was getting bored. He'd ask me what's wrong, I'd tell him, but nothing ever changed."

Lisa and Ken went over to the S&M implements and examined them with vague curiosity. There were paddles of various shapes and sizes, floggers, light canes that seemed too dry to really make much of an impact, and a couple of replicas of the Danubian police switch that were much lighter and flimsier than the real thing. Lisa picked up one of the leather paddles, an item that did seem like it would deliver a nice sharp sting. Absent-mindedly she made a joking comment that made Ken's heart jump into his throat.

"You know, when you and Jason lost that poker game last fall, this is what I should've used on you. What do you think?"

Ken's face was white and his eyes wide.


His heart jumped again as she smacked the implement in her hand a couple of times and then hung it back up. He had a furious erection under his pants, which he tried to hide by putting his hands in his coat pockets and positioning them to cover his front.

Lisa glanced at him. What was going on in his mind was obvious from his expression and...his posture. What are you hiding, Ken? Suddenly she realized that was indeed what she should have done to him. He wanted to be spanked.

Her thoughts went back to when she had him naked over her lap and could feel his very stiff penis poking into her leg. She also remembered how much she enjoyed that night, first feeling his body over her lap and then making him do all that embarrassing stuff with Jason. What had spoiled the fun was Mike's unpleasant behavior and then the blow-up with Cecilia.

Of course she had been terrified that Cecilia would turn them in and then...wait a minute...

Lisa suddenly understood what was really going on with the RA in her room that night, after she had caught Jason and Ken streaking near the library. She was just pretending to be so indignant! That was all an act, so she could get Jason under her control! Cecilia never had any intention of turning them in! What she wanted was Jason! So, the other three had stressed-out over nothing! That little bitch...

Lisa's thoughts returned to Ken. She felt a huge desire to "finish the job" with him and see where that might lead. She decided that he was destined to go back over her lap. Later that night his bottom would be bared and bouncing as his skin reddened under her hand. Of course the obvious way to do it simply would be to tell him to buy the paddle, walk him back to the dorm, and then spank the hell out of him. However, that was too straightforward. Lisa wanted to have some fun with Ken and not just start belaboring his bottom right away. She wanted to set up the right mood first, and then spank him.

They left the sex shop, with Ken moving uncomfortably as he walked with his hands trying to puff out his coat and hide his erection. Lisa suggested stopping at a fraternity store and walked up to a wall that displayed various fraternity paddles. She absent-mindedly speculated about how much the fraternities actually used the paddles, whether the spankings were given bare-bottom or over clothes, and whether women were present during the punishments.

"Of course, it's not really a spanking unless it's on the bare, and I think if there's guys getting paddled and women aren't watching, that's wrong. What's the point of spanking a guy if women can't watch?"

She glanced over at Ken's pale face. She thought she could actually hear his heart pounding as he struggled to catch his breath.

"Well, what do you think?"

"Uh...yeah, you're right. They...shouldn't be doing it unless they got women watching."

"...and always on the bare, right?"


With only a few of the textbooks they originally had planned to purchase, Lisa and Ken made their way back to Huntington Hall through the bitter cold and salt-covered sidewalks. Their conversation drifted back to their vacations and the time they spent with their parents.

Ken mentioned getting together with some of his high school friends and playing some Poker with them on New Year's Eve. He did relatively well, winning some money off the others. Lisa responded sarcastically:

"You actually beat them? Then they must be pretty awful, unless you've gotten any better."

"Actually I have. One of my brother's friends taught us some stuff, so I can hold my own."

"That's bullshit, Ken. You don't just get better over a Christmas break. It takes years."

"I'm just saying I play better than I did last fall. That's all I'm saying, Lisa."

"And so now you think you can keep your clothes on if you play me?"

"I know I'm a lot better than I was last fall. The next time we play, you'll be losing some stuff as well, not just me and Jason. That I know for sure."

"OK, let's test that. I'll bet you that I can strip you and not lose anything more than my shoes. If I'm right, then you do what I say for the rest of the night. If you can hold out and get anything off of me besides my shoes, then I'm taking you out to dinner. Deal?"


They got back to Huntington Hall. Ken dropped off his coat and books in his room and then accompanied Lisa back to her room. Without directly saying it, Ken had told Lisa that he desperately wanted her to spank him. Without directly saying it, she had responded that was fine, she would indeed put him over her lap and put some color into his bottom. The Poker game, something both of them knew Ken was sure to lose, was the pretext for the spanking. There was another unspoken agreement between them. Although Ken was sure to lose, Lisa expected him to play as well as possible and make an effort to win. She wanted a challenge, not just have him meekly forfeit so he could go over her lap.

They set up a nightstand as a card table and Ken brought in a small chair from the commons area to sit in. They counted articles of clothing. Both were wearing winter shoes, socks, jeans and underwear. Lisa had on a sweater and Ken was wearing a sweatshirt. Lisa was not wearing a bra, so they were evenly matched.

The game's arrangement seemed to favor Ken. He only had to win three rounds to get his free dinner, while Lisa had to win seven times to get off all of Ken's clothing. However, Lisa was by far the better player. She passed the cards to Ken.


She had him deal first, because she wanted to see how easily he shuffled the cards. That would let her know if he really had improved over Christmas break. Ken's clumsy handling of the cards answered her question. Whatever improvement he might have made would be minimal if he hadn't even learned to shuffle properly.

In quick succession Lisa won four rounds and her opponent gave up his shoes and socks. She lost the next round, not because he played well, but because his hand was unbeatable. Two more rounds cost him his jeans and sweatshirt. Then, sitting in nothing but his underwear, he played his one good round of the night and won another shoe from his partner after a long fight. Ken lost the next round and Lisa ordered him to stand up. She moved in front of him, pretending to be indignant.

"Look, you need to stop wasting my time! You told me you learned how to play over Christmas, but what you played wasn't Poker, it was shit! Alright, loser. Now you're ass is mine, and you're gonna pay!"

She jerked his underwear to his ankles and ordered him to step out of it. He was embarrassed, even though they already had seen each other naked several times before. However, being embarrassed made him very aroused.

Lisa still wanted to build the mood for the spanking by establishing her dominance. As she had the previous fall, she took a bunch of pictures of him in almost every pose imaginable. His penis was hard and was displayed prominently in many of the pictures. The only part of the fun missing was that he had to stay in her room. As much as she wanted to have him go out into the hallway, that night she couldn't because it was too early. Her fellow residents were still running up and down the corridor with their suitcases and backpacks.

She made him stand with his legs spread and his hands behind his head, gently stroking her fingertips up and down his body. She touched his penis and explored his testicles, satisfying her curiosity to feel someone else's body besides Mike's. Finally she moved to caressing and massaging his bottom. When he tensed up she slapped him hard.

"Don't you tighten your butt up on me! This is what you deserve! You've earned this!"

She took another look at his face. He was both very nervous and very aroused. Perfect. That's what she wanted, the right mood.

Lisa sat down on her bed and ordered Ken to lie across her lap. She gently massaged and caressed his bottom, much more intimately than she could the first time when she spanked him with two witnesses present. She admonished him for being aroused, telling him that it was completely inappropriate for a bad boy who's about to be spanked to be so excited. She reached down and grabbed his penis.

"You know, when bad boys get like this, that just means they gotta be spanked a lot harder and a lot longer."

Of course, the only thing that happened was his penis became even stiffer. She patted his bottom one last time, and began spanking. Lisa knew how to spank, because she had fantasized about it over the past year and had studied technique on the Internet. She knew that Cecilia was disciplining Jason, and would have given anything to be able to have that kind of relationship with her ex-boyfriend. There was no way, however, because it was not in Mike's character to meekly go over a girlfriend's lap, even in fun. Oh, well...his loss.

SLAP!... SLAP!... SLAP!... SLAP!... SLAP!... Lisa began spanking much harder, but took frequent breaks to study the changing color of Ken's bottom. She lovingly passed her hand over his sweaty, pink skin, exploring the deep color and swelling forming over his buttocks. When he tensed up she pinched him hard and viciously twisted her fingers.

"I said don't tense up! Keep yourself nice and spread for me! If you wanted to be modest, then you shouldn't have gotten yourself in this situation!"

Lisa began picking up the pace of her swats as she neared the end of the spanking. She spanked fast and hard, trying to break Ken with an unbearable barrage of solid pain. He was gasping, and groaning, not from the pain, but from intense sexual arousal. The erection never had gone away.

Lisa decided to put her companion's hard-on to good use. It had not been her intention to have sex with him, but she had become aroused herself during the spanking. She stopped slapping and concluded with a couple of very painful pinches that were sure to leave bruises on him days after the color from the slaps faded. She ordered him to stand up, hands behind his head and facing the wall, while she rummaged through her closet to get some scarves and pull a couple of cloth belts off some dresses. She threw a scarf over his eyes to blindfold him, then tied another scarf around each of his wrists. She ordered him on the bed on his back and tied his hands to the bedposts. She then took a cloth belt and tied his feet together. She stripped off her clothes and gave his erection a couple of strokes to make sure it was as hard as possible. Then she positioned herself over him and mounted him, carefully lowering herself over his penis. For a very long time she rocked back and forth as he pumped semen into her. Oh, this was good.

Lisa climaxed, and then on pure inspiration she decided to try something. She pinched his nipples hard and twisted.


She felt his penis stiffen inside her. So, that was it...she now knew what he needed.

"I'll tell you something, bad boy! There's a lot more where this came from! You think I'm done with you? You think I'm done whipping that ass of yours? You think I'm finished?"

She tugged hard at his nipples.

"Answer me!"

"No, you''re not done...whipping my ass."

"Your ass is mine, bad boy, get it? Mine!"

She untied the scarves from his wrists and the belt from his ankles, but did not untie the scarf covering his eyes.

"Roll over! Get your butt up!"

He heard her rummaging in her closet and then heard the distinct clink of a belt buckle. Then he felt the leather lightly touching his already sore skin. Fear swept through him, but with that fear came very intense arousal. He had just spent himself when Lisa was straddling him, but it seemed that erotic fear recharged his drive. He started becoming erect. It wouldn't be long before he was ready for another round of sex.

CRACK! A sharp pain tore into Ken's backside as Lisa laid a fierce belt swat across both bottom cheeks. CRACK! She struck again hard, as he squirmed from the blow. She studied the two deep reddish stripes laid across the pink skin of his spanked bottom. She tightened her lips and struck again.

He squirmed to the side, showing her his very hard erection. Lisa thought to herself, screw the spanking, I want him back inside me. She grabbed his penis and used it as a handle to roll him on his back.

"You fucking little pervert! You actually like this, don't you?"

"Yes...I like it!"

With that she dropped back on top of him, enjoying the feel of his organ as it pumped yet another batch of semen into her. She climaxed, for the second time that evening.


Ken spent the night in Lisa's room. The couple had finalized a discovery they had begun to make about each other back in September, that he liked being spanked and she enjoyed giving spankings. It turned out that pain was the button that unleashed the sexual fury in Ken's soul, and that inflicting pain was what set off Lisa. His bottom was tender from the spanking and he was sore in the spots where she so cruelly pinched him, but he couldn't have been happier. He was sure that the confusion over his sexuality had ended. Now he knew what he needed from a sexual partner, to submit and feel real pain. And to think, of all the people he knew, it was his friend Lisa who best understood his most secret desires.

Lisa was shocked at her own behavior with her new lover. She became a totally different person, an uncontrollable, savage, all-consuming jungle bitch. The veneer of courtesy and culture was stripped from her, leaving an uncontrolled fury that not even she knew existed in her soul. Well, perhaps she knew it was there, but not to that extreme.

Unlike Cecilia, Lisa's inner animal did not scare her. She liked that part of herself, the wild, domineering, she-bitch. It was something left over from the savage past, a portion of her animal instinct that had not been refined out of her personality by her wealthy liberal upbringing. She welcomed that part of herself in the same way she would have welcomed a long-lost relative. As weird as it was to have Ken in her bed instead of Mike, she was very grateful to him for helping her find that lost part of her soul.

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