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The Garden Shed Opens its Door Ch. 02

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Gary is asked to get his neighbour pregnant - again.
5.3k words

Part 2 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/04/2017
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Chapter 2 - Inseminator 2, Lodgement Night

"Gary, I want to get pregnant again but, I don't know... You see... I really don't think having intercourse with you is right. I mean Tom's my husband and I love him to bits only his... he's got a lovely cock and it does everything I want it to in bed... only his sperm count's so low, as you know."

So nice sitting having coffee with his pretty, chubby neighbour and so very nice that Gary's favourite topic of sex had risen its head - so to speak - and it was lovely it had been Zoe who had started it. He certainly knew all about Tom's low sperm count. It had been Gary who had taken Tom's place the year before and got Zoe pregnant - by request of course. It had taken a few 'attempts' but he had done the job. Actually, he would have preferred if it had taken a few more attempts but his fertility had been pretty quickly proven - but now there seemed a second chance.

"We could use a syringe, Zoe, as I suggested before. Zara is always so helpful and she could help me, um, prepare the necessary and then she could put the stuff in you."

Zara, their mutual student friend who was always helpful - indeed 'very helpful' when it came to Gary's penis.

"That's just so clinical."

"Well you can't really have it both ways, Zoe. It's either the trad. way or the scientific! I suppose we could do it with a sheet between us and with just a hole for my..."

"I thought, perhaps, well I was thinking the other night that you could ejaculate over Tom's erection and then him fuck me so your stuff went in me but I was not sure either of you would much like that."

More fun for Tom than me, thought Gary.

"I could do the wanking..." Ended Zoe rather lamely.

"Yes, well... If you come to that, you could stick one end of a straw in each of our urethras - carefully mind - and then you could make me cum and it would go along the straw and fill Tom up with my stuff and then when he inserted himself in you and came, his stuff would force mine back out and up into you at the same time as his. It would be kept nice and warm all the time so would be potent. It would be almost..."

"Ooh, that's a great idea. If it was a clear straw I could see the transfer. Your stuff going up the tube into Tom. I'd like that I..."

"No, it's not a great idea at all. I was joking, Zoe!"

"Oh, wouldn't it work?"

"No idea at all: probably would hurt Tom, might hurt me if the stuff couldn't fully leave me and I was still ejaculating. I mean where's it going to go? And you know I do produce a lot. It's not going to be that you will see Tom's balls expanding with my cum filling them up, mixing with his already waiting there, my cum swirling around and blending with his like... like... It was difficult to think of a simile. Biologically it does not work like that!"

"Oh, well, no I suppose not, nice image though, but..."

Absurd image thought Gary! Tom and he standing connected by a clear plastic straw, both feeling embarrassed and strange as Zoe kept them both hard but stimulating Gary rather more than Tom to produce the desired result. They both staring downwards as Gary ejaculated, the strong pulses of creamy semen travelling between them along the clear plastic tube and into Tom's knob and then Tom's wrinkled scrotum filling and stretching until it was really taut with all of Gary's cum. Tom thanking him before carefully removing the straw from his penis and walking stiffly and uncomfortably over to Zoe with swollen oversize balls, and hard penis probably already dribbling with Gary's cum, to begin fucking her and building up to releasing the double load - an ejaculation like he had never experienced before. A release of so much pressure - Tom just coming and coming inside Zoe.

Tom later confiding with Gary, down the pub and careful he was not overheard, how good it had been, how absolutely fantastic the feeling of ejaculation had been, 'so much, so long,' 'best ever' and 'they must do it again.'


"Does Tom now know what happened with Charlie. That I helped?"

"Well, um, no."

"Are you going to tell him?"

"Well, um, no."

"So won't he think it odd if you bring me in to get you pregnant this time."

"I suppose so."

"Isn't it best if we just do the thing in close proximity to you making love to Tom, just like we did last time? Or, rather, times." Gary rather thought 'times' was important. "It was lovely, Zoe, helping you out like that."

"It just doesn't feel right. I don't think Tom has ever cheated on..."

"Zoe you have not cheated." Gary was going to knock that idea on the head. "Certainly we have played around and had some fun but intercourse has simply been to get you pregnant. I mean would you be happier if Tom was fucking someone else whilst I... with you."

"It would seem fairer. He's always had a thing for Zara. Do you think she might...? I mean I caught him watching her the other day at the window."

"Perhaps he was just watching people go by."

"No, hardly, it was Zara he was watching, no question. There she was! I think I've told you before he's mentioned having had a bit of a thing for her in her old school uniform. Bit of a typical male fantasy really, I expect, and in any case his cock was as hard as anything and he was wanking."

Gary thought he would not mention that he had certainly had that fantasy himself and what was more Zara had dressed up in that very uniform for him the year before and he had been able to act it out for real! Perhaps she might do it again... "What did you do?"

"I came up behind him and took over and whispered all sorts of things in his ear and made sure he made a right mess on the window sill! Zara thought it very funny when I told her. She said I should have opened the window and called her in and made Tom apologise with his hands behind his back and with his cock all stiff and swollen and then she'd have 'taken him in hand' and made that very mess on the window sill whilst I caned him!"

"Yes, she would have said that! Perhaps Zara would give Tom a treat. She can be very naughty and likes a giggle."

"I'd feel better then with you, I think."

"So the four of us on the bed. You and Tom fucking and me and Zara fucking - though I think Tom might be a bit surprised at Zara and me. And then before the finish we swop over and I come in you and presumably Tom comes in Zara."

"Yeah, perhaps."

"Only you are still going to have to raise what happened with Charlie with Tom."

"Suppose so."

"So wouldn't it really be better if we just did things like last time. Tom needs to know nothing."

"But always shortly after or, perhaps, before I'm with Tom."

"Before might be difficult - he might notice all my..."

"That's because you are so prolific, Gary. All that stuff - it's lovely. Hey, you know what I could do?"


"I could tie Tom up and blindfold him on the bed and then, whilst I was sucking him, you could come in and fuck me properly and then I could just sit on him and he'd think it was just that I was extra wet. Two men in the same bedroom at once. That'd be fun! And then he'd come in me as well."

"Why not have Zara there as well, make it a party!"

"No, that would be silly and she'd giggle and give the game away."

It was a plan, a mad plan but one Gary was happy to agree to. Moreover he was going to be fucking Zoe again. Great - more than great really - fucking marvellous! On the other hand it was a pretty risky sort of enterprise, fucking a man's wife whilst he is in the same room. Perhaps not impossible if he was tied up and blindfolded, but...

A strange thing to be doing - creeping in the dark around to your neighbour's. It was a warm evening and, being him, Gary was happy enough to be outside without clothes. He just liked doing that. He walked down his garden, all so familiar even though it was dark and out into the little grassy lane to the rear of his and the neighbouring houses. This 'loke' did not lead anywhere but provided a rear access - if very rarely used.

It felt a lot safer in the loke in the dark than it had on the many occasions he had been there naked on the way to or from Zoe's in the daylight. He had come out rather early for the rendezvous expecting the night to be warm. His plan to enjoy the quiet and perhaps sit in Zoe's garden and await the allotted time.

In the darkness he made his way down his garden and out, through his gate into the loke. It was a lovely night, the prospect of real sex with Zoe giving him a really good feeling. Rather than turn to Zoe's he chose to wander a little way down the loke the other way, further than he had been before whilst naked and, as it happened, was very happy with that choice. It had been exciting in a way just to be out there away from his garden naked but looking in at the back of No. 47 he saw something which made it all extra enjoyable and very worthwhile.

No doubt young Kirstie had just lost the habit of closing curtains on the bungalow; after all the back garden was not overlooked but to Gary, peeking into her garden, there was the big bedroom window all lit up and there she was, pretty as a picture, just taking her top off. Gary saw her with her arms above her head just as she pulled the tee shirt upwards.

Kirstie, another local girl he had watched grow up, head off to university, get her masters and then disappear to work abroad, had come back complete with foreign husband. He was a Norwegian of all things, Vegard Naess, and they had bought a bungalow not many doors along from where she had grown up and her mother and father still lived. The young couple made such a contrast, she as dark haired as could be and he as Nordic as you could imagine.

And there she was in just bra and jeans. Gary smiled. There was something very exciting about being the Peeping Tom - the illicit watching when you should not and seeing things you were not meant to see. Gary had no compunction about opening the back gate to Kirstie's bungalow and creeping closer. It was just so exciting - out naked and peeping to boot! He very much hoped he was going to see more of what he was not meant to see and, as Kirstie reached behind her to undo her bra, Gary was reasonably confident he was, at least, going to see two things he was not meant to see!

He was not disappointed. As the bra dropped forward, out popped two firm breasts complete with those so pleasing girl sized areolae and nipples. Kirstie was talking to someone out of view, presumably her husband or, if not, then there was something very surprising going on! Evidently the unseen person said something funny as Kirstie broke into a big grin and then, joy of joy, jumped up and down a bit as if in excitement. And of course Gary got the most enticing vision of breasts bouncing freely. His cock was rigid with pleasure, not just the usual feeling but the sheer illicitness of the watching making it almost tingle with excitement. It had just grown all by itself as he watched. That lovely feeling of an erection just happening. Moreover not one inside pants and trousers or in bed but out in the open in the warm dark of the night.

Carefully he walked closer to the window - not too close, not to come within its pool of light, not letting his naked form and stumpy erection perhaps become visible from inside.

A hand on her jeans. She did not seem to be moving away out of sight. If he was really lucky he was going to see Kirstie take her jeans off - perhaps her panties as well. Perhaps she might disappear from view before that happened, perhaps head off to the bathroom or come closer and close the curtains - but it did not look like it! Gary's hand stole to his cock. Well, he might as well extract maximum pleasure from his voyeurism! Not too much of course - he had a job for his penis and semen to do later - a real job for once - and that was not merely to fertilise Kirstie's lawn!

Gary watched the brass button become undone and then the jeans coming down, panties and all. Suddenly Kirstie was revealed to Gary in all her splendour. It was annoying he had not brought his camera - snaps to savour later - but he had a good memory! A fine wide hipped young woman indeed. And as she turned to drop the jeans on the bed her husband came into view.

Gary was a man whose preference was undoubtedly for the ladies, preferably naked, but he had to admit Kirstie had chosen well. A fit and well proportioned young man and, clearly, Gary was not the only male who had reacted in an appropriate way to Kirstie's disrobing though, it had to be admitted, rather more impressively. Gary nodded to himself. Yes, that was a fine cock, a fine erection. Kirstie turned revealing her back view but, before Gary could really savour Kirstie's round bottom, the man moved and pressed himself close, his erection up hard - and 'hard' was the word - against Kirstie's bottom as his hands came around and cupped her breasts. Just what a man should do, of course.

Gary's hand moved - were they really going to fuck standing up with him able to watch? A bit of hip movement and Kirstie turned a little and was almost facing the window and there, poking out of her bush. obviously coming in from behind, was her husband's knob. He had slid right under her, between her thighs and come out the other side! If only he - Gary - had that 'fucking' camera he could have taken the most amazing mock hermaphrodite shot. It really looked liked Kirstie had a stumpy thick cock poking out of her pubes. If it had been hers then Gary and she would have made such a pair with their stumpy erections! Gary smiled - but she would have all the girl bits as well!

The man was clearly enjoying what he was doing as his cock started disappearing and reappearing, sliding between her legs. Gary smiled to himself. If Vegard did that too much then 'Kirstie's' cock might actually ejaculate there in front of his eyes, her 'man' fluid spurting from her. An exciting image, he thought. But that was not to be. Kirstie pushed her husband away, leaving him standing looking, perhaps, a little disappointed with his cock sticking straight out. A lovely smile from her and then she turned, put her hands around her husband's neck and pulled herself up, Gary almost saw the penis go in but not quite. It was hidden but undoubtedly that was the result. They were fucking standing - amazing to be able to watch.

Gary's hand moved faster. "Fuck, no!" he said out loud. It was close, really close. He had almost come right there in Kirstie's garden whilst peeping at his neighbours copulating. His cock had almost erupted there and then. It had been so close. The Peeping Tommery had been so exciting too exciting. Any other night and it would not have mattered. Indeed he undoubtedly would have brought himself off. But not that night. Almost, almost!

Gary turned. He could watch no more. He had the contents of his balls to deliver to his friend Zoe not waste on the garden. She was relying on him to fertilise her. One more stroke and, perhaps, a particular baby would not have happened. Gary shook his head; we are all such creatures of happenstance. So infinitesimally few of the sperm we make get to reach an ovum and so few of those get to fertilise an ovum.

He glanced at his watch. There was still plenty of time to the rendezvous.

At their gate Gary turned back just in time to see the couple fall onto the bed - the light still bright and they still fucking. The young man's bottom rising and falling, his unseen cock no doubt pistoning away inside Kirstie. Another night when Gary was not 'on call' he would be back - perhaps with camera and certainly with expendable ejaculate if, and perhaps that was a big if, another 'show' was to be put on through the window. He had really enjoyed the one he had seen. Peeping and wanking were really enjoyable!

Gary walked up the loke in the dark, his erection pointing the way - but he knew which way to go. Were there other sights in other windows of other houses and bungalows to see? Well, he would not peep that night and, perhaps, he had better not make it a habit. He did not, after all, want to be caught!

A click of Zoe's gate and he was out of the loke and heading up the path to the back of Zoe's house. Now came the difficult bit. Creeping around Zoe's house with the risk of Tom not actually being in the bedroom as planned: Tom fetching himself a drink of water, Tom going for a pee, Tom not sure if he had locked up properly, Tom actually wanting to watch the football rather than fuck Zoe & etc. A worry; though he could not see the contest himself between football and sex - and his stumpy erection clearly thought the same. It had very definite ideas of where it wanted to be - yes somewhere wet and warm and where it could weep with pleasure and do its biological duty!

All was quiet as Gary watched from the garden. He waited a while and then slipped through the French windows. All seemed dark downstairs. He glanced at his watch; Zoe had been very precise about timing. It was rather like a military operation. Eleven hundred hours - enter house; proceed to stairs... ejaculation Eleven O Five!

On the dining room table a pair of bananas. Zoe's signal that all was seemingly going to plan - leastways when she had left the banana.

So strange, more than strange, to be creeping around a neighbour's house naked and defenceless - even more so with a stumpy erection! The prospect of engaging with Zoe, and the unusual circumstance really excited him. Gary climbed the stairs, finding all was dark apart from a half open bedroom door. Still the worry Tom might suddenly appear. He peeked.

There was Tom spread-eagled on the bed, naked and as erect as Gary. Well, more erect really because he had a proper length to him! Once before Gary had seen Tom's erection, just for a moment when Tom had pulled out fresh from fucking Zoe. Gary had, rather remarkably, watched from the couple's wardrobe and seen it for a moment, still firm, leaking semen before Tom had hurriedly dressed and raced for his car leaving Gary to step from the wardrobe and be inside Zoe with his own cock before the husband had driven more than a few yards. A happy memory.

This time, though, Tom was, as planned, actually tied up - with his own colourful ties it seemed - his four limbs securely fastened to the bedposts and, importantly, he was blindfolded. And there was lovely, chubby Zoe as naked as her husband playing with him as she waited, and this was his own thought, the arrival of Gary's potent semen - semen he had nearly spent over Kirstie's lawn!

Zoe had got everything ready as planned. Tom immobilised and blindfolded, she ready to be impregnated and Gary there to do the job - though she did not know he was there yet.

It was a bit like watching Kirstie - more Peeping Tommery but this time not even through glass. So peculiar watching Zoe play with Tom's cock; her finger stroking down its prominent ridge, then dropping down perhaps to his anus, before stroking upwards between his balls and then, on up, to the fraenum and knob. It twitched when she got there. Gary had enjoyed Kirsty and her husband's play. Now he was enjoying seeing what his neighbour did with her husband's cock. It was definitely odd seeing his neighbour spread-eagled and erect but it was certainly good seeing a woman play with a penis.

Zoe was kneeling between Tom's spread-eagled legs. She leant forward and Gary watched fascinated as she lifted her husband's cock slowly up and then took the knob into her mouth. A sigh from Tom. Not surprising, thought Gary. He knew how nice that was!

Bending forward with her knees apart brought Zoe's bottom up into the air and, of course, that revealed rather a lot about her! It also seemed to Gary a good cue to make his entrance. After all he could see her 'entrance' and that held a particular interest to him! Actually he could see more than one entrance but the 'upper' one just would not do - that would not get Zoe pregnant at all! He crept in, knelt on the end of the bed and got ready to insert himself almost before Zoe realised he was there! So deliciously naughty to creep in on a couple engaged in play and join in - and in such a way!


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