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The Gilded Cage Ch. 03

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Hammer into Anvil.
10.2k words

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 05/12/2022
Created 01/24/2005
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Tammy entered the office again and walked confidently into John Green's office. Her confidence took a battering however when she saw the clothes he had bought for her. Green laid them out on his desk.

"As you can see Tammy I have had my people busy during your lunch. These are more the sort of things I expect my PA to wear."

Tammy looked them over with her best acting face on. They were cheap, tarty and more suited to a street hooker than an office worker.

"You can change into them now."

The inference was clear given the events of the morning. Green had no intention of turning his back whilst she did and so she simply discarded her top layer of clothing quickly, denying him the tease of a slow strip whilst obeying every order as she knew she must. As she reached for the clothing, Green stopped her.

"I think a PA works much better when she is not encumbered by underwear. Remove your bra and panties, give them to me, and then put on the new uniform please."

When Tammy handed him her undergarments he sniffed the crotch of her panties with deliberate relish, watching her dress in the mini-skirt and low-cut top he had provided. With no bra to assist, the top held her so tightly as to make it virtually see-through.

Green sat down on his chair.

"Now we are ready for another letter Tammy."

As Tammy went to sit in her chair he held his hand up to stop her.

"Not note-taking this time, my dear, I thought it best to dictate to tape. You can audio-type it later."

Green reached into his desk and produced a Dictaphone. He handed the main unit to Tammy but kept the mini-microphone, which was on a very long lead, to himself. Tammy suddenly became nervous as to where this was leading.

Green beckoned her closer before he gave her another straight order.

"Come kneel on my desk, facing away from me."

Tammy knelt in a tight doggie-style position and the mini-skirt melted before Green's eyes, revealing her naked shaven pussy in all its glory. Green placed the mini-microphone holder inside her vaginal lips, so only the microphone itself was visible. She heard his aroused voice from behind her.

"I've always preferred hands-free Tammy. You hold the microphone and work the machine, I'll just get close to the mike to make sure my voice is clear for you later."

Tammy could feel Green's breath as he began to dictate a letter with his face almost smothered by her sweet, musky perfume. For what seemed like an age he remained, panting like a dog on heat whilst all Tammy could do was feel desperately lonely. She knew she had to play along for the Guild but she wanted Connor to hold her again and make this humiliating pain go away.

Eventually John Green finished and returned to his chair as if he had simply dictated a letter in the normal way. The practised air of professional normality, Tammy concluded, must be what allowed his wife to never find out just what an evil man she had married.

Green informed her that they had a meeting to attend later that afternoon and so they began his preparation. When it came to matters of the business he certainly knew his stuff and for the next ninety minutes he was the very model of the dynamic CEO. As the meeting drew near, Tammy was preparing the final draft of his notes when he suddenly changed the subject.

"Oh, by the way Tammy. Before we go into the meeting there is a little ceremony I am expected to perform here, to congratulate our employee of the month. I'll send for him now. Shouldn't take long"

Green pressed a button and a young man, probably no older than 26, entered the office. He looked very nervous indeed. Green flashed a smile at him as he entered.

"Close the door David please and stand in the middle of the room. Miss Squires this is David Grundy, a hot young junior executive who has outperformed all his peers demonstrably this month. As a token of our gratitude, we are going to award him $10,000 and present him with a lasting memento."

Green stood up and invited David to sit in his chair, whilst Tammy was told to sit in her chair facing him.

"There David, give it a try. If you keep on going as you are one day it'll be yours for keeps."

David looked sheepish as he replied, "Thank you Mr Green. I hope so."

"How is the family, David? Married 6 years isn't it?"

"Yes sir"

"Two young children and one on the way I hear? Productive in and out of work it seems," Green said with a small laugh.

Tammy could not help noticing that David was distracted by her presence but then, in these clothes, she could not imagine he would not have been. She felt deeply embarrassed for him.

David blushed at Green's attempt at humour.

"Yes, I am sir."

Green moved over to behind David before he spoke again.

"The money will help I guess David, given that you are the only breadwinner in a house filled with debt. Now, another question, have you ever looked at another woman's pussy since you married your wife?"

David turned in horror, unsure at how to reply to his boss but outraged at such a personal question. Green shouted at him, "If you value your income, your home and your livelihood you will keep facing Miss Squires and answer my goddam questions!"

David turned and rigidly stared at Tammy with the look of a terrified animal caught in the headlights. His answer was in a very weak voice, "No, I have not looked at another woman's anything since I got married. I love my wife too much"

Green continued in his normal calm tone, assured he had made his point

"In fact, David, you made great play about the fact that she was your only girlfriend. You waited before marriage before you even held hands, didn't you?"

"Yes, it was a matter of principle for us both. We are still glad we waited as it makes our union so special."

Green looked at Tammy

"Spread your legs for David, Miss Squires."

David gasped more out of fear than arousal as he was forced to watch Tammy open her legs to him. After a few moments, however, the male instinct within him made him want to stare at the pussy of this gorgeous woman and that made him feel the most intense shame of his life.

Green leaned into David's back.

"Beautiful isn't it? Tammy, come here and sit on my desk just in front of David. Spread your legs again and let him get a good look at what you have between them."

Tammy felt sickened more than ever as she had to comply. Her face tried to show David how sorry she was for her part in all this but he was too terrified to notice. Soon David's face was a mere inch from her pussy and he could smell her for the first time. The memories of his wife kept him from screaming, for he knew they needed the money more than he needed to run.

Green was now enjoying himself immensely as was self-evident from the tone of his voice.

"What is your wife's name David?"

"Julie, it's Julie Grundy."

"Well it's only fair that we do not forget her in all this, after all she's been your support whilst you have worked so well for us. Show your gratitude for her by tracing with your tongue, on Miss Squire's clitoris, 'David Grundy loves Julie Grundy, his one and only lover, forsaking all others.'"

David hesitated and Green added, with new menace, "Unless you want me to tell her you've been fired for feeling up my PA?"

David began to trace the letters on Tammy's clitoris, doing it so gently that she knew in her heart he had only ever done this for the one woman he loved. It made her cry inside that she was being made to corrupt such a loving soul even though the motions began to give her pleasure.

Once he had finished, David withdrew with small tears in his eyes. This only seemed to spur Green on further. He leant into David again as he spoke.

"That was a nice gesture David, I am sure Julie would have appreciated it. You have a few close friends in the office David and one of them told me that you and Julie took some shots and video on honeymoon, close moments shall we say, which you have stored on a web-based email. You like to view them sometimes during lunch as a reminder of your first time together. I am sure you would like to share such a happy moment with us today. Download them onto my PC at once."

David was resigned now but even so this extra violation, of his most sacred moments with his wife, caused him to hesitate. Then he remembered Green's threats and he felt compelled to download the files.

Green opened them and Tammy saw the young couple, clearly nervous and complete virgins, begin to embrace and make love the best way they could figure how. They did not undress and Julie was still in her wedding dress whilst David wore his marital suit. The video was good quality and the sound was so good that they could almost hear the heartbeats.

Green took the mouse and waited for the moment when David was about to enter his wife for the very first time and then paused the video. He opened another series of still shots which showed Julie Grundy exposing herself around her wedding dress. These had clearly been taken before they made love as Julie looked very nervous.

Green let out a low mocking whistle as he cycled through the shots.

"There we are. That's the bride's virginal tits, her pert ass and her virginal pussy. To think it took her four years to show you them and yet she's shown me in under an hour. Now, let's see how good that sound really was."

With that Green allowed the video to move on. As it showed David penetrating Julie she gasped but Green, looking for something else, ran it back and forth a little. He then opened another programme on his pc and copied the moments of penetration, in sound only, to a splitter programme. Just before the gasp it was possible to hear a tiny, wet crack.

Green smiled.

"How lovely of you David to share the sound of your wife's hymen breaking. If you just excuse me for a moment I am going to make that sound my notification of new email, her moan upon entry my new window sound and that shot of her with her legs spread and tits out in her dress my wallpaper."

David just shrunk as Green took his most precious memories of Julie and debased them into pornography for his own gratification. Tammy could not believe that even Green could be so sadistic but, with her life on the line, she could do nothing but watch in silent horror.

Green finished and then leant into David again.

"You know Julie's nice but Miss Squires here is much better looking. I could not allow you to leave here without a nice memento to celebrate your employee of the month status. If you refuse any part of my gift I will fire you and ensure Julie is handed enough fabricated evidence to think you are an embezzler and a womaniser. Do you understand me David?"

"Yes sir" David said in a hoarse whisper.

Green smiled

"Ok, well according to the video your first wedding fuck lasted 5 minutes and 33 seconds. Miss Squires, go into the first closet and get changed into the outfit that awaits you. David, go into the second and do the same. You have 3 minutes to return."

Both of them entered the closet wondering and returned in certain, hellish knowledge, as to what Green planned. Green told them to stand before him.

"Miss Squires is wearing the exact same wedding-dress and underclothes that Julie was wearing and you, David, are wearing exactly the same clothing as well. Thanks to your friends I learnt you kept them, unwashed, at home as a keep-sake and I had them stolen and brought here. Your main prize for winning the employee of the month, David, is to claim Miss Squires as another wife whilst smelling Julie every second. Miss Squires, lay on the desk and then David I want you to mount her. I will turn the screen towards you and you must mount her as you did Julie on that night. Any deviation will result in all sanctions mentioned earlier."

Tammy lay down and arranged herself, still dressed but fully exposed, as she had seen Julie do in the video. David entered her with a look of utter, utter defeat and self-loathing on his face. As David entered her, Green played the sound of Julie's hymen breaking. He then quickly said, "Do not fuck your new bride yet David, just rest up her vagina for the moment. As I said, it's a shame to exclude your wife from your happy day, so I want you to ring her up at home. Tell her to download the video and that you want to relieve your first ever time together. Tell her you want her to masturbate whilst she watches it, allowing you to hear her on the phone, and that you will masturbate and allow her to hear you. Finally tell her you want it to last exactly 5 minutes and 33 seconds, like your first ever fuck did. If she asks where you are say you sneaked off work and have grabbed a private office for a quick bit of illicit sex. David, one last thing, make her agree and when she does I want you to fuck Miss Squires for the same time. You are to come at the same time as your wife, on that mark, and you are to moan throughout so she can hear you fucking another woman. Tammy remain silent. I will video you both."

David made the call. "Hello love, don't talk just listen" he began.

In a few moments he had convinced Julie to play and Green put her on speaker. At his mark David began to fuck Tammy as Julie masturbated noisily on the other end of the line. Green not only taped the incoming call alone, to allow him to hear David's wife masturbate for him whenever he liked, but also videoed David as he became more and more aroused fucking Tammy. Despite the situation David could not help but enjoy the sensations of the tight, gorgeous pussy around his near virginal shaft. Green was right, Tammy did feel better than his wife ever had

On the mark they all came, through more faking than actuality, and Green sat back to hear them all pant. He put the speakerphone on mute whilst he checked to see if David's sperms really was inside Tammy's vagina and, when satisfied, allow them to get off the table.

He said to David, "Tell Julie, while you recover, that you want her to tell you every naughty thing, every sex act and every fantasy that you have shared as best she can remember. Tell her to make it a monologue, as you just want to bask in the sound of her voice. Then get dressed but remain silent and stay here."

David complied and soon Green sat back to record every intimate moment of their six year marriage, every fuck, every illicit blowjob in public, every fondle and every fantasy that Julie could remember. He thrilled knowing that he was violating the sanctity of their union with every syllable, for those with no love in their heart hate true love most of all.

When Julie had finished, Green got David to end the call. He looked over to him.

"David, I hope we understand each other. I have video of you being unfaithful to your wife and I shot it in such a way as to make it look like you were alone together. Not only will I use that if I have to but also I will ruin your financial security. You will obey me from now on or I will destroy you. Get changed into your works clothes again and go home, to begin on a project for me. You have two months to convince your wife that you want to get involved in the swinging scene, threaten divorce if she refuses. In 8 weeks you will invite me to you home to sleep with your wife whilst you watch and you will make her watch as you profess your desire to suck my cock. You and your wife will then take it in turns to suck my cock and swallow my seed, both on your knees, whilst I stand over you in your front room. Fail me and you may as well end your life, David, for I will make you wish you were not alive. Now go."

David changed quickly and then fled as Green turned with a smile to Tammy.

"Now, time for that meeting I think. Get changed back out of that wedding dress Miss Squires, it makes you look like a $2 whore."

Bastion was pleased that Green was living up to his brief. The daily digest needed spicing up and the Guild members would appreciate the power-game Green was playing. Bastion thought another comment would help the audience gain a better appreciation.

"John Green is my own personal find and, I think you will agree gentlemen, a real asset to the production team. In a few years he may even have proved worthy enough to become a partial member of the Guild but in the meantime he has been granted all the power he needs to serve us, with his own inimitable style added of course. Our unexpected houseguest, the man called Connor, has been lazily sitting around Miss Squires' house watching television. Other than the nature of his arrival he currently appears unremarkable but we shall see over time."

Bastion ended his commentary and opened a new channel. His tone changed immediately from the one he had adopted for the audience, suddenly becoming annoyed and maybe just a little tense.

"Agent 7 this is Bastion. What's the progress on Connor?"

Agent 7 replied with the air of a seasoned professional footballer who is about to tell his coach that he suddenly cannot catch the ball anymore.

"We know a lot about what he is not, sir. The photograph and name do not cross-refer to any database in Lexington and, though we are only partially through searching them yet, it is looking like he is on no Federal database either. That includes immigration, which we checked because of his accent. We have contacts running through military and civilian intelligence in Britain but he's certainly not on their general police of governmental systems either."

Bastion paused for a moment, his mind racing.

"What about Lexington airport?"

"First place we checked sir. No-one with the name Connor, first or last, looks like the man in the house. We also checked all the CCTV from the airport from the last week, let alone day, and he's not come in under any other name either. The car registration is false but the car itself is an exact replica for one reported crushed a month ago in Midland, Texas."

"Why would he have chosen Texas, Agent?"

The agent took a second to think before sighing. This was clearly a stab in the dark answer.

"Well, it's across federal lines so the update to local law-enforcement would lag. Being such a large area the vehicle could have been brought to Midland from pretty much anywhere without attracting too many witnesses. It smells to me like a professional decoy but a true professional would know that the car, at worst, would be notified onto local records within two weeks. He's overdue a change."

Bastion relaxed a little

"So he's already making mistakes then?"

"Yes sir, unless he wanted whoever ran the car to know he knew enough about counter-surveillance to use the manoeuvre in the first place."

Now Bastion was worried. He showed it in a manner typical of the child-man he was. He shouted.

"Listen, I don't care what games he may or may not be playing. There is not a man born of woman that the resources of the Guild cannot find. I expect to know his mother's maiden name, let alone who he is, within twelve hours. Twelve, do you hear me agent?"

"Yes sir. It will be done."

The channel closed. Bastion had just a second to compose himself before another channel opened. It was not enough.

"What?" he bellowed

"Sorry Bastion, this is Aegis. Have I caught you at a bad moment?"

The friendly voice brought Bastion round instantly.

"No, not at all. I am just surrounded by incompetent underlings that's all. How can I help you?"

"I know it's a breach of protocol but some of your agents came sniffing around mine for the British information search on Connor. I took the liberty of asking them to copy me with what they found. I thought you might appreciate an ear to talk to without having to go to C."

Bastion sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. If it was a choice between ego and good council he prided himself on choosing the council. It was a typical self-deception.

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