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The Morrisons Ch. 27


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When Andy finished rinsing the soap off his body, he stepped out of the shower and dried himself. Brianne looked at Andy and asked, "Would you please dry Jean and Josh while Brianne and I get showered?"

Andy grabbed another towel out of the open linen closet and asked, "OK, who's first?"

Immediately Jean responded, "Andy you don't have to ask ..... girls always go first."

Andy placed a hand towel on the counter, near the sink. Then he pulled a bath towel out of the open linen closet and wrapped it around Jean. He picked her up and carried her over to the counter top and had her stand on the towel. When he was certain she was steady he took the towel off her and had her turn around so he could dry her hair. Jean followed his instructions and after turning around she placed her hands on the mirror and tilted her head back.

When Andy finished drying Jean's hair, the best he could, he dried her back and her butt crack before he asked her to turn around. Once again Jean followed Andy's instructions. When she was facing him, he dried her face, down her neck to her chest, all around her abdomen and finally her hips.

Jean automatically put her hands on Andy's shoulders to steady herself, before she raised her right leg. She said in a matter of fact tone, "My mom has me raise my leg so she can dry my coochie. She said it's not good to leave it wet."

Andy momentarily stared at Jean's hairless coochie before he extended his toweled hand and made sure he dried between her legs before he moved on and dried both of her legs. When he finished, he wrapped the towel around her and had her sit down on the counter and wait for Jen or Brianne to brush her hair.

"Thank you for drying me Andy." Jean politely added when she was seated.

"You are very welcome young lady." He replied.

Andy walked back to the linen closet and pulled a towel out for Josh who was still standing with the girls, in the shower. Andy opened the towel and held it as Josh stepped out of the shower before he wrapped it around him. He picked Josh up and stood him on the counter next to his sister. Andy used the same procedure to dry Josh as he did Jean. The only difference was he had Josh pull his foreskin back so he could dry the head of his cock. When Andy finished drying Josh, he helped Josh off the counter top so he was standing on the floor. Once he was on the floor, Andy combed Josh's hair and then his own. When Andy was done, Josh also thanked Andy for drying him.

Andy put Josh's towel on the floor to dry up the little bit of water that rolled off the three bodies and then left it there for Brianne and Jen. When they were finished with their shower, Andy had four towels in his hands. They each took the first towel and wrapped their hair in it. Andy watched the girl's titties wiggle and jiggle as they moved about, drying themselves.

As girls do, once they dried their body, they moved over and stood in front of the mirror. Both of them had some additional grooming to do. Jen had the brush first so Brianne used the moisturizer that was on the counter and applied some all over her body. When Jen finished brushing her hair she moved over to Jean and brushed her hair. When she finished, she put Jean on the floor and handed the brush to Brianne.

Jen stood by Brianne and spread moisturizer all over her body and down her legs. Jean had watched both girls use the moisturizer so she asked, "Why are you and Brianne putting that stuff on?"

"It's moisturizer," Jen said, "Girls put it on so our skin is nice and soft. We have to take care of our body."

"Can you put some on me?" Jean asked.

"Sure can sweetheart." Jen picked Jean up and stood her on the counter again. "Now turn around and I'll do your back first."

Jean followed Jen's instructions and when Jen was done with Jean's back, she was requested to turn around. Jen started at her shoulders and then down her body. When she got to Jean's hips Jen instructed her to spread her feet so she could get inside her thighs and down her legs. When Jean was sufficiently covered with moisturizer, Jen lifted her up and put her back on the floor. Once Brianne finished brushing her hair, all five of them walked over to the room where Tina and Jeff were.

Bret and the two Hawaiian girls were already in the room. Bret and Jeff were each sitting in a chair talking while the two Hawaiian girls were helping Tina with Abby and Deanna. When Andy, Jen, Brianne, Jean and Josh walked into the room, they joined the conversation while waiting for Tina and the girls to finish getting ready.

When they were done Jeff stood up and said, "We should get going over to the coconut grove so we can go to breakfast with everyone else."

Tina looked around, "Ok, let's get going, I believe everyone looks acceptable for public appearances."

They walked out of the room and up onto the lower deck of Little Snot. As they descended down the ramp, to the dock, they were greeted by some of Leyanni's staff. They exchanged good morning greetings and pleasantries before they walked down the dock, headed towards the coconut grove.


By the time they arrived at the coconut grove, everyone was assembled and the decision had just been made to start walking to the cafeteria for breakfast. The forward motion was halted when the new arrivals were spotted. Jean and Josh spotted their mother and ran towards her yelling, "Mom!"

Holly squatted to receive her two kids in her arms. All three of them hugged as Tina told Holly, "They were great kids last night. We walked over to the boat and went up on the top deck for a little while and then took them down and put them to bed. They slept straight through until just a little while ago."

Tina stepped close to Holly and whispered in her ear, "This may presumptuous on my part, but they can stay with Jeff and I again tonight so you can be free this evening."

Holly looked up at Tina and quietly said, "I can't ask you to do that for me."

Tina leaned down again before saying, "You didn't ask, I offered. So enjoy your time here, Jeff and I are enjoying ourselves while the kids are sleeping with our three. Besides, if we needed any help, the kids adore Jen and Brianne and I know they would help us, if we asked."

Jen and Brianne were close enough to hear Tina and both moved closer and Brianne said in a hushed whisper, "Holly, this is your time to let go and have fun. We, Jen and I will watch the kids today if you want to stay with the guys. We have no problem with that. We'll take Jean and Josh swimming or whatever else they want to do."

Holly looked at the two guys she spent the night with and then hugged Jean and Josh before she stood up. She looked at Tina, Brianne and Jen before she said, "I really did have fun last night. It was the first time in a very long time. We'll go to breakfast and I'll think about your offer. And THANK YOU, thank all of you for everything you've done or offered to do."

Jen and Brianne moved back over next to Andy, Bret and the two Hawaiian girls. They introduced them to some of the group, especially their parents. The six of them stayed together as they made their way through the group.

I looked at our rather large group and called out, "Hey we can talk during breakfast. Let's head over to the cafeteria."

As we walked towards the cafeteria many conversations were taking place at the same time. When we arrived, I held the door open and waited for the younger kids to enter first. When there were just a few adults left outside, I said, "Come on, I think the younger people should be through the line by now.

I walked in with Beth and Kim on each arm. We surveyed the room and saw there were a few people dressed in white Navy uniforms and then there were plenty of nude people, not uncommon at this resort. All of us eventually found what we wanted to eat and I sat down with Ted, Marion, Tom, Janet, Jake, Kathy, Beth and Kim.

We weren't seated very long before a couple of the men dressed in white Navy uniforms walked towards our table. The one looked pretty important with two stars on his shoulder boards. Even the fact that he was dressed in such an impressive uniform and I was nude, didn't matter to me, I stood up as he approached. Ted, Tom and Jake also stood up as he came to a stop right next to me.

He pushed out his hand and I extended my hand and shook his hand. In a command type voice, he said, "I'm told that you are Dan Morrison."

I squeezed his hand a little tighter as I said, "Yes, you have me dead to rights. I'm the man who hasn't served in the military so I can only guess that you are important to the Navy with those two stars up there on your shoulders. Yes, I'm Dan Morrison."

"Even though I don't know who you are, I'll just go ahead and introduce you to everyone at this table. This young lady right here is my wife Kim. On this side of me is my wife Beth. Standing next to Kim, is my friend Ted Johnson and his wife Marion. Next to Marion, are my former boss Tom Banks and his wife Janet. Last but not least, on this side of the table are my new in-laws Jake and Kathy Thompson."

When I finished the introductions the guy in white said, "I knew my intel people would be correct. I don't mean to interrupt your breakfast, but I would like a few minutes of your time, if that's possible."

"You can pull up a chair and have a seat because I don't like cold rib eye steak and eggs. I'm a multitasker and can eat and listen at the same time." I replied.

I no sooner had the words out of my mouth, the other person dressed in a white uniform moved so quickly, it looked like he almost ran over to a table that had an empty chair and swished the chair across the floor until it was positioned directly behind the guy still holding my hand.

"I'm not sure why you're still holding my hand unless you like me in a special way. I've heard stories about you Navy guys taking the Marines out on your boats because you need someone to wash your back and dance with. But I have to tell you, I'm not that kind of a guy. I just married these two young ladies yesterday. So I'm very secure in my manhood." I said with a huge smirk on my face.

There were some snickers from the females at the table but finally the guy with the two stars said, "I like you Morrison. You have no fuckin' idea who I am other than a Navy officer, yet you're cracking jokes that are usually reserved for guys who have served in the military. Instead of kicking your ass, I'll let you off the hook and tell you that I'm Rear Admiral Randall Andrews. To my friends, I'm known as Randy. You sir, may call me Randy." After telling me his name he let go of my hand.

When he finished I said, "Please Admiral, have a seat because I really don't like cold steak."

All of us sat down and before the admiral could say anything, "I know I slipped some Navy stuff in there, because my dad used to say stuff like that all the time when we were around other guys who served. My dad, God rest his soul, was a Vietnam veteran. He was attached to the 101st Airborne in Vietnam, class of 1969. So you see sir, I meant no disrespect; I was only imitating my dad."

"Mr. Morrison, I love your style. If only there were more men who spoke their minds instead of beating around the bush." Randy said.

"Admiral, you hit the nail right on the head." Tom added with a laugh. "Being his former boss, I was always wondering what new revelation Dan was going to give us during our boring board meetings. Not once, in all the years he worked for me did he mince any words."

"After holding your hand so long, I can call you Dan, right?" Randy queried.

I laughed, "If you'd held my hand any longer, I would have asked you to buy me an engagement ring."

When everyone stopped laughing, including Admiral Andrews, I said, "Of course you can call me Dan."

"Kim and Beth, I'd like to offer my congratulations on marrying such a good man. If his bedroom habits are as good as his wit, he might be man enough to keep both of you happy. However, if he can't handle the job, call me, I know some Navy guys who have great endurance records."

The Admiral had fired a shot across my bow and I knew it. Everyone else laughed and both Kim and Beth blushed a little bit. I, on the other hand, laughed also and then made a mental note to fire a volley of my own back at the Admiral, but not at that moment.

"But on a serious note, I'm sure that you know James Turner, Marshall Mitchel and my niece Rebecca Mitchel." the admiral asked before he paused for my answer.

"Yes, I know them. All three of them helped pull off the spectacular wedding ceremony for all of us yesterday. They flew in all of our friends and even stopped by to get my new in-laws and all their kids. Yes, they are all wonderful people, not just because they did all of this, but they're just great folks. Did you say Becca is your niece?"

"Yes, she grew up to be such a beautiful girl. Smart as a whip and boy can she handle our aircraft. I lost my best pilot when Jimmy Turner lured her away from the Navy to be his personal body guard and pilot. He could pay her more than I could, so I don't blame her really."

"Speaking of Rebecca, she's part of the reason I came to see you. You see, when Jimmy lured her away from active duty Navy, there is a little catch though, she's still on reserve duty. My Rebecca isn't officially out of the Navy like she thinks she is."

"So, without slipping out any more secrets, I ....."

I finished chewing my piece of steak so my mouth was empty I interrupted Randy by saying, "I don't think any real secrets have ever slipped through you lips. But go ahead .... Please finish what you were saying."

"Ok the short version of what I want to ask you is I'm inviting you and all your friends and family to attend a ceremony we are going to have at 1000 hours over in the Lava Pit. There ...... no beating around the bush."

I looked around our table and everyone started speaking at once. The general consensus was no one had brought dress up suits or dresses. So I looked at Randy saying, "We didn't expect to be involved with any ceremony so we didn't bring the proper clothes. All of us have something to wear but it will be more beach wear than anything."

"I fully understand and I want you to know, you can come as you are, meaning nude if that's more comfortable for you. I know Leyanni prefers everyone remain nude while they're here so don't worry about what you wear or don't wear over there." Randy said.

"So you're inviting everyone?" I asked.

"Yes everyone, I want to pack the room for the ceremony. I have some surprises for Jimmy, Marsh and Rebecca." Randy said with a huge smile.

"I'll get everyone's attention in a few more minutes but do you have any further hints for us?"

"Here's a hint for you, you'll have to show up to find out what's going to happen." Randy said with a hearty laugh.

Not wanting to wait for any of our group to finish breakfast and escaping out the door I stood up and walked away from our table a few steps before I turned around and said, "May I get everyone's attention?"

When the roar of everyone's conversation dwindled to a few voices I said, "General Andrews over here would like ....."

I was interrupted when someone yelled, "That's Admiral Andrews!"

"What.... what's that you said?" I joked.

Between hearty outbursts of laughter, Ted said, "Dan, that's Admiral Andrews, he's in the NAVY!"

I looked over at Randy and saw he was smiling broadly so I said, "My dad was in the Army and he convinced me the Army was the only real branch of service, the rest of them were wannabee organizations. But now that we've cleared that up, Admiral Andrews would like all of us to be at the Lava Pit for a ceremony to honor our hosts, Jimmy, Marsh and Becca. I have been informed we can go as we are or put some clothes on, it doesn't matter to the General ...... oops, I mean, Admiral Andrews."

"For me, I am going back to my cabin and see if I can find some uncomfortable clothes to put on."

"What time do we have to be at the Lava Pit?" Came a question from the back of the room.

"I would suggest that everyone be over there by quarter to 10 because they want to start the ceremony at 10:00am. Are there any other questions?" Hearing none I walked back to my table and sat down, picked up my coffee and took a sip.

I turned towards Randy and asked, "Do you want me to help you with your ceremony? I've had some practice of giving speeches off the cuff. Just ask Tom over there, he's put me on the spot many times. I really think he did it to see if I would stumble, but I didn't."

I leaned back in my chair and stared at the stars on Admiral Andrews's shoulder boards before saying, "Say Randy, being that you got those stars on your shoulders; do you have any connections in Washington?"

"I know some people, yes. You're not thinking of storming Washington are you Dan?" Randy questioned.

"No, I wasn't thinking about doing that but since you're sitting here I might as well pick your brain. Back home we have a homeless veteran shelter that is being stretched to its limits. A lot of vets use the place, both male and female. What the place should have is a complete make over but at the very least, some upgrades. The best solution would be to tear the place down and start over. However, if we did that, the vets who use the shelter won't have a place to stay. So, I'm asking what your resources are in Washington. I want to build them a new place with facilities for both male and female veterans. I need money Randy."

Randy had a stern look on his face when he said, "I know what you mean and I wish I could tell you how I really feel about the treatment our county's veterans are getting. However, as long as I'm in this uniform, I can't. But I'll introduce you to someone at the end at the ceremony who has more connections than I do."

"Dan, I have to get going to check on a few things. I'll see you in a little while."

"Thanks for your ear Randy, I really do appreciate it. I care for those vets in that shelter and I'm going to make something happen for them."

After Randy walked away I looked at my watch and said, "I guess I'm going to head back to the cabin and find something to put on." When I stood up everyone at our table stood up with me. A number of others saw us and stood up also.

Kim and Beth each took my hand and we went towards the door, followed closely by many others from our group. We leisurely walked back towards the coconut grove. We parted ways and everyone went to their individual cabins or rooms to get dressed.

When Kim and Beth pulled a pair of panties out of their suitcase I looked at them and without saying anything, both of them put them back. Each one selected a light summer dress and put it on. They took turns looking at each other and then looking in the full mirror on the wall. I added my opinion and told them, they were both very beautiful.

I dressed in shorts and a polo shirt that I could wear untucked. I glanced at myself when I walked past the mirror and I was happy. I went out on the porch where I found Jake sitting in one of the chairs. I sat down in one of the other chairs and said, "I already told the girls they looked great in their dress but they're still in there trying to decide if they do. I'll bet they come out in a different dress."

Jake laughed, "Dan, I know you are an accomplished man but women are fickle. You can complement them and tell them they look perfect and they'll spend the next half hour trying to decide if you were correct."

Both of us were still laughing when Tom and his family strolled over. Jake recounted what I said followed by his response. When both Toms started to laugh, they received stern looks. Frank was standing between Audrey and Katie and he wasn't so lucky. He laughed seconds before he was slapped on each arm. Frank looked at Audrey and she warned him, "That wasn't funny."

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