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The Morrisons Ch. 27


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Immediately after, Audrey kissed Frank and said, "Ok, so it was a little funny but you didn't have to laugh and agree with them so fast."

"Frank my boy," Tom said, "There are a few things that women don't want to admit, even to themselves. So if you're going to have any history with a woman, you'll have to learn to plant the seed then walk away and let whatever is going to happen, happen."

Frank thanked Tom for his advice and Audrey said, "Daddy is a smart man."

Slowly everyone came over to our cabin and when we took a head count, we had everyone present. We determined our contingent was complete and if by some remote chance we missed anyone, they could catch up with us because we planned to walk over to the Lava Pit.

Tina and Jeff showed up with their children plus Jean and Josh Smith. Jen and Brianne walked over and asked if they need help with Jean and Josh but Tina said, "No, we're ok with them. They can play with Abby and Deana today.

John looked up at Andy and asked, "After this is over and we come back and take off our clothes again, would it be alright if I hang out with you guys?"

Brianne was quick to say, "We want to talk to our mothers after this is over and then we can come and find you."

"Ok, thanks! I can come back here to the coconut grove and wait for you to finish what you have to do. Right, mom?" John hurriedly replied.

"Absolutely," Tina responded. "I don't see a problem with that. You know where to put your clothes so just come back after the ceremony and occupy yourself until they're finished. I'm sure the four of you will have plenty of fun together."

When we started to walk over to the Lava Pit, Andy was in the middle with Brianne on one side and Jen on the other. Andy had his arms around each of them with his hands resting on the top of their ass cheeks. Colleen and Rachael looked at each other and smiled as they walked behind Andy, Brianne and Jen. Patty, Tony, Beth and Barbie walked side by side behind Colleen and Rachael.

Brianne turned her head and looked at her mother before she asked, "Mom, do you think you and Rachael can sit down with us, after the ceremony?"

Colleen looked at her daughter for a moment before she replied with a smile, "My first question is who constitutes us?"

"Jen, Andy and me." came the reply.

"Most certainly honey. You can come to me about anything." Colleen said.

Jen was the next to say, "Mom, we want all of us together in a private place so we can talk."

"It sounds serious," Rachael giggled.

"Oh mom, it's nothing serious, we just want to talk. You don't have to worry, I'm not pregnant." Jen replied with a giggle.

"May I join your little sit-down discussion?" Patty inquired.

Brianne turned around and walked backwards as she looked at her older sister. She winked at Patty before she replied, "Sure sis, you've always been there for me, why not now?"

As we neared the Lava Pit we saw more people in white Navy uniforms. Two of them were stationed at the doors and whenever anyone approached, they stepped forward and opened the doors with sharp precise movements. I looked at my watch as we walked through the doors and saw that it was ten minutes before ten. Once inside we joined the others that were seated and waiting for the ceremony to begin.

I looked around and saw more stars on shoulder boards than I'd ever seen. I wasn't the only one looking around because Ted leaned in front of Beth and said, "Holy shit Dan! Look at that Admiral with four stars and the two guys with three stars."

"Yeah but, look over there. There's a couple of Marine Corp Generals near the back of the room. What the hell is going on?" I added.

We didn't have to wait the whole ten minutes because Admiral Andrews came through a door near the front of the room followed closely by Becca, Marsh and Jimmy. All four of them were dressed in white Navy uniforms. Everyone jumped to their feet and the room erupted with applause as Admiral Andrews showed them to their seats.

Admiral Andrews's chair was beside his niece Rebecca Mitchel and as soon as he sat down, a four star stood up and stepped over to the lectern. He adjusted the microphone as he surveyed the room filled with family, friends and even some curious Turner employees.

After a few seconds, he began to speak by saying he was going to keep the ceremony short because he knew everyone was on a mini vacation. He only spoke for a few minutes before he introduced Admiral Andrews and then turned the ceremony over to him. For the next half hour, we listened to a few speakers. When the ceremony was over, everyone got up and started leaving. Admiral Andrews asked Tom and me to come up to the front of the room. He shook our hands and thanked us for getting everyone to come.

After a pause, he told us he heard that some of the people in our group may want to experience a ride in one of the Navy's more exciting aircraft. He asked us if we thought some of the people in our group would like to ride in a FA-18. He told us he had six of them on the Navy air field. He told us to get a head count and let him know.

Marsh heard what Admiral Andrews said to Tom and me and he walked over and stood behind Mary Davis as she talked to Sheriff John Donnelly, Ted Johnson and Shelly White. When there was a pause in the conversation Marsh asked Mary if she wanted to take a ride.

He told everyone up in the front that he would have Todd Benson bring back an Apache helicopter to give people rides, if they would like.

As Marsh walked away, the four police officers excitedly discussed their options. They had already decided to take a ride by the time Tom and I walked over to them. When I asked Mary, Ted and Shelly if they wanted me to put their names on my list there was a resounding "YES" from all of them.


After the ceremony was over Colleen turned to her daughter and asked, "Do you girls want to have that discussion now?"

Both Jen and Brianne answered together saying, "Yes."

Andy spoke up asking, "Would it be alright with all of you if my mom joined us?"

Without any hesitation Colleen and Rachael along with Jen and Brianne quickly agreed to have Amy sit down with them.

The group spotted Amy and Ken walking together back towards the coconut grove so Andy, Jen and Brianne took off running to catch up with them. Ken and Amy waited for Colleen, Rachael and Patty to catch up to greet each other. After the greetings were finished, Andy asked his mom if she would join him, Brianne, Jen and their mothers for a short private meeting.

Amy looked at Andy for a couple of seconds before she smiled and said, "Wow, this sounds serious."

Colleen and Rachael laughed as Rachael said, "That was my exact response. However, I was informed it isn't serious but the girls and Andy want to talk to us. I think that's really nice. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside."

"I think the first thing I'd like to do is get out of this dress. Since we've become nudists, I prefer to be nude. I love when the breeze blows across my body. But most of all, I love to let people see the real me and not the one I am when I have to cover me up." Brianne said.

Jen was quick to sanction Brianne's idea by saying, "Ok, here's a suggestion for everyone," Jen added, "How about we keep this simple. We can go to the coconut grove, take off our clothes and make a circle with some lounges so we can talk. That way we won't have to sit in the sand, down on the beach."

One by one everyone agreed with Jen's suggestion. As they walked, Andy took off his shirt which prompted both Jen and Brianne to pull their sun dress over their head and hold it in their hand. By the time they reached the lounge chairs everyone was nude. Each person picked up a towel before they moved their selected lounge into position.

"Andy, if you don't mind, I'd like you to sit between Jen and me." Brianne directed, "Let's adjust our lounges so the back is up. That way we can look at our mothers and Patty."

When everyone was seated, Brianne and Jen slid their butts over next to Andy so their shoulders were touching his, from each side. Andy smiled as he looked at Brianne and Jen before he whispered, "I love closeness."

Andy adjusted his half hard cock so it wasn't squeezed between his thighs and then reached out to each side and placed his hands on Jen and Brianne's thigh. Their immediate actions were so spontaneous; it was like a scripted moment. Both Jen and Brianne bent their knee closest to Andy and let it flop to the side, so Andy's legs were partially covered by a bent leg from each side. Andy looked at Jen and Brianne as he allowed his hands to slide inside each thigh and move closer to the hairless pussy on each side of him.

The movements of Jen, Andy and Brianne didn't go unnoticed by the others who had arranged their lounges in a semi-circle in front of the three and then sat down with their feet flat on the lounge and their knees slightly parted. Andy immediately noticed he had a clear view between the legs of Colleen, Rachael, Patty and his mom. His eyes wandered as he looked at the beautiful view in front of him. Each pussy looked the same but at the same time each one was different.

Patty who had not had any children, her pussy was just a straight line between two puffy pussy lips. Colleen and Rachael had similar shaped pussies but Colleen's pussy lips were very thick and puffy with her clit slightly extended beyond her pussy lips. As his eyes wandered over to his mother's pussy, he smiled to himself knowing he'd come into this world a long time ago, through that opening between her legs.

Andy was startled back to reality when Jen poked him with her elbow and giggled as she whispered, "It's not polite to stare."

Andy smiled at Jen as Brianne looked across Andy's body at Jen while saying, "Mrs. White I know you weren't with us yesterday when we were talking but I know you'll get the gist of what we said. Mom ... Rachael ... Patty ... ummmm .... remember .... yesterday, when Jen and I told you, we weren't theoretically virgins, but we are virgins because we've never had a cock inside our pussy?"

Colleen looked at her daughter and said, "Oh God, I hope Andy wore a condom when you had sex with him."

"Oh no mom," Brianne quickly added, "We haven't had sex per se, however we have explored each other's body and intercourse is the next item on our agenda."

"Are both of you certain you're ready to take that next step? Remember, once you go down that road, there's no changing anything. Rachael inquired, "Or is this a heat of the moment thing?"

"Mom," Jen replied, "If this was a heat of the moment thing, as you put it, we wouldn't be having this conversation. The deed would have already happened. But as Brianne just said we are both still virgins in relations to having a cock inside us."

"Besides if we were going to do anything in the heat of the moment, Brianne and I would have had intercourse last night. Both of us were "good girls" and we did everything else but intercourse. And had we decided to have intercourse there were condoms in a basket, on the night stand. We could have put one on Andy's cock at any time, but we didn't."

"So, can someone tell me again why I'm here?" Amy questioned with a giggle in her voice. "It sounds like the three of you already have a plan and all three of you are agreeable. Of course, I'd be interested in hearing what happened last night."

Andy spoke to his mom, "I wanted you to be here with us because our families have become so close and if Jen and Brianne were going to talk to their moms, I wanted you to hear what's going on. Besides, it wouldn't be gentlemanly of me to kiss and tell about last night's events. Of course, if one or both of my co-conspirators want to share the details of what happened last night, it's ok by me for them to tell the story." Andy said with a smirk.

"I appreciate that Andy," Amy said, "But I think you've learned what you can do or shouldn't do. I want you to be safe at all times. I want grandchildren, but not right now."

Looking at her daughter, "I also want grandchildren but I'll be satisfied to wait a while longer." Colleen added.

"Andy you're such a gentleman." Colleen remarked, "Most young men can't wait to run off and blab about getting laid and who the girl was. Amy, thank you so much for teaching your son the values which are lacking in so many young men these days. I have to say, in the world today, there just isn't enough respect shown to others."

Like any guy sitting between two beautiful naked females, Andy had a smile on his face. However, after hearing Colleen's remark, it broadened greatly.

"I agree with Colleen," Rachael added, "With all of us learning to live the nudist lifestyle, it would seem so easy for a guy to take advantage of a girl or woman. Since all of you spent the night together and both of you are still virgins this morning, I applaud all three of you. Like Amy, I'd love to hear what happened last night. I don't mean that as a voyeur but as a mother who loves all three of you."

"Well ......." Brianne said, as she took a few seconds to look at everyone while her mind whirled, thinking ....... thinking about how she was going to properly phrase what she was going to say, "If we're going to cut to the chase, that's what this little gathering is about. I'm ready to enjoy the full benefits of moving into womanhood. I would like to have Andy's cock inside me, that is, if he wants to take me to places I've never been."

"ALL RIGHT!" Patty yelled with plenty of enthusiasm. "Mom, Brianne told us when she's ready to have a cock, she'll let us know. Today seems to be that day so let's encourage all three of them to play safe until Brianne and Jen get their depo shot. Personally, from the looks of Andy's hard cock, I think both of them have made a wise decision, for their first time. Sex is what you make it. It can be slow and tender or fast and rambunctious. I hope each of you have many hours of enjoyment. Tony and I, along with his sisters, have become proficient in many wonderful and fulfilling experiences, since we decided to work exclusively on the Morrison estate."

Colleen raised an eyebrow before asking, "Like Amy, I have to ask why are we having this special meeting?"

"Ok, we talked between us," Brianne said. "We know this should be personal ..... and .... private ..... ummm and all of you know we are old enough to do this without telling you, but our lives have changed so much since we've become nudists. We feel closer to you, and we feel we can talk more openly to you, being our parents, than other people our age. The three of us feel we can breach what is supposed to be the private parts of our lives, with all of you."

Brianne laughed as she looked between Jen and Andy before she said, "Ok, I'll start and Jen or Andy can jump in where they want."

"As you know, the three of us along with Bret and the two Hawaiian girls stayed on From Elise last night. All six of us talked and enjoyed each other's company. After taking a shower to rinse off the sweat and grime of the day, we got on the huge bed together. All of us enjoyed some playful encounters and then we split up into two groups. Jen and I stayed with Andy while the two Hawaiian girls cuddled up to Bret. Oh mom, it was so magnificent to share. All of us had at least a couple of orgasms each, if not more." Brianne reminisced.

"Yeah, but we didn't let Andy's cock slide inside us." Jen excitedly introduced. "Brianne and I took turns straddling Andy's hips. Each one of us pushed his cock flat against his stomach before we sat down on it, trapping his cock horizontally between our pussy lips. I was so wet when I positioned myself over his cock; my juices coated him and made it very easy to slide back and forth, along his length. When I leaned forward, my clit rubbed on his cock and OH MY GOD, did that feel so extraordinary."

"OH YEAH, I was in heaven, while I was riding Andy's cock." Brianne added, "My pussy tingled and my body trembled long before I had my first orgasm on Andy's cock. I've rubbed my clit before to achieve an orgasm but the ones I had last night made all my previous orgasms seem so minuscule."

"Even in the heat of the moment," Jen added, "when we became more rambunctious in our actions, Andy didn't take advantage of us. He could have allowed his cock to slip inside one or both of us with just a small change in the angle of his hips, but he didn't."

Over the next ten to fifteen minutes or so, both Jen and Brianne excitedly told the others about their adventures on From Elise. Like a true gentleman, Andy only added in details when one or both of the girls prompted him. Andy had leaned back against his lounge and spread his legs so his cock stood straight up. Jen reached over and wrapped her hand around Andy's cock in front of Patty and their three mothers. Andy relaxed and enjoyed Jen's actions along with the view of four delicious looking pussies in front of him. One of which, belonged to his own mother.

Jen slowly stroked Andy's rock-hard cock as everyone listened with their eyes focused on Jen's hand. Even Amy watched with interest as Andy's foreskin covered the head of his cock on the upstroke and then his engorged cock head reappeared on the down stroke.

"As Jen said," Brianne interrupted, "There were condoms in the basket, on one of the night stands, and it would have been so easy for us to have intercourse with Andy last night, but we didn't because the time wasn't right."

"We want all of you to know, Andy was a perfect gentleman last night. Because of his personal restraint, his consideration for our wishes and the really .... really great vibes I get from him since all three of us have been together, I feel a connection with him. He's our age and I want him. I don't only want to rub my pussy on his cock, but I want it to go inside me." Brianne said with genuineness in her voice.

"I want the same thing, for the same reasons. As I said before, Andy could have taken advantage of our lust last night but he didn't. He let me decide how far I wanted to go and he didn't push me to go further. So, the answer to your question mom, yes, I want Andy to be the first guy to slide this beautiful cock into my very wet pussy." Jen added with as much sincerity as Brianne.

Andy gently squeezed the inside of each girl's thigh, in appreciation for their kind comments.

"Honey, if you are looking for our support, then you already have it, by our silence. I've watched news reports of girls way younger than you, getting pregnant and I'm so glad that you weren't one of them. You seem to have learned your lessons well and I'll support the decision you've made. However, the only problem I see, there are two of you and only one of Andy. Since you've both decided to have sex with Andy today, how do you propose to solve the issue of which one will get Andy's cock first?" Rachael requested.

"Oh, we've already solved that issue between us." Jen immediately added, "If Andy is agreeable and we already know he is, Brianne will get to ride him first and I'll go second.

"I agree with both Brianne and Jen." Andy said in a husky voice.

"Well ... duh...." Patty submitted, "Andy you've got two beautiful girls who are going to give you the chance of a lifetime, you should be bouncing up and down with excitement right about now."

"Don't get me wrong," Andy replied, "I'm as excited as they are. All of you are females so you don't know what it took for me to allow both Brianne and Jen to slide back and forth on my cock last night, and not try to angle my cock so it would go into them. Just before each of us had our orgasms, during the most rambunctious part of our activities, one slight angle change while they were on the back stroke, my cock would have entered their hot tunnel of love. I respect both of them and would not do that until they said it was ok. I've heard it said over and over again, both sexual partners have to consent. In our case, all three of us have to consent."

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