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The Playpen Ch. 06-07

Story Info
The Playpen begins to fall.
6.7k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 12/30/2011
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Chapter Six:

Tabatha awoke and slowly took in her surroundings. She was vaguely aware of others in the room. Right now though she was more concerned with her own predicament. She was in a stockade or sorts. She was naked on her knees with her ankles encased in wood secured directly to the floor. Her abdomen was draped across a large horizontal beam raising her ass high in the air because her neck and wrists were similarly restrained but a few inches off the floor. Large padlocks ensured the stock would not open. She struggled for a moment, testing her bonds. She tried to survey the room but the stocks prevented her from seeing much. She heard someone moan softly.

As Jillian regained the conscious world a weak moan escaped her lips. Her mouth felt so dry but she couldn't seem to close it. Something was holding it open. God how she wanted a drink of water. She opened her eyes and tried to sit up but couldn't. No, No, No, No, No, raced through her mind. She wanted to scream but couldn't. She heard a click and the support holding her head up gave way but she was still attached to it. When her head dropped down she saw it. A moment later her legs began to lift and spread. Her mind raced with the fear of what was coming. The fake cock in front of her leaked a white viscous fluid. Something entered her pussy and stopped. She felt another intruder at her anus. A moment later it entered as the one in her pussy withdrew. She heard a humming noise and the cock at her face moved forward and entered her open mouth. Her mind screamed Johnny as she ran for the hidey hole in her mind but it wasn't there and neither was Johnny.

Tabatha could hear Jillian's distress. She didn't seem able to speak coherently. Suddenly her perch began to rotate until she could see Jillian. Now she knew why. And it was Jillian just as she thought. The dildos were seesawing her ass and pussy. One in, the other out, The one in her mouth seemed to pulse every time it pushed in. A white fluid was leaking from the corners of her mouth. The terror in Jillian's eyes told her she was feeling every thrust. Something pushed on her mind. She let it in.

Where is Brooke?

You don't know?

Answer the question Tabby!

No-one calls me Tabby mister Davey.

You will refer to me as Master David.

Ok mister Davey Master David.

Where is Brooke?

You don't know?

Answer the question Tabby!

Haven't we been here before mister Davey? So I take it you don't have her. Maybe I should call you little Davey.

Cheryl's perch began to rotate again and a mirror appeared. Oh dear, little Davey. I'm quite the sight am I not.

Where is Brooke?

Again with Brooke? Why don't you come out here and let me show you how I can please a man. That way, you won't be thinking about Brooke anymore.

Where is she!

Guess I don't really know. Why is she so important to you?

Her perch began to rotate again and a hidden door slid open. Chrissy crawled in and sat crossed legged before her. She was dressed in a yellow little girls dress with a Peter Pan collar and big puffy sleeves with white lace trim. She was wearing yellow ruffled plastic pants that were obviously covering a very thick cloth diaper. The diaper appeared to be wet.

Baby di dee wet. Daddy come change di dee soon?

Tabatha didn't know what to say. Yes sweetie, Daddy will be here soon.

Chrissy crawled over to Jillian and turned the machines up a notch. She giggled and crawled back over to Tabatha. Daddy going to make Tabby a baby too. You be good baby for Daddy. Just then the door slid open and in walked Steve.

There you are you naughty little girl. Don't you ever leave your playpen like that again or Daddy will have to spank you.


In the flesh little Tabby and my oh my isn't your ass just waiting for a spanking.

Tabatha's mind grew foggy. She'd lost and the Master had won. It was too much to make sense out of all this confusion. Steve should not exist in a physical form and yet here he was and so was Chrissy. Jillian was getting royally fucked and this time there was no faux look of pleasure in her eyes. She began to tear down the wall that Brooke had created. One brick at a time. And with each brick that Tabatha discarded, Brooke pushed another back in its place.


Brooke was watching everything. She had reached out to the evil and found out how powerful it was. The subsequent events were unforeseen but now she had a clue to what she would have to deal with. She was winging it at this point but Jillian and Tabatha would just have to hang in there. The clone with the needle only thought he'd stung her. He was wrong about that and paid with his life. Marcie was still the unknown and when she headed to the main road her heart sank. But when she turned and headed straight to the lion's den Brooke knew the girl was for real. As Marcie neared the last bend in the road to the Ranch House she sprang from the bushes, grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to the other side.

Marcie was clawing, kicking and screaming when she realized who the unknown assailant was.

I thought they got you.

Not tonight sweetie.

What about Jillian and Tabatha?

Casualties of war for now.

Is that my fate too?

Not on your life sweet girl.

Brooke and Marcie waited till darkness filled the sky and began to move. First on the agenda was the hill behind the house. Brooke knew he was down there and there just had to be another way in other than the house. They searched to no avail. They would have to go in through the front door, down the steps to the playpen and then out the other end. It just seemed logical that there had to be a way into the bunker. The man had to come out of there sometime. Right?

Brooke felt the man pushing on her mind again. He was looking for her but she was one step ahead. The good thing was he hadn't gotten into Jillian's or Tabatha's head either. But Tabatha was losing the battle. She gave up and started tearing down the wall protecting her. One brick at a time. I can put one brick back without even thinking about it. Tabatha would be fighting another losing battle but it would keep her mind busy till help arrived.

Master David could not find Brooke. She was out there he was sure of it. She took down one of his clones like he was candy. Someone else was out there too. Someone he didn't know. He was sure of that also. He could send Cheryl out there to find them but he still wasn't sure about her. She possessed something hidden from his mind. That would mean it was also hidden to her. He made his decision.

Cheryl! Go find that bitch Brooke and bring her to me!

When Brooke saw Cheryl walk out the front door to the house her heart skipped a beat. She watched as Cheryl casually strolled about the yard interested in nothing and occasionally looking to the woods at the front and sides of the house. You're not fooling anyone sweetie, your bait, and I'm not taking it.

When Marcie heard the front door open and close she made her way to the front of the house. It was Cheryl and she didn't seem to have a care in the world. WTF? She made her way back to the woods to find Brooke. She paused crouched low next to a tree. Someone grabbed her from behind but he was too slow and in an instant his arm was pinned behind his back, his face against the tree. A moment later he went limp and fell to the ground. The moonlight glinting off the needle now buried deep in his back. So that was meant for me, yes? She felt for a pulse confirming he was still alive. She placed her knee at the base of his neck and gave his head a sharp twist. She heard the bones in his neck snap. She felt for a pulse again. Nothing. She stood to find herself facing Brooke.

You saw?

I did.

He was a male pig, he got what he deserved.



Bet it felt good too, right?



Yup, really good.

Come on, we have to go get Cheryl.

You have a plan?


Works for me, let's go.

Cheryl felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and saw Brooke smiling like a kid in a candy store. Then her world went black. It's an old trick said Marcie. Works every time. Jeez! Did you have to hit her so hard? Just making sure. She'll be fine. Let's get her out of here.

Master David was busy watching Jillian get screwed and when he finally looked to the other monitors, Cheryl was gone. Damn! He looked through all the exterior cameras and she was nowhere to be seen. He reached his mind out to her. Nothing. Well Fuck Me!

That can be arraigned fuckhead.

Master David froze as the thought permeated his mind.


Marcie had Cheryl pinned to the ground. Brooke was looking around in her mind and Cheryl was fighting it all the way.

I found it!

Found what?

Oh that sick little fucking bastard.

Now what?

Never mind, you can let her go now.

Marcie looked down at Cheryl who had stopped struggling. Lifting herself off the girl she sat up. Cheryl looked Brooke in the eye.

It was you all along?

Afraid so dear.

But how? When?

That day in my office when I left you alone with Steve. I'd hoped you would find it on your own when the time came. It's kind of like a portal allowing you to see the thoughts of others and sometimes put a thought or two of your own there. You've always had it, Steve and Chrissy have it too but David has built a one way mirror around it. Thoughts will go in but they won't come out. I have the gift too but only to a certain degree.

I...I can see Steve.

Right now though you need to see the man in the bunker and show us the way in.

I see him too. He can't find me and he's pissed. He will take it out on the others. We have to move fast.


Master David looked to find the source of the thought but there was just no-one there. Could there be someone more powerful than me? Bullshit. It's my own mind playing tricks on me.

I'm coming for you David......

Who are you?

There was no response.

Marcie, Brooke, and Cheryl boldly entered the front door to the Ranch House. Cheryl led them through the sitting area to the kitchen and out the back door. She paused and looked around. He is here. Brooke could feel him too, and the others.

Master David was beginning to feel a little worried. Someone was coming for him. He didn't know who it was so he didn't know how to deal with the intruder. He turned his attention to the underground theatre just outside his fortress. Jillian had that lost look in her eyes just like before. The machines had been fucking her for hours now. He still couldn't get into her mind though. Sooner or later she would break and then the fun would begin.

Tabatha was still busy trying to tear down Brookes wall when suddenly it was just gone. Master David flooded her mind with thoughts of depravity and lust as one of his retched machines appeared before her. Open wide Tabby! Another machine appeared behind her just like the one behind Jillian. Tabatha moaned as the dildos behind her began their slow seesaw motion. The stocks at her ankles, wrists, and neck disappeared but Tabatha made no attempt to free herself from the horrid machines.

Noooooo! Screamed Brooke. Cheryl! What have you done?

I'm keeping David busy.

But Tabatha won't last long without her wall.

She will be fine, she knows I'm here.

Steve was changing Chrissy's di dee again when it occurred to him that something was wrong with this picture. He looked over to Jillian and then to Tabatha. Everything looked normal but something kept picking at his brain. He had the strange feeling it was someone he knew or should know. He finished powdering Chrissy and just as he drew the diaper up between her legs his little world shattered into a thousand pieces. Cheryl walked into his mind like a herd of raging bulls. Chrissy began to cry but it was no longer the wail of an infant.

Steve, you have to find a way out of there.

Cheryl? Is that you?

It's me honey, but you have to get out. Bring Chrissy too. You had a gift once, find it and use it. I'll be waiting.

But Tabatha and Jillian....

They will be fine, just find your way out.

Master David turned his attention to Steve and Chrissy. Chrissy was on the changing table and Steve was just about to pin her diaper when he hesitated and looked around the room. Something was wrong. Chrissy started crying. The video feed went blank. He reached out to Steve's mind and found nothing. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, who the fuck is doing that!

Chrissy stopped crying and looked up at Steve with sadness in her eyes. Steve looked down at the girl he'd become and Chrissy looked up at the boy she once was. Their minds became one again and the way out opened.

Above ground, Cheryl felt the earth rumble. An undetectable panel opened to the left of her. Chrissy emerged first. Then Steve. Chrissy blushed as her audience surveyed her attire. She gave a half hearted curtsey. Steve stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Cheryl. Chrissy could see what was about to happen and said hey! You two can make goo goo eyes at each other later. Right now we have other things to attend to.

Master David heard the alarm sound as the panel to his underground lair opened. He shut the alarm down and removed the optic cables at the base of his neck. It was do or die time. He hadn't stood for days and it felt good when he did. He walked to the panel that led to the theatre. He was certain someone would be there to greet him but no-one was there when the door opened. He looked around the room and to his surprise Jillian and Tabby were right where he left them. Apparently all was not lost yet. He pushed his mind upwards and found the unseen visitor. Marcie, what a fine name that is. He pushed against her mind. She gave a little. He pushed harder. She gave a little more. He pushed again and this time she gave way and he was in. Staring a very pissed looking Cheryl straight in the eye.

Cheryl felt confident her plan would work. The others weren't so sure. But she talked them into it and when she felt the first push on her mind she let it push again. Giving a little more each time. The third time though she let the bastard through. She found herself face to face with the enemy for the very first time. She hesitated and Master David used that moment to bind her thoughts to his will. Steve wasted no time while Master David focused on Cheryl. He planted the seed and backed off.

Chrissy found the fucking machines in Master David's mind and shut them down. Tabatha! Get your ass moving and get Jillian on your way out.

Chrissy? What's going on?

Just do as your told for now. It's payback time.

Cheryl felt herself falling. But there seemed nowhere to fall to. Master Dave was smiling in the back of her mind. When Cheryl hit bottom and cried out in pain, Master David knew that he had her. She would be a problem no more. He retreated back to the control room and the door slid shut.

Jillian knew something had changed. The machines were silent. She peeked over the wall.

Tabby! I mean Tabatha! I mean thank God you're here.

Time to go honey, Cheryl needs us now.

Cheryl was seriously not in a good place. The platform she created to stop her fall took her breath away. Master David stood at its edge. David was stronger than she thought. She crawled to the Master. She popped the button on his pants and pulled the zipper down. Looking up into his eyes she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of his pants and boxers and pulled them down. The one eyed monster with the purple head appeared before her eyes. She took the base of his cock in her hand and licked her lips. She'd waited so long for this day and now it was here. She took his cock into her mouth and moaned as she did.

Jillian and Tabatha emerged from the underground theatre. Jillian looking confused and Tabatha with a look of vengeance in her eye. Chrissy ran over to them and took them in her arms and guided them to where Steve and Marcie stood in front of a crumpled Cheryl. Tabatha looked at Steve and pushed him aside. She knelt beside her sister and saw the anguish in her mind.

Brooke was busy, she was up in the old control room looking through files on the computer for anything they could use to snare and capture Master David. Steve had planted a seed that was growing even as she looked but they would need more than just the little time out the master would experience. He was stronger than they expected but they had him outnumbered. She was sure there had to be something here that would work to they're advantage. Giving him Cheryl to keep him occupied hadn't been her first choice but Steve had guaranteed he would let no harm come to her.

Tabatha looked over her shoulder and up at Steve.

You gave her to him?

No, she went to him willingly.

How could you let her do that!

Steve never got to answer that question when a shot rang out and a bullet pierced his left shoulder. He fell in pain not far from where Cheryl lay. Tabatha turned to find two clones with automatic rifles running their way. Jillian retreated back into the underground theatre. Marcie dropped to one knee and a moment later a bullet left her lying face down on the ground. As Tabatha watched in horror her mind was busy doing something else. The clones stopped dead in their tracks. Each placed their rifle in the others mouth and pulled the triggers at the same time.

When the second shot rang out Jillian was done. She needed Johnny and she needed him now. She huddled down in a corner of the theatre and waited for the men to come and take her. Her mind receded till there was nothing left

Master David heard the shots in the real world. Fuck! He thought. Cheryl heard them too and tried to focus on his mind. Oh no you don't bitch and came in her mouth. Cheryl didn't swallow the mess though. She let it run out of her mouth and dribble down her chin. A moment later a flash bang went off in his mind and then there was nothing. Cheryl imagined the shackles and just like that they were in place. Your turn Steve she thought, but Steve wasn't there. In fact no one was there. Now what? She brought Master David's arms and legs together behind his back and fed the chains through the D-links and brought the chains to the ceiling leaving him hog tied facing the floor. Steve!!!! Now!!!!

Steve was in pretty bad shape. The bullet went right through and Tabatha was trying to stop the bleeding when in her mind she heard Cheryl scream Now!! Now what?

Tabatha! We don't have much time.....Wrap his mind!

Wrap it in what?


Who's mind?

Master David's.....OH SHIT!

The light was clearing from Master David's mind as Tabatha found him. She could feel Cheryl there too. She quickly wrapped his mind in mirrors and left. Nothing happened.



Cheryl new at once that she was in there with Master David. Not good! In the real world she knew he was hog tied to the ceiling and couldn't move but here it was a different story. She had to hide before he became fully aware of what happened to him. He still didn't know the full extent of her abilities but that may soon change. She still had the advantage for now. That should work, she wrapped her lips around his dick and began sucking like nothing had happened. I'll hide right in front of his nose (or dick) as the case may be.

Tabatha new she'd fucked up right away. She could find her sister and Master David but neither responded. If she let Cheryl out she also let Master David out too. Not an option. Marcie groaned off in the distance. Shit! Marcie! Fuck I need some help over here! Brooke!

Brooke had finally found what she was looking for. A way into Master David's mind through the computer. The late Dani had done well in redeeming herself. There was an in and an out port at the base of Master David's neck that would interface with any computer. Just need the password and we can take that fucker down. She had just started looking through files again to find something they all had in common when her mind felt Tabatha screaming for help. She ran out of the control room, down the stairs and through the kitchen to the backyard where she found Tabatha kneeling next to Steve. Steve's eyes were closed and Tabatha seemed to be applying pressure to his shoulder.


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