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The Power To Revenge: Hot Sister


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For a moment no one spoke, and then John felt the teacher's hand on his back.

He turned around and beheld a furious Ms. Monroe standing with her arms crossed; her face revealed nothing but the utmost anger—and Ms. Rachel Monroe was not someone you wanted to enrage.

"Look at this!" she yelled. "Look at this mess! How could you two idiots be so careless! You've ruined it—you've ruined my beautiful lab, all because of your stupid incompetence! If you two weren't so busy ogling girls this never would've happened!"

John tried to explain himself. "But I wasn't—"

"Shut up!" Ms. Monroe cut him off. "I know what you two were doing; I saw the whole damn thing. Now clean this up!" John and Dinesh looked at each other. "Clean this up now!" Ms. Monroe screamed pointing to the floor.

"Yes ma'am," the boys replied.

Over the next half-hour John and Dinesh were on their knees scrubbing the floor with all the energy they could muster; they soaked up the liquid first with heaps of brown paper towels, after which they repeatedly applied soap, and this was followed by a long, arduous sponging that tested both patience and stamina.

"Sorry man," Dinesh whispered to his friend running a sponge across the floor. "This was all my fault."

"You fuckin' think?" John retorted. His face was winced hard as his arm, sore from the constant rubbing, still worked laboriously to get the floor back to its original shade of grey. "I told you to pay attention you dumb fuck."

"I deserve that," answered Dinesh. "But I couldn't help it: Jessica's ass was right there. And besides—you looked too!"

John wiped the sweat from off his forehead. "Only because I wanted to see what the hell you were looking at!" He glanced over at Jessica's table and found something to infuriate him even more: Lauren, his own sister, was looking back at John while pointing a finger at him and laughing silently. Once again she wore a hateful smirk, and John wanted nothing more than to smack that arrogant grin from off his sister's face.

"Fuck you," John slowly mouthed. Lauren uttered another silent laugh then quietly flashed him the finger.

"I can't believe we have to do this," Dinesh complained. "My arm's killing me!"

"Yeah," John replied, "Ms. Monroe could've gotten the janitor to clean it up but she wants to make us suffer. She wants us on our hands and knees and in agony. Fucking bitch—she's always hated us."

Dinesh smiled. "Yeah; she's a bitch alright, but a sexy bitch...."

"Quiet!" hissed John. "She coming. Just please don't say anything stupid!"

Ms. Monroe's black heels clicked to a stop in front of the two boys as they stared up at her with a mixture of respect and fear. Indeed, Rachel Monroe was as ravishing a teacher as any male student could desire. At 28 years old, the 5'7 beauty was attired in a long white lab coat under which she wore a dark suit and white blouse. Fine curls dusky-brown hair tumbled halfway down her back, providing a rich contrast to her pale-coloured face, a face that looked both stern and unforgiving. It seemed to wear an expression of perpetual hostility, the forehead creased with lines of annoyance and its hazel eyes—resting behind a pair of thin red spectacles—narrowed in constant anger.

It was a perfect portrait of intelligence, hatred, and sexiness.

Yet there were also subtle hints of Ms. Monroe's womanly charms. For instance, her eyebrows were manicured to perfection, her mouth showed vibrant with crimson lipstick, and dabs of rouge blushed on her lovely cheeks. More so, the first two buttons of the gorgeous teacher's blouse were undone, revealing a pair of immense breasts crammed into a tight-fitting brassiere, their pale upper mounds presenting to the hungry eye a massive valley of cleavage.

"Keep scrubbing!" Ms. Monroe barked. "I can still see the discolouration. I want it back to its original shade, do you hear?"

Dinesh and John nodded their meek obedience.

"Do you hear?" Ms. Monroe repeated.

It was more of a statement rather than a question.

"Yes Ma'am," replied the two exhausted friends before returning to their task.

And as Ms. Monroe stood above them with her hands on her waist, John and Dinesh began to scrub so hard that sweat was pouring down their faces. Every now and then Ms. Monroe would yell at them to put more effort into it, and they would have no choice but to do so. All throughout this interval, the vindictive teacher stood with her legs apart glaring down at them, insulting them, calling them idiots, morons, imbeciles, only taking a break when a student would come up to present their completed science experiments.

At one point Lauren walked up to the Ms. Monroe waving a beaker in her hand.

"All done, Ms. Monroe," she declared, standing with her back to John who was still on his knees. "It was so easy."

The teacher examined the liquid in the transparent container.

"Hmm," she mused, adjusting her glasses. "It's supposed to be a bright red, but this is clearly a brownish tint."

John looked over at Dinesh to see if his friend was sharing this joyous moment. Instead, he found Dinesh glancing from Lauren's buttocks in its tight pink mini-skirt to Ms. Monroe's long, creamy legs accented by a black skirt that ended just at the knees. In fact, Dinesh's face was so close to the ground that it was obvious he was trying to stare up their panties.

"Oh," stammered Lauren, "well, you was red at first, but when John broke his container it scared me so much that I accidentally dropped too much sulphur into it."

John looked up in wrath: he knew that had nothing to do with it. Lauren and her friends were incompetent and that was it. He was about to speak but Lauren, sensing her brother's treachery, stomped her stiletto heel down on the back of John's hand, forcing her brother to squeal out in dreadful agony. The pain so excruciating that all the wind had been knocked out of John's lungs, and all he could do was cringe like a wounded animal and try to hold back the few tears that threatened to run down his face.

"Well," considered Ms. Monroe, "since it was all your brother's fault this experiment failed, I'll tell you what Lauren: I'll give you a B plus, even though you clearly deserve an A...."

This only added insult to John's injury.

"Oh thank you, Ms. Monroe!" Lauren fawned. "You're the best teacher ever! Thank you thank you thank you!"

And then, glancing down at her brother groveling on the floor rubbing his hand back and forth, Lauren flashed him a hateful grin before walking away with a swing of her perfect ass. John could only stare after his sister in mounting rage. Dinesh, too, wore a look of sheer disbelief.

"Get back to work!" yelled Ms. Monroe seeing the two friends taking a breather. She turned on her heels and began going around the class, giving the two friends a chance to talk....

"Man, I can't believe she did that," said Dinesh. "She's your own sister!"

"Now you know—nngggghhh—what I have to put up with," John groaned.

"How's your hand?" asked his friend.

John held it out: the tender skin had been flayed and scratched raw, and there was a red tattoo where Lauren's heel had come down just under the knuckles. Other than that, there was no actual cause for alarm.

"Hurts like hell," said John, "but at least it ain't bleeding."

Dinesh shook his head. "Now I know all those stories you tell me about Lauren are true: she really is fucking insane. Nothing like my sister at all...."

John grunted. "I swear, I just want to slap that conceited look off her face. But I want more than that; much more—I want revenge, sweet, empowering revenge. Hell, I can't tell you how many nights I've stayed up dreaming of ways to get even with that bitch...."

And so till the end of class the two friends tirelessly wiped the floor back to its original shade, John doing all of the work using only his left arm since the agony was still too much in his right hand. At several moments he would experience a quiver of pain shoot through the length of his arm, and John's face would contort harshly in reaction and make him to squeal like an injured dog. But still he kept at it, using his boiling emotional hatred of Lauren to scrub harder and harder, and before long the floor was back to its original glow.

Finally the period ended, and giving a sigh of relief the two friends picked up their bags and headed for the exit. The miserable events of the day had made John and Dinesh sadder than usual and both walked with their heads down, but just as they reached the doors they literally bumped shoulders with Lauren and Jessica.

"Watch it!" Lauren barked. "Can't you see where you're going, asshole?"

John grumbled deep in his throat. Though it seemed inhuman, Lauren did her best to avoid calling John by the name of brother at school; rather, she thought of him as some unfashionable nerd—and Lauren didn't want to be associated with any nerds. "First you drop a beaker; now you bump into really must be blind or something." John met his sister's insults with perfect composure, until she said: "And by the way—how's your hand?"

Once again Lauren gave an arrogant smirk, and that's when John felt his fingers curl into a tight, shaking fist, but before he could lift it to smack his sister in the face Dinesh's hand clamped around his friend's wrist.

"Don't do it, man," he whispered. "You'll be expelled."

John grunted like a savage beast as his fingers relaxed back into an open palm.

Jessica giggled. "Aww, isn't it cute how he listens to his boyfriend? They make such a lovely couple, both of them ugly; both of them nerds; and both having no social life whatsoever."

John glanced at Dinesh standing beside him: he was smiling widely.

Nope, thought John, that jackass won't stand up for his best friend—not if there's a hot girl around.

In fact, Dinesh actually rushed to open the classroom door for the pack of narcissistic girls. They walked out one by one, first Lauren, then Jessica, followed by a stunning Asian girl and a gorgeous black chick, each throwing their heads back and not even thanking Dinesh or acknowledging his pathetic existence.

John looked furious. "Why Dinesh....why would you stoop so low? Why do all these nice things for them if they'd never date you, much less do what you have in mind? I'd never let those bitches walk over me!"

"Because," smiled his friend, "it makes me feel good. And besides, I think that Asian chick's into me."

Laughing, the two friends headed to their Political Science class after which followed lunch, but as this was turning out to be one of the worst days in John's life he decided to skip his final period and travel home, which was not uncommon for him to do as he was usually ahead in his studies. John realized that Lauren had a spare at this time and she'd probably be home, but it was a nuisance he was willing to overlook.

And so at 1:30 he got off the bus at the end of his street. It was a few minutes' walk to his house and when John approached he noticed a corvette parked in the ample driveway. It was a magnificent car, glinting bright red under the sunlight and conveying the impression that whoever owned such a luxury must possess great taste and wealth.

What the hell? John marvelled. We don't own any corvette.

It soon dawned on him that the car must've been Jessica's and Lauren had probably invited her over again. His sister often complained to their parents to buy her a new car (she would never drive a used vehicle) but their father, in his typical stern manner, would merely grunt and say no. Their mother was a bit more understanding and tried to explain to Lauren the values of money and getting a job, something which she had yet to do.

The door closed behind John with a thud. He had planned on grabbing a light snack then heading off to the nearby park to read, but when he walked into the hallway the first detail he noticed were two school bags laying on the floor. The second detail was a small thumping noise upstairs.

Girl stuff, he mused.

John ambled towards the kitchen when he heard another noise, louder this time and almost like a squeal, and so curiosity got the better of him as he crept upstairs. Luckily, the stairs were of oaken-hardwood and didn't squeak, but John knew he still had to use caution. The fact was that his sister didn't like being disturbed and could be quite a bitch about it, having thrown massive tantrums in the past at the slightest of bothers.

Once he made the flight of steps John began tiptoeing toward Lauren's room, dropping on his knees and lightly pressing his eye to the vertical slit in the open door. What he spied from that crack made him suck his breath in with astonishment. On the elegant pink bed was his sister Lauren engaged in a passionate display with her best friend. The two girls were dressed in only their bras and panties, the rest of their clothes lying messily discarded on the floor.

Jessica was on her back, wearing bright red lingerie with most of her naked flesh exposed to the light. John noted her smooth arms and shoulders, the gentle curve of her slender hips, and those long, luscious legs: as usual, her blonde hair flowed in shimmering waves under her back. And on top of Jessica was his twin sister, Lauren, adorned in only her black bra and panties.

Is this a dream? John asked himself. Am I fucking dreaming?

Whether it was a dream or a hallucination, the vision before John electrified him. There was his sister, as beautiful and exquisite as in the most erotic of his reveries, her rich, creamy flesh bared in its naked glory, blossoming under the ceiling light with the tint of youth. John swallowed: he could see Lauren's toned and athletic body exposed to his hungry eyes. He drank in the arch of her graceful back, the sensuous incline of her hips, and the subtle contours of her feminine thighs.

One of the most beautiful sights was his sister's tight black panties biting into the cleft of her delicious ass. John's eye zeroed in on that vision: the black lace stretched across each lovely cheek, emphasizing the fullness and roundness of Lauren's buttocks.

Shit! he thought, I've seen that ass plenty of times in pair of snug jeans...but to see it now—in lingerie—it looks fucking fantastic! His eyes roved up his sister's alluring back, awed by the supple flesh that was covered only by a thin bra strap.

Lauren was astride her best friend's stomach as the two ran their hands all over each others' arms, breasts, legs and asses, both of them mewling softly all the while. At that moment they really did look like twins: both had the same warm complexion; both had the same lustrous blonde hair that fell to mid-back; and both had the same athletic figure, their muscles limber and agile, midriffs and thighs sculpted to flawlessness, their nineteen year old bodies just begging to be touched and kissed and fucked.

Jessica reached up to cup her lover's bra and squeezed, causing Lauren to throw her head back and gasp. This fondling continued for another minute as the two ravishing blondes panted and hummed with lust, their "Ahhhhhhs" and "Mmmhhhhhs" filling the otherwise quiet room. Then Lauren bent her head over Jessica's, draping Jessica's face with the silkiness of her golden hair. They stared into each others' eyes with passion, their foreheads and noses just touching as they breathed warmly onto each other. It was an intense moment, like the calm before a hurricane....

What the hell are they waiting for? John wondered. This is fuckin' infuriating!

Suddenly Lauren began moving her head back and forth, letting the strands of golden hair tickle her lover's face. At first the motion was gentle and full of love, the hairs slowly caressing Jessica's eyes and cheeks and full pink lips; but soon Lauren fell into a wild and berserk state, flicking her head wildly from side to side, the hairs whipping off her girlfriend's face and mouth.

"Ahh!" Jessica panted, gripping Lauren's slender hips. "Your hair feels— soft...." Her hands began running up and down the sleek curvature of Lauren's waist, taking great delight in the suppleness of the creamy flesh.

Wow, thought John, girls really knew how to be intimate with each other....

He'd never seen anything like this before, not even in the hours of pornography he watched each day. Here was his gorgeous sister in skimpy black lingerie, her thighs splayed on either side of another girl who was just as gorgeous, just as blonde, and the two were taking slow and deliberate pleasure in hair! It seemed amusing to John but nonetheless erotic. In fact, he could feel his massive cock pushed up against the zipper of his jeans, eager to get out....

Lauren was now gyrating her head in aggressive circles, tossing her thick golden hair in a single unified mass as it repeatedly whipped against Jessica's left cheek. This went on for a minute till Jessica, growing weary of being only a spectator in the lovemaking, threw her arms around Lauren's neck and pulled her down into a heated kiss. John watched as their glistening pink lips closed upon each others' over and over, the wet and delicate smacks filling the silent room like music. The kisses grew wilder as saliva dribbled down the chins of both lovers, the sounds increasing in pitch as two sets of lips clicked succulently together.

"Mmmhhhh!" moaned both girls, their eyes half-closed and dreamlike.

As Lauren and Jessica continued making out John noted that his sister's black bra was pressed down hard on Jessica's red one, causing their large and creamy breasts to bulge out of the lacy materials. While this sight was intoxicating, so was the display of two pairs of lush and slender legs entwined as one, the ceiling lights bathing their smooth flesh in a golden luster.

Fuck fuck fuck! thought John. This beats any porno I've seen! My heart feels like it's going to burst. My cock feels—wait, what's this!—

Jessica's hands began creeping down her girlfriend's back, fingertips caressing the naked flesh in miniature circles or gliding down the valley between her spine. Soon her hands found their target: Lauren's buttocks.

Yes, these were the same pair of delicious buns John had seen in a pair of tight-fitting blue jeans or black bikini, the same ripe and full cheeks that jiggled as his sister ran up to the diving board and plunged into the cool blue water. Now his eyes watched spellbound as Jessica's fingers spread wide over Lauren's black panties, exploring the lovely mounds before squeezing down on them ruthlessly.

"Uggghhhhhhh!" Lauren whimpered into her girlfriend's mouth.

Their glossy pink lips were still locked as Jessica persisted with digging her nails into Lauren's panty-covered ass, taking sadistic pleasure in her lover's sharp cries and contorted features. And the cries didn't stop.

Jessica, up till recently passive and obedient, was now ready to take control. She kissed Lauren harder while mauling those supple buttocks with brutal delight, craving the touch and taste and smell of the soft feminine body above. The transformation was incredible: this once timid and submissive girl had now changed into a salacious, dominating whore. Jessica's face became twisted with animal passion as her glazed pink mouth devoured Lauren's, the latter's urgent cries drowned to silence in her throat.

Meanwhile, John had already unzipped his jeans, pulled out his cock and began stroking it furiously. All the years of repressed anger and lust for his twin sister melted into one of the best masturbation sessions he ever had. One part of him wished that he could just go in there and fuck those two girls senseless, but the more rational part argued against his discovery.

Jessica's wet lips smacked upon Lauren's as both girls slobbered drool all over their chins. As this spit fest was occurring, Jessica placed both thumbs between Lauren's tight ass and pried the snug cheeks apart, sliding her creamy digit up and down the silk-encased cleft and causing her lover to hum with arousal.


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