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The Rose Diaries Ch. 12

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Friday Night Fights: Miss Amanda Stone vs. Peter Baker!
11.7k words

Part 12 of the 26 part series

Updated 11/06/2022
Created 05/16/2018
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Disclaimer and Notes: The Rose Diaries is an incredibly dark story focusing on forced (heavy emphasis on "forced") feminization of a completely non-compliant individual. There are elements of non-consent, violence, and dark subject matters. In addition, this story depicts dysphoria, dissociation, and general depression.

I hope you do enjoy this chapter if you decide to continue reading. If you do enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment/feedback and let me know!

Act 2 will have fleeting moments of intense physical violence. I will give more warning when it is present in the chapter. It is in general darker than Act 1. This is chapter however does have a lot of violence and is quite intense.

Thank you.


"It's funny." She began still not managing to turn to look at him. His discomfort at being so close to this monster made his skin crawl and his throat go dry. "I bet you thought I'd be mad."

"Fuck you cunt." He growled.

"Language!" She laughed at him. The monitors displayed Miss K. and R. taunting and beating the girls. He could see them screaming something, but he couldn't hear.

"You," He grit his teeth as he curled his toes in rage. "You sold me to that fucking man. You threw ME TO THOSE DISGUSTING MEN."

"Yeah, yeah," She scoffed. "Get it out of your system. Do you want to scream? Curse? I'll start a timer for the next minute and you can do both of those things without consequence." She clicked her tongue as she began to type something at the keyboard in front of her. Peter took another step forward and then another one. There was nothing in this room aside from her and him. It wasn't even a large room. He could make it into a running sprint before she could activate his collar.

"I hate you. I hate you with everything I have. By the end of all this shit, I'll send you to hell myself." He let his anger crash against him in a giant wave before settling down into the oceans of his hatred. He needed to think. For the first time, he needed to be calm.

"Looking forward to it." She turned the chair to look at him before giving him a small wink and a smirk. "Better people than you have tried." She added.

"Those people weren't me."

"Forty seconds, Doll."

"I'm going to watch the life drain from your empty eyes. Then I'm going to burn this place to the ground. You think these threats mean nothing? They're a promise from me to you. You may know me, but I know you now, Amanda. I know what makes you tick."

"And done." She folded her hands on her lap. "You feel good? Get all that off your chest?" He unclenched his fists as he tried to steady his own breathing. He wasn't anything close to good. He doubted he'd ever be in a good state again.

"No." He shook his head. "I'm not finished."

"Yes, you are." She laughed dismissively at his anger. "You're done because I say so. It's been two months since we had the displeasure of speaking like this. But I see that you are indeed back and angrier than ever. Really shouldn't have expected anything more than an annoyance like yourself." This time he scoffed.

"You underestimated my strength."

"It was a fluke!" She spat. "You aren't strong. Baker, you are the weakest person I've ever met, and I assume that I'll have you back under control in less than a week. Which means that the person you are now is insignificant to me."

"What the fuck does that even mean?" He growled. She giggled as she turned back around.

"I know for an absolute fact that you aren't the brightest bulb but follow along with me, won't you?"

"Fuck you."

"First, language. Second, so you could say that I am in the business of molding minds. Though, the official term would be forced feminization. But that's too blunt for my tastes. I've learned from the very best, hired the very best, and continuously seek out even better individuals who have cultivated a beautiful array of skills that allow them to thrive here. I fractured you. That's what we call it. I fractured your mind but didn't break it. A fracture means that all I need to do is apply a bit more pressure before you break completely. A minor setback." She laughed.

"I'll do far more than fracture you if I get this collar off."

"Oh, shut up." She scoffed. "You are truly out of your depth. Once I finish discipling your sisters we can chat about you, okay?"

"I came back from whatever the hell that was. I'll come back again. You and I will be stuck with each other until one of us dies first." She broke into loud hysterical laughter at his comment. He could take it no longer. His body was already so tightly wound that he would've snapped at any moment. He slipped from his shoes with ease before bounding headlong towards the desk. It was only a matter of steps until he was within arm's reach of Miss A.

"Predictable." He heard her words far too late. As Peter brought down all of his fury upon her she simply kicked the chair away from the desk and rolled to safety. As he brought his fists back up, she was already in his face with a wicked smile. He could hear his heartbeat in his ears as time crawled to a standstill.

Miss A. had to be five foot something. She had the build of a model. One that could be afforded by the privilege and wealth of a multitude of dieticians, personal trainers, and general wealth. He doubted she ever went wanting for anything in her life. But there was such a gap between the two them in this moment that it made the grand canyon seem miniscule by comparison.

He had learned how to fight from Ted. The mad fiery headed bastard had laid him out far more than he would've liked. Fighting is something every man should know. It was in their blood. But Peter had shirked his genetic responsibility far too long.

Miss A. on the other hand was clearly taught by someone far better than a close friend who got into one too many fights growing up. She danced around him with such ease and grace that it nearly discouraged the fight all together.

It was over in two blows. He threw his punch and then she hit him so fast he didn't even have time to respond. As he stumbled back from the sheer surprise, he could hear her cackling in his ears.

"Aww poor Doll. All that anger and nowhere to put it." She sneered as she laughed at her own barb. "Silly girl, if that's the best you've got then this will be over far quicker than I thought." Peter's mind had already gone blank with rage as he lunged at her again and again. Each time she dodged. Each time she hit him back harder.

Six steps into their dance and he was already tired. He panted for breath raising his fists once more. She always struck low. He noticed that about her. She never hit him in his face, but her strikes were devastating nonetheless.

"Fuck." Peter muttered to himself. He was so much weaker than he remembered. Even this act of exertion was exhausting to him. He wouldn't be able to fight for much longer. But Miss A. knew that. She slid her hands into her suit jacket.

"I don't think I could've fought you in a dress. Seems fortuitous that we had this little spat now." She slowly pulled her hand back out of her jacket to reveal a collar's remote. He narrowed his eyes.

"Of course." He growled.

"Of course." She smirked. He heard the collar beep as a small jolt caused him to jump back in surprise his eyes watering. Through blurry eyes, he watched her charge him. He was completely open and absolutely at her mercy. He could barely see her attacks, but he felt them. Several quick jabs which forced him to backpedal on one foot as he blindly attempted to block each one.

Then he heard another beep and the pattern continued again. He tried in vain to put up his guard once more but found the collar's shocks to be too much. As he attempted to back away, she landed one good blow that knocked all the air from him. He fell to his knees and resisted the urge to puke as he gasped for breath. She pressed another button on the remote before bending down to his level.

"I love seeing you in your proper place." She grinned stroking his hair lightly. "Why in the world did you think that would work? Still, lessons learned right?" He could barely focus on his words as his heard grew faint from the lack of oxygen. No matter what he did he just choked on the air he tried to force down into his lungs. His chest burned, and he couldn't even scream.

"You'll be fine. I made sure that I wouldn't break or damage anything. You might be a teensy bit sore but that'll heal up quick."

"F-F-Fuck you." He managed to choke out.

"Language." She sighed before pushing him back and on to the floor. "I'm starting to subscribe the running theory amongst the others that you're a masochist. Something that none of our psych profiles have picked up on. Which would be interesting. I've never had a girl who actually liked being hurt before."

"Fuck you." He stressed again.

"You've had two months to come up with insults and you're going to use the most generic ones you can think of? You can do better than that!" He didn't respond to her obvious attempt to get a rise out of him.

"Anyone ever tell you your voice is like a bunch of cats dying on a piano's keys?" He answered back.

"Better!" She laughed. "So much better. See, look what you can do when you stop to think! I have an idea for the both of us. We'll leave the dark room and go to the small little kitchen down the hall. You remember it, right? It's where Miss B. took you on your first day. Anyway, I'm thirsty and I just love our rapport so much! I think you'd make an excellent source of conversation." He grasped at the ground as he attempted in vain to get back to his feet.

"Or," She smiled. "I can have someone take you to the ballroom where I've already prepared for this moment, string you up, and we can get back to beating on each other. Well, I won't be doing the beating and you won't be able to move but you'll still be getting hit! Doesn't that sound like fun?" Her saccharine voice dissolved any sort of joy he had held in that moment.

"Kitchen." He muttered.

"What was that?" She leaned in closer with her hand over her ear. "I couldn't quite hear you."

"Kitchen, please."

"One more time. It's so hard to hear you over the sound of your pride shattering."

"Please, no more."

"That's right. Good choice." She smirked rising back to her feet.

"I don't understand why you brought me in here."

"I just wanted to talk. You had to go and make it about violence. Again."

"Again?" He coughed rising back his feet as well.

"Yes, again. Despite what you definitely think of me I don't entirely hate you. I actually think that when no one's looking you're really quite the sweetheart. That your fracture didn't form an entirely new person. It let you become who you really wanted. Following me still?"

"I follow," He nodded. "I don't agree but I understand."

"Good enough." She chuckled. "I have a lot of work to do. A lot of things on my plate that have been stacking up and are threatening to tip over. I wanted your help in getting rid of the more pressing matters." He tried not to look too surprised at her request. Miss A. wanted his help? He cocked an eyebrow as he brushed the dust and grime from the floor off of him.

"Are you serious? You just beat me up and now you want my help?" She rolled her eyes and stamped her foot down.

"That is your fault." She growled crossing her arms. "I had planned to just talk about this."

"In what world would I help you, Miss A.? What does that get me?"

"It gets you nothing that you'd want but I could offer some assistance to your friends back home. Charles is trying to move out, you know. I could pull strings in Glendale to get him a beautiful apartment for low cost. Or Theodore who just got into an auto accident. He's fine by the way. I could cover his costs."

"So, I help you and you give blood money to my friends?" He scoffed.

"Something like that."

"What exactly do you want?"

"I'm not dumb," She paused staring daggers at him waiting for him to respond to that easy opportunity for an insult. "Thank you. I know what goes on in my house. Morale is quite low amongst the girls and I know this. Help me raise it."

"Help you raise morale? Have you considered letting everyone go?"

"Funny." She rolled her eyes. "No, the girls are getting emboldened by you. So, I was hoping to make an example out of you. But I think we can do this peacefully."

"You want to peacefully torture me?" Peter asked in confusion. What kind of a deal is that?

"I do not want to harm you. Shocking I know. I want you to be my pet for a day." Peter laughed loudly and sarcastically at that comment.

"The fuck did you just say?"

"I want you to be my pet. You've already got a cute collar. You'll carry my things, serve my needs, and generally act wonderful in front of the others. They look to you for a source of hope. I don't want that and neither do you."

"I don't?"

"No." She sighed shaking her head. "You don't. I shouldn't have to tell you how dangerous discord is in my house. But you, Baker, you breed it. That's not good for either of us. It means I have to devote resources I could be using otherwise to cure those issues. It means that your friends here will be hurt. It means that you will be hurt badly. Before you, I've kept everyone in check. But keeping you in check while keeping them in check is becoming rather annoying for me. Seeing you in absolute submission to me, a person you very vocally hate, would do wonders to boost morale."

"So, I do what you want, and I don't get hurt as badly as if I didn't. I've heard so many variations of that stupid offer before."

"I don't care either way." She shrugged.

"Then go fuck yourself. I won't play your stupid games." He smirked.

"Bold choice. You really are a masochist." She let her hands fall to her side as she narrowed her eyes.

"Not a masochist. A realist. You'll hurt me no matter what I do. So, fuck you. Eat shit and die. Then burn in fucking hell. I'd rather see the others continue to piss you off then to help you in any way." Miss A. looked bewildered at his comment before breaking into hysterical laughter.

"You are just the worst!" She continued to laugh.

"You too!" He mimicked her voice as he rolled her eyes.

"Come on then. Let's go head to that ballroom." She wiped the tears from her eyes as she strode past him and flung open the door. There was nothing but silence in the other room. No screams, no sobs, just eerie silence. His friends, all five of them, were looking towards the ground. They weren't beaten or bloodied. Just with their hands behind their back and facing the floor.

"Surprise!" Miss A. sang as she stood in the threshold.

"What the fuck?" Peter's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe his eyes. He watched them on the monitors being beaten earlier. But they were exactly the same as they had been when he had been shoved into the room with Miss A.

"Doll..." Lavender whispered. "Forgive me." Forgive Lavender? He tried to understand her words making his way further towards her.

"Forgive you?" He echoed back. Before long, he felt someone grab him from behind and force his arms behind his back before locking them in place. Back into bondage after so long. He tested his bonds once more but found he was even weaker than he remembered.

"There's no need for forgiveness, Lavender." Miss A. gave him a small pat on the back as she walked past. "Katelynn, would you and Roxanne take our old friend to the ballroom? I've already prepared it for you." Miss K. nodded as she gave him a gentle push from behind.

"I told you. I'm going to make an example out of you. Wait for me before you begin you two." Miss A. mocked him as he was escorted out of the room.


The ballroom was large central room on the first floor. It had a stage complete with curtains, plush red carpet, and an assortment of tables and chairs. He recognized this area. It was where he had that disgusting first meal with Miss K. and B. It was a taste of bitter nostalgia as he gazed upon the room. Miss A. had certainly had the room prepared for something. He was shackled with his arms raised high and lifted very slightly on the ground so that only his tip of his toes had fully contact with the ground. Arranged on tables to his left and right were the same assortment he had seen in the playroom.

Even some more confusing things such as a TV with a DVD player on a rolling stand, a handheld mirror, a photo album, and a pair of wireless headphones. Miss K. and R. stood off to his side as he struggled with his chains admiring the assortment that was placed in front of them.

"Well fuck me." Miss R. whistled sharply. "This is quite the spread."

"Roxanne." Miss K. sighed. "Not now."

"What? You're really going to tell me to not enjoy this?"

"Yep." She nodded. "I really am."

"Well, boo." Miss R. pouted as she picked up a cane and stuck the air in front of her. He gulped hard as he watched her move.

"So, this is it huh? You're gonna torture me?" He called to them.

"Torture is such a strong word, Dolly." Miss R. laughed. "I prefer play."

"Torture might actually be appropriate for the first time here. There're no lessons to be learned, no purpose, no anything. If it means anything, I'm glad we can talk again Peter."

"Me too, Miss K." He sighed. Her voice was almost sad? "Did you just call me by first name?" He asked as he tried to pull harder on his chains. He tried to hide his surprise, but he knew she already picked up on it.

"Sure did." She laughed sadly. "I spent the past two months with Doll. She'd be mad if I called you by her name."

"Feeling's mutual." He rolled his eyes. He pulled again gritting his teeth until he gave up once again. He screamed in frustration until his throat burned and his rage rebounded off every wall.

"Whoa." Miss R. said with a slight laugh. "So, we're waiting on Amanda?"

"Yes." Miss K. crossed her arms. "She was quite clear. She shouldn't be too long."

"She seems a bit mad." Miss R. scratched her head and stretched slightly.

"She always seems mad when it comes to that one." Miss K. motioned towards him.

"Got anything to add Doll?" Miss R. asked but he didn't respond. If he was going to be back in this fucking spot, then he was going to do things right. He wasn't going to respond to anyone's taunts.

He heard voices and to his surprise he saw what appeared to be a parade of the house's denizens file into the room. Leading the pack was Miss A. who wore the biggest grin he had ever seen from her. He could see the hatred and malice in her eyes. He knew what awaited him.

So, with a wink and a grin he blew her a kiss which caused her to chuckle as she wagged a finger at him.

"Okay everyone. Please take your seats!" She called clasping her hands together. He could see his fellow victims being sat at the table in the center of the room. All of eleven of them. Off to the side he could see Miss P. conversing with Miss T. Nearby, he could see Miss B. who offered a small wave as she caught his gaze. Doctor O., Miss S., and even a few others he didn't recognize or see. As soon as everyone had entered the room, Miss A. snapped her fingers and Zoey closed the large doors to the room.

"A house meeting!" Miss A. exclaimed with a small laugh as all the girls shifted awkwardly in their seats. "God, when was the last time we had one of these, huh?" The crowd was silent.

"Three years ago?" Miss K. called from the stage.

"That's right! Thank you, Katelynn. I've called this house meeting, cancelled all appointments, and made sure to gather you all here for a very special performance!"

As he scanned the eyes of his friends for any encouragement they all barely looked back. Even when they did he could only see sadness and fear.

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