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The Stepson

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Glen learns about life from his stepfather.
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*Author's Note: This is erotic fantasy. It involves sexual situations between consenting adults, all of whom are over 18 years of age. Since it is fantasy and it's my fantasy, I presume a world free of STDs. I hope you enjoy the story; if not, such is life. Comments are always appreciated.


Glen Suxton finished his shift at Pizza Hut, the time seeming to have crawled along. At 19, he thought ruefully on the fact that he really had no life, didn't know what he wanted to do, or even who he was. His father had left when he was just a young boy and his mother had remarried shortly thereafter. Henry Kucker had been a good father substitute, never showing anything but care and concern for his newly acquired stepson. Glen had reacted by becoming inordinately close to him, probably some response to his biological father having abandoned him, something which had scarred him deeply psychologically, always wondering if it had been something about him that had driven him away.

Glen was a good-looking young man with dirty-blonde hair and blue eyes, 6'2", but on the slender side. He had been an ambivalent student in high school, getting decent grades, but not drawing any notice for his mental prowess, which he either didn't have or kept so suppressed as to amount to the same thing. He hadn't been inclined towards athletics of any sort, either, and had only dated sporadically, uncomfortable and unsure of himself when it came to girls.

Arriving home, he found Henry asleep on the sofa where he had been sleeping for half a dozen years now for some reason unknown to Glen. He no longer worked, having been injured on his job as a construction carpenter and had qualified for early Social Security benefits due to his inability to work. His mother Karen was not yet home from work where she was the secretary to an accountant.

"How was work?" Henry asked, waking up when Glen entered, yawning and stretching, then scratching his hairy beer belly, wearing only his ubiquitous boxer shorts.

"Same shit, different day," Glen replied, flopping into a chair facing the sofa.

"What's got you so down?" Henry asked.

"Life," Glen replied.

"At your age?" Henry asked, then laughed. "What possible problems could you have?"

"I don't know what I'm doing, or why, or what I want to do, or even who I am," Glen replied with a big sigh.

"That bad, huh?" Henry said. "Get us a couple of beers and we'll talk about it."

"Dad, why is life so strange?" Glen asked when he returned from the kitchen with a Budweiser for each of them.

"If I knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be sleeping on this sofa," Henry replied, taking a big slug of the beer.

"Why do you sleep on the sofa?" Glen asked. "You've been doing it for years."

"When I had my accident, well, I have problems and your mother just felt it would be better if we didn't share a bed any longer," Henry replied.

"Just because you got hurt?" Glen asked.

"Not because I got hurt, but because of the effect getting hurt had on me," Henry replied.

"I know that your leg is really messed up and that you can't bend your knee," Glen said.

"That's just what you can see on the outside," Henry said. "There's more to it than that."

"Okay," Glen said, shrugging.

"But what about you?" Henry asked. "Maybe what you need is a girlfriend. That's one thing that always creates a sense of purpose."

"What do you mean?" Glen asked.

"Well, when you go out with a girl, why are you going out with her?" Henry asked.

"To have a good time?" Glen replied.

"And what is a good time exactly?" Henry asked.

"I don't know, enjoying something; a movie, whatever," Glen replied.

"Sex?" Henry asked.

"Well, yeah, that would be a good time," Glen conceded.

"You've had sex with a girl, you're not a virgin?" Henry asked.

"Dad!" Glen gasped, flushing.

"You can tell me that it's none of my business," Henry said. "I know that I never went out with a girl without thinking of sex."

"Even with Mom?" Glen asked.

"Especially with your mother," Henry replied with a laugh. "I'm not sure that you're aware of it, but your mother is an extremely sexy woman."

"I guess so," Glen said.

"That's why my accident has had such an effect on her," Henry explained. "Before, well, let's just say that we had a very active, passionate sex life. That changed after the accident."

"Because of your leg, your knee?" Glen asked.

"No, because of nerve damage that affected my cock," Henry replied.

"Oh," Glen said, flushing. "I-I'm sorry, I guess that's none of my business."

"I just made it your business," Henry said. "I can't do anything about it and it's frustrating, but I refuse to be ashamed of it."

" does it affect you?" Glen asked.

"It's more difficult to..." Henry started to reply when the front door opened and Karen entered.

"Well, this is nice," she said, coming over to the chair where Glen was sitting and hugging him, pressing the side of his head into her prominent breasts. "What are my two favorite men talking about, drinking beers?"

"Glen had a tough day at work," Henry replied, inwardly sighing as he looked at his wife's legs extending out from beneath her mid-thigh skirt.

At 5'6" with curly red hair, Karen had a Rubenesque figure, not fat, but very full, and she always dressed to emphasize every bit of it, everything that she wore seeming to be a size too small, too tight.

"What is a tough day at Pizza Hut?" Karen asked.

"People," Glen replied, wondering what his stepfather had been about to tell him.

"Better get used to it," Karen said. "The world's full of them and unless you plan on living in the middle of nowhere...I'll get dinner ready," she said, heading towards her bedroom to change first.

"We'll continue our conversation later, when your mother's not here," Henry said when she left.

"Okay," Glen agreed, wondering what he wanted to tell him that he couldn't tell him in front of his mother.

Dinner was a typical, mostly silent affair. They seldom talked during meals, which Glen didn't realize was odd, as it had always been that way, at least since Henry's accident. He also didn't mind because he wasn't in the mood to discuss his discomfort about his feelings towards his life. He had never been the type of person who felt that his personal problems were anyone's but his own to deal with, not to be inflicted upon anyone else.

Taking a shower after dinner, he joined his mother and Henry in the living room to watch television until his mother went to bed at 10:00; a typical evening. As he started to get to his feet to also go to bed, Henry stopped him.

"Would you like to talk some more or are you too tired?" Henry asked. "I'm concerned that you're unhappy with your life."

"I'm sure that it's nothing," Glen said, sitting back.

"Your experience with girls, has it been good, enjoyable to you?" Henry asked.

"Uh, yeah," Glen replied, surprised by the question. "I mean, it's okay."

"Okay! Is there anything about it that you don't like?" Henry asked.

"Not really," Glen replied, "it's just that...well, it's okay."

"The reason I ask is because your mother, well, in the beginning, she was a very passionate, sexual person," Henry explained. "I was more wondering if you took after her in that regard."

"I guess not," Glen replied, shaking his head. "I just go along with what's happening. Sometimes a lot happens."

"Do you ever not go along with what's happening?" Henry asked.

"Not so far," Glen replied, smiling. "It's not like it happens all the time or anything, you know."

"I miss that with your mother," Henry said with a sigh.

"She doesn't...want to since you got hurt?" Glen asked.

"I can't imagine that," Henry replied. "It's more that...well, sometimes it's harder for me to get an erection, or to keep one. I-I've lost a lot of control that way."

"Oh," Glen said, swallowing, his face coloring with embarrassment.

"I don't guess you have any problems like that at your age, do you?" Henry asked.

"No," Glen replied, his face flushing even more.

"Take advantage of it while you can, Glen," Henry said. "You never know when things are going to change."

"But you can, you know, get hard?" Glen asked.

"Yes, but it takes a different kind of stimulus," Henry replied. "Before, just the thought of sex was enough; now, well, I need more...different, let's say, visual stimulation, even with oral stimulation."

"Oh!" Glen said. "And Mom..."

"She was never crazy about sucking my cock," Henry said. "She basically did it because she knew that I liked it. Your mother is more about having things done to her. Now, it takes some real work to get me hard, unless I've got some hard-core visual stimulation to go along with being sucked, and she's never been one to really work at sucking a cock, so that's pretty much out. The visual stimulation that I need puts her off."

"So, what do you do?" Glen asked.

"When I can't stand the pressure, I just use my hand," Henry replied.

"You don't, uh, other women or anything?" Glen asked.

"I could never do that to your mother," Henry replied, shaking his head.

"So, how do you get excited enough to, you know, masturbate?" Glen asked.

"I watch porn," Henry replied.

"You do!?" Glen asked.

"Yes," Henry replied. "Have you ever watched porn?"

"Yeah," Glen replied, blushing again.

"You like it?" Henry asked.

"Some of it," Glen replied.

"What kind don't you like?" Henry asked.

"People spitting or pissing or shitting, gross things like that, disrespect," Glen replied.

"We have that in common," Henry said, smiling.

"Do you watch it often?" Glen asked.

"In the evenings after you and your mother have gone to bed," Henry replied. "Do you watch it often?"

"I don't know, sometimes," Glen replied. "It depends."

"Oh what?" Henry asked.

"When I'm feeling sad, I'm not in the mood," Glen replied.

"I think very few people are in the mood for sex when they're sad," Henry said, "though perhaps sex can help some people not to feel so sad."

"I can see that," Glen said.

"Well, all this talk has me wanting to watch some porn," Henry said. "You're more than welcome to sit and watch with me if you'd like."

"I'm pretty tired," Glen replied, slightly flushing. "I have the early shift tomorrow."

"Some other time, then," Henry said.

"Okay," Glen replied as he got to his feet. "Night."

"Good-night, Glen," Henry said. "Pleasant dreams."

Glen had a restless sleep, images of Henry masturbating invading his dreams. The next day at work, he was distracted, thinking back on the conversation that they had had, trying to imagine his mother as a sexual person and not seeing it, empathizing with the frustration that Henry must have and awed by his deep love for his mother in that he would never consider finding another woman for sex.

He also thought a lot about what Henry had said about watching porn and masturbating, something that he did regularly, sometimes several times a day, again, like he had told Henry, depending upon his mood. What he hadn't told him was about when he was in the mood. There had been times when he had masturbated for hours, cumming many times.

Arriving home just after his shift ended at 2pm the next day, Glen was surprised to find Henry sitting on the sofa, watching porn on the television, his cock in his hand.

"Glen, you're home early," Henry said when he noticed him, though he did nothing to conceal his hard cock, thick and dark complected, about 6" long, smaller than his own, he realized.

"I-I worked the morning shift," Glen stammered, nonplussed.

"I guess you caught me," Henry said, grinning. "After our talk last night, I couldn't stop thinking about...well, you see," he said, indicating the television where two men were fucking the same woman, one in her mouth, the other from behind.

"I-I'll just go to my room," Glen said, embarrassed.

"You don't have to," Henry said. "Why don't you join me? Or does this kind of porn not interest you?"

"No, no, it-it's fine," Glen replied.

"Do you masturbate when you watch porn?" Henry asked, his eyes not missing the growing bulge in Glen's uniform trousers.

"Mostly, yeah," Glen replied, blushing.

"Then you should join me," Henry said. "We can do it together. I've never done it with anyone else before, have you?"

"N-no," Glen replied, stunned by the proposition.

"It might be fun," Henry said. "Come on," he said, patting the sofa next to him.

"What about Mom?" Glen asked as he sat down, a good foot between them.

"She won't be home for a few hours yet," Henry replied. "Even I can cum by then."

Glen felt very conflicted. On the one hand, what was on the television was turning him on and he'd like nothing better than to masturbate; on the other hand, it was strange to be doing it with another guy, especially his step-father. He was still trying to process what he had learned about him, and his mother, the previous night.

"You don't have to masturbate," Henry said to him, "though you're more than welcome to, but I hope you don't mind if I do in any event."

"No, no, it's's just strange, is all," Glen said, watching out of the corner of his eye as Henry began to jack himself again.

"It sure is, and that's exciting in and of itself," Henry said.

Glen was uncomfortable, not sure what to do, watching Henry masturbate and change the channel constantly, one minute two men with one woman, the next two women with one man, both of them sucking his cock at the same time. Henry was aware of Glen's discomfort, but did nothing and said nothing to him, giving him the space to make his own decision, surprised that he hadn't bolted from the room when he had first seen him when he came in the door, stunned when he had agreed to sit with him on the sofa.

When he had changed channels and saw a plump redhead with a black man, Henry put the remote control down, relaxing as he stroked himself. Out of the corner of his eye he saw that Glen was inching his zipper down, opening his trousers and extracting his cock, which Henry immediately realized was considerably bigger than his own, though not as thick.

"She reminds me of your mother," Henry said after Glen had begun jacking himself.

"Is that what Mom looks like?" Glen asked nervously as he masturbated on the sofa next to his stepfather.

"Pretty much," Henry replied, "though your mother's got bigger inner lips," he said as they watched the black man sucking on the plump redhead's, stretching them before releasing them, then stabbing his tongue back into her. "There's nothing I've ever enjoyed more than eating your mother's pussy, though I probably shouldn't say something like that to you."

"No,'s okay," Glen said, feeling his excitement rising as he transposed his mother onto the woman on the television as he stroked his cock.

"That is one big black cock," Henry said admiringly when they saw him slowly sliding his cock into the plump redhead as he held her ankles up in the air.

"I'll say," Glen agreed.

"You've got a pretty good-sized one yourself," Henry said, turning to pointedly stare at Glen's cock. "The girl's must love it."

"They...they always seem surprised," Glen said, flushing as his stepfather watched him stroking himself.

"Better surprise from too big than from too small," Henry said with a laugh.

Glen found the whole experience of masturbating next to his stepfather exciting and he couldn't understand why. It was such a personal thing that sharing it with someone else, especially someone that he was close to, gave him goosebumps as he felt his balls starting to churn.

"Would you look at that," Henry exclaimed when the black man on the television pulled his spurting black cock from the redhead's pussy, then crawled up her body to lay it on her extended tongue as he continued to cum, coating her tongue as it slid back into her mouth.

Glen's eye's popped open when Henry groaned and he saw a stream of cum shoot up into the air, falling back onto his hand as he continued to milk his erupting cock. Everything was too much for Glen and he felt his own cock explode in his hand, using his other hand to cover it and capture his cum the way he usually did. Without even thinking of what he was doing, he brought his hand to his mouth when he had finished cumming and poured the cum onto his tongue before licking the rest of his from his hand.

"I guess I'm not the only one who does that," Henry said, real surprise in his voice as he licked his own hand, sucking on his cummy fingers.

Glen flushed as he realized what he had done.

"I started doing it so that I wouldn't make a mess of the sofa and the carpet," Henry said.

"I started doing it so that Mom wouldn't find my bedsheets all covered with cum stains," Glen said.

"Do you like it?" Henry said as he sucked the last of his cum from his fingers, then reached down to squeeze another drop from his cock which he sucked from his finger.

"Yeah, I guess," Glen replied. "I've done it a lot. I'm used to it."

"I surprised myself the first time I tried it," Henry said. "I liked it. It had me wondering about myself, I'll tell you."

"Why?" Glen asked.

"Well, as a general rule, men don't eat their own cum," Henry replied. "I mean, I'd never hesitate to eat your mother's pussy, even if I'd cum in her, but just masturbating and eating it, that was quite a stretch for me. I'd have felt better, I think, if I hadn't liked it so much."

"Did I just hear Mom?" Glen asked, looking up at the clock.

"Probably did," Henry replied, turning off the television and tucking his cock back into his boxers. "You'd best get to your room and change out of those clothes."

Glen felt very awkward during dinner and afterwards when the three of them sat together on the sofa watching television, his head still spinning from what he had done together with Henry that afternoon in the very same spot. It was almost with relief that Glen heard his mother say that she was going to bed.

"I hope that this afternoon didn't upset you," Henry said when she had disappeared into her bedroom.

"No, was okay," Glen said. "I'd just never...well, I've always done that alone, privately."

"Me, too," Henry said, chuckling. "I surprised myself, I can tell you that, but I also enjoyed the hell out of it. I mean, how many fathers and sons can say that they share something like that?"

"I was thinking the same thing in a way," Glen said, smiling hesitatingly.

"Shall we do it again?" Henry asked, a sparkle in his eyes.

"What, now, with Mom here?" Glen asked, his eyes wide.

"A tornado ripping through the house wouldn't wake your mother, believe me," Henry replied. "Just try not to scream like Tarzan when you cum."

"I-I wouldn't mind," Glen said, flushing. "It was weird, but it was also pretty exciting."

"I couldn't have said it any better myself," Henry said, picking up the remote control and flipping through the channels, stopping on one where two guys were with a single girl.

Henry quickly had his cock pulled out of his boxers, while Glen needed to push his shorts down to get to his cock, blushing when Henry turned to look at him, deliberately eyeing his cock as he wrapped his fist around it.

"I'd love to do that," Henry sighed as they watched the woman riding one of the men reverse cowgirl while the other man licked and sucked on her clit.

"Which one?" Glen asked.

"Either, both," Henry replied with a laugh. "How about you?"

"Yeah, that would be pretty cool," Glen agreed.

Once again, Henry changed the channel, stopping on one where a man was kneeling between the spread legs of another seated man, his hands wrapped around his cock as he sucked on the head.

"Have you ever thought of doing anything like that?" Henry asked as they watched.

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