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The Story of Odilia Ch. 11

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Odilia submits to Darina, Lady Gabrielle and Lady Svetlana.
11.1k words

Part 11 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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"Come over my knee, girl," Darina commanded me, "And be quick about it. I'm going to spank you."

Darina was just a peasant girl, and I was the daughter of the king and queen of Schwabia. However I was forced to obey this simple peasant as I was a tribute to Queen Eleanor and fate had decreed that I be forced to serve my time in Queen Eleanor's kingdom serving Mistress Jarvinia and her servant girl, Darina.

In an attempt to appeal to any sense of fairness Darina might possess, I approached her timidly and queried, "But why must I be spanked?"

I stood naked and defenseless before the cruel peasant girl and added weakly, "I've done everything you've asked me to."

"You must be spanked because I enjoy it," Darina responded sharply, and I was made to stretch myself out over Darina's lap, my bare sex pressed against the wool of Darina's tunic, my pulsing sex throbbed with need and Darina's words made my libidinous passions all the more intense. Since leaving my homeland, my passions had become transformed, and now it excited me to be punished and treated cruelly by a harsh mistress such as Darina or Jarvinia.

I looked down upon my hands and tears began to well up in my eyes. I knew that my naked buttocks were very much on display for the cruel girl that that had ordered me across her lap and while I lay there trembling, she proclaimed, "As long as you live in Mistress Jarvinia's home, you may rely on being spanked by me every morning."

I was stunned by the unfairness of it. Gretel, Hansel and Maleen were all slaves in Mistress Jarvinia's home and were all subject to Darina's cruel discipline, however they were required to give some offense or fail the mistress in some way before they were to be punished. I was the only slave in Mistress Jarvinia's home to be punished simply because Darina would enjoy it.

Because Darina enjoyed the task of spanking my naked flesh, she savored the experience leisurely. First her hands would touch my naked buttocks and feel the smoothness of my skin. Then she would squeeze my buttocks as if testing their firmness and her fingers would dip down into the furrow between my buttocks and probe at my anus, prodding it with her fingers and reminding me how Hansel would one day fill my anus with his massive cock.

I whimpered at such cruel words, however my sex still throbbed at such unkind words and my exposed sex was drenched in my own fluids. The peasant girl then pinched me on my buttocks and the backs of my thighs. When I gasped convulsively, Darina informed me that she enjoyed my sounds of distress.

"I love to hear you moan and sob, Princess," Darina proclaimed, "You must always make such sounds like that when I punish you."

Darina was such a stupid peasant girl. I could not prevent myself from moaning, sobbing and whimpering if I tried, however I dared not speak such words to her. Such words of disrespect would earn me even greater punishments.

Then without warning, Darina's punishing hand swatted my naked skin with amazing force. It cracked down on my bare buttocks, making me squirm and causing me to make gasping and whimpering sounds of distress. The stinging blows rained down quickly on my naked flesh, forcing sobs from my girlish lips and making Darina laugh in delight.

"I so enjoy those sounds, my naked princess! Please do make more sounds like that," she urged me and then she gave me words of praise when the stinging slaps forced me to do exactly as she commanded.

The peasant girl turned my naked bottom into a riot of burning pain. I squirmed, writhed and kicked my long, naked legs as Darina punished my poor innocent bottom and I made pathetic sounds of distress, however my hands remained on the floor, where I had been ordered to keep them. Failure to do so would certainly have earned me even worse punishment.

At one certain point, Darina ceased in her spanking of my poor naked flesh and instead used her strong hands to knead my poor, abused buttocks. My buttocks were already sore and sensitive to the touch, so that Darina's hands upon my skin elicited fresh whimpering from my girlish lips.

"Is that enough, do you think?" Darina asked, and I foolishly replied, "Oh, yes! Yes, Darina! My poor bottom has been spanked enough!"

Suddenly a sharp, stinging blow came down upon my thigh, just at the point where it merged with the curve of my buttock and Darina admonished me, "I'll decide when you've had enough, Princess."

And then the ignorant, boorish girl proceeded to spank my innocent bottom even harder and more cruelly than before. I bounced and writhed as the peasant girl's hard punishing spanks robbed me of my courtliness, grace and dignity. My identity as a wealthy and respected princess was utterly erased and replaced with a new identity of a graceless, defeated and servile naked girl.

I was undone, without grace or composure and Darina's cruel hand spanked my naked bottom again and again, her wicked spanks stinging the underside of my bottom and my thighs as well, extracting a series of sobs from my poor, abused naked body.

The peasant girl kneaded my sore flesh again, and this time when she asked if I had enough, my only reply was, "That decision is entirely yours, Mistress."

* * * * * * * * * *

And while Darina was charged with opening me up and preparing my anus so that it could accept Hansel's cock, I believe that she took far too much delight in it. She would show me the phallus each time when she was ready to fit me with a larger device and gloat and enjoy the look upon my face as I dreaded the sight of what was to be forced inside of me.

"On your knees, Princess," she would command me, "Head on the floor and raise up those exquisite buttocks for me."

I would arrange my naked body in that humiliating position for her and then she would smear a greasy oil into the furrow between my buttocks and then her fingers would prod insistently at my anus. "Open for me, Princess," the peasant girl would admonish me, "Don't make me have to force you open."

And when her finger was inside of me, she kept it in there far longer than was necessary. Her oiled finger would explore inside of me and probe my interior, making me moan and whimper. And when she took her strong fingers out of me, there would come the firm prod of a phallus even larger than the one I had had the day before.

I would gasp and tremble, but Darina would just laugh and insert the large thing into my tiny anus and make me sob with feelings of defeat, helplessness, humiliation and degradation. In the Kingdom of Schwabia I was a princess, however in Bellavalten I was a naked slave, whose status was lower than even that of an illiterate peasant girl.

And as a naked slave in Mistress Jarvinia's home, I was expected; several times a month; to be tormented by great ladies that had a taste for powerless, naked girls. Sometimes it would be Lady Svetlana. Other times it would be the daughter of Lord William.

Lord William's daughter was perhaps eighteen or perhaps nineteen, and she loved to have a paddle in her hands and a naked girl's bottom at her mercy. She had seen me several times when I was at the castle, however her attempts to abuse and discipline me had been repeatedly thwarted by Lord Gregory, who insisted on keeping me to himself.

Of course, in the house of Mistress Jarvinia, Lord Gregory was no longer in attendance and could do nothing to obstruct Lord William's daughter.

Her title was Lady Gabrielle, and when she arrived at Mistress Jarvinia's home, Mistress Jarvinia was only too eager to share me with her.

Gretel was ordered to scrub me, wash my long, red hair, dry me off and present me to Lady Gabrielle in one of the many rooms in my mistress's house. Of course, Gretel did exactly as she was commanded and she was quick about it. On another occasion, Gretel would have taken her time and not been so harsh in the way that she scrubbed my naked skin, however when a great lady wished to torment one of Mistress Jarvinia's slaves, we all learned that we must make haste. Gretel scrubbed me vigorously with a stiff-bristled brush and left my poor nipples and nether lips feeling tender and raw. I whimpered and moaned in misery, however both Gretel and I knew better than to complain or to ask for mercy. I was brought naked, scrubbed and dried into Lady Gabrielle's room and made to kneel before her.

I knelt naked at Lady Gabrielle's feet with my knees far apart, my pubic lips wantonly exposed. Lady Gabrielle gazed hungrily at my nakedness and then she turned to Gretel and said, "You may go now, slave."

Gretel was a very appealing girl with exquisite buttocks, firm thighs, high firm breasts, proud nipples, splendid lips and she was just as naked as I. I could not understand why Lady Gabrielle was so passionate for my naked charms and found it so easy to dismiss Gretel.

For quite some time, the Lady Gabrielle stared silently at my exposed pubic lips and heaving breasts. She seemed to be in no hurry to speak or even to examine my nudity from a different angle. She merely stood there, gazing at all of my naked charms and filling me with fear and trepidation. The longer I had to wait for her to abuse me, the more time I had to imagine just how horrible that abuse might be. Lord William had a reputation for cruelty, and she was the daughter of Lord William. Could she be any less cruel than her father?

"So, you're the bad little princess Lord Gregory sent to the village," Lady Gabrielle said. She spoke slowly as if tasting each word that came out of her mouth, savoring the flavor of each one individually.

"Yes, Mistress," I replied, in a nervous utterance. I tried mightily to keep my voice from trembling, however this girl had an atmosphere of menace about her. Merely being in her presence filled me with a sense of urgency and dread.

"I have been wanting to meet you for a great number of months, however I had been met with opposition from a number of most unlikely sources. Your current mistress has been most helpful at finally overcoming that opposition. Have you any idea what people I am talking about?

"Lord Gregory, Mistress?"

Lady Gabrielle burst into girlish laughter and then replied, "Oh yes, I suppose he opposed me as well, although my true opponents are more powerful than he. You truly don't know who they are, do you, my little slave girl?"

"I am sorry, Mistress," I replied nervously, "I know not."

Lady Gabrielle waved a hand dismissively and said, "It matters little now. Mistress Jarvinia has assisted me in dealing with them, and now I have you at my disposal."

It was at this point that Lady Gabrielle at last began to circle me, viewing my nudity from a variety of different angles. It seemed to me that she smiled as she gazed at my naked body.

"You are a pretty one," Lady Gabrielle conceded as she walked slowly around my prostrated body, "Adorable naked princess, ripe, lovely little breasts, delectable little buttocks and that shaved pleasure cleft of yours is now so exposed and unprotected. You look so much more naked than the slave-girls at the castle."

"Thank you, Mistress," I replied, not truly certain if I had her permission to speak.

"It is my understanding that Mistress Jarvinia exposes all of her slaves in this way. It's much for the best," she proclaimed with a wicked smile on her face.

"Leaving a slave-girl bereft of her public hair is an added humiliation. It causes the slave to feel more disgraced and powerless. It is exactly what all slave-girls need. It helps to rob you of dignity and respectability. That's very important for a slave-girl."

"Yes, Mistress," I replied, agreeing unthinkingly. The words simply came from my mouth without any effort at forming them. As a naked slavegirl, I had been conditioned to agree with anything that Lady Gabrielle might say to me. She was a lady with status, fine gowns, jewelry and servants. I was a naked slave, who lived with daily punishments and a throbbing misery between my thighs.

"Mistress Jarvinia has a talent for taming rebellious slaves," Lady Gabrielle said with pride, "I can see merely by the look in your eyes, that she has crushed the spirit of your impertinence. You look humbled and defeated now. And with that humbling, you look all the more beautiful."

I was very nearly certain that I was expected to reply to this last remark, so I lowered my eyes, attempted to appear as submissive as possible and replied, "You are too kind, Mistress."

Lady Gabrielle burst into girlish laughter once again and then replied, "I did not come here to be kind, little girl. I came here to be cruel. I came here to do all the things I was denied, when you belonged to Lord Gregory!"

Lady Gabrielle then retreated back into the room. The room was far more massive than I had originally believed and much to my surprise was at least as large as the Great Hall in Queen Eleanor's castle.

Then, Lady Gabrielle took possession of a large wooden stool, sat herself down upon it and motioned for me to approach her. "I'm going to spank you, little girl. I want you to lay across my lap and raise your buttocks up high for me. I imagine that you are likely quite familiar with this position."

It was a humiliating pose, however I had held it many times before. I had been spanked like this by Lord Gregory, Mistress Jarvinia, Darina and others. I sighed and obediently placed my bare buttocks where they would make an inviting target for Lady Gabrielle's girlish hands or any paddle she might wish to wield.

"I do enjoy this power and authority over you," Lady Gabrielle confessed as she fondled my bare buttocks.

I wasn't certain if I was expected to respond to that, so I merely whimpered in reply.

"Once upon a time," she said, "your kingdom and mine were at war. This was over a hundred years ago, however my family still speaks of it. Two of my ancestors were taken captive and held in the Kingdom of Schwabia for well over six months. They were stripped naked and much abused before they could be ransomed back to my own kingdom. Can you imagine the humiliation and stigma this injustice brought upon my family?"

"Mistress," I began to protest, however Lady Gabrielle hushed me.

"No words now, little girl," Lady Gabrielle admonished me. "What I would really like now is to hear you scream."

The stinging impact of Lady Gabrielle's hand on my bare buttocks hurt far more than I had expected, however my buttocks were already quite sore and tender from a half dozen punishments inflicted on my poor bottom over the past three days. I gasped in pain and squirmed on Lady Gabrielle's lap as she inflicted one fierce, resounding blow after another on my poor, abused buttocks, however her other hand held me tightly across my waist and kept me from falling to the floor.

After a dozen hard, stinging slaps, Lady Gabrielle paused and informed me, "I'm not anywhere near finished with this adorable little bottom of yours, and if you struggle too much, I'll be forced to call for assistance in binding you across my lap. Do you suppose that your mistress will be proud of you, if I tell her you could not control your twisting and writhing, when you were ordered to remain still?"

The admonishment from Lady Gabrielle's lips reminded me of my low and submissive status in Lady Jarvinia's house and I moaned while silently resolving to use all of my control to cease my writhing while I was punished across this wicked lady's lap.

The spanking of my innocent bottom resumed. This time Lady Gabrielle assaulted my thighs as well, causing me to gasp, however I did my utmost not to writhe or bounce as I lay across this cruel woman's lap. After the second dozen stinging slaps from Lady Gabrielle's hand, she paused long enough to knead my sore buttocks and comment, "Your naked flesh is nice and hot, little girl and becoming a shade of pink. It is a pity you can't see the color for yourself."

I moaned and knew myself to be helplessly defeated by this woman. She would punish my naked flesh and leave me in a riot of tears and I could do nothing to resist her. I was at the mercy of this cruel woman and I could do naught to impede her in her task of making me suffer.

Lady Gabrielle's firm hand smacked by bare skin soundly, again and again and again. I cried out in pain and hung my head low as tears welled up in my eyes and fell to the floor. My poor, abused bottom flexed and contracted with each spank and I struggled not to twist or squirm on Lady Gabrielle's lap. My throat became raw with the pitiful cries I made and my poor buttocks and the backs of my naked thighs were suffused with stinging pain. My poor bottom was on fire when the cruel spanked finally came to an end.

"I'm going to have to punish you often," Lady Gabrielle said soberly. "I feel that my family's honor demands it."

A deep moan came from my chest. Lady Gabrielle's stinging spanking of my innocent bottom and her condemning words heightened my feelings of nakedness and hopelessness. I had done nothing to this girl's family, however I was to be disciplined for something that my family had done to her family over a hundred years ago.

"What I would like to do best," the unforgiving woman confided to me, "Is to take you back to your kingdom and to drag you naked, and on a leash, through the streets of Schwabia and to allow all of your countrymen to see you as a naked, humbled, wanton female. I'd like to present you to the peasants, the craftsmen, the soldiers, the vassals and all the great ladies of Schwabia and allow them to witness how your pubis has been shaved, leaving your nether lips so indecently exposed. I'd like to encourage the men and women of your kingdom to handle your wet, throbbing sex and allow them to see how shameless and libidinous you've become. If you have any brothers or sisters, I would encourage them to handle your wet, pulsing shameless sex as well. I'd like for your own mother to witness your humiliation as I tie you to a whipping post and make you dance for the whip."

Lady Gabrielle's words were cruel and I should have been horrified by them, however her words instead stirred a heat in my loins. The thought of being naked and humiliated in front of my sister, my mother and scores of my family's vassals filled me with a wicked sort of excitement.

"Much to my dismay, I cannot take you back to your own kingdom and disgrace you in front of your own people, so I shall have to content myself with humiliating you here. I have some truly splendid ideas for humbling you and breaking your spirit, you worthless, disobedient little girl."

I was actually a very obedient slave for Mistress Jarvinia and surrendered to her entirely, however I did not dare contradict Lady Gabrielle. If it pleased her, she could refer to me as her disobedient little girl.

"I understand that one day; very soon; your anus will be violated by a young slave named Hansel. I intend to marshal as large a crowd people as possible to be here to witness your humiliation. How do you feel about that, you worthless, naked girl?"

"I'm certain those you invite will be pleased to witness my defilement, Mistress," I replied nervously.

Three sharp, stinging spanks across my naked bottom alerted me that this was not an acceptable answer to Lady Gabrielle's question.

"That's not what I asked you, you incorrigible naked girl," Lady Gabrielle admonished me, "I already know that my compatriots will be entertained by your degradation!! I asked how it will make you feel to have your anus defiled in front of scores of witnesses!!"

"Helpless, Mistress," I finally replied, "For my shame to be so public, I would feel quite helpless, vulnerable and exposed."

I had assumed that only Lord Conrad and Mistress Jarvinia would be there to witness my shame, however a large crowd would make everything much worse. I shivered and my eyes melted with thick tears as I imagined a large crowd of Lady Gabrielle's loyalists witnessing my violation at Hansel's hands.

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