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The Valkyrie Project - Chapter 14

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The Valkyrie seek the aid of The Church of the Goddess.
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Part 14 of the 19 part series

Updated 02/09/2023
Created 11/30/2022
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Sister Engels brushed her hair, as a man she'd never been blessed with much and what she'd had was grey. So she luxuriated in being able to have such long ginger locks as graced her now, cascading over her shoulders and down her back. Another sister was helping and she gave a beaming freckled smile up and offered a kiss. All the sisters exchanged affections freely.

"Stay still sister and I'll get a plait going" the sister directed, quickly weaving Engels' locks into a simple five stranded plait finished off with a green bow.

She stood and moved to her vestments, her cloth vestments hanging on one stand as new latex version hung on the next. Her eyes scanned over both.

The helping sister came up behind her and rested her hands and chin on the high priestess' shoulder "I like them, the cloth is good, it hugs your person... but it's for services with children honestly. It's a bit chaste. The latex on the other hand... maybe not the most practical for daily wear but" she mimed blowing a kiss before giving Engels a hug, rubbing her belly, and giving her cock a grope through the sister's panties.

Engels took another look at the vestments. The black latex that made up the majority of the outfit really did change the tone, the careful layers of pink, purple, red, and white set it off. Her fingers glided over the smooth surface to the breeder's mark right above the bulge for her cock. Unlike her service vestments these did have to give her support there. That said her goddess rod would be clearly visible in shape through it. She smiled and pulled up on the leotard portion first, multiple sisters coming over to grope her and tap the breeder's mark as if it was good luck. Next she pulled up the thigh high heal boots before assuming the mantle and wimple that was more a hat with trailing ribbons than traditional religious garb.

She stood in front of the mirror and admired herself. Her fingers also gravitating to the breeder's mark below her gravid belly. The church had been struggling with symbols and this one seemed to be taking over from the others. She knew it came from pre-war hentai, but the church had modified it slightly to better reflect the values of Love, Compassion, Fertility, and then Lust that was the credo of the church.

While she'd been called an apostle of the goddess she'd generally shut that down quickly. The church as she'd found out had existed since the war, possibly prior in some form. But it was the only place that had given her a warm bed in a very cold first winter. While not as cold as back in the work camp the compassion she'd found back then as a man had resonated. So much so that sworn herself to the goddess right then and there knowing it was the end of her life as a man. She'd gone out of her way to get the Valkyrie, ever watchful of former enemies, to let her become an futa Amazon. She remembered with a smile when her entire group of initiates, two men and two women went to the clinic together.

Judged under the stern eye of a Valkyrie they revered as a living saint they'd all somehow been judged sincere and willing and allowed to proceed. Something that until that time had been exceedingly rare. She'd felt humble raising her ass into the air to receive the dispenser and the cum inside of it remembering that night so long ago that had been the first critical juncture when a Valkyrie had filled him to the brim with her seed. That moment was something she'd only ever shared with the sisters in confession, and one that they gracefully never brought up. She grew moist remembering her first time, grinding herself against her sister's mons as it grew into a thick virile goddess rod. Each passing moment growing longer as it pushed into her forming folds and new womb as her own shaft leaked her goddess' blessing over the sister's belly. She smiled remembering holding her first child, blessed by the goddess in her image, in her arms.

She broke out of her reverie and made her way to her office. She'd always been a leader, and a damn good one at that. She hadn't lost by mistake, she'd lost to a superior enemy and she felt no shame in that. But now her army was the church and the goddess' faithful and it was growing leaps and bounds every day. Her ability to organize had elevated her quickly that along with her devotion had lead to her election as the high priestess.

On her way she stopped by the creche, looking in on 'her' children as several of her sisters attended to the ever growing brood of the clergy. While they were not all hers, she'd borne one and her mark was definitely on others. But in keeping with church doctrine they were considered everybody's. That said the church did expect direct mothers to ween their own and one of the older little sisters helped her toddler over. She grabbed a sling from a hook on the wall before she picked her up and rocked her gently in her arms as she exposed a teat, her baby's lips closing on it as she suckled settling into the sling. She waved to the lead sister that was supervising to let her know she was going to breastfeed in her office so she didn't think anyone had gone missing.

She gently rocked her child as she made her way to her office. Smiling and brushing her little love's hair "You're going to have a new little sister soon you know" she whispered softly as she got to her office door. One of the sisters stood and moved towards her "You have guests, do you want me to take her?" The sister was like many lactating and could easily be a wet nurse. She shook her head and smiled warmly "If it's anything serious they can wait while I feed my baby. They are in the goddess' house." The sister smiled and gave her a full kiss on the lips before leaning down to kiss the suckling babe.

She carefully opened the door to her office and scanned the room, recognizing the Valkyries within before she closed the door behind herself and moved to the couch where Tina had been sitting across from Mei. "Sit sit", she directed seating her self carefully as to not disturb the child.

Tina laughed "Now I feel rude as I'm interrupting a meal" she smiled.

Engels shook her head "This one would eat in the middle of a hurricane, so don't worry about it. To what do I have the pleasure of having two of the most blessed of the goddess this morning?" she asked curiously.

Mei gave the sister a Cheshire cat's grin, "Sister, when I debriefed you a year and a half back... you were completely honest with me and didn't hold anything back did you?"

"No blessed one I did not, at least not by intent. Why do you ask?" she said sas she brushed her daughter's hair softly.

"Because they are looking for you on their side of the DMZ. I don't mean minor searching either. I mean the want to find you and ensure you're dead." The intelligence officer dropped that bomb in the sister's lap.

Engels handled it with the expertise of a woman that has changed a lot of stinky diapers in the last year. "Well 'General Engels' is dead, he was reborn in the grace of the goddess. But I don't think it's he they are searching for blessed one. Did you happen to note who was doing the searching?"

"Counter-intel and political branch"

The high priestess returned the Cheshire cat's grin and laughed "Then we're winning. They are chasing their tails to fight a war what they cannot possibly win."

Tina ever alert to danger perked up "Sister, what have you done? Explain yourself."

The sister nodded, pausing to swap the baby to the other teat as she finished with the one. "Blessed one, you did not think the church was only here did you? No, far from it. The church has been spreading like wildfire through the ranks of the old commands. The faithful grow among their ranks every single day. The old fools try to suppress it and it only spreads faster. They cannot arrest hope."

"Mei?" Tina raised an eyebrow. This would be a major miss for the intelligence officer if she'd somehow missed this.

"It's a thing, but we didn't consider it that big a deal because the have no access to Amazon conversion. If anything we made note of it in case they broke off and a schism formed as religion can be a rallying point. Hell it was in the last war, they called us godless heathens. Wrong, but that didn't stop them. If there is something I've missed General it's just how far the church has spread in the past two months alone." The intelligence officer offered.

"Exactly" Engels interjected before Tina could respond. "In the past two months what was the ratio of blessed children both here and there?" she asked softly stroking her baby's hair as she finished suckling. The mother cradling her child as she slept.

"Should be naught there and what? Thirty percent maybe here?" Tina tossed out.

"Fifty here and twenty there if I recall correctly." Mei said looking up into Engels eyes as she realized the situation. "OH FUCK ME ON THE GODDESS' BLESSED ROD."

The baby started crying at the outburst and Mei flushed, it had been awhile since she'd been a parent and she'd forgotten to mind herself around sleeping babies. Sister Engels' secretary came in "Sister do you want me to?" she trailed off.

The girl was already starting to calm in her mother's arms as the sister came over. They took a few minutes to get her sleeping again before Engels handed her over so she could be cared for back in the creche.

"Sorry about that" Mei said quietly.

"Blessed one, the goddess visits wisdom on us all. It does not always come quietly." She smiled and leaned over to give Mei a kiss. In the process she noticed the pendant with one of the church's older symbols, She got up and got a small pendant with the new one and brought it over "Blessed sister, if you would the church has adopted this mark as the goddess' favor. If you would accept this as a humble gift."

If Mei was a bit of kilter before this sent her reeling, completely unsure of what to do.

Tina just laughed "Mei give your pendant here for a sec" she said taking the intelligence officers pendant. The 'holy rod' on it was cheap and plastic, but possibly sentimental. She carefully removed it and replaced it on the chain with the new one before putting it back on her friend's neck. That done she retook her seat. "Now, what I'd like to know is how that's possible. There is a DMZ between us, and while it's more porous than I think either side might like. Yourself excepted your holiness. Amazon futa children e.g. blessed children require at least one futa parent don't they?"

"No" both Engels and Mei said together. The priestess motioning to Mei to continue.

"No they don't, they just require exposure to the retrovirus in some amount in one or both parents. The more active the retrovirus the more likely the children will be futa."

"Oh goddess" Tina said not realizing she'd slipped into a religion she hadn't officially joined yet.

"Welcome blessed sister, the goddess loves you" Engels said noting the change and leaning over to kiss Tina softly.

"So every single soldier we filled with our cum that night..." the realization of the scale spreading across her face.

Mei opened her mouth to confirm but Engels held up a hand "Not just them. While they certainly have been affected, after all I should know how it feels, they are not the only reason. Blessed one, sister, the border is far more porous than you think. The church has been a thing up there since before I converted. I was aware of it, in fact it operated openly at the time and provided me the few warm meals I had coming to the DMZ. But at the time the government considered them nothing but a cult. Something they would persecute when they wanted to cause war as being too close to their enemy. But what I found is that soldiers that I had served with, many would pay for their wives and daughters to be smuggled here either to live a better life or to take the goddess' blessing. Not an insignificant number of the blessed have made their way back. Many serving in units even more as wives and daughters. Almost all underground members of the church."

She paused and took a sip of water "About six months ago I found out my past had been leaked. While I had confessed it to the sisters their vow of silence for confession is absolute and I don't believe for a moment it was one of them. But even blessed as I am, it would not be impossible to trace down who I was. It appears based on the church's own research that is exactly what happened. A lay believer figured out that I was the high priestess. It then spread like wildfire through the expat community and then across the border."

Tina leaned back into the couch to take it all in, she had been sitting with her hand covering her mouth elbow on knee leaning forwards. "Where it presumably spread to your old Fourth Army?"

"All of them" Engels said softly. The sister rubbed her face, Tina moving to comfort the priestess. She knew how much Engels had cared for her troops, infidelities with Valentina aside. Who happened to com strolling through the door right then, face hidden by a motorcycle helmet as she never showed her face publicly, knowing that there was a kill on sight contract on her life. The sister wondered who could have gotten past her secretary with such blessed guests, and why Tina and Mei were completely not surprised.

Val was wearing skin a skin tight leather motorcycle suit that left nothing to the imagination, right above the bulge of her cock in the black leather the breeder's mark of the goddess was embroidered. At her wrists were the ever present inhibitor bracelets of a Valkyrie. Engels didn't understand who this most blessed sister could be. Then she took her helmet off, and her blond locks shook out.

Engels face went ashen as she saw Val's blond locks shake out of the helmet. "Sister, I suppose I should introduce my wife."

Engels got up and kneeled with her forehead on the floor in front of Val "Forgive me most blessed sister of my sins against you, I have no excuse but my own lechery."

The look on Val's face was priceless. Both Tina and Mei were struggling not to laugh. Tina motioning to Val to either forgive her or deal with it somehow so the conversation could continue. Valentina just facepalmed. "Get up you old letch, I'm well aware of how you've changed. But if you'll get past me teasing you about being a letch at last once every time I see you, then I can forgive you."

Engels got up and went back to her seat, what she had done with Val in the past Weighed heavily on her soul. "I think I can survive that." she said softly.

"Now where were we.... 'All of them' you mean the church has been spreading like wildfire in the entire army?" Tina asked.

"Oh no! The church was already there. Just knowledge of my position and that I was still alive."

Val took a seat on the opposite side of Tina next to the high priestess who was sitting up right. She idly reached over and rubbed the breeder's mark for good luck causing a bit of warmth to spread through the sister. "Which would explain why counter-intel and political branch is freaking the hell out" Val explained. As usual as if it made any sense without context.

"The general was highly popular, it was one of the many reasons I put up with his lechery" She continued. Engels wincing a bit. "It wasn't that bad, you should hear the stories from third army" she 'comforted' the sister.

"But I raped you..."

"No, not really. I mean I guess? But it was quid pro quo, you knew my ambitions and traded the favors I needed for sex. I didn't need you to get there. In many ways I was using you as much as you were using me? You were a shitty man but in a system that normalized shitty men. Not an excuse, just a reality. I've forgiven you because well..." they both knew she was about to invoke the goddess. Engels nodded and accepted it. It would never be 'right' between them but there would be acceptance.

"Can we please get back on track before Mei's ADHD takes over and she plots a coup of a third party country?" Tina tried to steer the conversation back.

Mei just giggled "Too late!" she teased her boss.

"Right so the general was a contender for leadership, disappearing him wasn't really an option in the normal sense so they said he'd retired in ill health after the campaign. But nobody was fooled." Val sighed. "I cannot understate how much hope knowing the general was alive would bring to so many in the Army or who had served previously would bring. While not quite messianic the general was a symbol of hope. A rare leader that for the most part dealt with the shitty reality that was and not pretended they could make a shitty reality that was glorious and different."

"Of course you have to factor the church into this too, the church had been spreading because it offered hope and an answer as to why babies were being born as futa. Of course the state tried to force doctors to surgically alter them when they found out it was happening. But doctors by and large stuck to their oaths and did no such thing. So a lot of baby girls just started to be born officially imagine that." She paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. "Of course there were sisters and daughters who came across to be.."

Mei interjected "that has been mentioned." Val nodded.

"Regardless the church which has been 'a thing' prior, mostly for folks with Amazon futa relatives or blessed children suddenly exploded. Because if the general had found faith then there must be a good reason. So now you have what had been a minor cult religion exploding into a major phenomenon at the same time they find out that the High Priestess, the goddess' highest earthly representative is someone they thought died in the tundra two years ago."

Tina just covered her face with her palms "Oh dear goddess, forgive me. So we managed to fuck this one up absolutely royally." She pulled her hands away. "Please tell me there is some good news in all of this and we're not going to be watching millions of people get taken to camps?"

"Maybe" it was Mei that had spoken up. "The deputy head of political branch is both a patriot and a believer. Intel is mixed but it's highly likely she has a blessed daughter, one of the ones allowed prior to the surgery mandate. But the big hitter is the head of counter-intel was fourth army, they are definitely a believer."

"So this is all show no go?"

"Not quite, there is some political purging going on. But there is jockeying for control. What we're seeing is the outlay of a faction war. It could spill over or turn nasty, but there is at least hope that it won't. Even if the believers win don't expect a sudden thaw in relations. There are still major socio-economic issues that make that divide much harder to bridge." The intelligence officer summarized. "But boss, this doesn't change my summaries I've been sending you and Madam President. We should expect a false flag and an attack. Dislike of us is still a major unifier over there. But the better question is 'Will They Fight?' Remember fourth army almost as a whole refused to go back to war. But it wasn't solely them, also the officers and soldiers affected by the raid have now been dispersed throughout the army. It's just a massive variable. While some have surely left service not all in the officer and NCO corps have."

"They won't and the believers won't" Engels said with a certainty that seemed odd in that situation.

"Church or no, I don't see why that would block them from fighting. They've never faced the Valkyrie" Tina said in doubt.

"Nor would they, or did you miss the statues around the altar and choir? The Valkyrie are the goddess' most blessed daughters. Fighting against them is heresy."

"So we're back to square one: a completely unstable enemy that is likely to do things in desperation and decay into potential civil war."

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