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Time Travellers from the 1960's Pt. 05

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Cult couple find nudist beach and swing again.
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Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/27/2016
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Ch.11 A Much Needed Holiday (Part 1)

Ted and Louise decided they needed a holiday. They wanted to go far away from America for a change. Europe or the Mediterranean appealed because they had never been there before. Modern California was not quite all they had hoped for. Although there were improvements and exciting changes, there were many elements of cultural and personal decay. Europe was more old fashioned, they had heard. Perhaps it would be closer to their initial expectations of the future. Anyway they wanted to travel.

They decided to book a holiday in Spain, and then were persuaded to select a holiday in the Canary islands, not far from the coast of Africa, which would be hotter at this time of year. The island was arid and craggy, but beautiful for this. High cliffs disappeared into distant mesas inland; the land reminded them of the deserts and canyons of the west and southwestern states. Hotel complexes and apartments, like the modernised pueblos of New Mexican Indians, were carved into the rock faces. Hundreds, probably thousands of holidaymakers, from many parts of Europe mainly, lived in these apartments for a week or two weeks at a time, gathering on the mostly man made beaches and around hotel swimming pools.

They were both excited as they discovered their plush apartment and the beautiful view it offered over a harbour, out to sea, and along the shoreline. They were on the top ninth floor of the hotel block, and they felt on top of the world as they looked out, although neither of them wanted to stand too close to or lean over the balcony rail. To celebrate they made love immediately on the clean bed, even though it was half past twelve after a long day's travel. Perhaps there would be here the kind of modern lifestyle the New Seminarians had once hoped for. At 2 a.m. they went to sleep.

After a couple of days of poolside and beaches during the daytime they heard about a beach where the women would take off more than their bikini tops to reveal lovely breasts, and the men would also reveal their secrets. The long sandy beach was apparently devoted to nudism, and behind were sand dunes for the privacy of those who wished to get away from the hustle and bustle of the shore. Both Ted and Louise were fired up by the idea of this beach.

As New Seminarians of the Future, back in the renaissance days of the sixties and seventies California they had of course been keen nudists along with all their people, whenever the weather allowed or the mood took them. They were not just ordinary nudists; their nudism had often gone so far as swinging, and the occasional beach gathering could well have been described as an orgy. It was good to hear that nudism had survived in some form or another, and appeared to be very popular in this day and age.

They were both excited as they walked along the beach. Topless bathing gave way to complete nudism, although there was a mixture of people. Those walking along the beach, like themselves, were mainly clothed in shorts, bikinis and even T shirts as they went. Unfortunately a strong breeze blew and Louise found she couldn't keep her hat on, so she took it off. Ted fastened the string on his safari hat tightly so it wouldn't fly. They chatted, wondering where to park themselves. "We'll go further, then we can come back if we want," said Louise. Suddenly she noticed that most of the people on the beach here were men. The beach was quite concentrated here. Men lounged on sunbeds, congregated in groups, fully naked' their willies hanging down. Louise noticed one man in particular standing at the water's edge. He was standing in front of her, large willy before him. She was almost at a loss as she approached.

"They're gay," she said to Ted, suddenly realising why there were so many men about just here.

"Oh yeah," said Ted, agreeing. They'd been too busy talking to realise. While he was pleased to see them so accepted here, he could not help wishing there were more naked women around here. He could hardly see any for a while as they walked. Soon the gay section was passed and the numbers on the beach thinned, but there were some women. It was very blowy here though, and narrow as the dunes were near the beach. They decided this was far enough. The beach wasn't as good here as earlier, but they could sunbathe here and join the nudists in stripping. They kept their bikini and trunks on for a little while to acclimatise. The sand was being blown strongly by the wind. They found they were covered in it as soon as they lay down. Soon enough they decided it was time to strip off and show solidarity with the nudists. They weren't new to nudism, but after some months in this modern world it was an experience they had not had in this future. They felt like young people again, taking their clothes off on a public beach for the first time. Louise took her bikini top off first. Minutes later her bottoms were off and Ted felt he should do the same. They kept down on the beach, but they felt good about the exciting thing they had done.

After some time the wind blowing the sand became unbearable, so they decided to call it a day, returning up the beach. They looked forward, excitedly to further visits to this beach, both of them excited by the open views of liberated people to be found here. Maybe they would meet people who felt the same

Ted and Louise went out for a night out in a Canarian resort.

They had heard that a nearby resort along the coast was an exciting place to visit at night. The locals, gays and nudists and international holidaymakers of the nearby beaches were reputed to party and dance in the clubs and bars here. They ordered a taxi from their hotel and were driven swiftly to the lively resort. They arrived by 9.40 in the evening, hoping they were not missing the evening's festivities, whatever they may turn out to be. They walked through an area of half empty bars such as they had seen in their own resort. It seemed there were too many bars and too many restaurants so most of them were empty. Louise commented that if they all combined into one it would then have been busy and a party atmosphere would inevitably ensue.

Football bars seemed to be the most lively just here as foreign tourists, mainly British, came to watch the big screens showing the soccer action back home or in international matches. Only the noise from the screens made these bars seem busier. Louise turned her nose up, "I don't want to go in there," she said. There was little she found duller than sport, of whatever kind. There was a lot of it around in this modern period as there had been thirty years before. It seemed more intrusive because of the many modern channels and the big screens. Ted on the other hand loved to watch American Football or baseball on occasion, although his other interests and Louise's disinterest in sport kept him away from it most of the time.

"Don't worry, the night is yet young," consoled Ted. "I am sure there are other bars or clubs nearby."

They wandered through an open air square where there were indeed a few couples dancing in mid twentieth century styles, to a sound system; latin salsa, rumba, waltz and so on. Quite a few people observed from the steps around the square. "We can always come back here later if we don't find anything better," suggested Ted.

"Maybe it will be busier later," said Louise. Neither were particularly looking for the older musical styles of the last century. They wandered from there between jewellery and duty free perfume shops, still open in this latin country at this time of night, although right now there were virtually no customers. Ted wondered why they bothered opening, why the poor staff had to waste the evenings by working when there were so few customers. Louise showed interest in both types of shop. Ted steered her away from them as soon as he could. They had come for an evening out, not a shopping trip.

"Commerce creeps in everywhere, no better, in fact far worse today than in our past," declared Ted, in a determined attempt to close the possibility of further shop viewing.

"Perhaps these shops are open at this time of the evening due to the local Spanish culture," said Louise, sensibly, "After all they would all be shut in modern California, and the city centre would belong to the beggars, the night clubbers and the streetwalkers.

They walked on in search of a nice busy bar where they could watch other people and feel the excitement of a night out. Although there were people around it was hardly busy in any of them.

"There should be less bars," suggested Ted, "Then they might be busier." Louise could only agree. It was 10.15 already, on a Friday night. They walked into an area of the shopping centre which seemed less busy than the areas they had already passed through. A presentable half caste man who was probably in his early twenties accosted them politely.

"Are you looking for a place to drink?" he asked.

"We are just looking around," said Ted, not wanting to be smooth talked into going somewhere which did not suit them.

"We want a drink somewhere," blurted Louise at virtually the same time.

"Well we have a very good bar over here," the man responded to Louise, seeing a more than likely customer and gesturing towards a large bar, which nonetheless did not look very busy. "Free drinks if you go in now. In fact I will escort you in there myself and make sure you get your drinks."

"Let's go in," said Louise. "It seems like a good offer."

"But it doesn't look very busy in there," protested Ted, quietly, to Louise.

"I want a drink," said Louise. "We've been walking round here for long enough."

"Oh alright then," conceded Ted. She was quite right. They could be walking round here for hours trying to find the right place. They followed the man across the square to the bar, which looked very modern and plush, but was virtually empty.

They enjoyed a few drinks in a few bars, before returning to their hotel by taxi, but both admitted they had found the bars a bit unexciting. "Perhaps we should be making more of an effort to socialise with other people we find?" suggested Louise.

"Maybe," agreed Ted.

When they returned to their hotel they made love again, inspired by the beach they had been on and the beautiful people they had observed, and by each other of course!

Ch.11 : A Much Needed Holiday (Part 2)

They were watching a hotel entertainer guitarist performing rock hits of the past on his guitar. He was very competent. Ted wished he could go and get his own guitar from back at their apartment in San Francisco and join in with the guy; he was so good. Ted was a fairly competent player himself, although he had hardly touched this old guitar since his 'journey' across the years. It had been packed up for his and saved for their future like many of their possessions.

Louise made conversation with another lady while the guitarist played and Ted's interest was elsewhere. They had done similar work in the past and found they had plenty in common. They talked about the usual holiday things, where they had been and what they had seen. Louise related how inspired she had been by the beach where those on the sands went nude. It's so exciting, takes me back to times in the past where we had liberated friends.

"Well we've been coming here for a few of the recent years," said the nicely shaped blonde. "We like it so much we keep coming back for more. For us there's no other place quite like it. "Her partner, a pleasant, tall slim and tanned man came over to join them. "Oh yes we love the place. We like the nudists; they make us feel welcome. At first we were a bit shy, but there's nothing better than the fresh air on your most private parts, and the feeling that other people are looking at what you've got and appreciating it."

"He's quite an exhibitionist," said the woman. "He likes to fly his kite. That way he can stand up completely naked and not feel out of place. Some of the other men do it too. We've met some nice people on the beach, some of them we've got to know quite well."

Louise thought she understood that they had made more than just friends on the beach. She felt that probably this couple were swingers like her and Ted. It was always difficult to be certain of that, without appearing rude, or running the risk of upsetting somebody who wasn't a swinger. Even if they were swingers, which seemed likely it didn't necessarily mean they would want to swing with her and Ted, although they'd found they were quite popular in their past amongst the New Seminarians. They seemed like really nice people, modern minded in the way she had hoped the people of the future might be. They wanted to enjoy life, they were good people who wanted to get on well with everyone, but were looking for a bit of excitement, a bit of real friendship, perhaps a swinging adventure or two while on holiday. Louise felt warm with a glow. These were truly nice people, a similar age. She was motivated by the man, he seemed nice and his looks appealed to her. She liked his slim and pleasantly muscular body. His tan made him rather cool, and certainly cute.

She beckoned Ted over after a while. "Meet Lynne and Nick," she said. "They've come down from New York State. They come here every year apparently and they love the beach." Ted didn't need to look too hard at Lynne to realise he fancied her. She was an attractive blonde, reasonably tall, with a nice figure, in good shape. He immediately enjoyed talking to them, and found he had a lot in common with Nick, who loved rock music and shared many favourites from the past with Ted. In the last few months Ted had been getting up to speed with the rock music, and other types, of recent years. There was much he was now familiar with, which he loved, further evidence if they needed it that not all of the last thirty years had been a deterioration of the hopes and values of the sixties. Nick offered to play Nick the recent album of one of his favourite rock groups who brought hip hop and rap influences into a funky and heavy rock mix, if they came round to Lynne and Nick's apartment sometime. They both played guitar. Maybe one day they'd be able to get together back home and play some music together. Both were still young enough to have some ambition to play rock in them.

Ted didn't yet realise that the two ladies were subtly negotiating a possible swinging session after they had got to know each other for drinks a couple of times. He was happy that Louise seemed happy on this holiday. It seemed to be taking her mind off some of the disappointments of their 'move' into the future, and particularly her bad experiences at work and her redundancy.

The blonde woman, Lynne, put her arm in his on their way back to the couple's apartment, and even around the waist. It now became obvious what could be going to happen! She was golden haired, nicely shaped and cute, mature but not too old, just how he liked them. He could tell she was up for it, but he wondered how the lady's husband Nick was getting on with Louise. Ted knew Louise was interested in Nick, but he could not be sure yet whether the shyness between them was going to evaporate.

"This is our apartment," said Lynne as Nick used his keys.

"Lovely," exhaled Louise enthusiastically, as if it was the apartment she was really interested in. She had been lacking confidence in their new life recently. Work had been getting her down. Her status in the world had taken a knock. She had found that civilised pleasant friendship qualities were not as valued in this modern world as she had assumed. Her confidence in the future had taken a few blows. Now she was in the 'future' she had realised that speed in everything and the ability to do too many things at once were more prized by managers and the distant owners of companies than she would ever have imagined.

Louise talked with Lynne about the apartment, and how often Lynne and Nick had been here before, and how much it cost them on each occasion, as if they were merely exchanging pleasant casual conversation. In the past Louise had been more confident, negotiating with couples who were potential swinging partners, without wasting much time on preliminaries. But modern ways had evidently made her more reserved.

Ted thought Louise and Lynne might already have been talking of the possibility of swinging. He sensed that Louise might have an awe of Pete, which might be holding her back. The more she fancied a guy the more shy she became, but she might try harder to befriend this couple for the same reason. Many had been the times in the past when Louise had made the arrangements with the other wives or partners, while husbands and boyfriends knew little of what would happen, until it did.

They sat down, were given coffee and small talk, and listened to half an album of cool funky rock. Ted glanced at his watch and felt the passing of the evening. It was close to twelve already and nothing sexual was likely to happen at this rate before he felt the call of sleep. He was never the one to initiate a swinging encounter, although he was always ready when it began. He felt wound up and sexual, because he fancied Lynne. Perhaps he should have made more of a move when she had her arm round his waist as they came back to their apartment. Now he was sat on the settee next to his own wife Louise. If he had been next to Lynne he might have tried to renew contact by stroking her thigh or placing his arm around her casually.

It was becoming evident that Lynne and Nick might be new to swinging. He sensed the idea was in their heads, but they did not know how to ask for it directly. Lynne and Nick were modern people and, as Ted and Louise were finding, modern people were not necessarily as modern as they should be. Traditional hang-ups and loyalties persisted, joined by financial and work imperatives, which kept people very busy and prevented proper relaxation. People became encased in their own personal tunnel of life, unable or unwilling to break free of it and put themselves on a better track.

Louise said to Lynne, "Come sit next to me Lynne. I wanted to ask a few things. You go and look at Nick's CDs Ted"

No one had any objection so they all did what Louise suggested. Ted stood up, went over to look at Nick's CDs. They got into discussion about some of the bands Ted had been becoming familiar with recently. The early seventies had not been an end to progressive music and rock'n'roll. Ted's favourite music had gone on and many great bands had come to prominence, been and gone, or continued on for years. He got into an enthusiastic conversation with Nick about rock music. It was evidently a subject close to Nick's heart as well.

Meanwhile Louise had been talking to Lynne about even more personal matters. It had not taken long for them to agree upon a plan of action.

"Alright boys! Lynne and I have been talking and she says you're you're up for it too Nick. We're going to swop partners and do some swinging. There's no pressure if anyone wants to back out. We don't need to do everything, but I think now's as good a time as any. I know Ted's always up for it and so is Lynne. So we suggest Ted can take Lynne in her bedroom, and Nick and I will stay out here on the sofa for a while. Later we can try more adventure in the same room if we want or maybe that will be enough for one night."

"Great!" agreed Nick, looking as if it was his lucky day. Ted wondered why they had all taken so long to get to this point, as they all seemed rather keen. Louise was certainly back on top form, as she had so often been in their past. It was evident that Nick was very pleased at the prospect of Louise, as Ted was at the prospect of the lovely Lynne.

"Come," said Lynne, reaching for Ted's willing hand, pulling him easily towards the bedroom. He went gladly. The door closed and they were quickly on the edge of the bed, kissing, little need for words. She had been waiting for this, since she had first set eyes upon Ted. She was keen as if she had not been able to take other men much, although he did not doubt that there must have been occasions. He could easily see the signs that had been there all along. Lynne and Nick were swingers like himself and Louise. They had just been a bit shy about it, that was all. Perfectly understandable in this still repressed modern society, which had come so far, but failed to live up to its dreams, and then turned away from them.


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