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Transformation Ch. 01

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Transformed into a female, Sara has to adapt to her new life.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/04/2014
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This story is a work of fiction solely from the twisted mind of Chromex. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are of at least 18 years of age unless otherwise specifically mentioned. Please do not copy/redistribute the story, in part or total, without the author's permission.


My name is Sara Riley or at least it is nowadays. I am 5' 7" and 132 lbs with long black hair and bright blue eyes. I would love to give you some motivational b.s. about how I worked my ass off for this killer body but I'm not going to lie about it. I don't have to do anything and I seem to keep in exceptional shape. I'm a 36DD and yes they're real with both nipples and my belly button pierced. The only hair I've got anywhere is what's on my head and my eyebrows. I also don't look to be a day over 23 and I can assure you I am far older. Seriously, how often do you hear a woman say that? This is not the body I grew up in and I'm certainly not the person I expected to be. Let me give you some backstory so you know what the hell is going on.

I was born in January 1972 in Canoga Park, California. Yes, it's a real place, look it up on Google. I only lived there a few years before moving to Arizona where I graduated Mesa High school in 1990. Nothing too exciting as of yet I know but this story is just getting rolling. I did all the normal high school things had friends, gaming, dated, fucking girls, and the like. Fucking girls? No, I wasn't a lesbian then and I'm still not. Oh yeah, I suppose I should have mentioned it before but in high school, I was a scrawny 5' 10" gamer geek by the name of Rick.

Rick? Guy? Yes, I know you're asking yourself WTF. I've been asking the same thing for years. Ok back to the tale. Following my graduation from high school, I shipped out for sunny MCRD San Diego and Marine Corps boot camp. Yep, I was a jarhead and here is where the story starts to get interesting. Following boot camp and the school of infantry, I was assigned to Marine Barracks Guam.

The first year on Guam went fairly normal, lots of running through the jungle and going out and getting hammered on the weekends. December of 1991 I went home on leave and by the time I came back in January I was engaged to a former girlfriend. Ok probably not my best decision but in my defense, it had been a while and the pussy was decent.

Something you should know about Guam, the area I worked in we guarded weapons the military like to refer to as "special." I'm sure you can work out in your mind what exactly that means. I had been back on the island for about two weeks when things went strange for me.

It was during a normal late-night reaction drill that the bite occurred. Do I know for a fact it was the bite? Nope, not a clue but it's the only thing I can think of. It wasn't even a real bite honestly but I'm getting ahead of myself. I was the leader of a two-man patrol that we called "Sweat" and if you ever have the chance to walk around a tropical island in 30 lbs of combat gear you will have an idea where the name came from. Knowing the Corps it might have been an acronym for something but I have never taken the time to find out, really wasn't that important to me.

Once the drill began my partner and I started running towards the reported location and set up on top of one of the grass-covered storage areas in an overwatch position. After reporting in we settled in to wait, knowing this was going to take a while to resolve. Laying on our bellies we started looking around and it wasn't long before I noticed one of the local geckos just a few feet away from us. Now some people say that the glow in the dark appearance of the geckos is just the way the moonlight reflects off their skin and then some say those creepy little bastards glow in the dark. I am solidly in the latter category. I noticed that this particular gecko seemed to have a bluish tinge to it instead of the usual green and nudged my partner to show him. "Hey Smitty, check that shit out. Ever seen one of those little fuckers that color?"

"No Corporal, seen all different shades of green but blue is new to me."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking." Slowly reaching out I put my hand down in front of the gecko in the hopes it would crawl up to it. I'd done this dozens of times so really didn't think much of it and sure enough, the little bugger crawled right into the palm of my hand. What I wasn't expecting was for it to crawl over to my thumb and try and wrap its mouth around it. I was more surprised than anything else as it didn't hurt but I still shook my hand sending the gecko flying. "What the fuck?" Looking at my thumb in the dark I couldn't see any blood but apparently, I missed the small nick to the side. Not that it really would have mattered if I'd seen it or not. Looking over at Smitty I saw him trying to contain his laughter after my brutal assault by the gecko. The drill eventually ended and before long we finished our midnight to four a.m. shift and crawled into our racks hoping for a few hours rest before coming off duty at 10 a.m.

Waking up that morning sucked. I had been able to get about four and a half hours of sleep but it sure didn't feel like it. My muscles were sore and I counted myself lucky to not have an accompanying headache. In truth, it felt like I was coming down with the flu and was pissed about it. After three days of being locked down, I'd been looking forward to cutting loose and relaxing and didn't want to be sick. Our relief and debriefing went surprisingly smooth for once and after grabbing some lunch I decided a nap was in order before heading out into town. I suppose had I known how long I was going to be out for, I might not have been in such a hurry.

My dreams were full of strange and bizarre images that seemed to last for seconds and hours at the same time. I remember brief flashes of seeming lucidity where I felt like I was awake and screaming only to drift back into blissful oblivion once again. The first truly coherent and clear sensation started with my ears. First, it was the steady and double beep that only comes from a heart monitor. Later I began to hear the occasional voice, sometimes distant and sometimes so close I could reach out and touch them. Before long I began to recognize the varying degrees of light and dark as the days passed. I felt as if I was trying to reach the surface as I swam through thick warm molasses. I didn't feel as if anything was in my mouth or throat but from time to time I felt as if I was being fed and my body was eating as if on autopilot.

The day I finally became fully aware and functional started far more informative than I would have suspected. I had grown used to hearing people come in and while I couldn't always fully comprehend or react to them this morning it was all coming in clear.

"So Williams," a voice I would quickly learn belongs to Dr. Jameson said, "without looking at the chart please give me your initial impression of this patient."

"Yes, Sir. Female, early twenties late teens, unconscious but no apparent sign of trauma, breathing seems steady and relaxed however the pulse seems to have picked up slightly. Without looking at the chart it is hard to say what else may be wrong with her." My mind was racing at this point, what did he mean female. I was most decidedly a male. I wanted to call out bullshit but I decided to listen and see if I couldn't figure out what the fuck was going on.

"Would everyone here agree with that summary," Dr. Jameson asked. Based on the murmurs I gathered everyone agreed. "Allow me to introduce you to Marine Sergeant Rick Riley, male, age 30," he said, "I'm sure you all recognize the name now from your case studies. While assigned to the island of Guam Sgt Riley contracted a retrovirus that throughout three years completely rewrote his DNA. By the time the virus was finished his body had been completely transformed into what you see before you today. She looks the same as she did seven years ago, she does not seem to have aged in the slightest. If you happen to see her move don't worry about it. Several times she has seemingly woken up and started screaming incoherently. It has been several years since the last occurrence but it is something to be aware of."

Are you fucking kidding me? My DNA rewritten by some retrovirus? It sounds like the plot to a nine am sci-fi movie. Waking up screaming? Yeah, that I can believe and it certainly explains some of my dreams. My mind was racing so fast I nearly missed the next part. "If any of you are interested there is a pool," he continued, "as to what name she is going to pick when she wakes up. It's only $10 to enter."

I don't know why but before I could even think I heard myself say, "Sara." The voice was female and rather rough but I can attribute that to the lack of use. My eyes slowly opened as my body decided it was finally time for me to rejoin the world. I couldn't help but smile at the stunned expressions everyone was wearing. I guess they didn't expect that I'd ever wake up. Looking at the older gentleman who I assumed was Dr. Jameson I couldn't help but ask, "So tell me Doc, did you win the pool?"

He seemed a bit shocked by the sudden turn of events but quickly regained his composure. "No, I didn't. I picked Samantha. Well, since you're awake might as well get started. Jones, please go inform nurse Harris that Sgt Riley is fully awake, she didn't win the pool, and to start making the appropriate phone calls." I watched as a cute buxom redhead made her way out of the room. As the doctor began his exam I found myself starting to take a better look at the people in the room. He had about a dozen medical students with him and oddly I found myself not only appraising the women but the men as well.

I suddenly realized he was talking to me and I'd completely missed it. "Sorry about that. I guess I am not as awake as I thought. What were you asking?"

"I asked how much of my briefing about you did you hear?"

"I think pretty much all of it," and proceeded to give him the rundown that I had heard.

"Yes, that about sums it up. There are a few other things we need to go over but nothing life-threatening that can't be done later." Nurses and other doctors began to stream into the room and before long I was being poked and prodded in all kinds of ways. The remainder of the day was a bit of a blur before the nurses took charge and finally kicked everyone out giving me a chance to get some rest. I passed out almost immediately.

The following morning turned into a continuation of yesterdays events. Tests of every shape and kind from blood work to cat scans. The most surprising test for me had to be the exercise stress test. For having done exactly zero exercises in the last ten years I was in vastly better shape than I had any right to be. I didn't have six-pack abs before all of this but it was still surprising for my stomach to be as smooth and flat as it is. I have muscle tone where there should be none and am far more flexible than I should be. The physical therapist said if she didn't know any better she would have thought I was a professional athlete. I am looking forward to seeing just what this new body can do.

My parents came by and they were able to answer some questions that had occurred to me. The military had done an outstanding job burying my situation which is why I was in a civilian hospital back in Phoenix, not a military one. As soon as they could the Corps had promoted and medically retired me and as long as I didn't raise a fuss they would continue to pay me and I would have medical care for the rest of my life. They also gave me the contact information for the lastest military attorney assigned to help me with all the paperwork needed to get my life rolling again. The only thing causing me any issues was the loss of ten years. Would my friends still be my friends or was I looking at having to start completely over? I asked my parents to not say anything until I was able to decide just where I wanted to go with my life. For some reason, the whole being transformed into a female wasn't an issue to me. No idea why but honestly I had too many other things to worry about.

Later that night I was talking with Tiffany, a cute blonde nurse who works the later shift. "You know your name wasn't the only pool they had going. They also had a pool on your chest size."

I couldn't help but laugh at hearing this. "Really?" I realized my hands were holding my breasts, really feeling how heavy and firm they were for the first time. "Who won the pool since I have no idea how big they are? I'm not used to judging the size from this angle." It suddenly dawned on me that I had no clue what I was going to wear as obviously none of my old clothes would fit me. Hell, I could only hope my stuff was at my parent's house. "Well fuck, what in the hell am I going to wear."

"Relax, they took your measurements as you changed and they haven't altered in seven years. You are a 36DD-26-34, trust me many of the women on this floor are very jealous of your body, me included. As to what you are going to wear don't worry about it, starting about a year ago people began dropping off new clothes for you to wear. We have quite the collection."

Leaning forward I wrapped my arms around Tiffany in a tight hug. "Thank you so very much." I felt her arms wrap around me and I slowly ran my hands up and down her back. My nose was buried right into her neck and I couldn't help breathing in her wonderful scent. I could tell I was getting turned on by this woman in my arms and it was certainly a different sensation from a guy. I was disappointed when she pulled away from me but was happy to see she was a little flushed as well.

"I came in here to warn you about something," she said, her tone low and delicious. "The hospital administrator's nephew Ray works the overnight shift on the cleaning crew. He's been caught sneaking into female patients rooms and jerking off but his uncle is keeping it buried. Sometimes he's been caught using their hand to stroke himself. He's never been caught in here but his crew has this section tonight."

"Thanks for the warning. Maybe if you have time you could show me those clothes tomorrow so I can see what I'm getting myself into. The lawyer is coming by tomorrow as well so I suspect I will be out of here fairly soon."

"Tomorrow is my day off but I can drop by. I'm sure you're more familiar with removing women's clothing than putting them on. You were probably one of those guys who tried to do the bra one-handed."

"I was but I didn't try, I was typically very successful with both front and back clasps. Yours, for instance, is a front closure. Increased degree of difficulty but more rapid pay off as well." I had figured this out during the hug and was curious where she was going with this.

"Prove it," she whispered, dropping the side of the hospital bed and leaning over me. Smiling I reached up and pulled her lips to mine, our mouths opening, and our tongues exploring. She had the sweetest taste and I was looking forward to enjoying it greatly. Slipping my hand under her scrubs I was impressed with the tight body they were concealing. I held her breast in my palm caressing the soft fabric for a minute before deftly undoing the clasp. As soon as the clasp released my hand slid over her breast rolling her nipple between my finger and thumb. The moan that came through our kiss sent my juices flowing through my pussy, a sensation I was wanting to experience again. I felt her hand working up my leg when a sudden knocking on the door sent her flying across the room. We both quickly fixed ourselves before she opened the door letting the dinner cart in. "Sara," she said departing the room, "I'll get those clothes together and bring them by tomorrow. I was planning on hitting Victoria's Secret this weekend but I believe I will be picking up some things before I come by." With that, she swept out of the room leaving me to my lovely meal of pot roast and cold mashed potatoes. I was so fucking horny it was ridiculous.

After my yummy dinner, I watched the news trying to get caught up with everything I had missed. Other than 9/11 the broadcasts didn't seem all that different from ten years ago. Finally growing bored I killed the television and decided to get some sleep.

I'm not sure how long I slept but it was the creaking of my door that woke me up. I knew someone else was in the room and had a good idea of who it was, Ray the administrator's nephew. I should have said something but instead, I laid there on my back, my left arm over my stomach and my right down by my side. I could hear him muttering to himself and it wasn't long before I heard the unmistakable sound of him jerking off. I cracked one eye open for a moment and was quite surprised. He seemed to be a fairly good looking guy and the cock he was stroking seemed to be a decent size. All the juice from my pussy suddenly started flowing again and I shifted so my left hand was dangling off the side of the bed. I know I was being an evil tease but I wanted to see what he would do. As I expected I heard him move closer to the bed and soon felt something slip between my fingers. I knew what a cock felt like but I was surprised at how warm he felt. When I had shifted I slid my other hand under the covers and was slowly pulling up my hospital gown.

I felt him close his hand around mine at the same time my fingers slid across the wet folds of my pussy. He was slowly stroking his cock with my hand and I soon matched his pace with my fingers. It was difficult for me to maintain the pace as he was going agonizingly slow but the sounds of his moans helped keep me on track. Part of me knew I should be freaked out by this. It was just a couple of days ago that I was a pussy chasing jarhead and yet here I was stroking some guys cock while I fingered myself. It wasn't intentional but on one of his strokes I ran my thumb over the head of his cock and the accompanying moan filled the room. This was something he liked and I found myself doing it more and more. I decided to crack open my eyes again and realized I really should pay more attention. The first thing I saw was both of his hands gripping the side of the bed meaning I was stroking him all on my own. Secondly, the covers had worked their way down and I was actively masturbating in front of him. The image of this was enough to push me right over the edge and I felt my first orgasm crash over me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before, the waves of pleasure over and over forcing me to bite my pillow to keep from screaming.

"Oh, fuck," was all I heard before I felt his cock begin to pulse in my hand and his cum splash across my stomach coating my arm as my fingers were still buried in my pussy. I continued to stroke him as three or four more big spurts continued to cover my stomach. My stroking slowed as I worked to squeeze every last drop from his cock. Pulling my hand away I noticed his cum covering my fingers and quickly sucked them into my mouth enjoying the sweet-salty taste.

"Get a hot washcloth, clean me off, and get the fuck out Ray," I told him. His eyes opened wide as he realized I knew who he was and he quickly cleaned me up. The warm water felt good so I let him take his time before finally telling him to fuck off. After watching him scamper out of the room I fixed the gown before rolling over and drifting off to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please feel free to vote and comment. I appreciate and read every comment submitted.

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sweetone66sweetone66about 4 years ago
Quite imaginative!!!

Wow, you certainly have put a new twist on body transformation stories! Well written... I am looking forward to reading the rest of this!!! You do good work; I know, as I've read one of your other stories... You're quite the story teller!

maxd01maxd01almost 10 years ago
Interesting start

I think the one complaint I would have is the chapter is to short. Mind you this is just a personal opinion and driven by the fact that I can devour a 300 page book in a day or so. I am going to read some more and see where you are going with it.

chimpeechimpeealmost 10 years ago

Flashback start I think its great and could be very interesting

sexgundam666sexgundam666almost 10 years ago

Usually I'm not into a guy turning into a girl, but this one I don't mind at all, in fact I like it. I initially assumed the reason to keep her in a coma for so long was to get the timeline to match up with ours, but that's evidently not the case. I'm interested in seeing where this goes, and thankfully I have several chapters ready for me to read.

oakingoakingabout 10 years ago
Interesting stopping point

An unconventional place to stop, I would say, as you started with a flashback and then just ended with no chapter conclusion.

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