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Tryin' Ryan Ch. 07

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Mae takes a trip. Drew takes Ryan and Linda to bed.
4.3k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 12/27/2008
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The sun rose on another fine Sunday on Monica's farm. The early morning light filtered into Drew's room and illuminated his bed, full of beautiful, naked, sweaty, sexy people; his people. He loved them all.

There was Linda, his crazy little cousin, Linda. She and Drew had been a part of each others lives as long as either of them could remember. They hid and touched one another as kids, stole away and made out as teenagers, danced and partied and made love as young adults.

Drew had tried to push Linda away, so many times. He ran away from her, rejected her and broke her little heart time and again, but she kept coming back for more. Once she finally caught him, she'd wrapped his heart up so tight that he never wanted to let her go. That was exactly what was about to happen, though. Drew was going to have to let her go, with Ryan, upon whose shoulder she rested.

Ryan was the coolest guy Drew had ever met. Ryan was smart, talented, funny, charming, witty; he had it all. Drew loved him too. Drew loved him too much, or so it seemed. He had never loved another guy the way he loved Ryan and it made him uncomfortable, at least in the beginning. Drew was growing accustomed to it, some what, by that point. He still feared that his feelings could grow even deeper, that he might fall in love with Ryan in some romantic way, and that would prove he was gay. That troubled him. Having sex with Ryan, in that age of free love didn't bother Drew. As a matter of fact, looking upon him, in that dim light, Drew felt very attracted to him. He looked at Ryan's naked body, at his half-hard cock, and he wanted him.

Drew felt Mae began to stir. She lay with her head on Drew's stomach. As she writhed about her long black hair tickled him and he had to gather it up in his hand. She wiggled up, kissed his cheek and fell back to sleep on his shoulder. Drew loved that one too. He was most definitely falling in love with her. She was the most fascinating creature Drew had ever known. She was every bit as witty and clever as Ryan and she had a certain wisdom about her. She was intuitive and seemed to understand things on a deeper level than the rest of them and could express her thoughts so concisely.

Mae constantly amazed Drew. She had a delicate beauty about her and at the same time she could be bold and brash. She told him time and time again that she was in love with him and she knew he was in love with her. She was right, of course. She told him that he should come away with her when she left for San Francisco in the following month. He wanted to, so badly, but he didn't think he could.

They all had a leisurely Sunday, and a mellow Sunday night. Monica's model, Janet had left, but Heather stayed on, more as a plaything of Monica's than a model, at that point. So it was the six of them. Ryan and Mae, Linda and Drew, Monica and her newest girlfriend, Heather.

They all spent the evening in the parlor, with Ryan playing his guitar as Drew accompanied him on harmonica and supplied harmony to his vocals. Ryan played so well. He was one of the finest guitarists Drew had ever known and absolutely the best singer with whom he'd ever harmonized. It would be hard to say if it was Ryan's talent or just a natural phenomenon that caused their voices to fall into that wonderful, close harmony. It was thrilling for the both of them and a joy to those who had the pleasure to hear them sing together.

Mae was teaching Linda needle point. They sat quietly together on a sofa, working on their craft, while Ryan and Drew played and sang, and Monica played young Heather like a fine instrument, in the love seat.

It was always a pleasure to watch Monica make love. It was just one of her many talents. Drew loved looking at the faces of her lovers as Monica graced their flesh with the delicate touch of her fingers and passed her lips over their skin. Heather's pretty face was especially gorgeous as she became enraptured by Monica's skills. Monica was a virtuoso. It was truly inspiring. It did indeed inspire Ryan and Drew to take their music to a higher level that night.

As Monica and Heather began to kiss and caress one another, their passion grew until Drew thought they might undress each other and get it on right there on the love seat. After a few minutes though, Monica snatched her lover up and whisked her off to bed. Drew would have given anything to have joined them. It seemed that everyone else in the room felt the same way.

The inspiration was not entirely musical and they all soon felt the need to go to bed. It seemed quite natural that night for Drew to take Mae into his bed and suffer the slings and arrows of sweet sorrow as he watched his little Linda go off to bed with Ryan.

Mae took Drew's mind off them, and everything else, with just a kiss. Mae's kisses were spectacular, often starting so tenderly, with the soft brush of her lips; a slight flicker of her tongue and rapidly escalating into a ravenous feasting upon his mouth.

Mae and Drew gathered themselves, tenderly undressed one another, nearly trembling with anticipation and moved to the bed. They slid between the sheets and started afresh; with the brushing of the lips, the flickering of tongues, and soon it was accompanied by the softest caresses and gentle stroking.

Mae's porcelain skin shimmered in the candle light and her dark eyes sparkled, she had never seemed so lovely. Drew pulled her close and felt her small breasts against his chest. He wondered if she could feel his heart pounding. He felt her slender fingers wrap around his cock and pull him toward her. He moved above her and she guided him home.

Drew slipped effortlessly into her warm, wet niche. Her little poontang was already snug, but she squeezed it even tighter with the muscles of her cunt. Mae was a talented lover. She could sense when he was about to cum and rake her heels across the small of his back, or dig her fingernails into him, or plunge a finger into his asshole at just the right the instant to turn an oozing gush of cum into a spewing torrent. He was overcome by her passion that night and lasted barely a minute before he was blowing his load deep inside his gorgeous little lover.

Mae didn't let him slow down for an instant. She buried her fingertips into the cheeks of his ass and kept him humping at a steady pace. Drew never missed a beat as he shot his wad. His dick stayed hard and he kept up the pace. Her pussy was hot and sloppy with his cum as she squeezed his dick and moaned, "Oh yeah, that's it Lover! Fuck me!" And he did. He stroked her with renewed vigor, while she grunted her little feral animal sounds and panted in his ear.

Mae soon began to shiver and shake, as she began to cum, but Drew was far from done. He kept up his pace as Mae started to relax. Moments later he shot another load into her. "Damn," she muttered.

Drew rolled over on his back and held her close to him. It was another of those hot summer nights, their skin felt a thousand degrees, but he didn't want to let go of her, but he slowly loosened his grip and she rolled beside him.

Drew's mind drifted to the bed in the next room and he thought of Linda; and Ryan crossed my mind. Just then Mae squeezed his dick and whispered, "Do you love me or what?"

"Of course I do."

"Of course you do. You comin' with me when I leave?"

"I dunno."

"I know."

"What do you know?"

"I know you're comin' with me. You just don't know it yet."

"How do you know that?"

"'Cause I know you. I know you better than you know yourself. I've known you forever. I knew you before you knew yourself."

"You're blowin' my mind."

"I'll blow your mind alright. That's not all I'll blow." Mae moved down and enveloped his cock in her mouth. She gently slid her lips up and down the length of his cum slicked shaft several times, then released it. She climbed on top of him and took him into her pussy again and fucked him, slow and smooth.

Mae fucked him, then they rolled over and he fucked her, slowly, steadily, passionately for what seemed like hours. He came; she came; and on and on: all night long. It was Zen. It was Tantric. It was magical. It was fantastic.

Monday morning found mellow times on Monica's farm. Drew had slept with just Mae the night before and he felt great about it. He had kissed sweet little Mae and left her sleeping in his bed. He had finally starting to get past his jealousy over Linda and Ryan. It was foolish, of course. He had tried to push Linda away for years, telling her to find a boyfriend her own age. Age wasn't a factor as it was when she was thirteen and fourteen and trying to be his girlfriend. Ryan couldn't resist her even then. Even as they grew older he tried to convince her that she needed to find someone that she might have a future with, a relationship she didn't have to hide.

Linda and Drew had discussed their relationship at great length, many times. It was difficult. They had been deeply in love for years, but Drew always knew that there was no future for two first cousins. He had told her from the very beginning. She was blind to it all at first. She was a silly little girl in the beginning. She was only thirteen, and he was seventeen, when they first got serious. She was convinced that they would find a way to make it work out. Ironically, as Drew was trying to convince Linda that there was no way for the two of them to have a future together, he was having the same type of discussions with her little sister, Luanne, and wishing that the two of them, Luanne and he, could find a way to make it work. Nobody knew about his relationship with Luanne.

Drew didn't help matters. Even as he tried to push Linda away, he kept taking his into my bed, and deeper and deeper into his heart. Now here she was actually falling in love with someone that might offer her a real relationship and he was going insane with jealousy. He couldn't imagine his life without Linda. She had been at his side or just a phone call away for all those years.

To make matters worse, Drew was jealous of Linda; that she was stealing Ryan's's attention away from him. It would have been different if it was Mae. She had known Ryan before Drew ever did. He would have felt privileged to share Ryan with Mae. He had even fantasized about a relationship involving Ryan, Mae and him.

All these thoughts were going through Drew's head while he brewed a pot of coffee. As he poured his first cup, Ryan entered the kitchen. His emotions stirred as the coffee swirled in his cup. He felt strangely nervous at Ryan's presence. He loved that guy, more than he had ever loved another man. He'd had some very close friends in his life, but none so close as Ryan. He had taken a very special place in Drew's heart, very quickly. But he was poised to take his Linda away. Drew wanted to be happy for them, but he was struggling with that.

Drew stood to gain, as well. He could have Mae. She loved Drew as much as he loved her. To start a life with Mae, though, would mean going to San Francisco, at least for a while, and leaving Monica's, and all that was familiar to him. He poured Ryan a cup of coffee and handed it to him, with just a nod. Drew was deep into his thoughts. Ryan accepted without a word and stared silently out the kitchen window, lost in thoughts of his own.

It was becoming apparent that they were approaching a cross roads. Ryan and Linda would soon leave together and Mae was going to leave, with or with out Drew. Going to San Francisco was sounding more and more tempting. He could have stayed with Monica. After all, it was just Monica and him in the beginning, out there at her farm, but so much had changed since then.

Drew was startled by a delicate female voice, asking for a cup of coffee. It was Heather, Monica's model, turned girlfriend. She was up a little earlier than usual. He turned and looked at her lovely face. Unlike many of Monica's models, Heather looked good, first thing in morning, with no make up at all. She'd brushed her teeth, washed her face and combed her beautiful blonde hair and that's all she'd done to fix herself up. She wore one of Annie's large man's t-shirts and she looked gorgeous. She glanced at Ryan as Drew poured her coffee. Ryan barely acknowledged her. Drew new that she found him 'dreamy', but Ryan kept her at a distance.

Heather looked back at Drew and smiled. His heart skipped a beat. They gazed into each others eyes for several seconds before she turned to fetch the cream from the fridge. He watched her walk away from him, and could tell, even through that huge, loose-fitting t-shirt, that she was shaking that ass of hers. She was one of the sexiest women he'd ever known. She took up the cream pitcher, turned and walked back to him. He could make out the shape of her ample breasts and her semi erect nipples through that loose shirt she wore. She stopped just inches from where he stood before pouring the cream into her cup. She looked up at him as she took her first sip. He felt a stirring in every fiber of his being. It was all he could do not to grab her up and kiss her.

"There you are," Monica said. Heather turned sharply to face Monica. "How's the coffee this morning?" she went on.

"Good," Heather and Drew replied in unison. They looked at each other and Heather giggled. He got a tingle. There was something about the sound of that girl's laughter that had a wonderful effect on him, especially her giggle.

Monica smiled as he poured her a cup. She stepped between Heather and Drew to sweeten her coffee and pour her cream. She looked at Heather, and then back at Drew and gave him a little wink. He took that to mean that he was free to approach Heather, if he was so inclined. He smiled back at Monica. His heart took flight at the prospect of getting in the sack with Heather; as if he didn't have enough going on with Linda and Mae, not to mention Ryan. He would have been wise to just let that little blonde be. Heather looked him deep in the eye and he felt his manhood begin to stir. She glanced down at his shorts and detected the bulge. She smiled at him and he grew even more aroused. She giggled.

Drew topped off everyone's coffee cup and started another pot. Linda joined them moments later. She went straight to Ryan, who still stood silently, staring out the window. Linda wrapped herself around Ryan and kissed his neck. He barely budged.

Linda then moved over to Drew and kissed his lips. He couldn't help but embrace her. She hugged him warmly. She gave him a bemused, little smile at the feel of his bulging manhood. She knew that she hadn't inspired it.He was assured that his little Linda still loved him, and always would.

Mae shuffled in moments later and went straight to Drew, and the coffee pot. She slipped her arms around his waist and clung to him as if she'd fall to the floor if she let go. He poured her a cup of coffee and stirred in one drop of honey and just a drop of cream. She took a sip and said, "I'd love to have a pancake."

Soon they were all bustling around the kitchen preparing a breakfast of bacon, pancakes and fresh milk. They sat and ate their breakfast as they talked and laugh, with the exception of Ryan, who was uncharacteristically somber.

Mae said that she was going into the city for a few days, and Drew's heart sank a little. It wouldn't be long before she would be leaving for the west coast and he wanted to spend as much time with her as he could. He noticed that Linda looked at Ryan when Mae made her announcement. Ryan looked up at her.

It was obvious to Drew that Linda viewed this as an opportunity for her and Ryan to spend more time together. Drew's heart sank a little more as he figured that he would be in for some lonely nights. It was then that he noticed that Heather was looking up from her plate at him. He glanced over at Monica and she just shrugged.

It was the start a quiet time at Monica's. There was no photo work going on, so they made themselves busy with various chores. There was always work to be done. Mae left after lunch. Drew walked her out to his Jeep and handed her the keys. He kissed her and held her tight. He didn't want to let her go.

"I'll be back in three days," she assured him. "Then we'll start getting ready to go to California. I'll miss you too, baby." She kissed him passionately, but briefly and she was gone.

When Drew turned back to the house, he saw Heather moving away from the screen door, she had been watching them. He was turned on for an instant, but his thoughts quickly turned elsewhere. He wondered where Linda and Ryan were. They had a habit of going missing at about the same time, quite often.

Drew wondered if Linda and Ryan were hiding somewhere, getting it on. The thought of Linda going down on Ryan, in some secret little spot, gave Drew an instant erection. He suddenly decided that he would not sleep alone that night. He wanted to share his bed with Linda and Ryan. The thought of the two of them together obsessed him. He pictured every conceivable position that they might find themselves in, and got more and more turned on with each image.

Drew couldn't get the thought of Linda and Ryan off his mind the rest of the day. He made sure to stay as close to Linda as he could after supper.

She went off for a bath and he kept Ryan engaged in music or conversation until he heard her exiting the bathroom. He met Linda in their room and could tell that she had other things on her mind than a good nights sleep. He came on to her right away and soon they were on the bed, kissing. He could tell that her thoughts were not with him at that moment.

"Why don't you go get Ryan," he suggested.


"Yeah," he said. "No need for him to sleep alone tonight."

"Be right back," she said, with a moment's hesitation.

In no time at all, Linda returned, dragging Ryan by the hand. Linda stripped down to her panties and sat on the edge of the bed. She pulled Ryan close and unbuckled his jeans. His pants fell to the floor and he kicked them aside. His cock was half hard until Linda gently ran a finger from his balls to the tip of the head. Ryan's cock slowly rose to attention.

She leaned forward and tenderly kissed the tip of his cock and it twitched, she giggled softly. Adam ran his fingers through her hair and she enveloped half his cock in her mouth and slowly drew back as he moaned. She echoed his moan as she stared at his wet shiny member.

Drew was getting his wish. He was watching his Linda suck Ryan's cock and his emotions were beginning to rage: desire, envy, jealousy, lust. He wanted to watch her suck Ryan's cock as he wanted to suck that cock as well. Drew wished that it was his cock that she was sucking. He wanted to share Ryan's cock with her, but he just watched.

He looked at Ryan's face and could see the pleasure that Linda was giving him. Linda and Ryan exchanged glances and he could see the love in their eyes. It ate Drew's heart out but he couldn't get enough. He wanted to see Ryan cum in her mouth, and at the same time he wanted Ryan to cum in his mouth.

Linda took all of Ryan's beautiful cock into her mouth and slid back as he moaned again. Each of his moans were echoed by Linda as she was so pleased to give him such pleasure. She held the end of his hard throbbing cock in her mouth and sucked with such passion and used her hand to stroke it with such lust that Drew could hardly stand it, and neither could Ryan. He had to grab her head and hold her still as he gathered him self. Linda chuckled softly. She pulled her lips back and kissed the tip again, softly.

Linda reached up, pulled Ryan's head down and kissed his lips. Drew heard her whisper, "Get in here and fuck me." Drew moved over and let Linda and her lover crawl in beside him, Ryan between Linda's open legs. Linda moaned as she guided Ryan's cock into her warm, wet and waiting cunt. "God," she gasped, "I love you so much!" Ryan glanced at Drew and smothered her with an open mouth kiss.


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