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Twenty Cups Ch. 04

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Will Mom and Sisters continue to help?
15.9k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 02/05/2018
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I walked about two blocks before a friend picked me up and took me to his house. I had to put my phone on vibrate in his car because Mom wouldn't stop calling.

A few minutes later, I switched it to "silence all." She was relentless.

The texting began about the time we got to my friend's house.

"You need to get that?" he finally asked.

I shook my head.

We played games in his basement for a while. When he went to grab some snacks, I checked my phone. It was after 11am, and Mom had called me nine times. There were seven text messages from her, too. I didn't read them.

But, I did see a text that came from Lia just a few minutes before. I read it.

"Text me," she sent.

I responded, "?"

"Take my call?"


She called a few seconds later. After I answered, she said, "Let me swing by and pick you up so we can talk, okay?"

I hesitated.

She reassured me. "Just for a few minutes, and then I'll drive you back there."

"Alright. How soon?"

"Where are you?"

I told her.

"Be there in five."

I explained how it was to my friend, and he was definitely confused, but he didn't pry.

Lia showed up in her old blue SUV. Emma was riding shotgun. I got in the back.

I said, "Hey, Em."


Turning to Lia, I said, "Don't know what Mom told you, Lia, but I would never take advantage of you. I would never trick you or anything like that. I love you. Both of you."

"I know," she said.

"You didn't believe her?"

She glanced at me in the rearview mirror. "Well, I may have wondered about it for a few seconds, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew she was wrong."

I sighed. "Thanks, Lia." I saw her make a turn. "Where are we going?"

"Home, if that's okay with you," she said.

"! That's not okay. I don't want to see Mom. Turn back!"

"Easy, now," Emma interjected, "Mom's not home. She went to the office."

"Oh," I said, relaxing. "Why home?"

Emma and Lia glanced at one another, and then Emma said, "We told Mom we would try to make sure you got your next sample."

"No," I spat. "No way. I'm done with her samples."

"Please, will you?" Lia asked.


Em asked, "But, will you at least listen to us?"

I sighed. "Okay, what?"

Lia started. "You still have seven containers to fill to get to twenty, and..."

I stopped her there. "All they need is ten to do the test. Twenty was because the doctor's gone. We have enough."

"But Mom has paid for twenty, and lab work is really expensive."

"She can get a refund."

"She can't, actually."


"I asked her. She can't."

"Oh, well. So, the money's already spent. They'll get thirteen. Three more than ten, right?"

"Two things. One, Mom says with ten, the accuracy is like 95%, but with twenty it's closer to 99%. She wants 99%. Two, you know how tight things are with all three of us in college. We can't be throwing away money like that. You know we can't."

I sighed.

Emma spoke up. "Plus, Mom is freaking out. Freaking out. She's like...super angry and..."

"Scared," Lia finished for her.

"Yeah. She's scared," Emma agreed as if realizing it for the first time.

"Scared? Why?" I asked.

My sisters were both silent for a moment, and then Lia spoke while she drove. "You guys probably don't remember it, but seeing her and hearing her on the phone before we came to pick you up? It reminded me of how she was...I don't she was after Dad left us."

Em and I met this with silence.

Lia said, "She's angry and terrified."

I asked, "But, why? I get the anger. I don't get the terrified."

No one spoke for several long seconds, and Lia finally said, "I don't know."

Emma broke the next silence by asking me, flatly, "So, will you? It might make Mom feel better."

Trying to smile, I asked, "One of you going to help me?"

They both said, "No," almost simultaneously.

"Why not?"

"Mom," Emma answered.

"Mom," Lia agreed.

I sighed. "Okay."

Emma turned to Lia and said, "See? I told you. He's a good boy."

Lia nodded, slowed down, and made a turn.

Emma looked over her shoulder at me and smiled brightly.

We were headed home.


Inside the house, before walking into my bedroom, I asked the girls, "What are you two going to do?"

"Wait for you to finish," Emma answered.

Lia added, "When you're done, we'll take you back to your friend's house, so hurry up."

I nodded and trudged into my room. I could hear the muffled sounds of them chatting next door in Lia's room.

I stripped down to my boxers and grabbed the sample cup. Climbing into bed, I couldn't help but think about Mom.

She was mad.

She was mad? Mom? No, I was the one who should be angry.

But, I really wasn't. Not anymore.

I just felt bad for her. She was scared. I didn't understand why, but that didn't make me any less sad for her. I hated to think of her that way—as scared. I wondered what it had been like for her when Dad left us. I wondered what seven year-old Lia had seen in her Mother during those days and weeks after.

Because I was pretty sure I'd never once seen Mom terrified.

Angry? Yes, I'd seen it, plenty. Scared? No.

I lifted the waistband of my boxers and looked at my penis. There was no way I was going to get an erection.

I needed a distraction.

After I knocked, Emma came, opened the door, and said, "No way you're done."

"Not. Didn't even start."

Lia sat on the side of Emma's bed. She said, "We're not leaving until you're done."

"Yeah, hurry up," Emma added.

"I can't."

Emma glanced down and saw the sample container in my hand. "We're not going to touch you, if that's what you're thinking. We promised Mom."

Lia asked, "Why can't you do it?"

I raised my palm as a gesture to see if I could enter.

Emma opened the door fully, and I walked in. She sat beside Lia on the bed; I went over and flopped into the chair by Emma's desk.

I said, "Can't stop thinking about poor Mom—being scared and all."

"Get the tablet. Watch your ass videos," Emma suggested.

I waved off her recommendation. "Not distracting enough."

Lia asked, "Can't you masturbate it to get an erection? Doesn't that work?"

"Not when I'm worried about Mom," I replied.

No one spoke for a time, and then I saw Emma, eyeing me strangely as if she were looking right through me, thinking.

"If I can call her and tell her we have your next sample, then she's going to feel better. You'll make her happy," Lia declared.

I shrugged, staring at the floor. Several seconds elapsed.

"Emma," Lia began, "what are you...?"

When I glanced up, Emma was tossing her light blue sweater on the floor. She turned to Lia. "I'm just getting him in the mood." She reached behind her back.


"I'm not going to touch him, Lia." When her hands came back around to her front, it was clear that her bra was unlatched.

I saw Lia turn to me, but I was watching Em, eyes glued.

"Come on, Lia. You, too. Show him your tits." Emma slid her bra off. It fell to the floor beside the bed. She cupped her own breasts and squeezed them.

My boxers scrunched in the wrong place. I adjusted myself.

Emma saw and said, "See? I think it's working. Come on."

Lia glanced at me, and I nodded.

She was wearing a hoodie that zipped in the front. Her hand slid up her chest, her fingers found the zipper, and they slid it down.

Emma watched her.

When the hoodie came off, Lia crossed her arms and slipped her tee-shirt over her head. As it fell to the floor, Emma leaned to the side, behind Lia, and unlatched the bra for her.

Lia glanced at Em, surprised, but let it happen.

Her bra fell to the floor. I took in the view of my sisters, side by side, with their heavy breasts unveiled. I gulped. "You two are so incredibly beautiful."

Lia's eyes were on my body. Emma's were on Lia's.

Emma almost whispered when she spoke, "Look at your tits, Lia. Holy shit!"

Lia glanced down at herself, and then at Emma. "Look at yours."

Emma did, and she said, "Yeah, but yours are bigger."

"Yours are...perkier," Lia responded, and they laughed.

"Not by much. Care if I feel yours for a second?" Emma asked her.

Lia shot a quick glance at me and then pivoted on the bed toward Emma, arms at her side, chest erect and forward.

Emma reached out with both hands and caressed Lia's breasts. She cupped them, and then she squeezed them. "Shit, they're big."

Lia drew her hand up and felt one of Emma's breasts. "Yours may be a little bit smaller," she uttered, "but they're a bit more firm, too. They're nice." Lia's thumb slid across Emma's nipple.

"Your nipples are the same," I offered.

Their hands slipped away from each other, and Lia and Emma assessed one another's nipples.

Emma said, "They kind of are."


Emma's palms skimmed over Lia's nipples before gently pinching them. Then, she drew the tips of her fingers together over the nipple, stroking it.

Lia seized Emma's hand.


"Starting to feel good," Lia said with a laugh. Emma joined her.

"Can I suck on your nipples?" I asked the both of them.

"No," they declared, practically together.

Emma glanced at my crotch, seeing my erection crowding against the inside of my boxers. Gesturing to Lia, the two of them eyed my groin before Emma suggested, "Let's show him our asses. He's a butt guy."

Lia said, "Wait." Then she turned to me. "Take off your boxers."

I stood and dropped them. My erection was incomplete, but well on its way. I sat back down and watched them stand, turn around, and strip their pants and panties off. I felt my chest undulate. I breathed silently. I swallowed and stared.

Lia was looking at Emma. "You shave all of it?"

"Yeah, sure...wait. Oh, my gosh! You've got a little red afro!" Emma pointed at Lia's crotch, and the two burst into laughter.

"So?" Lia asked, still chuckling. "It would feel strange to shave it all, like I was still a little girl."

"I love mine. Feel it."

For a fraction of a second, Lia hesitated. Then I watched her slide her fingers over Emma's little mound. She whispered, "Weird." She drew back her hand.

"Let me feel yours," Emma suggested.

Lia turned, presenting herself.

Emma's fingers curled into the bright red hairs of Lia's crotch. She muttered, "Old school bush," and the two of them lost it. I was chuckling, too.

"Let me see your butt," Emma said.

Lia turned her back to me.

Emma stepped around her, placing her hands on Lia's bottom. She kneaded and clutched it. "You like it when he licks your asshole?" she asked.

"Yeah," Lia replied, giggling. "It's sexy. You?"

"I already told you: he gave me an orgasm doing it. Well, that and rubbing my clit."

Lia turned. "Remember when I told you about our last time? When he fingered my bottom and then masturbated into the cup?"

"Mm-hmm. What about it?"

"Well, what I didn't tell you was that he...well, before he ejaculated, I let him put his penis in my bottom."

Emma's face fell open. She stared at Lia. "You two had anal sex?"

Lia nodded, smiling, before clarifying. "He just put the tip in, and it was only for a few seconds."

"Oh, my gosh, didn't it hurt?"

Lia shrugged. "A little."

Emma shook her head, and then said, "Let me see this." She knelt behind Lia and reached for her bottom.

Lia flinched. "Wait! What are you doing, Emma?"

"Just want to see. Let me look. What are you, prude? We're naked, Lia."

Lia relented.

Emma spread Lia's bottom apart, and scrutinized her little hole. "You fit his cock in there?"

"Not all of it, but some. Yes."

"Oh, shit," Emma huffed. Then, I saw her glance down at Lia's vagina. "Lia, you're wet."

Lia spun around, giggling. "So? I can't help it! There are soft hands touching my body."

Emma shook her finger at Lia. "Naughty."

"Okay, your turn and we'll see how you handle it. Stand up. Come on."

The two switched places. Lia caressed Emma's bottom.

"Why do you suppose he likes our asses so much?" Emma wondered.

The way they ignored me reminded me of the many times at the kitchen table where I, present and eating silently, was the topic of a conversation taking place in the third person—he, him, his.

Lia said, "I don't know. Maybe our bottoms are kind of cute."

"Dare you to kiss my ass."

Lia smiled. Emma craned her neck around, watching. Lia pursed her lips and planted a kiss on Em's round bottom. Then, she did it again. And again. When she drew away, Lia looked and then reached under Emma's bottom.

Emma flinched.

Triumphantly, Lia announced, "Wet!"

"Shit. I am."

Lia stood. "I dare you. Same thing."

Emma smiled. They traded places.

First caressing Lia's hips, Emma leaned forward and kissed Lia's butt once. Then, she kissed Lia right in the middle, on the dark line where the two bulbous halves met. Lia twitched.

They giggled for a moment.

"Oh, shit. Look, Lia."

Emma was looking at me. Lia turned, and her eyes flashed wide.

They stared at my penis. It knifed up from my body, stretching past my navel. I was sure I hadn't seen it harder or longer. Or thicker. My balls felt warm and were hanging low, and this probably added to the apparent length of my erection from Lia and Emma's perspective.

"Look at how hard we made him," Lia breathed. "Oh, that is so incredibly sexy."

Emma nodded silently.

Lia spun around toward me.

Emma glanced up at my face. "What did you like?"


"No. Tell us. Come on," she insisted.

I shrugged. "Don't know. You two are're so beautiful. Any man would be like this," I said, glancing down at my erection. "Any of them. Don't you know what you do to men? I'd do anything to touch you right now."

"Are you saying that just to make us feel good?" Lia asked.

"No! Saying it because you're both incredibly sexy."

Lia's body visibly sighed, as if my words whisked away some pent-up insecurity.

Emma walked to me on her knees. "Lia, come here. Look at it."

Lia came over and knelt beside Emma. Their eyes glued to my erection.

Lia said, "Em, we're not supposed to..."

Emma spoke over her. "Look at it."

"I know."

"Our bodies did this to him."

"I know."

I spoke. "Not just bodies, Em. Beautiful faces."

She looked up at me and smiled. Lia, too.

When Emma's gaze returned to my penis, she uttered, "Doesn't it just look like it needs to be sucked?"

"Em!" Lia murmured.

"Look at it and answer me, Lia. I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about it. Does it look like it needs to be sucked?"

They looked into each other's eyes, and then Lia studied my erection for a moment. She said, "Yes."

"It does, doesn't it?" Emma asked.

Lia nodded.

"Why do I have this urge to put my mouth on it? Do you feel it, too?"

Lia nodded.

"Why does it do that to us?" Emma wondered, still gazing at my penis.

"I...," Lia cleared her throat. "I don't know."

"Remember how wet I was before?" Emma asked.


"Feel it now."

Lia reached behind and under Emma. She gasped.

"You?" Emma asked.

Lia nodded.

"Let me feel."

Emma slid her hand between Lia's thighs. I saw her fingers emerge, glistening. "Oh, shit."

They looked at each other, and then they turned to me.

Emma uttered, "I don't care what Mom says. Let me taste it."

Lia hesitated.

"Just a little bit. Please, Lia?"

Lia nodded.

Emma's eyes burned as she rose high on her knees, presenting her bare breasts to me for a moment. She inched closer on her knees. I watched her hand clasp my penis and draw it toward her. Then, she bent to it, extending her tongue. She licked the underside and bent over the tip, taking it between her lips.

I closed my eyes and drew in a sharp breath when I felt the wet warmth. When I opened them again, Lia was bent closer, watching Emma. Lia's hand gently rubbed Emma's back.

Emma rose away, turned to Lia and gasped, "Fuck, it tastes good."

"Let me."

Grinning, Emma bent my erection towards Lia, who scooted closer and opened her mouth wide.

I grunted when I felt her lips encircle the shaft.

She drew away with a smack.

Emma asked, "What does it taste like to you?"

"Hard sex."

"Yes!" Emma said, and she leaned toward me and sampled my penis again. When she drew back, she said, "Muscles and hot sweat."

Lia took my erection from Emma's hand. She dipped over it, sliding her lips over the shaft a few times before pulling away. After a few moments of silence, Emma watching her intently, Lia declared, "Power. It tastes like power."

Emma's eyes widened. "Yeah, I know! Power! That's it!"

A heavy silence followed until Lia asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Same thing you do, I suppose. Suck it until he cums." Emma turned to me. "What does he want?" She looked up at me. "What do you want?"

They both waited for my response. "Don't care who does it," I said, "as long as the other one kisses and touches the one who's doing it."

"Kisses and touches how?" Lia asked.

"Like before," I responded. "Nothing more than that."

The girls looked at each other. Emma said, "You do it, Lia. You suck it."

"Can I?"

"Yes. So long as I can do it next time, okay?"

Lia nodded.

Emma backed out from between my legs, letting Lia in.

Lia glanced up at me. I mouthed, "Love you."

Her lips curled into a grin, and her eyes shined with joy. Moments later, my penis was awash with her saliva. I ran my fingers through the mass of her bright red hair, gently kneading her scalp as her head undulated in my lap.

Emma watched from the side. "Oh, shit that's sexy."

When Emma glanced at me, I huffed, "Touch her."

Emma approached Lia from the side. She ran a hand along Lia's back, over her bottom and down the back of her thigh. Then, she brought her hand back and reached under Lia's chest. I couldn't see, but I knew: she was feeling one of Lia's breasts. She looked at me for approval.

"Kiss her body," I said.

Emma drew near Lia's shoulder and kissed it. She moved down Lia's back, kissing—shoulder blade, lat, waist, and, finally, the small of her back.

I listened to the sloshing wetness of Lia's blowjob, feeling runs of sticky saliva course down my testicles.

Emma looked at me again.

I uttered, "Her bottom. Kiss her bottom."

Emma crawled around behind Lia. She nudged Lia's leg, and Lia spread her knees. Emma crawled between. I looked down Lia's hair along the supple crevice of her back to her butt, and Emma's face was there, watching me.

I watched Emma plant soft kisses on each of Lia's plump cheeks. I groaned at the sight. Lia, her mouth full of saliva and penis, hummed.

Encouraged, it seemed to me, Emma leaned closer and kissed Lia's bottom just in the middle. And again. One of Emma's hands came into view, and it swept over Lia's bottom. Then her hands clasped the skin firmly. Emma was no longer watching my reaction; her eyes seemed fixed on her sister's beautiful bottom. She opened her mouth and latched onto one of Lia's cheeks. I saw the movements of her tongue against her cheek, sucking.

Lia moaned into my erection.

Emma's eyes appeared to smile, and she unlatched, opening wide. Her head vanished from view. When it reappeared, she was dragging her tongue over that same globe, bottom to top.

Lia moaned again, and she arched her back. Her lower back dipped down. Her butt coiled up, presenting itself completely to Emma. The curvature and the cat-like aspect of her new position sent waves of excitement through me, and I groaned at the sight.

Emma placed her hands on Lia's bottom. She held her, drew close and looked. I could only see Emma's eyes, and it seemed to me she was gazing at Lia's vagina. Then, she glanced up at me.

I nodded, and Emma's face slowly descended from my view.

A beat passed. Then, Lia's lips broke their seal around my erection. She gasped and drew off.


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