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Twins: Sports, Sex & Trouble Ch. 03

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Naked Sex and Fun at the river.
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Chapter 03

Naked Sex and Fun at the river.

All characters are over 18.


Jane went to her room to get ready to meet Evan at the river.

"What to wear . . . what to wear," Jane ruminated out loud.

Jane hadn't bought or even worn a swimsuit that summer. Due to the move, she had not had any opportunities to swim. She pulled out her options. She rejected the one piece out of hand.

"Too conservative."

That left her with three bikinis. She struggled to put the oldest one on. As she looked at herself in the mirror and said,

"Wow. This one's too small. It's really tight."

The next one she tried on had been her favorite. It had a ruffled top. She had bought it last summer. She liked it because the extra fabric added some volume to her bust that her under-developed chest did not provide. Jane looked into the mirror and said,

"I don't know. It looks like something a pre-teen would wear. The top on this one is snug too."

The third bikini she had also bought last year. It had a black boyshorts bottom and a colorful cobalt blue halter top. She liked the boyshorts design. It gave her full coverage for her lady fur. She love the color of the top, however, she had never worn it because her little tits did not adequately fill out the halter top. She bought it with the hope that one day . . .

"This one looks okay" Jane said. She turned and twisted checking out how she looked from different angles.

"I don't remember showing this much side boob. Is it too risqué?" She giggled, "Who would have thought that I would ever have that concern?"

She wondered, "Could the other tops be too tight because my boobs have actually gotten bigger?"

Jane untied the top and stood bare chested in front of the mirror. She studied her breasts. Her nipples hardened in the cool air. She'd always thought of herself as small chested because so many of her classmates developed before she did. This idea was further brought home by boys who let her know she was lacking in this critical component of a female's anatomy.

"Could I be one of those people with a screwed up body image? Maybe since I was teased un-mercilessly about having no breasts and then tiny breasts that I still think of myself as a small busted girl even though I've finally filled out?"

Jane turned to the side. She expected her chest profile to show a small bump. It was bigger now, more like the size of an apple. She cupped the soft flesh amazed at the discovery.

"How about that while I was feeling sorry for myself my prayers for boobs were answered, "Jane said excitedly.

Jane re-tied her halter top and slipped an over-sized shirt over her suit. Then she went downstairs to meet her brother. She felt much better about her body.


Jimmy followed the directions his friends had given him. He was looking for the turn- off that would take him to the river. He spotted one of his football mates sitting under a beach umbrella drinking a beer beside a dirt road on his left.

He turned and pulled up next to the big guy.

"Hello Wilson," Thompson bellowed.

"You here to keep the riff raff out?" Jimmy joked.

"Yes and to warn newbies like you that if you proceed you will likely encounter alcohol, nudity and rock 'n roll. If that is a problem, I suggested you use our alternate swimming site. " Thompson pointed off to his right.

Jimmy and Jane looked in that direction and saw a baby's wading pool full of little yellow rubber duckies. They heard Thompson laughed.

Jimmy turned to his sister and asked, "Worried?"

Jane shook her head "No". They drove on. Around the bend they found a pavilion the Terry's had erected. Many of the kids from last night's party were there.

"There's my girl," Jimmy said.

He and Jane walked over to a group of girls. Jimmy tapped one on the back and said, "Hello."

Jo turned and greeted Jimmy with a kiss. She then gave Jane a confident smile.

"YOU!" Jane shouted angrily.

"What's the matter, Jane?" Her brother asked. "I told you about Joan last night. You didn't say anything then."

"This . . . this is Jo Lyon. The bitch that . . . never mind. Last night you said the girl you met was Joan Ryan!" Jane was terribly upset to be confronted by her tormentor.

Jo explained, "My name is Joan Lyon. Lots of people shorten my first name to Jo. Jimmy, it was pretty loud at the party. You could easily have gotten my name wrong."

Jo turned to Jane and said sincerely, "Jane, I have been a mean to you. I'm sorry. I was jealous and felt threatened. You're so gorgeous and such a good soccer player. I've been on the soccer team for years and this was supposed to be my year, you know as a senior. I'm glad I have this chance to apologize. I have behaved badly. I'm sorry. I hope you will give me another chance."

Jo paused and hugged Jimmy's arm. She played her trump card. "I really like your brother. Let's not be enemies."

Jimmy was fully satisfied with Joan's apology. He also enjoyed the feel of her soft breast pressing up against his arm. He and Jo looked at Jane. Jane was furious. She was surprised smoke wasn't billowing out her ears! She had doubts about Jo's sincerity, but Jo had backed her into a corner. If Jane rejected the apology, she would be the bitch. She did not want to be viewed as ungracious and Jimmy was looking at her pleading with his eyes for her to forgive Jo. She gave in for her brother's sake.

Jane said, "I accept you apology."

Jo smiled. Jimmy was thrilled. He really wanted both his girls to get along.

Jo said, "Thank you. I put together a picnic basket for all of us. Jane, I hope you will join us. I bumped into Evan. I hope you don't mind I invited him to join us. He is setting the spread up for us by the river."

"That sounds great," jimmy said. "Okay with you sis?"

Jimmy was pleased. He took this as concrete proof that Joan was living up to her word to be nice to Jane. Jane had a conversation with herself. "Okay, she apologized. Jimmy likes her. She's set me up to be with Evan. So why the nagging thoughts? Everyone makes mistakes. I guess I'll give her a second chance."

Jane nodded, but she still had her suspicions about Jo.

The three of them headed to the river bank. Evan had set up the picnic in a secluded spot. Introductions were made and the four teen-agers had a good meal, drank some wine coolers and talked. Everyone seemed to be getting along. Jane was really glad to see Evan. He was no longer wearing his sling. He hugged her tightly in greeting. The anger she had felt earlier eased due to his presence.

After everyone had their fill, Joan stood and said, "Can we sun bath? It's such a beautiful day." She took off her zebra striped maxi dress. Her toned, tanned body looked smoking hot in a fire engine red bikini.

The boys were agreeable. Jane was too. The guys stood and removed their shirts. Jane paused to look at Evan's muscular chest and then she off her tee shirt. She was anxious about being in a bathing suit in front of Evan. She nervously tugged at her bikini top.

Jo said, "Jane, you look great. That's such a cute suit. Boys check out the side boob action, very sexy. Here let me help, you have a tag showing."

Evan and Jimmy scanned Jane's body. Extra scrutiny was paid to her breasts. An enticing amount of pale flesh from the sides of her breasts was exposed. Evan looked, enjoyed and nodded his approval. Jimmy looked, enjoyed and then as if suddenly realizing that he was leering at his sister, turned his head away.

Joan reached down and appeared to be tucking a tag into the rear of Jane's boyshorts. Jane was stunned to feel Joan's fingers slide deep inside her suit. Jo's fingers glided across Jane's ass cheek and traveled down her butt crack.

"Oh," Jane cried out. Jane jumped away from Jo when she felt the invading fingers pressing on her anus.

Joan giggled, "Sorry. Did I tickle you?"

Jane stared at Jo trying to read her. Jane wondered if she was too sensitive or was Jo too . . . too what? A girl who took too many liberties? Jane was unsettled and confused. The boys didn't react as if anything unusual had happened so Jane played it cool.

Jane sat beside Evan. They talked. Jo sat facing Jimmy. She sat with her knees up and leaned back supporting herself with her arms. As they chatted, Joan scissored her legs open and closed. Jimmy struggled to keep up his end of the dialogue.

"Jimmy!" Joan asked playfully. "Having trouble following our conversation?"

She impishly flopped her legs open giving Jimmy a good view of her crotch. She said, "I hope you don't pull an eye muscle from your intense study of my bathing suit."

Evan, Jane and Jo laughed. Jimmy grinned and shrugged his shoulders conceding his bad behavior.

Joan reached into her bag, grabbed a bottle of suntan lotion and tossed it to Jane saying,

"Jane, I don't think we can trust the guys to put sun screen on our backs. Would you mind?"

Jane caught the bottle and played along with the gag saying, "Good idea. Any more excitement and Jimmy's heart or the front of his bathing suit might burst. "

She looked to Evan and teased, "Evan, I trust you, but maybe you should focus on healing from your accident. If too much blood is diverted away from your injured arm, it might set your recovery back."

Jane blushed. She couldn't believe she was making these bold and risqué statements.

Evan asked, "Who said that? It couldn't have been our sweet girl Jane. Maybe she was momentarily possessed by Kathy Griffin or Mae West."

They all laughed.

Jo lay on her stomach. She pulled her long blonde hair aside. Jane coated her back with the lotion. Jo then prepared to do Jane. She said,

"Jane you have a nice tan on your legs and arms. If we get your back to match, you could wear backless tops and dresses. I love them. Don't you? They would look great on you."

Jo straddled Jane's hips and unfastened Jane's back strap without requesting approval.

"Of course nothing ruins the look more than tan-lines so let's get this out of the way."

Jo poured the sun screen on Jane's back. She rubbed it in and all around.

"Let's not forget the sides," Jo said.

As Jo was speaking, Evan grabbed Jimmy's attention. He pointed towards the river and said,

"Jimmy did you see that? That was one hell of a fish jumping out of the water. I'm guessing a rainbow trout."

"What?" Jimmy said looking off to where Evan pointed. "Guess I missed it."

While the boys where looking towards the river, Jo brought her lotion covered hands to Jane's sides. Her slick hands moved quickly and slipped under Jane's top. This surprised Jane and she jumped up. Jo took advantage of her movement. She was able to bring her fingers in contact with Jane's nipples and tweak them. Startled, Jane clamped her arms firmly against her sides. Nonchalantly, Joan removed her hands.

Calmly Jo said, "There you go. Can't have your tender flesh getting sunburned."

She gave Jane a friendly smack on the butt and got up. Jane was speechless. She felt strange. If a guy had copped a feel that blatantly, Jane would have slapped him. Jo acted as if it was no big deal. Jane was confused. Was she was making a mountain out of a mole hill or did she have a valid reason to be upset about Jo's wandering hands? Jane again gave Joan a pass.

The guys and girls stretched out and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. They chatted and checked out each other's bodies. The entertaining stories Evan told helped Jane forget about how 'handsy' Jo had been.

Jane was opening her third wine cooler when she said, "I not a big drinker, but I like these."

Jimmy teased her. "What do you like, the taste or the kick?"

Jane giggled. "I like the kick."

Jane was tipsy. She was feeling good, care-free. She leaned over and smooched with Evan. He was more than willing to accept her lips. Evan gently held her head and their pecks grew into a soulful kisses.

Joan said, "That's a good idea." She pulled Jimmy on top of her and they necked.

The two couples nibbled on each other. Their hands caressed cheeks, necks and shoulders. The more experienced teenagers, let the twins set the pace. It was a journey of exploration for the sexually inexperienced brother and sister.

Jane discovered that she was warming all over. This was partially the effect of the sun and the alcohol; however, a lot was due to Jane's enjoyment of Evan's hard body and his soft lips. Jane's heart was beating faster than usual. She emitted little sounds, "Ah's and Mmm's" expressing the pleasure she felt.

Jimmy's lips mashed Joan. His kisses were more forceful than Jo liked. She understood it was a by- product of his lack of experience. She placed her hands on his face and she eased him off her a bit.

"Softer is better," Joan instructed her date.

Joan allowed Jimmy to French kiss her and she let his hands explore her body. Jimmy grasped and groped her ample bosom. It wasn't long before he had his hand under her top. His hard dick pressed into her thigh.

Evan said, "Mount up, cow girl."

Evan pulled Jane on top of him. Her hips straddled his. Her soft breast smashed into his hard chest. Jane giggled when he re-positioned her. He placed his hard cock underneath her crotch.

She moaned, "Ooohh." As her sex grooved along his hard member.

Jane broke their kiss. She sat up and rubbed her sex on Evan's erection. She focused on the new sensation down below. Her clitoris was pressing on Evan's firm manhood. She felt a jolt of electricity surging through her pussy. Her eyes opened wide. Bewildered, a little scared; Jane looked into Evan's eyes. He smiled re-assuringly. Evan nodded that it was okay and rolled his hips into her. His penis caused more sparks to fly as her clit was massaged by his swollen cock.

Jane suddenly understood what all the other girls meant when they talked about how much fun it was to be with a man. She felt the raw pleasure and the carnal intensity. She rode Evan hard rocking her hips into him.

Jo glanced at the couple beside her. She giggled seeing the innocent and naïve Jane dry humping herself to an orgasm. Jimmy had by now worked his way down to Joan's tits. His mouth had latched onto one of Jo's large erect nipple. He heard his sister cooing and looked her way. He saw her humping and heard her moaning. It excited him. He was transfixed by the sight.

Jo shared a smile with Jimmy. She rubbed his hard prick. Jimmy continued to suckle her breast as the two of them watched Jane ride herself to her first orgasm with a partner. Evan held her tight as she spasmed and came.

It took Jane some time to recover from "La Petite Mort". Jane's' whole body was over heated. Her head was hazy. Her body felt weak, limp. The blood pounded in her ears blocking out all other sounds.

When Jane returned to this world, she found Jimmy and Jo staring at her. Jo grasped her hand and said,

"Oh that must have been a good one." Jo smiled then added, "I know you will find it hard to believe, but I hear it's even better when he puts his cock inside you. Evan has a nice big one."

Jane was surprised and she asked, "You've seen Evan's . . . "

"Sure. We are family, cousins. Don't try and tell me that Jimmy's never seen you naked or that you haven't seen his dick."

"Well yes," Jane admitted. Adding, "I didn't know you were related."

Jane was embarrassed by the conversation and ashamed that everyone knew she had just orgasmed. Her shamed eased when Evan and Jo acted as if it was no big deal. Jimmy was conflicted by what he had just witnessed. He was troubling by it because he found it so erotic and exciting.

The spot where the kids were overlooked a sandbar in the river. Joan, who was the only one sitting up, nudged Jimmy and said,

"Jimmy you'll want to see this. Samantha is on the sand bar. She's topless. The nude girl with her is Emma."

Everyone looked. Sam had tits any girl could be proud of. Emma was tall with an athletic body, slim hips, a shaved crotch and small perky breasts. Jimmy was surprised that Jo would draw his attention to another girl, especially a naked girl. He said,

"Ah . . . why are you pointing them out to me?"

"Because they're beautiful. So are the guys down there skinny dipping. Beauty is to be enjoyed."

She saw a wary look on Jimmy's face. Jo scolded him.

"Did you expect I would castrate you if you ever glanced at another girl? God! If I were jealous of every pretty woman, I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. I am what I am. If you like me, you'll be with me. If you want someone else, there's not much I can do to keep you."

"Joan you're so open minded," Jimmy said and then he did look at the naked girls.

"Jimmy, pleasure is not a bad thing. When you're happy, I am happy." Joan pulled Jimmy to her and kissed him.

Evan said,

"Jane, I feel the same way. I too believe we should enjoy life to the fullest. Sometimes the world can be a cruel, unforgiving place. We should all appreciate those fleeting pleasurable moments that come our way. "

Jane remembered the immense pleasure of her recent orgasm and understood his point of view.

Evan said, "Look how happy the kids down there are. Let's join them."

Jo said, "I'm ready. Jimmy and Jane, they have a rule here. Everyone in the river has to show some skin."

Jimmy said, "I'm okay with that."

They all turned to Jane. Jo tried to sell Jane on the idea.

"Jane, come on. Let's lose our tops. Then we will make these two take off their suits and we can join in the fun. I want to, but I won't go unless we all go."

Jimmy looked to his sister, hoping she'd say yes. Jane felt the pressure of her peers. She had done a couple of brave things lately like exposing her body to her brother and dry humping Evan in front of Jimmy and Jo. Each time she had been scared, but afterwards she was proud to have faced her fear and she felt good about herself. The alcohol she had drunk helped her make a snap decision. "What the hell", Jane thought, "It'll be fun and I'll get to see Evan's thing."

"Yes," Jane said.

Jane and Jo stood together facing the boys and dropped their tops. Jo's breasts were large, tanned and beautiful. Jane's were pale white, tear-dropped shaped breasts with large dark nipples. They were smaller than Jo's full round orbs, but they were a nice size definitely a good handful. The girls' nipples grew harder as the boys stare at them.

"You're turn guys. Stripe!" Joan ordered.

Evan and Jimmy quickly disrobed. They erections bobbed up as soon as they were released from the bathing shorts. Jo reached out and touched Jimmy's dick.

"Nice," she said,

Jane stared at Evan's penis. It stood our stiffly from his groomed dark brown pubic hair. She glanced at her brother's cock. It was substantial too. Jimmy's may have been a bit longer. Evan's appeared to be a little thicker. Jane wanted to touch Evan's cock, but she was too shy.

Jo said, "Nice cocks guys, but . . . Jane I see a problem."

Jo looked again at both cocks studying them more intently. She didn't know what Jo was talking about.

Jo said, "I like big, hard cocks, but it's not polite to expose them in public. Jane, there's only one thing we can do. Hand me the suntan lotion."

Jane handed her the bottle of lotion. Jo squirted a healthy amount on each penis.

"Jane, we need to give these men a hand job. With tits as nice as ours on display, they will never go soft without a release."

Jo grabbed Jimmy's rod and started stroking it. Jane was hesitant. Evan waited patiently. Jo gave Jane an encouraging look. Tentatively Jane grasped Evan's pole. She was surprised how warm and hard it was. She mimicked Jane's motion and stroked Evan's thick penis up and down.

"Ahh. Mmm.," Evan groaned appreciatively. Encouraged, Jane stroked Evan faster with a firmer, more confident grip. Jimmy moaned too. Jimmy not only enjoyed the feel of Jo's expert hand, he also found the view exciting. His eyes flicked from Jo's tits to Jane's and back again. He liked the way the girls' bare breasts shimmed and jiggled as they stroked their men.


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