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Two Thighs Ch. 03

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Nora and Ryan learn their neighbours are swingers.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 05/28/2019
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Chapter 3 The Slippery Slope of Seduction

For the first few days after Nora's birthday, Nora and Ryan were leery about encountering Aiko and Gerald. Much to their surprise, the interracial couple behaved as if nothing had happened at all. They were partly relieved but also partly perplexed by their almost sudden return to usual neighbourly behaviour.

For the next three weeks, everything seemed to be completely back to normal. In fact, it was so normal that Nora and Ryan began to think that Aiko and Gerald's behaviour on Nora's birthday was some kind of one-off caused by some factors entirely unknown to them.

One day, while Nora and Ryan were talking about a variety of things, the topic of what happened on her birthday came up.

"It's almost as if we had imagined it," Ryan said to his wife. "I could have sworn they were coming on to us."

"I don't think we're deluding ourselves," she agreed. "Maybe they were so embarrassed by the outrageousness of their behaviour that they pulled back into a shell," Nora suggested, "you know, like a turtle does when it senses danger. Maybe they were under the influence," she added.

"Under the influence of what?" he asked.

Nora shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe they had a little too much to drink before they came."

"Did you smell any alcohol in their breath when they, er, um, kissed us?" he asked. "I certainly didn't."

"No, I didn't either," she admitted. "You and Gerald had a couple beers but that wasn't until later. Aiki and I drank no alcohol at all. Perhaps they smoked something," his wife ventured.

"They're non-smokers like us," he pointed out. "If they had smoked tobacco or even something else, we would have smelled it in the breath or on their clothes. Besides, Gerald told me they forbid smoking of any kind in or around their home. He told me they were very strict about that."

"What other explanation is there then?" she asked. "Drugs?"

"I don't think so. They didn't seem spaced out. "From everything I've heard from them, they avoid drugs unless specifically prescribed by a doctor to deal with a specific medical issue."

"Maybe we misinterpreted what we saw?" she offered.

"That's like saying we suffered from the same hallucination. I don't think so. We didn't misinterpret what we experienced. Neither of us believe that, Nora, not really. If a woman openly flaunts her tits and smiles at the same, where's the room for misinterpretation? You don't really believe that Gerald pressed his hard-on against you accidentally, do you? He could have avoided touching you if he really wanted to. No, I think Aiko and Gerald were actually rather brazen. They came onto us, no doubt about it."

Nora looked perplexed. "What does that mean?" she asked.

"It means they are attracted to us. And because they were so blatant about it, I think it means they're swingers," he replied. "I think they have sex with people outside their marriage and wanted to involve us," he concluded.

"My god," she said.

"Well," Ryan continued, it's been a few weeks since they came onto us. And they've been perfectly well behaved since then. Maybe they've given up on us. Maybe it won't happen again," Ryan pointed out. "Maybe they've decided it was a one-off that didn't end well."

They fell silent for a few moments, trying to sort out their thoughts.

"They're fun to be with and they've helped us a lot. They've been really nice to us too," Nora offered. "We can still be friends with them, can't we?"

"I think so," Ryan agreed. "They're neighbours. It's always good policy to get along with your neighbours.

"But what if they come onto us again?" she speculated. "What if they try to do something like that again?"

"Good questions," Ryan replied.

"How are we going to handle the situation? Break off with them?"

"I don't know," he replied frankly. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

* * *

Unknown to Nora and Ryan, Aiko and Gerald were playing the long game. They wanted their friends to stew for a while before they stirred the pot again. They were waiting for Ryan's birthday, a little over a month after Nora's.

As Ryan's birthday approached, like normal friends and neighbours, Aiko made plans with Nora for the celebration.

"How about a barbecue?" Aiko asked Nora. "I know you haven't got one. So use ours. It's better than cooking in that little kitchen of yours. I told Gerald to get the grill ready Grilling is his job. You can help me in our kitchen."

Nora hesitated. The last sentence reminded her of what happened on her birthday when Aiko had loosened the top two buttons of blouse and then had shown off her breasts to her husband.

'You're overthinking this,' she chided herself.

Out loud Nora said, "Okay, I marinated the steaks overnight. I'll bring them over very soon."

"See you in a bit," Aiko said. "I'll leave the door unlocked. Just walk right in." Then she returned to her home.

Aiko saw Gerald working in the backyard. He had just finished setting up the grill was already ready for Nora to use.

"Nora is coming over," she called.

"That's nice," he called back.

"I need your help in the kitchen," she called again.

"Just a minute, I'm almost finished."

"No, now, and wash your hands."

"What's your hurry?" he asked.

"Nora is about to come over.Get here before she does or you'll ruin my plan."

That got Gerald's attention. After washing his hands, he joined his wife in the kitchen.

Aiko was washing dishes. She wore latex gloves to avoid premature aging of the skin on her hands. Gerald noticed that she was wearing a loose fitting tee-shirt and no bra.

"What's up?" he wanted to know.

"I need you to give me a hand," she responded. Then she giggled. "Actually, I need you to give me both hands."

He looked at her curiously.

Aiko looked out the window. Nora was already on her way over with a tray of steaks.

"Hurry up. Get me behind me," she ordered. "Get your big manly hands under my T-short and play with my tits."

"But Nora is coming here!"


Suddenly, Gerald realized that Ryan's birthday was going to be the excuse for the next step in the plot to seduce their friends into swinging. His face brightened. 'This is going to be interesting,' he thought.

Gerald put his hands underneath the hem of T-shirt, ran his hands up her torso and gently grasped her breasts. He started to massage them. He loved the softness of her mammaries, which contrasted sharply with the hardness of her now erect nipples sliding across his hot hands. Before long he was pressing himself against her back. He nuzzled her neck and flicked his tongue in her sensitive area behind her ear.

Gerald's attentions excited Aiko. She wiggled her ass in response causing his burgeoning hard-on to become fully erect. Her dish washing slowed down as she became increasingly distracted. "Oh, that feels so nice," she moaned.

"Hmm," he agreed, "you want some sausage too?"

"I'd love to, hon," she replied, "but I don't want to spoil my appetite."

"I've never known you to lose your appetite for sausage," he murmured in her ear. He pressed his hard against her again. He was in the mood to take her then and there. She was in the mood to be taken.

They were beginning to enjoy themselves so much that they almost forgot about Nora. Then they heard her approaching footsteps.

"She's almost here," she whispered. "Pretend we haven't noticed her. Just continue with what we're doing."

So, the couple continued sexing each other. Aiko wiggled her ass against Gerald's hard-on while he dry-humped her, massaged her breasts and nibbled on her neck.

When the horny couple came into her view, Nora froze in place. She stood at the entrance to the kitchen with her mouth agape. She put her hand to her mouth in shock. Her friends seemed not to notice her arrival. She stared at the sight of the couple making out in front of the kitchen sink. She realized that watching them turned her on! She started fantasizing what it would be like if she were in Aiko's place with Gerald draped over her back, groping and fondling her, while pressing his hard cock against her generous behind. She felt the trickle of moisture between her legs.

'Back off and get out of here,' she told herself. She started to back up as silently as possible.

Aiko saw the movement in the corner of her eye, "Hi Nora," she said suddenly, "how's it going?"

"Hi," Gerald added while still playing with his wife.

"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered. "I must have misunderstood. I thought you said it was okay for me to come here now. I'll leave you two alone."

"Please, don't go," Aiko panted as Gerald's sensual hands still doing their magic underneath her tee-shirt. "Stop it, hon," Aiko said although she really wanted him to continue. Nora and I get stuff to do."

Gerald disengaged reluctantly. Knowing that Nora was watching had put him in the mood. But he finally let go of Aiko's breasts. Her T-shirt dropped down to cover them again. Her nipples were still hard and poked out, caused the T-shirt to form twin tents on her chest.

Aiko looked at Nora. She snickered and said cheekily, "My husband is a hands-on kind of guy."

Gerald decided to leave the two women alone. "I still got some work to do in the backyard." He smiled at Nora and then went out the back door.

"I forgot the sauce," Nora said looking for an excuse to leave. "Where can I put steaks for now?"

"Put them on the counter," Aiko told Nora.

"I'm so sorry," Nora apologized again. Then she rushed home.

"Don't worry about it," Aiko said at her retreating back. "Bring the sauce when you and Ryan come over."

* * *

Ryan stepped through the door within minutes of Nora's return home. He could tell something had happened because his wife seemed upset.

"What's up?" he asked showing his concern.

"I just came from Aiko and Gerald's place. I was positive she told me to come over," she continued.

"Hold on," Ryan said. "Calm down. You've already left me behind. What happened between going there and coming back?"

"Okay," she said making an effort to slow down, catch your breath and explain what happened from the beginning.

Ryan listened in silence as his wife told her tale. The more he heard, the more amazed he became.

"You're saying you were absolutely sure she said it was okay for you to come over with the steaks. Right?"

"I was sure," she confirmed. "But now I'm confused. Maybe I heard wrong," she added." I can't say I'm absolutely sure any more, but I'm mostly sure."

"Maybe not," he consoled.

"What do you mean?"

"They don't come across as dumb. I can't help but think it was deliberate."

"Deliberate?" she said in astonishment.

"Yeah, deliberate. Like I said before, I think they're coming on to us."

"But they're married!" she cried. "Married people don't do that!"

"Sure, some do," he challenged. "But most of the time when a married person comes on to someone, they do it behind their spouse's back. What they're doing is out in the open so to speak."

"What are you trying to say?" she asked.

"I told you already," he pointed out. "I think they're swingers," he said succinctly.


"Yeah, married people who let their partners have sexual liaisons with other people outside their marriage," he said a little exasperated, "swappers, wife sharers, something like that."

Nora looked at him very closely. She showed some perspicacity when she asked, "How do you know about that kind of stuff? You seem to know more than a husband ought to."

Ryan reddened. "I've seen that kind of stuff depicted in porn videos."

"Oh, you look at porn, do you?" she asked. "I'm not good enough for you."

He blushed some more. 'Damn,' he thought, 'I shouldn't have let that slip out.'

"Doesn't every guy look at porn at some point in his life?" he said lamely. He had this awful sense that he was digging himself into an ever-deeper hole. "But that was before I married you," he said brightly thinking that he might have found a way out of his own hole.

Nora looked at him suspiciously. "Do you still look at porn?"

"Very rarely, I don't have time for it anymore." This was largely true. "Who needs porn when I have wife as sexy as you are?" This time he was trying to assuage through flatter.

Nora seemed to melt under his flattery. Much to his relief, she decided to drop the matter. "Are we still going over to their place?" she asked.

While Ryan thought that flattering his wife had worked, Nora's true motivation not to grill him further stemmed from her own pangs of guilt for fantasizing about Gerald sexing her.

"They really can't do us any harm, sweetheart," Ryan replied, "especially if we're both together. As naughty as they are, I think if we pushed back enough, they'd quit."

Nora thought about that. "I think you're probably right," she agreed somewhat reluctantly.

'And if we don't push back enough?" she thought. 'Some guilty pleasure,' she answered to herself. She suppressed a giggle.

As discomforting as Aiko and Gerald were, Nora and Ryan still liked them a great deal. The older sophisticated couple's attention flattered them. Their increasingly obvious mutual sexual attraction to them should have been out of bounds, taboo even, and yet it thrilled them both. In their heart of hearts, they wanted more thrills and more excitement in their lives. These unusual neighbours were too interesting, appealing and attractive. They weren't sure, though, where things would lead, but they were certainly curious.

* * *

While Nora and Ryan carried on their discussion in their home, Gerald and Aiko were busy preparing for their visitors. Gerald grilled the steaks while Aiko prepared some hot food, a salad and drinks. They wondered if Nora, especially Nora, and Ryan would find some excuse to stay away. But being much more experienced than Nora and Ryan, they understood, that their attraction was mutual.

About a half-hour later, Nora and Ryan showed up.

Aiko and Gerald regarded their arrival as an encouraging development. Their advances so far had made their neighbourhood friends uncomfortable but had also aroused their curiosity. It confirmed their estimation that Nora and Ryan were, at the very least, susceptible to their lifestyle. Their intention was to continue to push the envelope until Nora or Ryan were either drawn into the lifestyle or put up a wall against.

When Ryan stepped through the door, followed by Nora, Aiko embraced him just as warmly as Gerald had when he embraced Nora on her birthday. She knew her exotic Asian beauty not only intrigued Ryan but it also turned him on. She hung on to him capturing his lips with hers and then briefly let her tongue enter his mouth.

"Happy birthday, Ryan," she said both sweetly and sincerely not releasing him from her embrace. "We're so glad to see you guys here."

While maintaining lower body contact, she leaned her head back to look him in the eye and smiled. "I know you told me not to buy you anything. So, I have no choice but to give you a big birthday kiss instead."

This time, she kissed him full on the lips letting her tongue slip briefly into his mouth. His hardening manhood pressing against her belly was all the evidence she needed to know her effect on him. He also realized something else. Aiko was not wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard. They pressed through their clothes against his body like pencil-points.

Ryan could not deny that he had the same effect on her as she did on him. Another surge of desire flashed through him and to his cock, causing it to stiffen to its maximum length. He liked the feeling but remembered where he was, with his neighbours and a watching wife. No way did he want to piss her off.

Nora watched Aiko kiss her husband. A pang of jealousy hit her but she suppressed it. She half-expected something like that would happen and half-suspected that Gerald would do the same.

When Aiko and her husband separated, Nora noticed the large lump in her husband's pants. She had another pang of jealousy, but then remembered her own reaction to Gerald's embrace on her birthday a few weeks ago and Ryan's forgiving attitude toward her. She was not going to be a hypocrite.

She told herself to be more understanding. His reaction was, after all, a normal male reaction to the sight or touch of an attractive woman, especially one that was openly showing her interest in him. 'It could be far worse,' she rationalized to herself. 'He could be doing something like that behind my back.' Nora was still certain that he had never cheated on her.

However, Nora had little chance to dwell on Ryan's reaction to Aiko's kiss. Gerald distracted her when he took her into his arms. Although he did not kiss her, he gazed in her eyes and let his hands run down her back and then below her waist where he lightly brushed the upper part of her ass-cheeks. He tugged her toward him. A shiver of excitement flowed through her. Then he pulled her into him for just three or four seconds, enough time for her to feel his rising fleshy manhood. She enjoyed the touch of his hands and the warmth of his arms around her. His hardness spoke of his physical attraction for her and that flattered her.

After he released Nora, Gerald led the young couple to the dining room while Aiko headed for the kitchen. "Have a seat you guys," he suggested. "It'll only take a minute or two for me to finish the steaks, if they aren't done already."

Before heading outside, he popped his head into the kitchen. "Hon, could you get Ryan a beer and something for Nora too?"

"Would you like some red wine Nora?" Aiko called from the kitchen.

"Sure," Nora called back.

For a few minutes the two guests were alone.

'They have such warm personalities,' she told herself. 'Most of the time, they make us feel really comfortable. Then at other times, just like now, they make us feel so sexy and uncomfortably nervous at the same time.'

Her husband interrupted her reverie. "What are you thinking, sweetie?"

"She turned you on, didn't she?" she said more as a statement than a question. "You can't hide it, you know." She looked at this crotch. The swelling in his pants had begun to lessen but it was still obvious.

He could not, and did not, deny it. "Yeah," he confessed out loud, "I'm sorry. But I can't control. It is a natural reaction. Are you mad at me? Please don't be mad at me."

"No, honey, I shouldn't be," she said surprising even herself with her answer.

"And I'm guessing Gerald turned you on too," Ryan ventured to say. "I didn't see you make any real effort to pull away." He did not wait for an answer. "It's kind of nice to know that a sophisticated couple like Aiko and Gerald find us attractive," Ryan offered.

"You think she's hot, don't you?" Nora probed.

"Yeah, she is, very hot," he admitted, "but she's not as hot as you."

She looked him straight in the eyes. He seemed sincere. "Good answer," she said smiling.

He was about to ask another question when Nora stopped him, "Gerald really is a hunk, you know." Nora had answered the question that he about to pose.

The couple fell silent again, but a question for Gerald was percolating in Ryan's mind.

Then Gerald came back inside with the grilled steaks. "I've got the steaks, hon," he called toward the kitchen."

"I'm coming," Aiko called back.

"Can't you wait until tonight dear?" he said laughing at his own corny over-used joke."

"You're an idiot," she said smiling as she walked into the dining room with the salad. "Don't mind him," Aiko told the young couple.

A few minutes later, the couples were eating grilled steaks, roasted potatoes and salad, drinking red wine and generally enjoying each other's company.

"As they were finishing their meal, Ryan said, "Can I ask you guys a personal question?"

"Sure," Gerald said, "anything at all."


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