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Valentina of the Colfax Inn

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He's a lucky, if sissified innkeeper!
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Valentina was toying with her husband's scrotum. Normally Val wore snug but dignified cashmere sweaters, but today she was clad in a belly tee shirt and what the longshoremen at Buttermilk Pier referred to as "whore shorts".

Nibs, Val's loyal and faithful husband was bound to the narrow coffee table in his back office. His dick was locked in a small chastity cage.

His penis, blu-ish and congealed, was attempting to stand up, with all the rising semen. But the cage was small, and Val's little hand was happily cupped around his exposed testicles

Val was sitting next to the coffee table that was bearing her husband.

Well, really she was reclining on the couch. Val's long nails were tickling his ball sack and of course this fuelled Nibs's swelling organ which was trying to burst the cage as best it could.

Nibs kept hoping Val would take the chastity thing off, even if just for a little while.

Months and months of having it holding his penis in, as he had to watch secretaries twitch by when he was in town on errands, or ski-bunny guests push by him as they checked in or returned from the slopes...

And then in the summer came the bikini clad surfer girls! Buttermilk Falls boasted two lakes and was twelve miles from the ocean, and so a lot of Spring Breakers visited, and Nibs was quite a dirty old man.

After all, he'd taken seven years and three colleges to get his degree, and...was he emotionally nineteen? Who knows?

And his poor penis was suffering from no masturbation and of course, no sex. And yet he was married to the sexiest woman in the state.

"So you'll be pretty busy, setting up the Superbowl party tonight with that ridiculous large screen you bought." Val pouted, thinking about it

As co-owner of the Colfax Inn, she often wondered if her husband was more interested in gadgets as some sort of excuse...did these things really bring in tourists?

Fortunately, she was sleeping with the owner of Buttermilk Falls Sound and Electronics, so they'd gotten a pretty good deal.

Smiling, she thought about what a cutie pie the store-owner was, and she tickled Nibs's balls a little faster.

Nibs shifted uncomfortably. His back was crimping on the little table, and it was probably good for posture, but oh, his back was stiff...

As was his cock.

"The Super Bowl will be a lot of fun, and people will buy beer and pizza and nachos."

It was a good excuse, wasn't it? Val had brought so much tourist money to the Inn. There had been a Sandcastle building contest last summer, and Val had been the judge, strutting around in her black swimsuit, and then there had been a big event at the Inn...

It was said that Valentina had screwed the winner, a yacht-salesman-cum-sand-sculptor, but hey, they'd made a lot on the party, and many guests had stayed as a result.

"And I didn't have to buy an expensive gadget, either" Val had said then.

Now, Val's delicate, sparkled manicure danced and rolled around on his balls. Val cupped Nibs's testicles for a minute, regarding them gravely, and then squeezed hard and Nibs had bit his tongue to keep from screaming.

Nibs's back office was just by the hotel desk, and you never k new if a guest was out there. More than once, Val had given Nibs an energetic caning in there, and he'd had to gag himself with a bar of Lifebuoy to keep from hollering bloody murder.

"What's wrong, Nibs-sy?" Val now asked as she pushed a sparkly nail in between the bars of his cock cage, tickling the empurpled member.

Val giggled. "Are you still sulking because I had you clean the bathrooms in a tutu and garter belt?"

"It was just a garter belt and heels, we couldn't find the tutu."

"Yes, I did that as a little punishment for forgetting to clean the bathrooms last week. Next time you want to clean in your civvies, you'll remember to listen to me."

"I'm the owner of this inn, Valentina."

"Uh, huh." Val strummed the cage with her forefinger.

"I require dignity"

"Sure, but while Pleshette is out having her baby, I need you to pick up the slack, and after all you had Mr. McAllister to help you. Mac doesn't look as good in a garter belt, unfortunately."

She pushed her thumb into Nibs's perineum.

"Aren't you glad I had you do those crunches? Your figure is far more girlish."

"McAllister is a paying guest. Why is he cleaning? And in the nude, for Chrissake?"

"Mrs. McAllister, back in Detroit is an old acquaintance, and she sent me Mac's key for his belt, and told me that while he was in town for the carpet manufacturing convention, he would need a lot of individualized attention."


"Yes, to keep him out of trouble. During the day he has to deliver speeches about olefin laundering or something, but at night, he's to return to us and be of use as a good sub hubby, you know?"

Val raked her long nail up and down Nibs's imprisoned shaft.

Oh, it was killing him, he was so hard, watching her breasts press into the shiny top, and that flat belly!

"Its' felt that if Mac doesn't serve he gets lazy, and then he goes into cocktails and cigarettes, and what follows after that? Cocaine and prostitutes? No, I have promised to tease and deny our guest and maybe give him an orgasm at the end of his visit with us."

"All that?"

"Yes, and Mac's wife sent me a nice big tip that will go far in replacing the hot water heater. You've not saved for that, have you?"


Val's soft fingertip rubbed through the cage bars on Nibs's pulsating, engorged glans.

"You didn't really put poor Mac in our wine cellar, did you?"

"Mac is servicing some young men who dropped by. Mrs. McAllister didn't want Mac running around at night with those wild conventioneers, I keep telling you that. Keeping Mac celibate and using his mouth to contribute is so much safer, don't you think?"

"Servicing young men?"

"Yes, they are part of a crew of ex-cons working on Route 39, and my stylist told me that some of the fellows were going to the public restrooms at Buttermilk National Park, and getting sexual relief from tea room pervs. I was afraid some of the boys might be assaulted or get diseases."

"B-but they may give Mr. McAllister diseases."

"Mac's using a condom to suck the guys off, but I'm tying those rubbers up and if you annoy me too much I'll make rice pudding out of them and make a certain bad boy eat it. Tasty semen, Nibs."

"It's amazing that you have the power over perfect strangers-to get this woman to entrust you with her poor husband, Valentina."

"Well, no. Do you remember my submissive friend the bank examiner, who told our credit union he'd go easy on Mr. Gilchrest's irregularities if they'd approve the loan to expand our riding stable?"

"Do you mean Adney Rosenblatt? He was sweet on you. A fine fellow. I was a little jealous that he became a sub of yours since Ad and I were golf partners years ago."

"Yes, that's Mrs. McAllister. You've not seen Adney around the links have you?"

"Uh, no but..."

"Yes, Adney went from being a slave boy to a dominant woman, and moved to Detroit, and met Mac at a BDSM club there. 'Manacles of Michigan' it's called."

"Adney got his dick cut off?"

"No, no, he ties it back and wears pretty girl clothes. Transgender is more a state of mind, isn't it? Adney, now Addie, is a sexy thing, and Mac doesn't mind the gender discrepancy."

"I'm trying to not shudder, Val"

"You are so wrapped up with your Protestant guilt, Nibs-sy."

She tickled his balls again.

"And Nibs, you've sucked your share of dick, I've seen to that."

"But I'm still so glad you, my soulmate, are a woman born woman."


"Yes, of course Valentina. You are a feminine goddess."

"Flattery will get you everywhere."

Now Valentina was in a terribly good mood. Taking the key off her necklace, she unlocked Nibs's chastity cage and his penis was bare for the first time in a good eight days, and that had just been for bathing purposes, under cold water...

A long week ago.

Now it felt much better. The organ was able to reach out, and enjoy his hottie wife's ministrations.

Val smiled and began stroking Nibs's cock, hand-jobbing away.

"Now how's that Nibs-sy?"

"Oh, it's heaven babe, not only the massage but my poor dick has not been able to stretch out fully in nearly a month, except for the brief washings."

"And it might be my fault? You bought the first chastity belt, and you were the one who recently fantasized about me slipping Viagra in your decaf three times a day."

"But that wasn't to happen while I was in this long-term lockup in that tiny cage."

Nibs was gasping now.

"No wonder I've been so fucking uncomfortable, Valentina."

Val pinched the head of Nibs's cock. "Language."

"Ooh, I'm sorry, Val."

"I think if you're going to swear like a gangster and complain about me, this freedom might be too much. I should lock you back up again, now."

"N-no, please. I just got out, Val. I won't do that again. I was just upset about the Viagra. And my cock is so hard now."

"That's me...Miss Valentina Viagra. Are you about to spurt?"

"I am getting close, Val."

"Really, I should stop then. Do you think you can hold off."

"Couldn't I have a release, Val? Just let me masturbate." Nibs babbled.

"I don't think so, baby. Remember I added ninety days to your last chastity date because you were staring at Mrs. Parson's ass at the rummage sale?"

"But that sentence is almost up, isn't it hon?"

"Twelve more days, my swaggering sailor."

Val placed both palms around Nibs's organ and rubbed them together, kneading it as if it were a tortilla. Moving her hands up and down the penis, she blew on the tip and giggled silently as it turned even more violet.

"Val, I don't know what to do. I'm very close. I feel my cum rising."

"If you congeal my fingers with your boy-juice, I will be displeased."

"I-I know-"

What could Nibs do? Bound as he was to the coffee table, he was helpless to resist her devious digits on his pecker.

If Nibs came without permission, Val might take he cutting board that she'd drilled a hole in and pull it over his dick and whip his penis against the solid wood with a coat hanger.

A punishment like this would be bad enough if Nibs were aroused, but after he'd already orgasmed, it would be pure torture.

As if reading his thoughts, Valentina said airily, "You need something to take your mind off cumming. Let's distract you a bit, and then I can do some more edging. I'm feeling energetic, you'd like that, right?"

"Yes, that would be so great."

"Of course you'll be frustrated at the end, but we can at least give you a little stimulation if we can make the MX missile relax now."

"Maybe some ice on my-"

"No, then I have to go out to the kitchen, I have a better distraction."


"Yes, where's that razor strop? The one I had Willy Jack use on you?"

Oh, God. Valentina had arranged a reunion between Nibs and the bully of his youth, Willy Jack Lignatowski. Ostensibly this get-together had been for the two men to work things out, give up old resentments.

But of course, in the end, Val had let Willy Jack punch Nibs in the mouth and then give him a bare-bottom whipping with a vicious razor strop.

And then poor Nibs had had to suck Willy Jack's willy.

It had worked out in the sense that there was no more tension between the two. Willy Jack was a traffic cop on General Adnoriram C. Buttermilk Memorial Square, and they no longer exchanged hostile glances when Nibs swung his Lincoln Town Car by.

No, Willy Jack just nodded cheerily at Nibs. He believed they were pals.

Now, Valentina went to get the razor strop.

God, it had been so horrible, Willy Jack laughing and slashing away at Nib's unprotected buttocks and thighs.

Nibs, thinking of how Willy Jack and Valentina had made out, W.J. kissing and sucking on Val's pink nipples, forbidden to her husband...

And they did this while Nibs reluctantly sucked Willy Jack off...all that white mess in his mouth!

And Val made sure Nibs swallowed every drop!

Master Willy Jack.

But it had excited Nibs so much to be that submissive, and he'd ended up jacking off on Willy Jack's combat boots, and then cleaning his semen off with his tongue.

But, although Willy Jack was a strong man, a thug, really, Valentina had it all over him in whippings. She knew how to scientifically aim a shot at Nibs's butt, and reduce him to a blubbering mess within minutes.

Finally, Val returned with the strop. She untied Nibs from the coffee table. He was now loose with his untrammeled penis, but he knew the hazards of spurting without permission.

Standing naked before his clothed wife, gazing at her as she fingered the razor strop lovingly...it was an intense and shaming experience. but then again, Nibs's cock had never been harder.

"Isn't it a sad thing" Val said mockingly, "You just wish I'd take off my shirt and shorts now, and let you fuck me, and I probably would if you had the nerve to ask like a man..."

Nibs gasped.

"And yet you're a sissy, and it wouldn't excite you nearly as much, me stripping for you, as putting you through a vicious whipping and maybe a rogering with my Big Pickle strap-on."

Nibs stared at the floor in shame.

"Don't you wish I'd let you touch my precious candies, Nibs-sy?" Valentina asked with cruel, sweet, sarcasm. "But why would I let some pissy faggot like you handle these big, beautiful titties?"

It was shocking to hear her speak so vulgarly. And now Val had pulled her shirt up just for a moment and was pulling and massaging her naked breasts-no bra-with her manicured fingers.

"Want to suck them, Nibs?" she asked, smiling. "Come on, baby."

Nibs ignored common sense and moved towards Valentina's right breasts and she backed off and slapped him hard across the jaw.

Tasting blood, Nibs burst into tears. But he felt his cock thicken between his legs.

"Give it up, you excuse for a man. I wouldn't let you touch my tits for anything." And Val began laughing hysterically.

And Nibs, overcome with shame, had never been more erect.

So much shame. Today, the housemaids giggling as he'd walked by them with a bucket of ammonia-water to clean the windows.

They were Honduran or South American, and they'd jabbered back and forth in their language, and he'd known they were laughing at him, and they'd tell their husbands, who worked as landscapers, also for the Colfax Inn.

And why not laugh at a man who was naked except for his chastity device, the horrible pink garter belt, and of course the high heels? And Mac had been similarly clad, but Val had tied a bow in what was left of his hair.

And insanely, Nibs had been jealous!

God, those pumps, size sixteen at the tranny store.

But Val had warned Nibs several times about procrastination, how he shouldn't put off cleaning the bathrooms, and so the humiliation was assistive in combatting his Adult Onset A.D.D.

Val patted Nibs's damp cheek now and pointed. "Now it's time to bend over the couch, honey."

"No, no, please, Valentina." Not even hit yet, and Nib's eyes were filling with more tears. She really could whip, and anticipating the pain...was arousing.

And terrifying!

"Let's go, gotta take your medicine."

"I'm so scared. That strap-"

"Don't be such a wimp. This is why I haven't let you fuck me in nearly eight years. A little stropping will do you good. It will take your mind off that sex-crazy dick of yours, even for just a few minutes. Do I have to call Sergeant Willy Jack?"

Biting his lip, more salty tears coursing down the pudgy face, Nibs went to the end of the couch, his cock bobbing in front of him (so horny!) and bent over the armrest.

Valentina regarded him with interest. Oh, she couldn't wait to lay into that spoiled little rear end of his.

Six with the strop followed, Nibs keeping from crying aloud by biting into one of the cushions. Then Val crossed to the mantel and brought back a rattan cane that they'd purchased in Bombay a year before.

As Val's arm swung and the rattan met the welted, quivering buttocks, she felt vindicated that this was a great time to be a woman.

Of course he'll be erect again. The man is a satyr...

Then Val stood back and Nibs dropped to the floor, cowering naked on the rug, weeping and trying unsuccessfully to cover his face.

"What a crybaby." Valentina said dismissively. "It's no wonder I can't bear to have you touch me, except with your somewhat talented tongue. That tiny needle dick, and you are like a cringing blob."

Nibs was sobbing, but his dick was returning to life.

"Oh, it's not that bad, honey." Val said briskly, and she sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. Finally Nibs rose and limped over.

"Sit down, baby." Nibs obeyed gingerly. Oh how he winced from the pressure on his savaged buttocks. Valentina was trying hard not to laugh.

I'll have to use that strop on Mr. McAllister later, in the basement.

Nibs smiled blearily at his wife and receiving an encouraging look, put one arm around her neck.

How beautiful Valentina was! The curly short hair, full lower lip, and alabaster skin...a pointed nose. A corn fed beauty from the Buttermilk State if there ever was one!

Val smiled and kissed Nibs tenderly on the lips. She did love him after all.

"You see, and your wee-wee is all quiet now-" Val brushed it demurely.

"All that commotion distracted him and he's a nice little worm, very calm."

Fine way to describe a flogging that nearly took the epidermis off my derriere, a skinning, really, Nibs thought resentfully, but now Val was leaning over and kissing his leftover tears away and rubbing and stroking the errant "wee-wee."

Up and down her pretty fingers travelled, and Nibs's nub responded quickly.

Nibs smooched and necked with his mischevious spouse, and watching her bosom once again pushing against the little white blouse...should he try again and ask her to remove it?

Of late, Valentina had not allowed Nibs to see her in "the raw" except when he was attending her bath, or late at night when she sat on his face, but it was so dark then.

And of course, Nibs was so often licking the gross juices of the other men in her life. That could be so heartbreaking, and he forgot about any chance to scope out her pretty figure.

Val, of course had Nibs naked all the time, or whenever he wasn't manning the desk of the Colfax Inn. Sometimes, when Nibs and Val had a dispute, she resolved matters by putting Nibs in adult diapers and making him jump rope or play jacks on the floor of the living room until he agreed to see things her way.

It was better of course to use the diaper method during the off season.

And tonight the New England Patriots were playing the Los Angeles Rams, Superbowl 53, and since Nibs had tried to be such a good boy, Val was going to let him wear clothes and watch with the other guests.

Nibs had only gotten to see a few games that season, as Val was really much more interested in the Decorator Channel.

As Nibs kissed Val's neck, she thought more about watching the game.

She'd promised Nibs he could watch, and he'd be dressed.

But he hadn't seen his outfit for the evening...

A Shirley Temple dress and a parasol.

Val hoped Nibs was enjoying himself now... in a few minutes she'd be locking him up and having him go downstairs and assist Mac in the cellar, fellating all the young men.

It would keep Mac and Nibs occupied until it was time to "suit up" (or dress up) for the Big Game.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Don't you ever get bored

of basically writing the same story over and over again. Though I guess it at least keeps giving the hand you're not typing with some masturbatory exercise.....

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