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Wake Me Up Ch. 04

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Wes gets pretty thirsty on their first date.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 05/15/2018
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Dinner. 7 pm. Sunday Kitchen. Don't be late.

Oh god, that was hot. Not only did he want to see me, but now he was bossing me around after I had just teased him mercilessly. I had to respond.


I guess you must've really liked my show if you want to take me out to dinner afterward?

I waited in anticipation for another text, my dick somehow already coming to life after our last session. I couldn't believe this guy was affecting me so much and he wasn't even here! Seeing the blue bubbles in the bottom right corner of my phone, showing me he was typing, was a gift sent from God.


Yeah, I did, and I really can't wait to enjoy the main course.

Fuck. I hope that the main course was me.

I shuffled back to my dorm room, deciding to leave him waiting for a response til tonight. I tried to work on the questions for Professor Cord and any other homework that I still had to get done, but I couldn't stop daydreaming about Wes tonight. After about three hours into my fruitless attempts, I decided to stop.

I invited Carly over to help me pick out an outfit for the night. I had already told her all about Wes and what had gone on that weekend, and she was very excited that I had broken up with Logan and was already moving onto another guy.

Yes, that night right after I had left, I had asked Logan if we could hang out the next morning. We met at a little coffee shop near the school, and he seemed overly happy and affectionate. I flirted back and acted like my usual, adoring boyfriend persona.

Then, after he had paid for my coffee and blueberry scone, I looked up at him and started explaining my situation.

"So, I saw you making out with that blonde twink at Lucky Taps last night.

His eyes bugged out of his head as he spits the sip he was taking out onto the floor. He murmured an apology to the barista and grabbed some of the disposable napkins to clean up the mess he had made.

"So, are you mad?"

"No. I mean, when I saw it I was absolutely furious. I couldn't even believe that you could cheat on me, especially with all the shit I've put up with from you in the past. Then, well, a very nice man consolidated me through my pain."

"Oh great! I'm so glad we can stay together through this! I promise babe, that kid meant nothing and I'll never see him again." Logan beamed a megawatt grin, his always to perfect superman curl bouncing with early onset joy.

"Well, that's where you're wrong. You can actually see him as much as you like because we are completely through Logan. That man, he consolidated me with a great blowjob, so I figured I don't really need you now do I? Thanks for the coffee, buh bye."

He stared at me, completely dumbstruck as I sashayed out the door. My ass was swaying back and forth just a little bit, just to show Logan how much he had really lost.

He had tried calling and texting me a couple of times after that, but I refused to answer any of them. As long as he never approached me in real life, I figured he was completely harmless.

Carly showed up to my door about fifteen minutes after, and she plugged her phone into my speaker right when I let her in, without even saying hello.

"Carls! Rude."

"Sorry Gorgeous, was listening to a jam on the way here and I gotta finish the song or I'll never get it out of my head."

Suddenly, Tiesto's "Wasted" was blaring through my speakers at full volume. Carly knew that this is one of my favorite songs, so we started jumping around my room like 8-year-olds belting out the lyrics.

"I like us better when we're wasted

It makes it easier to say it

Lay all your laundry on the bed

And then I'll lay in it instead

I like us better when we're wasted."

Carly and I broke into a fit of giggles at the end, then she suddenly screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Fuck Carly, what is it!"

"I'm just so excited you have a date with a hot hunk tonight and not fucking Logan."

"Same here Carls."

I loved Carly like a sister. We had met freshman orientation and had been tied at the hip since then. She was beautiful, and I'm pretty sure every guy in school was envious of the time I got to spend with her, little did they know that I was definitely not trying to hit that.

She had medium length ombre hair that went from a brown about as dark as mine at the roots to a honey-colored blonde. Her skin held a constant tan, even in the middle of a Maine winter. Her emerald eyes were huge with thick eyelashes and a button nose. She was long and lean, almost as tall as me standing at about 5' 10". I'd seen men trip over themselves to get her attention.

Carly kept trying to dig me for dirt that afternoon about Wes

"So, where's he taking you out tonight?"

"Sunday Kitchen, that cute little shop on 8th."

"Oh my god, that's such a cute first date spot! He totally wants to be your boyfriend!"

"I don't know Carly, He never texted me after that night. He probably just wants to get me back for what I pulled today, then I'll never see him again. I kind of wished it could be more though. Even if Logan and I just broke up, Wes just seems like too great of a guy to wait for."

I had put just a smidge of the nerves that I felt for that night into my conversation. I was terrified of seeing Wes again. A lot of what ifs were jumping around in my head, and I couldn't shut them up for the life of me. What if he didn't show up? What if he did, but then turned out to be a sleazeball? What if he showed up, and we started talking and found out we had nothing in common and it was just uncomfortable? What if he showed up, and we didn't talk at all?

I had almost racked myself up to a mini anxiety attack while Carly had blathered on about her Euro final when she glanced at my glazed over eyes.

"Gabe, are you even fucking listening to me?"

"Sorry Carl's, just kinda nervous about tonight."

"Aw kiddo, it's alright. If he turns out great, then he turns out great and everything's perfect. And if he's an asshole, I'll go beat him up for ya!"

Though it did very little to assuage my nerves, Carly's never failing friendship made me feel a little better.

We spent the rest of the afternoon putting together my outfit for tonight and I tried to help Carly memorize the different Kings and Queens of European Royalty, but it was a lost cause.

By the time 6:45 rolled around, I was dressed to the nines for a broke college student. I had opted to wear a pair of black jeans that melded with the form of my ass like a second skin. I wore a short-sleeved maroon button up with the top two buttons unbuttoned. My hair was done up in its usual messy, just rolled out of bed look. Carly begged to try and put some product in it, but that always just made my hair look crazy and stiff. The leather jacket made my whole outfit come together, and after I sprayed my cologne on I felt a lot better about the night.

I said goodbye to Carly, leaving her in my room so she could grill me when I got back from my date. The short walk their felt like it took 3 hours and 3 minutes at the same time.

I showed up at the restaurant a couple minutes after seven, not wanting to arrive early and seem desperate. I walked up to the hostess stand as I looked around the dimly lit restaurant.

The restaurant had a warm, cozy feel to it. The only lighting came from fairy lights that were strung from beam to beam in the intimate dining area, small fake candles scattered in the middle of tables, and a large fireplace that sat in the back of the dining room. The tables were covered with long, black tablecloths that went down almost to the floor. It looked more like it belonged in some upper-class ski resort and not a small college town.

"Hey hon, welcome to Sunday Kitchen. Is it just you for the night?"

The hostesses speech broke me out of my reverie, and I looked around for Wes.

"Actually, I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. His name is Wes, do you know if he's shown up yet?"

"Oh, so you're the man that Wes planned this for. Well then follow me, I'll show you to your table."

She leads me through the winding tables and booths, stopping at the back right corner table. Wes sat in the chair, staring down at a menu until he heard us approach. He raised his head and a smile gleamed from his lips.

My throat dried up instantly.

"Here ya go Wes, I found your date. He is quite adorable, you better keep him."

"Oh, I intend to."

That broke through Gabes awkward stunted thoughts and brought him back to reality. Gabe really didn't want to look into that too much, but he also desperately hoped that those words were true.

He sat down on the plush chair, leaning back slightly to get comfortable. He twitched in his lips into what he hoped was a smile for Wes, but may have looked like a grimace from the nerves that were pouring off of him.

"Hey, their."


They sat there in silence for a short period of time. Wes picked up his menu and stared at it, glancing up at Gabe as often as he could. Gabe tried to think of something to say, but couldn't seem to form full thoughts with the Greek god sitting in front of him.

"So, how do you know the hostess?"

Really Gabe! Asking about the hostess, what a lame way to start a conversation.

"Aha, actually I know a lot of the people in the area. If you own or work often at one of the businesses in town, it's almost guaranteed were friends or at least know each other."

"Oh, that makes sense."

The silence fell over the table again, and Gabe silently cursed himself and his stupid brain.

"How was your afternoon?"

"It was pretty good, I hung out with a good friend of mine and tried to work on a project about the presentation today."

"Oh, see when I looked up at you it didn't seem like you were paying too much attention to the information," Wes smirked at the joke he had made.

"Oh, believe me, Wes, I was fully concentrated on the presentation. I was very enthusiastic about the whole thing."

We stared at each other from across the table, then burst into raucous laughter. The laughter was a little too loud for such a low key dining room, and half the patrons turned to us. I saw our hostess grinning in the back, staring fondly at our cackling forms.

When we both noticed the restaurant staring at us, we quieted down. I was fiercely blushing with all the attention, but Wes was grinning from ear to ear. After that, a lot of tension that is usually involved in a first date seemed to break for both of us, and I became a lot more at ease with Wes.

We talked about his business and my major, Business Communications. He seemed to really love discussing Lucky Taps, both the financial side and the brewing side. He almost seemed like a super proud parent, speaking fondly of a child. It was enthralling to see him get so excited about something I could understand, and we easily kept up a good repertoire about different business ideas. Logan had never really understood that part of my life, so it was nice to have a fun conversation about it.

Our waitress walked up to us a couple of minutes after our laugh attack, and we had both already figured out our drink and entree choices, so we ordered right then. Our food came out about fifteen minutes later and smelled absolutely phenomenal.

I had ordered the chicken marsala and mushrooms, with Wes ordering the grilled garlic shrimp and couscous. We continued our conversation around bites of food, and I tried very hard not to laugh and spit out my food at Wes's seemingly never-ending list of puns. The food was completely delicious, and I made sure to mark this as a restaurant I would come to more often.

After we had finished our meals, Wes gave me that mischievous smirk that always meant trouble.

"So, did you enjoy the food?"

"It was delicious, I'm completely stuffed."

"Actually, I think I may have some room for dessert."

Wes glanced quickly around, then dove under the table. I tried to peek to see what he was doing under there, but he swatted my hand away from the tablecloth and pulled my legs under a little more so I was leaning against the table. I stuttered through a sentence.

"Wes, what the hell..."

I felt him pinch my inner thigh under the table, quite hard. I would've been more pissed if he suddenly didn't grab for my package and massaged it under my jeans.

My brain finally caught up with Wes's actions, and I realized where this was headed. Wes began unzipping my jeans, and I realized I had forgotten to put on underwear when I left my dorm.


I heard a slightly muffled groan under the table when my cock stood up out of my pants with no briefs to hold them back. He took the head of my cock into his warm mouth in one downward motion, and I gripped my bottom lip with my teeth to try and hold back any noises. I'm sure my back was bent at an odd angle over the table, but I was becoming less and less aware of my surroundings the more Wes ran his tongue around the head of my cock.

He held me there for a second, just running his tongue along my head and giving little kitten licks to my piss slit. He started moving his head up and down, taking a half an inch at a time, building up a steady sucking pressure. When he got about halfway down, his head moved completely off and licked a long stripe up the vein on the back and I almost came right their. His mouth enveloped my dick again and he went back to furiously sucking while going about halfway down my pole.

Suddenly, I saw our waitress walking towards our table. My palms broke into a sweat and I tried to push Wes's head off of me, but he just kept up the pace, using even more force and taking me just a little bit farther

"Hi, do you need anything else?"

"Um, I think my friend may want dessert, you'll have to ask him when he gets back."

"Oh, where'd he get off to?"

Damn this nosy waitress. It was taking all the strength I had to keep up with this conversation while Wes was slurping on my dick. He started laughing around me, giving off a little vibration that made me incredibly horny.

"Um, I think he headed to the restroom. I'm, uh, sure he'll be right back."

I didn't understand how she couldn't tell what was going on. I'm sure my face was red and my eyes were glazed over, but she didn't seem to take notice of anything going on under the tablecloth.

"Alright, I'll head on over when he comes back."

She began walking away from our table, and I moaned in relief of her leaving and Wes getting even farther down on me. I suddenly felt him swallowing around my cockhead, as he completely deepthroated me to my pubes. I almost passed out in bliss from that feeling, his throat muscles massaging the head of my cock deliciously.

When he began using his tongue around my dick with my cock still in his throat, I knew I was going to lose it. I tried to whisper to him through the tablecloth.

"Wes, I'm gonna cum."

He moaned around me with my head still lodged deep in his throat, and I felt the first spurt hop out of my dick. He drank me down like a man dying of thirst, moving his head up a little so he could catch my essence on his tongue.

After the last few pumps came out of me, I slouched deep into my chair in post orgasm relief. He climbed out from under the table, looked around at the other patrons to make sure no one had noticed, then gave me a "cat ate the canary" grin.

"If that's punishment for what I did today, I'll make sure to do it more often"

"That's fine by me babe, I enjoyed the hell out of your performance, I just really wished I could've gotten a more up close view."

I blushed at that, hoping that I could give him a repeat performance. Our waitress wandered back to our table.

"Hi sir, I heard you might like some dessert?"

"Actually, I think I'm pretty satisfied. We'll just take the check."

"Sounds good, I'm glad you enjoyed. It definitely looks like it since you have a little drop of sauce on your chin."

I noticed the little drop of cum on Wes's chin from his recent activities and stifled my laughter as much as I could. He smiled cutely up at our waitress and responded.

"Why it seems I do. Thanks for telling me!'

He swiped his thumb over his chin and took it into his mouth while staring right into my eyes. He sucked the pad of his thumb slightly, giving me a little wink. Our waitress again seemed to not notice any of the subtle hints of what had happened underneath the tablecloth.

"No problem, I'll be right back with the check!"

She scampered off, while I burst into full-throated laughter at the circumstances. Wes laughed along, and soon we were just smiling at each other like some goofy teenagers.

After the check arrived, Wes paid with me adamantly fighting that we split and him not even letting me touch the checkbook. I made sure to let Wes leave the table first, and let a little extra in tip money for our waitress for not noticing our indiscretions.

Wes and I had both walked since we both lived in the area. We both began walking in the same direction towards his apartment and my dorm.

"I had a great night with you, Gabe."

"Me too, I'm really glad you invited me out. I thought you didn't want to talk to me after the last time, so I was really happy when you texted me this morning."

"Oh god no, it wasn't that I didn't want to talk to you! I was actually kind of nervous, I don't really do one night stands and your some hot young college student that could get any guy he wants. I kind of assumed that I was just a rebound for you."

"You think I'm hot?" I smirked up at him under the glow of a street lamp, the night painting the town with a romantic darkness. I saw the light blush bloom under Wes's cheeks, and it was too cute for me not to react.

I leaned up slowly on my tiptoes, my eyes asking for the things I didn't want to voice. He picked up on my intentions, and he slowly leaned down to press his mouth to mine. Though this wasn't our first kiss, it felt brand new. Our lips took the time to explore and get to know one another as if we had all the time in the world. He opened his mouth first, taking a light breath then pushing his tongue to the seal of my mouth. I opened immediately for him, and that's when things began to take a turn.

His tongue slowly stroked in my mouth and flamed the desire growing in the pit of my stomach. My hands, which had been hanging loosely at my side up until that point, reached up into his perfectly coiffed hair begging to be messed up. His large arms wrapped around my body and lifted me up to his height without breaking our mouths. The temperature grew hotter and hotter as we fought for dominance. Our tongues played with each other as he swung me around up against the lamppost. We made out for a couple more minutes till some asshole driver honked at us as he sped by.

Our foreheads stayed together as our lips broke, and we collectively chuckled at the circumstances.

"Take me home," I whispered in his ear, hoping he would catch my drift.

"Fuck yeah."

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wawferwawferalmost 6 years ago

Omg! This ending left me with a rush of adrenaline, I am going to perish waiting for the next chapter lol

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