Just your average anonymous writer, trying to release the demons in his head by putting their words out into the world.
2010/07/07 - tons of ideas flying around, competing for time on the keyboard. Something new within a week.
2010/04/13 - Submitted my first story into the shark infested waters known as 'Loving Wives'. I am hoping that 'Homecoming Call' does well, though it does somewhat follow my 'twist at the end' format.
2010/04/03 - Hard at work on finishing TZ 5, fleshing out TZ 6, and more ideas are popping in to my head daily. Just trying to corral them all and get them down before they disappear.
2010/03/22 - Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of the Twighlight Zone series have been re-edited and posted; they should (fingers crossed!) be posted in a few days. Chapter 5 still needs a little work, and chapter 6 is in the works. 3 other stories also being worked on as I write.
2010/02/24 - Current projects - Editing the first part of a loving femdom story. Very interesting topic. I have completed the update and edit on Twighlight Zone chapters three, four, and five. I have had to restructure chapter two quite a bit in order for it to fit into the overall plotline, and so have not published any of the chapters yet. Four other stories in the works.
In a cave, reading smut