I'm teetering on the edge of that dark place again. Where I can fall into utter despair and allow my mind to become a blank and vacuous space, or I can sink deeper into that melancholy state that speaks to me of longing and ache and desire and want. Where I feel the need for sad and oft times, tragically tarnished words to help empty the emptiness I feel inside me.
There is a longing inside me that aches for peace and tranquility. One that I can never quite seem to fill, no matter how full my life is. No matter how grateful I am, no matter how loving, it always lurks, nipping just at the edges of my life until it sometimes catches me unawares and gains a foot hold.
For me, it is a space that garners deep seated loathing in knowing that I always want more, that I feel the NEED for more even though I'm never quite sure what more is. For you? Well for you, that space could mean more words on a page... but it's only if I let myself fall...