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Cock Tease

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Shall it simile be
To make a rose bud smile
Alliteration, assonance, caesura perhaps
Metaphor, meter, rhythm or rhyme.

Before the podium he stands contemplative
Worldly . . . wise . . . weathered . . .
In the front row, playing with her wild long tresses
Both sandal-clad feet up on her desk chair
Long, lovely stems, creamy thighs
Wicked . . . wicked . . . wicked . . .
Legs spread, lips poking out both sides of her shorts
Pushed up to her cunt.

Couplets, tercets, quatrains
Spondaic, anapestic, trochaic
Woodsworth, Pope, Milton
In concrete verse for visual effect.


“Sorry, where might I have been?” he mutters
“The Woodstock Poetry Festival,” the pussy purrs
An innocent angel looks up, painted bottom lip quivering
She grins mischievously and sucks her thumb
Big eyes back down to her notebook
She scribbles something
Rips off the sheet with girly glee
Holds it up so only he can see.

Wicked . . . wicked . . . wicked . . .
Oh but to tease
Yet to please.

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EricNK58EricNK58over 1 year ago

Purest eroticism.

browncawkbrowncawkover 6 years ago

but to tease, yet to please?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

The head of my desire inflamed, blood engorged cock gently touches the portals to your secret place, as it easily slides into your passage you lunge against my chest legs parting wider to make entry impossible to deny, you feel the well rounded fround around the head bump over the corrugation of your spot and you squeeze trying to keep it there, then we both release and feel the waves of our addiction sweep over us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
i love it

by the way i love your poem & your stories, by the way i seduced my brother & i gave him my v my Cheri & so he deflowered me, by the way we named our daughter Sarah actually because He loves "Sarah" the name ;P

yours Nive

my e-mail is :

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 15 years ago

Erotic concrete poetry. How beautiful. Shame the upload to Lit spoiled one line. You are something sarahhh

skiestaskiestaover 15 years ago
Sexual and Sensual

I realize the this poem is old for Sarahh but DAMN can this woman write! Always sexy, current, clever and willing to go to the edge. Sarahhh needs to write a full length novel!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

Good Poetry! Good Pornography and a very clever presentation. Thoroughly enjoyable.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 17 years ago
A poem or a flag?

The poem is sweet fun and sexy of course, but when I read the many pages of what your writing does to people I can see you are on to something bigger then the above.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago


tafxkztafxkzalmost 18 years ago
Awesome Awesome

You have a great skill will words... Please write more poems

coscos1946coscos1946about 18 years ago


NookiehunterNookiehunterover 18 years ago
Ode to a Womb

I usually hate the poetry that shows up on Literotica, but this is really good. It is funny and imaginative and makes me think that you have a proper appreciation for your pussy and what it can mean to a man. Well done!


wolfarmywolfarmyabout 19 years ago
Ahh Sarahhh

To think I waited till now to read your poem! As always your intelligence is meshed with your beauty. A masterpiece to say the least.

msboy8msboy8about 19 years ago
Gonna be one of my favorites

Great job on the poem! You really made me 'feel' it! Keep Writing.

PenquinmanPenquinmanover 19 years ago
oh my my my

have a hole new reason tolove poetry-thank you for opening my eyes to it :)

siderophilesiderophileover 19 years ago

Imaginative, lustful, taunting, but is it teasing if there is a payoff?

Nice work. Hope to see more, Beautiful Lady.

carrolljcarrolljover 19 years ago
Misplaced Clit

Wonderful poem, everything from Sarahh is well done, but poor Sarah, it appears her clit is on the lower right hand side of the picture of that wonderful pussy. No wonder I had such a hard time finding it when we were at the Lake...

Can I try to find it again Sarah?? - Jim

puck444puck444over 19 years ago
damn :)

your stories are really good, i wish you would write more poetry

Nimrod15Nimrod15over 19 years ago
Poetry in britches

Sarahhh, your poetry is exemplary, for those of us who have learned all the buzz words for that lovely little place, you have hidden under your panties. If it is as magnificent as that lovely titty, on your profile picture, it must be dynamite.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Saraahhh your words make me hard, your thoughts make me want to explode.. your insights make the world want to shag your beautiful body day after day, hour after hour.. second by second!

ethanjones1943ethanjones1943over 19 years ago

Sarah: you are such a hot lady both verbal and in sight. Your words are always a treat as is your body. Ethan

sqrlyonesqrlyoneover 19 years ago
Tease me all you want


You brilliance is astounding. Looking forward to more teasing and pleasing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
I love your mind and your body

I need to break out my dictionary and my thesaurus for this one! (I mean that in a good way)

You teased my cock with your prose

I'd love to fuck you while you're in hose!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

i found the poem very erotic, and stimulating, in all the right parts of the body. makes you want to grab the nearest body.


malakmalakover 19 years ago
From one poet to another

Sarah, Sarah, until we meet

I'll dream of you my sweet

But the image of you in those little shorts

Sends me into a frenzy of sorts

C'mere you little cock tease

Let's see you beg and say please

The big dog might give you the bone

And make you squeal, squirm, and moan

(Hey, luv, why don't you do a poem about fellatio and do that word thing?)

BooMerengueBooMerengueover 19 years ago

I loved this, Sarahhh. Great job, Thanks. It made me smile!

willy9ishwilly9ishover 19 years ago
so good

I did

> I loved it

> I thought of you

> you cock tease...

> I felt myself then thought of you

> I rubbed my nose

> I held my member

> I thought of you.....

> Thr tease, the tease, it is too much

> I wonder yes I wonder

> I wonder if ever,if ever,if ever

> if ever I can.....

> maybe?

soognsoognover 19 years ago

Once again Sarahhh goes (and gets us) above and beyond with her work. Your descriptive words arranged just so were great, but I think it was better how you put us in the eyes of the guy at the podium and had us feeling how he felt. Well done once again lovely, well done.

Erotic GuyErotic Guyover 19 years ago
You Philled me AGAIN!!!!

Sarah, you have done it again. I'm full of passion after reading your verse, mind the pic did not do anything to deflate me either!!! I cant wait to see your next erecting work of erotic art. Phil xoxoxooxox

thumper66thumper66over 19 years ago
left hard

Sarah your a great writer and now a poet too loved the the way you placed your descritive words very clever loved the pic too just wish we could see lots more of you maybe a smile.

Dream CatcherDream Catcherover 19 years ago
Interesting choice!

Congratulations Sarah it is nice to see you try your hand at poetry. Only one dissapointing aspect, I had to keep refering to my dictionary?

It is extremely difficult to be overly arroused while reading "Websters", but I really loved the "smutty" words and I thought your picture was worth 200%.

Don't dispare Sarah, I'm not a brilliantly educated individual,(but I do appreciate sophistication in a woman).

I will still be looking out for your future submissions.

RPBUSHRPBUSHover 19 years ago
ooops, you did it again


You are not only beautiful but surprising as well. I knew you where an accomplished writer, but poetry is not an easy thing, and to make me hard while reading your poem was certainly a new experience. As I look at your pic I dream of other new experiences. I have burnt your image into my mind so that I may dream of you. I am left to imagine how beautiful your smile is. My mind is assaulted by your every word, as well as other parts of my anatomy.

Thank you, RP

dew9876dew9876over 19 years ago
Work of Art

You have a wonderful way of words. I usually don't get into poetry, but you have a way of making it hott! I bet you could even make economics sound fun. The concrete poem was a nice touch too.

devilishnightdevilishnightover 19 years ago
Sarahhh is awsome

Sarah, you need to stop teasing all these poor readers. Everytime I read something I try to picture you. God you'd look hot if I was the one stading on the podium. You are great.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
To a beautiful lady

Imagination, Inspiration and Sensuality rolled ito one.

To know the author is to know the work. To see this author is to understand the meaning of this poem.

Luv Ya Sarah

Ron Thomas you know - the one with the hauntingeyes

cpa3458cpa3458over 19 years ago
Lovewd IT

Great Poem. It was really great. I prefer stories, but it is nice to have something different every now and then

DaimyoDaimyoover 19 years ago
Such a tease as this...

She sat before me

feigning interest in what I had to say

Her mind was elsewhere

plotting and planning how to end her day

I was her target

this she had fixed deep in her fertile mind

And through parted lips

she issued her command ever firm, yet kind

Soon I will give you

what no other woman has been willing

But for you'll wait

for I find my teasing you is thrilling

For now you can look

and wonder at the flavor of my place

The lust in your eyes

will change to estatic wonder on your face

When later we meet

and the promise that I made is kept

And then tomorrow

all who see you will know you've not slept

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Now that's new!!

I anxiously await each of your next posts. I never expected poetry, but I do love it. You are one wonderous wordsmith. Have you ever thought of training formally as a bard? They still exsist. Pagans one and all. Keeping to the old traditions and the old stories. I love all of your work and hope to soon get (Buy) your book. (Money in your pocket makes women happy) You cleared out your posted stories. That saddened me greatly.

Yours in all but name,


My Erotic TaleMy Erotic Taleover 19 years ago

this poem was mentiuoned on the thread

"New Poems Reviews"

TyFzTyFzover 19 years ago
A man who knows to little

I'm not a big fan of poetry, I enjoy your storys more. You have a imagination that paints a wonderfull picture. To limit a artist to a paper size canvas, when you seem to work better with a wall... Is a shame.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
what sarahhh does

I read your work and my dick gets hard. I see your picture and I drool with total lust. Is there anything that you can't make me do. Sarahhh, just make me cumm please

craiggie501craiggie501over 19 years ago
What are WordsWorth

There once was a poet named Sarah,

Who's writing was hotter than the Sahara,

With a swish of the pen,

She could work up the men,

Like a naked women on the French Riviera.

King BooneKing Booneover 19 years ago
Tease ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Not really into poems but did see your side of it and looked behind the lines as they say.

Another work of art and then some. The photo was such a tease you lttle vixen you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Very well done.

I enjoyed your poem very much Sarah. But then, you knew I would.

Conjure Man

PenquinmanPenquinmanover 19 years ago
your breath of ability amazes me

is there anything you cant do??? love it

RichardS50RichardS50over 19 years ago
;My Daughter's Stories!

Oh Sarah, you have done it this time! I love this poem, and yes love, your photo you sent is difinitely a tease! I am so glad I can have the "real" Sarah, anytime I want her! Tonight, when you get home from school, I will call you into my study. You will of course be wearing your school uniform: white shirt, green tie, green plaid skirt and white knee socks. I will chastise you for writing this poem, as to why you insist on being a tease to the readers.

I will have you slip your penny loafers off and bend across my lap. I will lift your skirt up to your waist. Of course you had better be wearing bikini panties, because if you wore a thong to school, your whipping will be much worse.

I will lightly caress your tight butt before bringing my hand down hard (WHACK!) Cry all you want Sarah, you deserve this and believe me darling, it hurts me more than it does you! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! What's that your whimpering, Sarah? You want to do what to me, your father?

Suck me? Hmmmmmmmmm, well, if you do good, you will not get any more whacks. So, now that's it little one, down on your knees and come to daddy.

Here darling, I've unzipped and pulled my penis come here and kiss it. Yes, love just like that.....kiss it, lick it, love it. Oh Sarah, your tiny mouth feels so good on my cock. Ok, dear, now ease it into your mouth....slow and deep. Oh baby, your tongue feels so good on me. Oh, yesssssss suck it.......really suck baby girl.

Ohhhhhhhhh, yessssssssss, ok, Sarah, stop baby, before I cum, and lay down on the couch for I move between your spread thighs, I notice your crotch is wet. I nuzzle your mound before moving your panty over, so I can lick you. "Does my tongue feel good on you, baby?" "Your juices are sooooooooo sweet, and I can feel you pushing against my face".

Oh, noooooooooo, Sarah, you ain't cumming like this, you know how I like feel my hands pulling your panty crotch aside......feel the head of my penis, my cock, my willy, my johnson, my dick, easing between your lips. Oh baby, you are soooooooo wet and tightttttt. Damn baby, so hot you are in here! Ok, now fuck me Sarah......slowly in and out, moving together.......oh darling.......oh...? Oh

Sarah, you are home now......what am I doing, you ask?

Well, honey, we need to talk about this teasing poem.......

ljaljaover 19 years ago
I enjoyed it lots

Hey Sarahhh,,, Im not into poems... but yours was unique really... I was reading and thinking at the same time... you have to when reading poems... I felt myself getting excited down below... it was really a short poem... so I read it numerous times... I was so hard down there I had to un-button my jeans and unzip them... Pull them down and then pull my underware down... It felt so good to spring free... I sat back down and I started stroking it while I read it over and over... It felt so good...My dick was so hard reading your work... I kept on stroking my hard dick while reading your poem.. Damn it was feeling so good Sarahhhh... mmmmmmm it was good... I was ready to Cum for you... So I went back to look at your pic as I Came for you... Mygod it was so good... I shot so high looking at your pic... It shot high and felt really good Baby... 1 shot clear over my shoulder and I was moaning out loud... Damn you are the sexxiest Lady on Literotica... Later that nite in bed I was thinking of you and My dick was getting hard again... I stroked it again for you Sarahhh.... And it felt good again... Thank you my Angel for making me feel so good when I stroke my hard dick for you... And yes Babe... Im doing it for you... Its so much better thinking of you as I stroke here... The feeling cant be described when I cum for you babe... Its the best feeling ever./... Thank you Sarahhh.... Larry... P.S.That pic of you was the best yet... I printed it out to jack off to... You are so Beautiful.... Thanks again... Your Horny Fan... Larry...

Paul SawyerPaul Sawyerover 19 years ago
Fucking Hot

I have cum all over my monitor! You're so fucking hot.. I cum every time I read your stuff... Paul

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Delicious tease, nice first attempt

Once again, you've demonstrated what a delicious tease you are. Made me look around, lock the door, and strip down to my Victoria's Secrets (Hi-thigh-cut black cotton panties). Flopped out my hardening rod, my nuts on top of the waistband. Looking at your picture, stroking my cock. Bet you've fabulous lips to kiss, tongue to duel and dance with my tongue. And...nipples, honkin' yummy rascals! Make me a fool, beg to suck and slurp your nipples...and lower, suckling cums from your clitty over and over and over....until you push me away, giggling, and tell me to "Gonna give me an 'A' this time, Professor Fox?" Happily, extorted, I yield to your awesome sexuality!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Missing the mark

So-so first attempt

woodrowsmithwoodrowsmithover 19 years ago

I read her poem

thoughts abound - I conjure images

her words inspire

hardened member needs release

To tease my cock

I am the speaker

needing closeness

the member throbs

DAmn that picture

lovely Sarah

Four inches more please

in both directions

How to be

not one of the throng

horny admirers

jacking off

Sitting, reflecting

No, i am me

one apart

now, what to do about this member?


psychprof67psychprof67over 19 years ago
ahhhh sarahhhh!!!

now, think about that professor.. standing behind the podium.. staring at you and unable to control himself.. slowly unzipping his pants.. letting his stiff cock pop out.. stroking himself ever so slowly as he watches you.. stares at your lips.. you see his shoulder moving, knowing what he is doing.. his jaw grows rigid and eyes wide.. you know that he has just shot a huge load.. staring at you.. unable to control himself.. when class ends.. you walk up and reach under the podium.. find slick wetness.. trail your finger through it.. walk out of the classroom slowly licking that finger.. looking for his office as you walk down the hall.. shorts still embedded in that wet cunt.. ummmm dear.. you make class.. hard for me.. very...

Be Well...


WonderingXWonderingXover 19 years ago
as always

Hi Sarah, I'm not too big on poems but that sure was different. Well done with that sneaky little touch of yours that we have all cum to expect!! And as always you do get the job done.Looking for more! Classicdreamer55

PS Oh and by the way, the girl in the picture? I would wear my tongue out!!!!!

RiokRiokover 19 years ago
Oh that poor professor!

With your angelic face pouting before him, and your delicious hairless clam starring right at know he was ever so grateful for the podium in front of him! As he tried to concentrate on his lecture, his now hard throbbing dick was both painful and distracting. He couldn't wait to get back to his office to relieve that pressure in his balls. He knew you wouldn't assist him in his hour of need. But he needed a blow job or better yet, a thorough screwing with that sexy student in the front row. And YOU, your mouth watered in anticipation of returning to your room and pulling out your favorite toy-you know the one, the vibrating dildo with the clit tickler and the rotating head to find and please that wondrous G-spot. That's what a real "cock teaser" has to do to please herself, right?

tonykelly77tonykelly77over 19 years ago
re.clever clogs you

Hi,Ms Sarah.your branching out I see,where to next I wonder


boese_amiboese_amiover 19 years ago

cute.....but not enough to make me shoot my "Wadsworth"

"The Mad American"in Florida


b6u9db6u9dover 19 years ago
Yours works leave hard and driiping


Again you amaze with you writing skills. The words make my cock hard and force me to rub it. As i read i must rub and words and feelings cause me to harden and harden until i think i will bust. As I complete you works i am determined to have release and think about you telling me a peom or a story as I rub faster and faster till finally relief as i erupt all over myself. Thanks Bud

MR. GibsonMR. Gibsonover 19 years ago
Loved poem

Loved your pussy shaped poem sarahhh. Nicely done. keep up the good work.

sexmatesexmateover 19 years ago
What Visions!

What artistry of words! Thanks for stimulating more than my mind!


gar1079gar1079over 19 years ago
Once again

As always you inspire a hard and dripping cock.... you words along with you picture make short work of a stroking session. Can't wait till more.

Bridget69Bridget69over 19 years ago

Visually stimulates through the strategic structure of words. Nicely thought out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
delicious as always

Short and sweet and as delicious as ever!

Always a great way to start a day, Sarahhh


agentlemanhere_agentlemanhere_over 19 years ago

Very sitmulating and provocative. What a way to start your Monday morning! You do have such a way with words! I could see you there in front of me as i read it!!

wolfarmywolfarmyover 19 years ago
Sarahhh, you're such a sweet, hot slut!

You must be a redhead, loved your poem. I can clearly visualize your rose bud and pouting pussy lips as I run my tongue from your sweet ass to your hot clit all the while teasing your incredible nipples. Great picture but I have to know if your carpet matches your curtains, could'nt tell from the gorgeous picture!

nosefora10nosefora10over 19 years ago

this is the first time i've been tempted to lick the screen while reading a your work sarah. mack

erias616erias616over 19 years ago
Good use of words

What an interesting way to use words, both poeticly and physically.

I've been a fan for some time, and this is one of the first times I have ever seen a pussy shaped poem. COOL!

RebelWolfRebelWolfover 19 years ago

Rather have one of your great stories but poety is cool. While your teasing my cock there babe I would be sitting there stroking it for you and making you hot and wet till you could not wait another second. Then you climb on and ride me till we both came together..

Pro_Ball_PlayerPro_Ball_Playerover 19 years ago
Bad Bad Bad School Girl

Sarah, you are bad bad bad school girl. I think I'll need to keep you after class today to discuss your constant interruptions and disruptions. You know, as we've discussed before, I can't tolerate these disrutptions anymore. You know what to do, Sarah. Lean over the desk. No pouting, it won't do you any good, you know that. Yes, you know that I'm going to have to slip your shorts down. Spread your legs a little please... no, a little more.... just a bit more, Sarah. In fact, let's just take those shorts off so you can be more comfortable. I'm not completely without heart, Sarah, I do want you to be comfortable during your spanking. But, we can't have these sexy little panties getting in the way, can we? Just be still while I slip them down your smooth legs. Oh, my! They are wet this time, too. Now, Sarah, remember the last time whenI told you we couldn't have you getting this excited during class? I think I need to see a little better, lean all the way down, dear, press your nipples against the desk and let me see your girlspot. Just as I thought, warm, wet and creamy. Did you play with yourself during class? I didn't see that..... this time. Well, you might as well finish what you started before I give you what I know you want. Go ahead, I'll just sit behind you and watch while you finish. Oh, before you start, hand me your panties, would you? We wouldn't want you to mis-place them. Better hurry, Sarah, the next class will be here soon and you wouldn't want them to see you getting your spanking, would you? Would you?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Too Much to Take

So Many Thoughts right Now,Fuck it Bend Over and Smile for Me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Youve Got my Balls again

Darling Sarahhh,

You can write me poetry untill we both cum home.

I loved it, the use of words was very clever.

Keep it up my Dear and you will keep me UP.

Love Pierre4305

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago



WandererWandererover 19 years ago
See me after class.

I do teach, but my classes are more physical so your teasing would simply be.....different.

I'm not a big fan of poetry either, but who can fail to be impressed by such a well-shaped poem. Oh yes, the picture wasn't bad either.

Big Ben

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Sexy poem!!

Great poem. Loved the way you did the words!!


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

If Sarah thinks she can show those incredible boobs and ass and not get her brains fucked out, shes very wrong. i used to be a teacher and havent forgotten how to deal with recalcitrant students. BTW, the poem is the cleverest damn thing Ive seen in a while.


AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
be my teaching assistant!

my god be one of your profs. what a joy that would be. if i was the prof i would be thankful that there was a podium because my one hand would stay on the podium and the other would fall and rub my cock through my pants. i most certainly would have to make you one of my teaching assistants! just think of the late night meetings in the office. nobody else around so you could pretend to sit in the front row again and show me that

a14u2usea14u2useover 19 years ago
Hard One..

Hey my dear -

I am not in to poetry, but once again you have "grabed" my attention. You may tease me anythime!

nibhazsnibhazsover 19 years ago

So you do poetry too, and quite well. What did the note say? Inquiring minds want to know.

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