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Dr. Lowenstein Visits Her Nephew


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But, he was glad he waited, for once she had draped both nylons around the bed posts she reached behind her body to unclasp her brassiere. Doing so caused her to thrust her breasts out further, like she was posing for some girly magazine, or brassiere advertisement. She would indeed make a very good model as she did not appear to have any evident blemishes or flaws to her skin, or her figure. He once again had the image of Julia Roberts, undressing just for him.

Joseph reached for more lotion. A downside with using lotion, he found, was that one had to periodically replenish, albeit the reward for doing so was really quite nice. He quickly squeezed more into his hand while keeping his eye pressed to the hole, not wanting to miss anything for a second. Once he got a good glob in his palm he slapped it around his cock and resumed stroking, this time in a more rushed and hurried manner. It would not be long now.

He watched as his aunt first pulled one strap from her shoulder, and then the other, momentarily pausing at that point, holding the cups onto her breasts with her right hand, seeming to be pondering something. After an apparent moment of reflection she removed her hand to let her two treasures slip from their confines, coming into view with a slight bobble, perhaps a little dance of freedom, appreciating their escape from the tight confines of her brassiere, their opportunity to now more openly express themselves.

"Fuck!" Joseph gasped as he caught sight of those full, wonderful, snowy white round boobs, each capped by a thick red aureola, in the middle of which were two very perky pointed nipples that just seemed to be yearning to be pinched, tweaked, and sucked. Joseph knew that he was perhaps making too much noise as his hand worked hard on his dick but the tactile sensations of his cock and the visual sensations of his eye were just so fantastic.

His aunt laid her brassiere around the bed pole, along with her nylons, and then once again hesitated. This time tilting her head as if she was listening for something.

Joseph froze in mid-stroke. She hadn't heard him, had she? He pulled back a bit from the hole in case she looked over. He had always wondered if you could see his eyeball through the hole as well as he could see the person through the hole. The wall was really quite thin, but he felt it was thick enough to avoid that possibility. He tried testing it a few times with things stuck against and even into the hole, and then entering his sister's room while she was away to see what she might see.

He never felt he could see much of anything, particularly all the way across the room. He did once though, while he was in his sister's room, undress himself for an imaginary person peeking at him through the hole, more specifically one of his two sisters. That fantasy turned out to be a lot more fun than he had anticipated, fantasizing his sister Emily watching him undress, diddling herself as she did so, and then watching him jerk off, getting so excited by the fact that her younger brother had such an amazingly big, hard cock with which he would eventually squirt and spurt his stuff all over her feminine bedroom.

Just to be safe though Joseph did now pull back a bit from the wall. He had never been caught before. It would be really careless and stupid to be caught now, particularly by his aunt, the sex therapist. She would probably have him hauled off to some mental hospital for sex perverts. His sweaty face felt a bit cold at the thought of that.

But, when he did not hear any sounds of her leaving the room, perhaps to confront him, he realized that she apparently wasn't at all suspicious. He pressed his eye again against the hole, just in time to see her stand up and face the mirror, her back to him. She reached behind to grasp hold of the waistband of her panties to slowly pull them down, inch by inch, gradually revealing more and more of the soft, pale white curves of her womanly moon rising in the night.

Joseph gasped at the sight of her butt crack coming into view. A woman's bottom is really so sweet, particularly when it was bent over like this, thrusting back at oneself, and it is doubly, perhaps triply, fantastic when it is one that is so taboo, the bottom of one's professional but very, very sexy aunt. He knew this sight would remain fixed, burned, into his memory, coming into mind every time his aunt bent over to pick something up. The fact that she was a successful, well educated woman, normally dressed in conservative business suits made it all the more provocative and appealing that he was now gazing upon her bare-assed naked butt, thrusting back at him like she wanted him to mount her. She would be so ashamed and embarrassed if she knew what he was witnessing.

"Fuck," he gasped as he even caught sight of his aunt's wrinkled little butt hole and then, beneath that, the soft round pouch of her cunnie, with her full womanly vaginal lips coming into sight. "Fuck," again he gasped louder as he felt his legs tremble, his cock jerk in his hand, and a blissful orgasmic wave course through his mind and body. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" he mumbled more quietly as he felt his cock twitch and jerk in his hand, spurting globs and wads of cum against the wall, imagining that he was spraying it on the magnificent, glorious naked ass of his aunt, thoroughly wetting both her anus and her cunt lips, perhaps causing her to suddenly jump up in surprise, turning around to angrily confront him but only to be instantly seduced by the sight of his big, twitching jerking squirting dick, perhaps falling to her knees to catch the last few drops within her mouth.

A bit unrealistic perhaps but such are the fantasies within the midst of a climactic orgasm. Joseph gasped for breath as he pulled his eye away from the peephole to watch the remaining spurts from his cock splash onto his bedroom wall. It was a violation of his generally careful policy to usually avoid cumming directly onto the wall, but it had been so long since he had been able to use the peephole, and it was so very special the first night with his aunt. He felt he was allowed one momentary indiscretion.

When he finished squeezing out the remaining cum from his dick, letting the drips fall to the floor, he heard his aunt walking across the hardwood floor toward her bedroom door.

He quickly slipped his cock back into his pants, and hurriedly zipped, buttoned, and latched his belt. He then dashed to and opened his own door about the same time she had opened hers. "Oh, hello, Aunt Susan!" he cheerfully albeit a bit breathlessly exclaimed upon meeting her in the hallway.

"Well, Joseph, gracious, shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?"

Joseph smiled broadly, even though she, like all of the other women in the house, was treating him like he was a kid. He was nineteen years old, for goodness sake! He could be out clubbing if he wanted to. Well, he was too young for any clubs that served alcohol, but he still could be out on some date, if he could manage to ask a girl out. Well, he didn't mind how she referred to him as he had just seen her naked boobs, butt hole, and cunt. "Yes, yes, I am, Aunt Susan. I see that you're about to retire yourself."

She was wearing a bathrobe, which he knew was covering an entirely naked and gorgeous body. She bent over to speak further to him, her lovely large grey eyes looking deep into his through her spectacles. Joseph was not a tall man, barely five feet three inches, contributing further perhaps to the perception within the family that he was a non-threatening, asexual boy. He really wished he could grow at least a few more inches, but there was no possibility of that happening. Still, his shortness had one brief advantage tonight and that was that it compelled his aunt to bend over to say goodnight, causing in turn the front of her robe to slightly part.

He had already seen much more than just a peek into her cleavage, but seeing it again so soon, and this close, knowing how truly beautiful those breasts really were, caused his heart to flutter and his penis to twitch.

"Well, you can use the bathroom first, if you wish," she offered politely.

"Oh no, ma'am," he responded deferentially. He so much enjoyed the fact that just behind him, behind his partially closed door, were his globs of cum still sliding down the wall. If only she knew what he had just done, because of what he had just seen. Women may dominate him on a daily basis, but he felt that little hole did give him an upper hand, at least for a moment. It was temporary but it was quite empowering. "Guests most certainly deserve the honor. I'm in no hurry." He graciously let his aunt go first.

"You're so sweet," she replied, smiling as she patted him on the head, even giving him a brief peck on his cheek, providing a very, very close and intimate glance into her opened robe, and then made her way to the bathroom, his eyes following the waving of her bottom behind her. He let go a deep sigh. He had not actually made love with her, but it was the closest he would get and he felt so pleased, so satisfied.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

His aunt got up so early the next morning that Joseph missed her getting dressed, much to his disappointment. It was though appreciably riskier to use the peephole in daylight, as she might in fact notice light coming from his room. In the morning though he could avoid this problem by having all of his curtains closed, keeping the room rather dark.

Joseph was disappointed that he missed his chance but he vowed not to let that happen again. He did his chores with a renewed enthusiasm that did not go unnoticed by his mother. She attributed it to him wanting to show off for his aunt, which was indeed the truth. He would be quite happy to make a good impression on her, as if that would encourage her to provide an even better show this next evening.

His aunt was again wearing a business suit, which seemed a bit out of place for a summer day, away from work, but this suit was not as conservative as the one she wore the previous day. This skirt was even shorter, and on more than one occasion she bent over to make an adjustment to one of her heels, her bottom invariably pointed in his direction. The skirt would rise up and up her thighs as she slowly bent way over, almost to the point of her panties, but never quite all the way there. It was like the length of her skirt was precisely measured to just fall a centimeter short of her honeypot pouch.

Plus, she kept her jacket unbuttoned, which did make sense as it was a rather warm day. However, her blouse today was quite sheer, and Joseph could see the straps and a bit of the cups of a light blue brassiere through the thin white blouse. It was particularly nice when she was engaging him in close conversation. She would invariably bend over a tad, letting the jacket open up to reveal even more of the lacy cups and cleavage. It took all of his strength to keep his eyes remained focused on hers, if in fact he was successful in doing so as the treat being placed right before his eyes was so, so difficult to resist.

The little shows though ended in the afternoon when his mother and his aunt went off for the afternoon to play tennis (as well as to talk about him). Joseph cursed his missed opportunity to watch his aunt change her clothes, although he knew that it was very risky to close all of his curtains in the middle of the day. His mother might wonder what that was about.

When they returned from their tennis his mother and aunt were greeted by the presence of fresh lemonade on the kitchen table. Joseph knew that this would be very much appreciated by his mother, and perhaps his aunt as well. They were indeed grateful. His aunt had a full glass while they discussed their tennis game, or lack thereof, and then she announced that she would need to change for dinner, as well as even take a shower. She excused herself.

Joseph quickly followed suit, indicating that he wanted to get back to a computer game he had been playing before they had arrived back home. His mother wasn't too happy about that. He did seem to waste so much time on his computer, but he had worked very hard that morning and the lemonade had been quite considerate. So, she let him go off and play his game.

Joseph almost dashed to his room. Once there he quietly shut the door, locked it, turned on the computer, and closed the curtains. He decided he could say that it was much more fun to have the room dark, as it was a horror game that occurred during the night. Once the room was sufficiently dark he made his way to the picture on the wall, carefully removing it to resume his viewing pleasure, which was well rewarded as his aunt was already down to her brassiere and panties.

She was not wearing her light blue panties and brassiere though. She had on a sports brassiere and plain white panties. Well, Joseph did still find the panties to be sexy. They did at least look like girlish panties, whereas the sports brassiere just looked like a bathing suit top.

However, what she was doing made up for what she was wearing. She was apparently engaged in stretching exercises, which did wonders to emphasize, accentuate, and display her many womanly curves, peeks, and mounds. She did some tummy twists, which nicely displayed her breasts (still, he wondered, it would be so, so much better without the bra). And, when she touched her toes she was considerate enough to turn her back to him so that he could get a very delightful view of her rounded bum and cunnie pouch. He swore he could see the outline of her slit.

Joseph let has pants and briefs fall to the floor around his ankles as he reached for the lotion, his cock stiff and hard.

The stretching did not last very long, but it was replaced by something even better. His aunt was standing sideways to the wall mirror (and to him) as she removed the brassiere, her proud firm breasts bouncing out into the open air. Joseph felt that his aunt had even better tits than his mother, although he had only seen his mother's once, at least stark naked, when he stepped into her bedroom without knocking. She had been very upset about that.

Joseph experienced an odd sense of guilt preferring his aunt's boobs over his mother's. Wasn't that being a bit disrespectful? And, he hadn't really seen his mother's for very long. Perhaps they were in fact better than Aunt Susan's lusciously full and firm jugs, although right now that was hard to imagine. From his current angle he was even getting a nice appreciation of how tall and pointy were her nipples.

His aunt began to massage and perhaps even caress her breasts, so Joseph preferred to imagine. He figured that she must be massaging out the redness from the brassiere's straps and under-wiring that perhaps pulled on her during the tennis game. Still, it did seem like it was more than just that. Imagine the pleasure of jerking off to the sight of his pretty aunt fondling her own boobs.

She clasped her two nips within her index fingers and thumbs, and pinched and pulled on them, her head tilting back, her eyes closing, her mouth opening, her tongue caressing her lips. Joseph escalated the stroking of his cock.

His aunt then reached down, grasped the waistband of her panties, and pulled them down to the floor, her bottom jutting out behind her. It was so white, so curved, so spankable. She stepped out of her panties and tossed them, directly at him.

Joseph pulled his eye away from the hole as the panties were flying toward him, as if he was worried about getting hit in the eye. Of course they really weren't being flung at him, just toward him, but for a moment it felt that way. He cautiously returned his eye to the hole, to be greeted by the sight of his aunt now on the bed, on her knees and elbows, her bottom jutting up in the air. She was kneeling cross-ways on the bed such that her ass was facing directly toward him. Joseph couldn't believe his good fortune and it took all his moral strength and discipline not to finish jerking off right then and there as he was being presented with such an obscene view of his aunt. It was like she was displaying herself to be mounted, her bottom so stretched and curved, the crack of her ass somewhat parted, exposing her curly butt hole and, of most interest to Joseph, her soft fleshy cunt, in full view, which appeared to be even glistening with moisture in the soft light of the bedroom.

"Oh police officer," he could hear his aunt loudly moan, "must I really display myself in such a manner? This is so shamefully embarrassing."

His aunt was masturbating to some obscene fantasy? And he gets to watch! And listen! She apparently did not appreciate how thin this wall was. This is surely the luckiest day of his life!

She reached back between her thighs to caress her wet swollen slit. "Oh I'm so, so wet, officer. Please don't look. Please don't watch me do it. It's just so, so shameful."

She worked her fingers around and around her slit, drawing forth more and more moisture, distributing it throughout her cunnie, at times squeezing and plying her thick womanly lips, at other times rubbing and grinding her fingers against her clit, her hips squirming, her butt thrusting and grinding in the air.

"Please, officer," she begged, "I'm a professional psychologist. You shouldn't be making me do such a thing," but she continued to ply and pry at her lips and clit.

Joseph had always wondered if he walked in on one of his sisters in the heat of her masturbation whether she might in fact welcome him, needing so much at that precise moment the thick hard cock of a man. Perhaps in her lustfully clouded and confused state of mind she would reach out for him, perhaps even beg him to fuck her. But, of course, that was only a ridiculous fantasy. Quite the opposite was much more likely to occur, but it was still such a nice fantasy.

"Please, officer," his aunt begged. "Please look away. You can listen but at least don't watch," as she screwed a finger up into her wet, swollen, tight hole, her butt squirming, twisting, and humping on the penetrating finger

He did seriously consider opening the door in the midst of Emily's masturbation, enjoying her shocked embarrassment at being caught in such a shameful act. But, he would also get into big trouble for that, as he had in fact gotten into trouble the one time he witnessed his mother's bare tits. . "Oh no, oh on, oh no, I'm getting so, so close, so shameful, so embarrassing," she gasped, her hips twisting and squirming on her finger.

Joseph reached for more lotion, applying a big thick glob, imagining that his aunt's cunt would be as slippery slick as his fist which he gripped tightly around his dick, fucking with his thrusting pelvis, forcing his cock through his fist as his aunt forced her finger up her cunt.

His aunt looked back behind her, through her spectacles, toward the hole in the wall, directly at him, and exclaimed, her eyes wide with fright, "Oh please, officer, you're not going to thrust that into me, are you? Not your baton! It's much too big! Oh please don't do that," and she groaned throatily as she jammed three fingers up into her wet throbbing cunt. "Oh fuck," she moaned, "that feels so fucking good. It's so, so fucking big!"

She buried her face in a pillow and gasped, moaned, and groaned on the bed, the room filling as well with the slurping and slushing sounds of her three fingers plunging in and out of her sloppy wet cunt. She brought the fingers of her other hand back to continue the diddling of her cunt. Joseph had never seen a more obscene masturbatory display, and this one was live, by his aunt, his professional, successful aunt humping and gyrating her upraised ass on the bed while she pretended to be fucked by a police officer's baton. He knew he was a very lucky nephew to have such an aunt.

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