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Dr. Lowenstein Visits Her Nephew


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"You're very certain about this, Joseph? Anything?"

"Yes, absolutely, anything at all."

"That's a good boy." Keeping her eyes fixed on his, Dr. Lowenstein slowly pulled one of the thin straps from each of her soft, feminine shoulders. Once they were hanging loosely down her arms she alternated with each hand to hold the dress against a breast as she freed an arm from each strap. Once they were both free she smiled at the boy and then let the dress simply fall to the floor.

It did hang briefly on the tips of her nipples, but she gave her boobs a wiggle to free it and down it went gracefully to the floor. She was now standing entirely naked before him.

"Oh my gosh," Joseph softly exclaimed, and momentarily halted his stroking to admire the sight. He had seen it all before, but only through the narrow confines of a peep hole. This was now right in front of him, in full glory, at her own free will.

"Do you like what you see, Joseph?"

His aunt had such a gorgeous body. Her bulbous breasts were not as firm or round as they probably had been when she was younger, but they still stood up very well for her age: so prominent, so full, so deliciously womanly. The nipples were perched on them so delicately, so flirtatiously, like they were yearning to be suckled. And her hips were so narrow. She had those lovely hour-glass feminine curves. Finally, of course, not to be neglected by any means: her soft, mysterious fleshy cunt. His first one in real life, right in front of him, willfully and voluntarily presented for his interest and pleasure. He felt like he couldn't take his eyes off those thick, fleshy feminine lips. He so much wanted a closer look, but he dared not ask for that. He said quietly, almost whispering, "Oh yes, ma'am, I most certainly do."

"That's so sweet, and coming from such a handsome young man."

Joseph looked away, beginning to feel again a bit self-conscious. He would never refer to himself as handsome. He wondered if she was just teasing him.

"Do you think they're as nice as your mother's?"


"Your mummy's, Joseph. Don't tell me you haven't thought about her lovely breasts."

"Aunt Susan, please," but his dick did twitch, a tell that did not go unnoticed by the doctor, who was pretty good at reading the body language of young men.

Dr. Lowenstein smiled patiently, knowingly, as she softly slid her fingers along her breasts. She tilted her head and puckered her lips as she flicked her nipples with the tips of her fingers, keeping them standing up stiff and proud, complementing well the stiffness of Joseph's dick. "Have you been thinking about me when you've masturbated, Joseph?"

He had been doing more than just thinking about her, but he didn't volunteer that. "Um, well..." How do you correctly answer that question?

He didn't really have to answer. "What about me do you think about? The fact that I have a Ph.D., that I'm a psychologist? Does that turn you on?" She pulled on her nipples with her fingers and thumbs, stretching her breasts out.

He nodded his head, just a bit. It obviously wasn't the only thing, nor even the main thing, but it was true. His dick again twitched.

She looked at him innocently as she let go of her boobs and asked, "Or is it something else, perhaps?"

Joseph swallowed.

She smiled sweetly at him. "Is it my big womanly breasts?" To help accentuate the point she gave them a wiggle with her shoulders, causing them to bounce and jiggle.

He nodded more assertively this time and returned his hand to his cock.

"Or is it because I'm your aunt, Joseph?"

He didn't nod this time but his face went red, a very obvious tell. Can you really admit such a thing to your aunt, the professional sex therapist?

"I just love it when a man sprays his hot wet stuff all over my breasts, and I think it might be especially nice if it's the thick creamy spunk of my sweet, young nephew. Do you think you could do that for me, Joseph?"

He again nodded, feeling like he could do that pretty darned soon.

"Ooooooh, that would be so nice of you, Joseph. I would really appreciate that. Or..." she added, reaching down to spread open the lips of her cunt with her fingers, obscenely exposing the pink wet inner fleshy folds, holes, and hooded clit. "Would you like to squirt on my little stiff nub? She would enjoy that so, so much," she said in a sultry, soft voice, thrusting out her cunt at him, as if she wanted him to fuck her.

Joseph thrust his own hips out and squeezed hard on his shaft.

"Or, perhaps somewhere else?" She turned around, her full natural breasts wobbling as she did so, to present her bottom to him, bending way over, raising her derriere high up in the air, and then even reaching back to spread open her cheeks. Looking back at him through her spectacles, she asked, "Maybe you would like to squirt your gism in here?"

He most certainly would like to do that. He reached with his left hand for more lotion and sprayed quite a massive load onto his cock as his right hand continued to stroke it, now with some force and speed.

"Do you see my little puckered rosebud, Joseph?"

"Yes, yes, I do," he gasped.

"Look, she's winking at you." She repeatedly squeezed her sphincter to give him little flirtatious winks.

He was getting so close.

She looked back at him, wiggling her butt as she asked, "Have you ever put your penis in a girl's bottom?"

"No, of course not, Aunt Susan," he gasped.

"Oh, you poor boy. It really does feel very, very nice. It's so tight in my butt. It's like doing it again for the very first time. Oh, I so wish we could do it."

"What?" He suddenly halted his stroking. Would she actually let him do it with her? In there?

Dr. Lowenstein though stood back up and turned around to again face him. "But, I really shouldn't do that. I don't think your mother would approve of that."

He barely shook his head. His eyes were fixed on the jiggling of his aunt's boobs. His balls were churning and throbbing so lustfully.

"I shouldn't even really touch your cock. That would be kind of naughty and wrong, wouldn't it, Joseph."

With considerable regret he nodded.

"But, I would still so much like to see you shoot all your stuff." She got down on her knees in front of him, looking up at him with her beautiful round grey eyes, sparkling beneath her spectacles, again holding her boobs up for him to admire, and enjoy. "I like it best when you squirt your cum on them. That way I can see, as well as feel, all that hot, sticky thick gooey spunk."

He resumed stroking his cock, for his aunt. If that's what she wanted he would be happy to provide it.

"It looks so impressive when it gushes out. I'm just so jealous I don't have a cock that does things like that. It must be so wonderful, so gratifying, so special to have such a big, manly cock that spurts and sprays thick blasts of hot wet wads. I really..."

But, before she could say anything more a long stream of cum shot forth from Joseph's cock, spewing out in one long continuous white rope to splat against the tip of her nose and fall down along her lips and chin, the rest of it splashing across her upraised breasts.

"Joey! Oh my! You naughty boy! You squirted your dirty nasty cum right on your Aunt Susan's nose and mouth!"

"Sorry," Joseph gasped, not entirely sure if she was seriously upset or just teasing, but it had come out with such force and volume that he perhaps could not have anticipated that it would easily traverse the length of her breasts and splash against her face.

However, apparently he wasn't that sorry as the first one was quickly followed by another, that also landed on her face, this time on her cheek.

"Oh my gracious, what a bad, bad boy!" But, there was also a big smile on her face, stretching the thick rope of cum across her lips.

Joseph was hardly listening, as his mind was absorbed by his body, by the blissful waves of his orgasm coursing through it. It just felt and looked so terribly wonderful.

"Joseph!" She cried, as she continued to be splattered by quite a few additional shots and squirts, most of which had comparable force, resulting in a substantial proportion of the thick, white, viscous cum splashing on various parts of her face: her forehead, her cheeks, her nose, her lips, and spectacles.

Clearly though she was not the least bit upset. She repeatedly complained, "Joseph, please, please, not so much, oh my goodness, what a monstrous load my nephew has, so manly, so virile. It's just so much," but she was smiling and giggling all the time.

He did though still manage to get quite a bit of cum onto her breasts as well, as she had originally requested. He didn't disappoint her in that regard, and he made certain that the last few spurts were focused specifically on those upraised white mounds of soft fully womanly flesh, like two big mountains of ice cream, now becoming deliciously decorated with his creamy thick icing of cum.

When he was done he just stood there to admire the sight, and it was really one to behold. His pretty aunt was now thoroughly doused and drenched in her nephew's cum. He had felt that his orgasm that afternoon was among the best to date, but this one now clearly set the bar even higher.

Dr. Lowenstein looked up at her nephew through her cum splattered spectacles and smiled, the string of cum still stretching across her lips. She licked it off. "Mmmmm, very tasty too, Joseph."

She got back up on her feet, cum dripping off her face and wiggling breasts. "You think that maybe I should take a shower before I go to bed?"

He considered asking if he could in fact join her, but he didn't want to push his luck, which was clearly quite considerable at the moment. He kept his mouth shut, but he did smile apologetically. He had made quite a mess. He did at least reach down to retrieve her dress.

She smiled at him as he handed it to her.

"Well, a gentleman as well, Joseph. I'm so impressed."

"Thank you, ma'am," he replied, with great sincerity.

As she turned to leave she said, "Now, next time you want to peek at me, you just let me know, alright?"

"What? Yeah, um, sure." Joseph wasn't at all sure what she meant by that. His mind was still clouded by his euphoric bliss. She couldn't really be saying what he was thinking, could she?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dr. Lowenstein now had her diagnosis. Based on what her sister had described, and based as well on her own observations, it was evident that Joseph had a mother infantilization complex. Such an introjected psychological conflict can take years to overcome through psychoanalysis, but modern psychology embraces more direct and effective techniques. Plus she, and Joseph, didn't really have much time. Dr. Lowenstein decided to use a form of implosive psychodrama, developed especially for such problems.

She called for a family meeting the next evening in the living room.

Dr. Lowenstein was again wearing a business suit, albeit this time with a fully buttoned jacket and a skirt that reached her knees. She knew it was important to convey a professional demeanor, to both Joseph and her mother, as they might be a bit reluctant to participate in this familial therapy.

Deborah Lowenstein was not entirely sure what to expect of this family meeting. Her sister had told her during tennis that she first wanted to test the limits of Joseph's awkward behavior around attractive women. That was why her sister had worn such provocative clothes the previous day.

Dr. Lowenstein had also conveyed to her sister her discovery of the peep hole in the wall. Deborah was at first quite shocked and appalled, realizing that her son had probably been peeking at his sister. But Dr. Lowenstein quickly reassured her that it was quite natural and understandable given his childhood experiences and certainly consistent with his infantilization complex. She indicated that she knew what could and should be done to overcome this psychological conflict and she would be very happy to conduct some family psychodrama if her sister was willing.

Well, of course she was willing. What mother would refuse to help in the treatment of her son? She would be very happy to do so, although not at all sure what her sister meant by implosive psychodrama. She had though seen quite a few movies in which psychologists conducted psychotherapy. She knew it would likely be stressful at times, perhaps opening up some old wounds, but in the end these wounds would heal and her son would be a better man for it.

She even changed her clothes for the therapy session. She felt a little silly doing that, but if they were going to a therapist's office she would put on one of her nicer outfits, something that was particularly good at making her look good. She always felt better when she looked better.

She studied herself in her bedroom mirror, turning her body this way and that. Her dress showed a bit of cleavage, but it was certainly nothing compared to what her sister had been wearing. She decided it would be fine.

When she entered the room she noticed that her sister had pulled the drapes across the large bay front window. She wasn't too sure what to make of that. Why would they need the privacy? As the family gathered together in the living room Dr. Lowenstein explained to her sister, "It's been, of course, very difficult for a boy, for Joseph, now a young man, to live in a house dominated by pretty women."

"You know, I know that has always been a problem for Joseph," Deborah quickly acknowledged. "I was..."

Dr. Lowenstein held up her hand to quiet her sister. "And, apparently, the ladies were not adverse to at times displaying themselves in his presence?"

"What? No, no, what do you mean? Gracious me!"

"Deborah, you told me yourself that at times you would let your son see you in your slip, perhaps even just wearing brassiere and panties?"

"Goodness, Susan, that was a long time ago."

"Yes, and it did have its effect on your son's psychosexual development. Plus, even right now, Deborah, I believe that is quite a bit of cleavage to be offering to your son, don't you think?"

Deborah glanced at Joseph who was indeed looking at her breasts. She modestly covered the exposed flesh with her hand, feeling quite self-conscious about it being the topic of conversation as well as the focus of her son's eyes. "Well, I mean, I never intended..."

"No, no, of course. The intentions were all quite innocent. But, you have to understand that this titillation in the context of infantilization can be really quite difficult for the psychological and sexual health of a young man."


"Oh yes. A son can grow up, like Joseph, feeling that he isn't really a man, that he can't assert himself with an attractive woman, that he has to remain passive and inhibited around women, like a scared, frightened little puppy."

"Oh my goodness," exclaimed Deborah, although knowing that everything the doctor, her sister, was saying was so very, very true. She had to admit that Joseph did often act quite nervous and timid around the ladies of the house. They had so thoroughly dominated him.

Joseph knew it was all true as well, but he didn't really like being discussed like that right in front of him, particularly being described as a scared little puppy.

"Well," Deborah asked, "What can I do now?"

Dr. Lowenstein smiled. She knew precisely what her sister, Joseph's mother, should and could do or, more accurately, what Joseph needed to do. "Joseph needs to assert himself with the women of the house. He needs to command an authority."

"Well, yes, certainly," his mother agreed. She wasn't so sure though precisely how best to do this. "Um, well, I guess, uh, perhaps, we could let him decide what to watch on television tonight and, well, lots of nights." It was certainly true that the ladies always seemed to veto whatever he wanted to watch that evening, but that was only natural, wasn't it? There had been three of them, and the majority should rule. But Deborah did cringe at the thought of having to watch what Joseph preferred, as it would probably be some sort of crime drama and she so much hated the extent of violence on television. Or, even worse, it might be that Girls Next Door show, that was all about this man taking advantage of big breasted younger women.

"I'm not so sure that will really reverse the years of infantilization," the doctor asserted.

"Oh, well, yes, I see. Well, um, I will be happy to cook whatever dinner he prefers. He can be in charge of that too."

Dr. Lowenstein smiled. His sister was at times so naive, so simplistic in her world view. "A good meal is always nice, but hardly a means of overcoming the years of submitting, repressing, denying his manhood."

"Oh, yes, of course, of course. I was just..."

"No," the doctor interrupted her, "Joseph needs to assert himself directly with you, within the mother-son relationship that was central to his infantilization, to his failed maturity, and he must do so in a manner that will help him become a man, that will bring out his repressed manliness."

"Oh...yes, um, of course." Deborah's voice softened, as she was only further confused by her sister's remarks. She had never gone to college herself and often found her sister's "psychologizing" to be rather obtuse.

"There is a form of familial psychodrama that was developed precisely for the reversal of mother-son masculine infantilization. It's a form of role play that has proven very successful in resolving this conflicted, degenerative development."

Deborah had no idea what her sister was talking about but she would certainly embrace any therapeutic exercise that would help her son become a stronger, more assertive man. "Well then, let's do it!"

Susan smiled at her sister's enthusiasm. Many of her patients were considerably more ambivalent, if not resistant. This was a good sign for Joseph's therapeutic progress. She turned her attention to him.

Joseph felt a twinge of anxiety sweep through him as his aunt, the therapist, turned to face him. It had been rather odd just standing there, listening to his aunt talk to his mother about him like that, but it was considerably more awkward to have the attention now on him. He swallowed, waiting for the doctor's prescription.

"Joseph," Dr. Lowenstein instructed, "tell your mother to remove her dress."

"What?!" Both Joseph and his mother exclaimed in unison.

Dr. Lowenstein was not surprised by their reaction, although she had thought that her sister had understood what was coming. She smiled patiently at the two of them. "It is just a form of role play, trust me."

"But, my dress? You want me to take off my dress in front of my son?" Now she understood why the drapes were closed.

Dr. Lowenstein turned her attention back fully to her sister and gave her a very authoritative, even stern, expression. "Who is the doctor, here, Deborah? You or me?"

"Well, yes, yes, I know, but, your patients really do things like this?"

Dr. Lowenstein took a deep breath, her full breasts rising up within her jacket. She had been hoping more from her sister, but perhaps she should have realized that Deborah's failure to have pursued higher education and her decision to live in such a small, parochial town would contribute to a degree of provincialism. "Oh yes, it's a very effective therapeutic technique. Now, for the sake of your son, it's most important that you fully and enthusiastically embrace this treatment."

Deborah could feel her heart racing. She knew that family therapy sessions could be very, very stressful. She had watched a considerable amount of Dr. Phil. But, she had never imagined it would be like this.

Dr. Lowenstein shifted her attention back to Joseph. "Now, Joseph, tell your mother to remove her dress."

It was paradoxical to instruct a patient to assert himself. Ideally his assertiveness should be internally driven, but that was why the psychodrama was necessary. Joseph did not have an internal engine capable of driving him forward and he needed a sort of jump-start.

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