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Dr. Lowenstein Visits Her Nephew


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She turned her head back again, as if to speak to the officer, looking up at the imaginary officer through her spectacles. "I know I broke the law," she pleaded, "but must I be punished in such a humiliating and degrading manner? Please, oh fuck..."

Joseph applied even more lotion to his dick. He would not be able to last much longer but he certainly didn't want to finish too soon. His cock was yearning so, so much to cum.

"Please, officer, stop fucking me with that thing. It's just so wrong, so terribly wrong." She again buried her face in the pillow, "so degrading."

Joseph could barely hear her words.

She twisted her face back even further, as if trying to get the policeman to see the desperation in her eyes. "Let me just suck you off. Sir, I can do a real good job, I promise. Just let me suck on it a bit. I'll even let you cum all over my face. I'll even swallow it, if that's what you prefer. I'll be a good girl, I promise!"

Joseph could feel himself getting so terribly close. He just had to let himself cum. He really couldn't wait any longer.

"Oh no! No! I'm cumming! Oh please, please, look away, it's just so wrong, so bad! I'm cumming on your baton!" Dr. Lowenstein began to twitch and tremble on the bed as the orgasm swept through her loins to course throughout her body. She squeezed her thighs together, crushing the fingers of both hands against and inside her quivering, convulsing cunt.

Joseph gushed a mighty load of thick gism onto the wall of his room. He could not have timed it better as he got to watch his aunt's epileptic quivering as the blissful waves of his own orgasm wracked his body, accompanied by jerks of his dick and spewing of further globs and wads of gism from his thick swollen purple knob onto his recently cleaned wall.

"Please, please, shoot your load on my ass while I cum. It would feel so, so fucking good."

And Joseph obliged the best he could, imagining that he was indeed that officer that was satisfying his aunt in a most obscene way, providing his sloppy sticky gism all over her butt while he continued to fuck her with the baton.

"Mmmmmm," his aunt groaned as she lowered her ass down onto the bed and lay there awhile, still clutching her wet, dripping hot cunt, her fingers remaining squeezed between her clenching thighs, her body occasionally twitching in the after shocks of her climax. "So fucking good," she softly moaned, "your hot wet cum feels so, so nice."

Joseph's own sighs were much quieter as the last few splats squirted from his dick. He did though step back from the wall, and went to his knees on the floor, feeling overwhelmed, wasted, and so, so good. An orgasm is so fundamentally pleasurable, so satisfying. He had never used drugs but he could not imagine that anything could be better than this. "Thank you, Aunt Susan," he quietly whispered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The rest of the day was rather awkward, at least for Joseph. After her shower his aunt had come out from the bathroom wearing a very thin and short summer dress. It was quite pretty, sprinkled with all sorts of little butterflies and birds, but one could hardly call it modest as it clung so closely, so tightly against her body, her breasts and bottom. And, it was quite apparent that she wasn't wearing a brassiere. Her boobs kept wiggling and jiggling with any little movement. It was so very difficult for Joseph not to openly ogle them. He wondered if his aunt was wearing a thong, or perhaps even no panties at all! The outline of her bottom cheeks was so clearly evident through the thin clinging skirt with no apparent panty line.

She explained that she had gotten so hot playing tennis that afternoon that she needed something more summery, more cool and refreshing.

Joseph could see that his mother was also struck by the provocative nature of her sister's dress. He occasionally caught her glancing as well at her sister's boobs, a look of confusion and concern on her face, the both of them blushing when they caught each other staring at their guest's boobs.

And, it didn't help that Aunt Susan's nipples became so distended during dinner. At one point she even appeared to gently rub her water glass against one of them, causing the nipple to stiffen even further and the moisture on the glass to soak into the thin, cotton fabric, appearing to actually expose the nipple to view through the thin cotton.

Joseph's mother's mouth fell open when she saw the nipple poking through her sister's dress, as if Susan was competing in a wet t-shirt contest. She glanced at Joseph to see if he had noticed but of course he had and he quickly looking away in embarrassment as he was caught by his mother staring at his aunt's stiff teat.

Deborah did her best to simply ignore it, but it was so terribly difficult and made for rather awkward dinner conversation. It was like there was a big elephant in the room that everyone knew was there but was trying to ignore, although it was quite apparent that Susan, the sex therapist, didn't seem to be at all bothered by her rather provocative exhibition.

Joseph joined his aunt and mother after dinner to watch television, his eyes continuing to sneak peeks, particularly when she absent mindedly scratched a boob, causing it to bobble and wiggle beneath the thin, clinging fabric. He hardly even noticed what was on television. It was some show that his mother enjoyed. He rarely got to see what he wanted. One of his favorite shows was The Girls Next Door, but his mother forbid him to watch that, and certainly not in her presence.

Regrettably, or perhaps fortunately, Aunt Susan eventually announced that she was going to retire early that evening. All that tennis had made her quite tired. She wished everyone goodnight and retired to her room.

Joseph's eyes followed the teasing trail of his aunt's wagging, swaying bottom as she exited the room, but then he flushed with embarrassment as he realized that his mother must have noticed him tracking the movements of his aunt's bottom as it made its way down the hallway to her guest bedroom.

His heart was racing so hard. He so much wanted to follow her. But, he never went to bed this early. He had no excuse for doing so. It would be just so obvious.

"Perhaps you should retire early this evening as well, Joseph," his mother suggested. "You certainly did a lot of work today. You must be awfully tired."

"Oh yes, yes! Yes, you know, actually, I am, I am. That's really not a bad idea. I think I should, I mean, I will...Yes, well..." He hesitated before he stood up, not wanting to appear overly eager. "Alright then, I think I will hit the hay." He got up from the couch in a very slow and deliberate manner, not wanting to reveal his sense of urgency. "Yes, well, goodnight mother," he said as he slowly exited the room.

"Yes, goodnight dear," his mother replied, noticing how peculiar he was acting. "Sweet dreams."

"Yes, thank-you, " he returned, and then scurried down the hall.

He rushed into his room, turned out the light, shut the door, shut the curtains, and hurriedly undid his pants. He removed his slacks and underwear completely this time, as there would be no reason to have to put them back on. Nobody would come to his room at this point.

His cock was already stiff and hard, expecting, or at least hoping, for another fantastic show as he yanked the picture from the wall.

He leaned into the wall, at the same time grasping hold of his cock, and glued his eye to the hole. But, there was nothing to be seen. She wasn't in there.

No, wait! There she was. Actually, not really her; just her tits! She was apparently standing just inches from the hole with her dress pulled down and her boobs sticking out. All he could see were too big full white globular boobs staring right at him like a couple of blinding headlights. He jokingly wondered if she might in fact poke her nipple through the hole. It wouldn't reach all the way through but it would be nice to try to lick it through the hole.

And then she moved out of sight, off to her left. He wondered where she was going. To the closet maybe? But, if she had done that she would have moved off toward her back left, not the immediate left. The immediate left led to her door.

And suddenly his own door opened. In his rush, his haste, he had neglected to lock it. And now, there, standing in the doorway of his bedroom, was Aunt Susan, Dr. Lowenstein, the sex therapist, her arms folded beneath those wonderful boobs, now covered again by the flimsy summer dress, her face looking quite stern.

He was standing there shamefully, next to the wall, in the dark, the picture on the floor, along with his pants and underwear, his hand on his stiff, hard erection. He had been finally caught. "Aunt Susan!"

"Joseph, may I ask what you are doing?"

"What?! Nothing!" What does one say at a time like that? He stepped away from the hole, hoping she wouldn't notice it, but in doing so stepping out from behind the dresser. He covered himself with his hands.

Aunt Susan's voice became less stern but it was still very authoritative. "Joseph, I think it is rather obvious what you were doing, don't you?"

He looked over at the pile of clothes beside him. He leaned over to pick them up.

"What are you doing now, Joseph?"

"What? Oh, um, I should get my clothes on. I was just changing for bed."

"You're not embarrassed by this, are you, Joseph?"

He picked up his pants and underwear with one hand, using the other to keep hidden the evidence of his crime. He wondered how he could get his pants back on without her seeing his erection. In any case, he was most definitely very, very embarrassed, and terribly worried. He was in such deep, deep trouble. "What? Embarrassed? Um, well..."

"Joseph, it's perfectly normal for a young man to masturbate. You shouldn't feel ashamed or embarrassed about that at all."

He looked at her. What was she saying? Or, at least, it was easy for her to say. She wasn't the one caught with his stiff dick in his hand peeking through a peep hole. He used his pants to further hide himself. "What? No, no, I wasn't doing that. Um, yeah, sure, no, no, I'm fine. I'll um, just get dressed here, and, well..."

Dr. Lowenstein stepped further into the room, her body bathed from the light coming in from the hall, outlining her lovely curves beneath the dress. "Joseph, it's really very clear what you were doing. Your penis is erect, and I can see the light from my bedroom coming in through that hole."

It was kind of hard to explain this away. Light from the hallway was streaming in but one could readily see a spot of light on the wall from her bedroom.

She stepped right up to him and reached out to take hold of his slacks and underwear, "Let me have those." She pulled them away from his hand, meeting little resistance.

He could have perhaps resisted but she was clearly the one in charge. He knew he was in so, so much trouble. Would he now have to register as a sex offender? Was peeking at his aunt through a hole in the wall in fact illegal? Perhaps it wasn't, as it was in his own home. He should probably get a lawyer, but just the thought of that was itself so distressing!

Ignoring her entreatment to not feel so ashamed Joseph continued to apologize, although it was more for the peeping than simply for masturbating. "I really am sorry, Aunt Susan. I won't do it again. I promise. I don't know what came over me. I really am very, very sorry."

"Joseph, if you apologize one more time I am going to give you a spanking."

That silenced him, although largely because it was such an odd threat. He would think that a spanking would be his punishment for peeping at her, and it certainly wouldn't be the punishment for apologizing about it.

"Now, you take your hands away from your penis so that your Aunt Susan can have a look at him."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, my gracious, young man, you saw quite a bit of your aunt, didn't you? Isn't it only fair that she sees you in return?" She went back to his bedroom door, turned on the ceiling light, and then shut and locked the door. It was understandable that she would demand to see his erection, to provide further proof of his criminal behavior, although the way she put it made it sound like she actually wanted to see it. With considerable trepidation he removed his hands, quite relieved that he had by now lost most of his erection. His cock in fact looked pretty good to him as it was still swollen enough that its size was rather impressive, particularly for such a short guy and if you didn't realize it was in fact partially erect.

Dr. Lowenstein contemplated it a bit, her thumb resting beneath her chin, a finger stretch across her lips.

Joseph shifted his feet self-consciously. He was reminded of when he had his first real date and his mother studied his apparel before he went out. He felt so silly then, but much, much worse now. How often do you experience an older, attractive, experienced woman studying, considering, contemplating your cock? And what was she thinking about anyway? He dared not look at it now himself as he could feel it continuing to wither under her eyes. So much for being impressive.

"Well, it's a very fine specimen, Joseph, yes indeed, but don't you think it would be better if it was fully erect?"


"Let me see what it looks like when it's all stiff and hard."

"Aunt Susan!"

"Now don't be so modest, Joseph. I think I have a right to see it, don't you? Or, would you prefer that I speak to your mother about this?"

Very compelling argument indeed. Joseph reached down to grasp hold of his dick. This was really quite awkward, to say the least. One does not anticipate that when your aunt visits, you will at some point be asked to jerk off for her. And, it was surprisingly difficult. He was feeling considerable pressure under the scrutiny of her authoritative gaze.

Dr. Lowenstein reached over for the lotion that was on the dresser right by the hole in which he had been peeking. "Here," she suggested, "let me squirt some of this onto your penis. That should be helpful, don't you think?"

"Yes, ma'am," Joseph softly responded and removed his hand so that his aunt could squirt some lotion on it. It was a good idea, and he probably should have thought of that himself, but at the moment his mind was rather confused and distracted.

With the lotion on his penis his fingers slipped and slid up and down his shaft and across the rounded lip of his crown with considerable ease, and enjoyment, and he fairly quickly found the blood returning to his cock, the pleasurable feeling of a growing erection returning. "There we go!" Dr. Lowenstein exclaimed. "That's a good boy now."

"Yes, ma'am," Joseph replied, this time with a bit more enthusiasm, although still finding the whole thing to be rather awkward, and embarrassing.

"Oh yes," Dr. Lowenstein said as her nephew's cock got bigger and bigger and bigger, to the point where it was probably at pretty much maximum strength. "Now take your hand away and let Aunt Susan see it in its full glory."

Joseph did as she asked, still feeling awkward but also pretty good about himself. It was hard not to feel good when one's cock was fully stiff.

It was a bit on the small size, but she was not about to convey that impression. "Oh my, yes, Joseph, that's a very handsome cock."

"It is?"

"Oh yes, absolutely. I've seen quite a few in my career and I must say yours is really very striking and impressive."

"Really?" He was very surprised, and pleased, to hear that.

"You don't see that yourself? Here," she directed him, dropping his pants and underwear at her feet,"stand over there, in front of the wall mirror and look for yourself."

Joseph strode over to the mirror, his stiff dick waving and bobbing before him. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had to admit that it did look pretty darned good, at least to him, and apparently to his aunt, the sex therapist. Her professional opinion had to count for quite a lot. He even managed a bit of a smile, a rather proud one at that.

"What do you think?" The doctor asked.

"Well, it's not bad."

"Joseph, such a modest young man. My gracious, it's so stiff, so big, thick, and mighty. My goodness you must've even scared some girls with that thing."

Joseph didn't reply. He wasn't about to tell her that no girl had in fact yet seen it. She was the first female to see it erect. He was at least though very, very relieved and pleased with her positive reaction. He turned his body a bit left and right, studying his erect dick from various angles.

"Look how swollen and shiny the crown is," Dr. Lowenstein continued. "It's like a big bad plug on top of a battering ram."

Joseph's smile broadened. It did look pretty cool. "Oh, sometimes I am so jealous of men. It's such an impressive weapon, like a great sword, a mighty truncheon, the staff of Rah."

That was perhaps going a bit far, but Joseph was not complaining. There is nothing more impressive on a guy than a really hard erect cock. It was a true sign of his masculinity, his strength and power, his fundamental manliness.

"Why don't you show me how much you can squirt from that thing."

Joseph's head turned quickly to look his aunt in the eye, his own expression displaying his shock and surprise. "Aunt Susan?" Did he really hear her correctly?

"You heard me. I so much enjoy seeing a young man ejaculate, and I bet you have quite a bit of stuff built up in those big, hairy balls."

"Aunt Susan, I don't know." He wasn't entirely sure what he didn't know: whether he really did have a lot of stuff or whether he really should do this. He wasn't even too sure he wanted to do it. Wouldn't that be a wrong thing to do? You really shouldn't ejaculate in front of your aunt. His mother most certainly would not approve. This seemed awfully weird. What kind of an aunt did he have?

"Won't you please, Joseph? I see so many of my patients do it. It would be nice to see one just for fun for once."

Well, perhaps it wasn't such an unusual request from a professional sex therapist.

Susan spoke in her most coquettish voice,"Joseph, you're not going to reject your Aunt Susie, are you? You're not going to hurt my feelings, are you?"

"Well, no, no, of course not, Aunt Susan." He wouldn't want to hurt her feelings, although it did seem rather odd that her feelings would actually be hurt.

"Have you been mean like that to your little girlfriends, not letting them see you squirt your stuff?"

"Um, no, no, ma'am. No. I wouldn't do that."

"Well, I would hope not. Now come on and be a good boy and squirt your thick, hot cum for your Aunt Susie."

"Well, um." He was beginning to lean in the direction of doing it. His mother would indeed not approve but, after all, his aunt was the professional.

"Here, let me help." Dr. Lowenstein reached up and grasped hold of her breasts through her dress, cupping each one in her hands, using her thumbs to tweak the nipples back to erection. "You do kind of like looking at these, don't you, Joseph?" "Oh yes, ma'am, yes I do," he quickly confessed, his hand instinctively going back to his dick. He was no longer the least bit self-conscious about its exposure and took right to sliding his slippery fist up and down his shaft and bulb, creating quite a bit of slurping noise.

"I bet you would like it even more if your aunt pulled them out, wouldn't you, Joseph."

"Oh yes, ma'am, very much so," he gasped as he pumped his cock and stared at those fully hefty bags of womanly delight.

"Well, I will do so, but you must agree to then do everything I ask of you for the rest of the week. Will you do that for me, young man?"

"No problem, absolutely, Aunt Susan." He would have agreed to do anything at all. He couldn't really imagine what she would want him to do though, as she couldn't be terribly interested in him doing household chores. Perhaps just to run some errors for her? A very small cost indeed for what he would receive.

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