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Dr. Lowenstein Visits Her Nephew

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Dr. Lowenstein conducts family therapy.
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This is a story within the incest section. Therefore, if you don't like stories concerning incestuous relationships you really, really, really should not waste your time reading this. There is a also a bit of voyeurism and submission, but the incest clearly predominates. All of the characters in this story are at least nineteen years old.

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Dr. Susan Lowenstein was visiting her sister, Deborah Lowenstein, who lived in a small town in Maine. Deborah was a single mother with three children: two daughters, Emily and Amy (now ages 20 and 22, respectively), and one son, Joseph (age 19). The man of the house, Deborah's original husband, had abandoned the family soon after Joseph was born. Deborah had to raise the children on her own (she returned to her maiden name once it became clear he was never coming back).

Deborah though had done a pretty good job, so she felt, as all three children had been quite well behaved growing up. Everyone had also done well in school. There had never been any significant disciplinary problems. Amy was now married, and Emily was off at college.

Deborah though had always felt a little inadequate in the parenting of Joseph. She felt considerably more comfortable in the raising of Amy and Emily. She felt that Joseph would have benefitted from the presence a strong masculine figure, someone whom he could emulate and get advice and guidance concerning all things masculine.

It wasn't that Joseph was effeminate. He had all the usual male interests, but he was not particularly skilled athletically, perhaps because he never had a father or older brother with whom he could play and learn the skills of masculine sports. He tried out for little league but was never picked for a team, which was rather embarrassing, to say the least. He knew it was fruitless to try out for any sport in junior high or high school.

Plus, he was very awkward and insecure around girls, generally acting rather submissively deferential. One might think that he would feel quite comfortable around girls, and relate to them well, having lived in a house confined to females for much of the nineteen years of his life. But, instead, he actually felt rather inadequate around girls, finding them rather intimidating.

Joseph was the baby of the family, and had often been treated as such, never being taken too seriously as a (let alone the) "man of the house." Women, to him, were the powerful ones, the ones in charge, perhaps at times even a bit scary, particularly when it came to matters of sex and sexuality.

Joseph was still a virgin, and he so much didn't want to be. But, he just felt so insecure around women. He had never tried very much with any one of the girls he dated. It had been difficult enough to ask for a date. He wasn't about to try anything with her during the course of the date, and few girls ever developed much interest in further dates with him. He just seemed so nervous, uncertain, and awkward.

It wasn't that Joseph was unattractive, although he was a bit on the thin side, with glasses, and a mild problem with acne. But, his facial features were really rather nice, even cute. He would though much prefer to be thought of as ruggedly handsome than boyishly cute.

Joseph would be entering college next year and he did not look forward to leaving home. He should in fact be going this year but he wanted to put it off. He just didn't feel ready to strike out on his own, and he dreaded the increased pressure to date that he would inevitably experience at college. College was the time to find one's mate, wasn't it? There would be lots more girls to choose from at college than there had been in his small town of Badger, Maine. But, that would in fact put even more pressure on him as he would have no excuse but himself for the failures he assumed he would experience.

Deborah could see that her son was having some difficulties, particularly with respect to dating. She now regretted never having spoken to him about girls, or sex. At the time she felt that it really wouldn't be right for a mother to do that, although perhaps it was mostly because she felt uncomfortable about it herself. She also recognized that she had probably babied him too much, but what could she do about that now? How do you reverse such a thing?

Her two daughters were quite self-confident young ladies, enjoying immensely their independent lives away from home. Emily didn't even come home for the summer, preferring instead to stay on campus. Deborah couldn't really object as Emily had a job and could afford her own apartment. Joseph, in contrast, had even broached the possibility of not going to college at all, perhaps just staying at home and getting a local job. Deborah would sorely miss his leaving, dreading herself the experience of the empty nest, living in this house all by herself. But, her son needed to be pushed off the nest.

Deborah decided to invite her sister, the psychologist, to come and stay with her for a week, largely to seek her advice, and perhaps even her assistance. She could talk to Joseph and discover what the problem was. She knew that her sister was a fairly successful therapist, working primarily with young adult men and women, just like Joseph (see, for instance, "The Cornhole Championship" and "A Very Spunky Lady").

Susan Lowenstein was quite happy to do so. She had always liked Joseph. He was a very well-mannered, sweet nephew, always very respectful and considerate. But, she could also see that he was rather shy, even submissive, and a bit unhappy. It became clear that there was something missing in his life, particularly when he reached adolescence. She agreed to spend a week visiting her sister.

The first evening was not significantly eventful. Everyone was just catching up on news, renewing the familial bonds. The three of them went out of their way to be pleasant, engaging, and complimentary of one another as they sat around the living room, but Dr. Lowenstein, being the astute psychologist, noticed Joseph acting a bit peculiar. He was notably quiet, yet watching her rather closely.

Joseph had not been looking forward to his aunt's visit. He felt a bit intimidated by having a psychologist in the house. Who wouldn't? Plus, she was even a specialist in sex disorders, a topic for which he didn't feel particularly self-confident.

There was though a plus to her visit. Dr. Lowenstein was a strikingly attractive woman, and it was second nature for Joseph to voyeuristically enjoy the sight of a pretty woman, particularly within the home. His sisters and mother had never openly displayed themselves to him, at least not fully naked, but they hadn't entirely hidden themselves either. They didn't really perceive him as a strong male figure around whom they should tread lightly. He was always just "little Joey," and they were prone to leaving doors open as they changed for bed or dressed for a date. Breakfast was sometimes really nice, as his sisters would often arrive wearing their nightclothes or just a towel (when they were in a hurry and had only time for a quick snack). They would close their bedroom or bathroom doors if there was going to be full nudity, but Joseph still got lots of peeks of his sisters, and even his mother, in various states of undress, which he always enjoyed immensely.

He eventually came to learn when and where he should be for the best voyeuristic peeks, although it wasn't always real easy. At times he would take rather big risks getting caught, and if he had been caught he would have gotten into quite serious trouble, as well as probably losing most to all future voyeuristic opportunities.

He had really regretted Emily leaving for college, no longer having a sister to "admire." Joseph had a very special relationship with Emily. Well, it wasn't really a relationship. It was just that their bedrooms were next to each other and he had managed to carve a very small hole in the adjoining wall, behind a picture in his room. Whenever he heard Emily getting ready for bed, or for a date, he would turn the light off in his room and spy on her, as he quietly masturbated. Those were really very wonderfully special times.

He had even one time just before she had left for college watched Emily masturbate on her bed. She normally turned the light out for that and he could then only just hear her soft whimpers and moans, and the little slushing sounds of her fingers working her cunnie. That was still pretty darned good. He considered one time perhaps trying to record the sounds, for later enjoyment. Still, it was qualitatively better to be able to actually see her do it, as well as hear it. He splashed a mighty big load on the wall that night, whereas he usually was more careful to catch it in a paper towel (he did wonder if he might risk eventually leaving some odd stain on the wall, with so much repeated cum dousing).

On the other hand, he also felt rather guilty for all of his voyeuristic spying. Wasn't that rather exploitative of him? Wouldn't Emily feel terribly embarrassed, if not violated, if she had discovered him? He would have hated that. He really did love his sisters, and would never want to do anything that might hurt them or his relationship with them. But, his balls did churn so when they pattered around the house, sometimes wearing only their brassieres and panties, as if he wasn't even there. How could a young man avoid getting an erection confronted with such provocatively exposed young ladies?

Well, it was rather clear how his sex therapist aunt would feel about his peeping in on his sister. Most certainly she would not approve, to say the least.

Regrettably, Aunt Susan did not appear, at least at first, to be as exhibitionistic as his sisters. She had arrived at their home in a rather conservative business suit, unlike the more clinging feminine dresses worn by his sisters. But, still, Aunt Susan did look rather sexy even in the business suit, as she was so very attractive. She had absolutely gorgeous big grey eyes, dark lashes, long wavy auburn hair, sweet red lips, a delicate, thin nose, prominent full breasts and a strikingly incandescent smile. For a brief moment, Joseph had the image of Julia Roberts, with spectacles, smiling at him.

The conservative business suit was in fact a striking contrast to her underlying vivacious sexiness, concealing what would be such an obviously gorgeous body. Well, not actually concealing her body entirely. The skirt was rather short and Joseph was treated throughout the evening with a very delightful appreciation of her long, shapely legs, and that skirt did ride up her thighs when she was sitting on the couch, sipping her tea. She only occasionally would tug on it, trying to get it to provide a more modest presentation, but the effort was ineffective. In fact, her tugging served primarily to draw his attention to her legs, and thighs, as if she wanted him to notice. Joseph swore that if he was sitting in precisely the right location he might even be able to look up her skirt, between her thighs, and catch a glimpse of her panties.

Perhaps the best news though concerning his Aunt Susan's visit was that she would be staying in Emily's old bedroom.

When bedtime arrived he wouldn't have to be sitting in precisely the right location. He would in fact have the front row seat to a wonderful presentation of what precisely his aunt would look like beneath that suit. He so much looked forward to that, his cock swelling in his pants as he contemplated, anticipated, the scrumptious vision of his aunt's nude body.

Joseph then realized that he was staring at his aunt's thighs as he was imagining the evening's activities and he jerked his mind back to the reality of their polite conversation, realizing that his aunt was also looking at him and perhaps noticing where he had been staring. He averted his eyes, wondering if she knew that he had been mentally undressing her. She was, after all, a psychologist, and they can be pretty good at knowing what's on your mind. His face reddened.

When bedtime did finally arrive Joseph locked his bedroom door, turned off the lights, and quietly removed the picture from the wall. He smiled as the small beam of light shot into his room, and his grin broadened further as he pressed his eye to the hole to be greeted with the sight of his lovely aunt in the process of removing her suit jacket. His heart raced in anticipation as she hung it up in the closet, out of his line of vision to the right.

He could not see the entire room through the peep hole. He considered getting one of those spy devices that would allow him to span the entire room but that was really too risky. His sister, and now his aunt, might see it poking through the hole. So his view remained limited but he did have access to the most important locations, specifically the bed (a bit to the left), wall mirror (directly in front of him), and most of the vanity dresser (to the right).

His aunt returned back into his sight with her blouse mostly undone. She stood before the mirror, her back to him as she finished undoing the buttons, and then pulled her blouse from the tight waistband of her skirt.

Joseph reached down to undo his belt, unbutton and unzip his slacks, and slip his swelling cock out from his briefs as he watched his aunt begin to pull her white silk blouse free of her arms. His eyes also fixed on that soft firm round bum that was so nicely outlined by her tight skirt. Many a time this day he had wondered what her bottom would be like, naked. It did look rather nice pushing out the back of that clutching, clinging skirt. It was so, so cool that he would now soon find out. He squeezed his swollen dick.

He remembered as a kid ordering these X-ray glasses that were advertised on the back of comic books. He had ordered one but soon regretted it as he had not anticipated the tension that would occur as he waited each day for the mail to arrive. He certainly didn't want his mother to question him about the strange package that had arrived in the mail for him. The company did say that it would come in a plain brown wrapper, but that itself could be rather suspicious.

When it did finally arrive he was so, so disappointed. Plus, his sisters and mother were rather suspicious as to why he was wearing such silly looking glasses. He at first explained that they were 3-D glasses, which made no sense given that he wasn't looking at a movie. He then suggested that they were just novelty, joke glasses, like for a clown costume. That worked, but it did add to his image of being rather immature and infantile. Perhaps he was, given that he had bought X-ray glasses. But, most importantly, they didn't work at all.

Well, the hole in the wall worked real, real well. He had admired his aunt's body all day long, imagining what she might look like beneath her outfit, and now he was finding out.

When her arms were free of the blouse she gently laid it on the bed. Joseph could see by the strap across her back that she was wearing a red brassiere, and then he was treated with much more when she turned halfway around, mostly facing him. Her boobs were fantastic! They were so big, round, and full, and they were so lusciously wrapped in the red lace of her brassiere, which wasn't even a full cup. It was a balconette demi cup that provided strong underwiring to hold them up real perky while still allowing for considerable cleavage exposure. No desert was ever presented in a more deliciously alluring manner.

Brassieres are perhaps the sexiest thing a woman wears, yet they were for the most part hidden beneath a blouse. What is then the point, Joseph wondered. Of course, most brassieres are more functional than provocative. Joseph was impressed that his aunt chose to wear rather sexy underthings even when there was no chance that any man would be enjoying the sight. He smiled as he indulged himself with the fantasy that she was wearing this brassiere just for him, for his pleasure. He squeezed and tugged on his dick. Aunt Susan even turned her back to the mirror, facing him directly, and then twisted her body a bit left and right, her breasts posing left and right, as she looked back over her shoulder at her bottom in the mirror, apparently considering how well her derriere appeared in her skirt. She even bent over a bit, to study the shape of her bottom as it stretched and rose, the cleavage in her brassiere opening up for him. Joseph wasn't sure what was more alluring, her bottom in the reflection or the cleavage in front.

Keeping his eye glued to the hole he reached for the hand lotion on his dresser, which was located just to the right of him. He deftly pushed down on the nozzle to get a large glob of slick lubrication into the palm of his hand and then brought it to the head of his dick, which he thoroughly engulfed within his now wet, slick, slippery palm and fingers, slipping and sliding them all over and around his swollen bulb. He so much enjoyed jerking off with moisturizing lotion. It just seemed so close to what slippery soft clinging cunt flesh would feel like.

His aunt turned again to more directly face the mirror and slowly slid down the zipper of her skirt, every so gradually but surely drawing it down and when it finally reached the end she held it there for a brief moment and then just let the skirt slip to the floor, gathering in a grey pile around her ankles. She bent forward as she slipped her fingers into the waistband of her slip, and pulled it down over her bottom and let it gently fall to the floor as well.

Joseph could have cum right then. His aunt was wearing thigh high nylons and red lace bikini panties that matched her brassiere and hugged so well, so tightly, around the curves of her sweet womanly derriere. The panties didn't even cover fully her bottom, revealing within the subtle light of her bedroom the bottom third of each pale moon.

Joseph slid his fingers up and down his dick, focusing in particular on his swollen purple plum. It was quite a task to remain cautious and restrained, as his lubricated fist would make telltale slurping noises if it too rapidly slid on and off the lip of his crown. If he could hear the slushing sounds of his sister's slurping slit, his aunt could possibly hear the sounds of him masturbating as well, and she would most likely figure it out. As a sex therapist she was probably pretty good at diagnosing such sounds. Dr. Lowenstein stepped out of her skirt and bent over further to pick it up, thrusting her bottom directly back toward the young man, the cheeks of her ass swelling out to provide a much fuller, rounder shape, like two red beach balls crushed together yet expanding before the boy's eyes as she bent over.

He could even now discern the sight of her cunnie pouch poking out from between her thighs. He rubbed the palm of his hand around and around the tip of his swollen crown while the tips of his fingers tickled his nerves directly beneath it, his trembling legs beginning to feel a bit weak and unsteady.

His aunt walked across his line of sight, providing a nice profile of her thrusting round boobs and perky tush, and then stepped outside of his line of sight, probably to hang up the skirt along with the jacket. He certainly didn't want to cum now. That would be rather anticlimactic. He waited breathlessly for her to return, clutching his dick, and glancing at his door, reminding himself that he had indeed locked it. How horrible would it be for his mother to suddenly open the door and see him glued to the wall, his hard cock in his hand, peeping in on her sister, his aunt, while she undressed.

She did eventually return, crossing his vision again, stepping over to the bed to sit down on the edge, parallel to him, to take off her nylons. A woman removing her nylons is often a very engaging, fetching sight, which is why it was so often portrayed in movies. Joseph was not himself a "leg man" but he most certainly appreciated his aunt's long, shapely gams, and she did take her good time slowly rolling the nylons down her thighs, across her knees, along her calves, and down to her ankles, the legs stretched and bent in all sorts of different poses as she did so. Joseph wondered if this might be a good time to cum. He could certainly get himself to do it.

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