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All Comments on 'Dinner with the Sforzas'

by MissKitty1974

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KillerRomanceKillerRomanceover 14 years ago
Oh my...

Extremely good storyline. Well-researched, I see. It was a beautiful coming together. Loved every sentence, every emotion, every movement. You have talent! (: <3 Lillian, KR.

canndcanndover 8 years ago
different story for same characters as 'Checkmate'

I was happy to see another story about Ivan and Adrian, but this story doesn't line up with the first. It seems in the other story like they had never been together and ivan is now duke and seems older, yet it as if these events never took place. Ivan says in the other story that he's never been with anyone since he was sired, so this didn't take place clearly. Adrian is also older and they aren't blood bonded yet. I'm disappointed that it wasn't a continuation or even prequel to that story b/c I did want more of them. As a story in and of itself , it is good though.

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