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Early Morning Wrestling Mom in Bed

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College Summer break: son breaks his final boundary.
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A sultry, warm August morning found my aunt's family of five having a loud breakfast outside my small, stuffy bedroom in my parent's beach house. The sweltering heat and the volume of the voices, along with the usual clatter of dishes and movement lead to an activity level not conducive to sleeping in.

Pondering my course of action, I found I could use this as a pretense to wrap a sheet around my brief clad 19 year old virgin body and slink down the hall to my parent's room. I quickly made a "b-line" down the narrow hall and found myself at the door of my parent's bedroom. This knotty pine pannelled sanctuary with the supersonic speed ceiling fan drowned the outside world to oblivion.

I entered without knocking. My dad had already left for work and my short, but my voluptuous mom lay dozing in their queen sized brass bed, wearing only a short, pink nightie ; and as I would soon discover, she had on no panties. I crawled in and cuddled into a spooning position. The size of the bed lending itself to maximum physical contact.

The speed of the fan made the warmth of her body a comfortable cocoon in which to wrap myself. As we both feigned sleep for a while, I slowly felt myself harden in the comfy region of her backside. My arm draped over her ample belly beneath the swell of her full 42 DD bosom; pulling her into a tight embrace.

It soon became clear that neither of us was interested in sleeping. Mom wriggled free stirring my eyes to open and face her as she sat up in bed. There was a mischievous glean in her beautiful blue eyes, set upon a botton nose, round cheeks, framed by long, bleach blonde hair. She asked if I would like to leg wrestle.

This is wrestling without arms, pinned at the waist which is tantamount to lining up your pelvises and rolling around with much force on the mattress. Thank goodness for the very loud ceiling fan to dampen any noise, or our gymnastics might have been heard in the house.

I didn't mind losing at the wrestling at first. I let my Mom use her short but powerful legs to turn me over so she was soon "sitting on me". The only thing separating me fom my Mom's nether regions was my pair of too small cotton briefs, as she was naked under her nightie. I could feel her hot, wet pussy literally squashing on my 7 inch erection through my underwear.

After a few minutes of this, I took charge and rolled her over, pinning her to the bed in the doggy position. The full weight of my still athletic 5'10 175 pounds grinding my hard cock into her from behind. Pushing deeper and deeper into her welcoming privates

It wasn't long before she began to buck and shake wildly as if I were riding a softer version of a mechanical bull. Her already sopping privates became even hotter & wetter. This lasted nearly a minute, but felt like an eternity because of its intensity and climactic nature.

After this she asked to get out from under me and rolled away from me as much as the small bed would allow. I was very overwhelmed and in my virginal daze didn't even know I had made her cum. I was unclear on what had just happened; I saw tears bathing her cheeks and was ignorant of the source ( maybe the Orgasm was payback to a cheating husband).

I didn't know it at the time, but as my Mother gained weight, my Dad made more night trips for work. He had his first known affair ( I later found ) with some skinny, haggard lady from his office. All I can reckon is that she was overcome with guilt. The incident was too much for her to handle as well.

That would explain why we were never intimate again after this glorious occasion. I had adorned my Mother from the beginning for as long as I could remember. I had wanted her from early prepubescent stirrings, through adolescence and beyond. What had lead us to this shattering climax on an early August morning?

Just a few months before this fateful event, the usual cuddling we had done had evolved into something erotic. Long massages in my parent's bed allowed me to give her an abundance of pleasure.

I would rest with my shoulders on the headboard and massage her under her nightie. I started with her neck and shoulders. Then moved down her back.

There were a couple of those massages and each time I went lower and lower down her back; she gave low moans and little coos of encouragement.

Every time she would skooch further up, so I could reach lower or her body ; consenting to my insatiable hunger for the touch of her flesh and what it did to her. Then when I reached her tailbone just above the elastic of her cotton panties, she said "lower".

When I rubbed her body it was hand to skin, so I knew she meant under her panties. I was soon rubbing and squeezing her ass cheeks to my heart's content. Straining to reach the hallowed valley of her ass crack as she drifted further and further into the relaxation and abandon of the massage...

I slowly teased her ass crack. It was warm, fuzzy and ever so inviting. My finger sank more deeply into her asshole all the way past my knuckle. The sphincter muscles relaxing to the pleasurable penetration. All this straining to reach lower and hours spent touching her had reached fruition and "O what a succulent fruit", but that I could have tasted it itself. I had to settle with smelling my finger and later her worn panties for many years....

My wonderful, loving Mother even let me massage her naked once, because her nightie was too small and I couldn't reach her ass. I talked her into taking it off and gave her the longest massage ever as she lay face down on the bed in all her naked glory.

I knew it was a once in a lifetime chance, so I even did her feet and calves. When I got to her thighs, I made sure to do her inner thighs, so I could see her full bush and large pussy lips glistening with excitement. Of course I spent a long time kneading and spreading her asscheeks to see our former pleasure grounds. I would never massage her naked again.

The wonderful wrestling moment was the last time we were erotically intimate. However, we remained close and loving to and beyond her passing some decades later.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Would have been a good story if you'd built the story rather than starting with the fuck, intimating a long seduction and then only regaling one massage. Surely you start with the first encounter: not seeking sex, surprise, etc, ending with the statutory fuck. Were you in a rush?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This story is exactly similler to my experience I had with my mom

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Not a very good story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mrjonzz88mrjonzz88over 2 years agoAuthor

...Use that time to read a dictionary. The word is "quit", not "not quite ". Hard to take criticism from an illiterate.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Quite the waste of time reading this.

First off, how could he be a virgin still after taking his mother from behind.


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