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Click hereCopyright © 2018 - This is an original work by Zeb Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law. It is only submitted at Literotica.Com and any submission to any other site has not been authorized by the Author.
Author's Note: This is the complete story, from beginning to end. It is very long, just to you know, over 84,000 words long. Enjoy.
Chapter I
It is on my twelfth birthday I notice her as an individual. Up until that time, she is part of the group I knew as relatives. It's the time in a boy's life when girls are no longer yucky and they start to be more than just a person who is not a boy. I also remember noticing my buddy's older sisters around the neighborhood. Especially, when they would lie out in their bikinis, bikinis, considered scandalous at the time, yet covering three times as much as the 'bikinis' of today.
She is a beautiful woman, with dark hair and clear brown eyes. Her nose, slightly bigger than most, fits her face perfectly. Her smile is what brought my attention to her, bright and sincere. At the time, the women in my life were all moms. Looking back, I now realize they are each in their own right, what we today call MILFs. Even my own mother is one, as are the moms of all my friends. I remember this like it is yesterday.
Over the next couple of years, she attends every celebration parent's heap upon their children, little ones, and big ones. Her name is Joan and on a number of occasions mom tells me, she is my God Mother and her husband is my God Father. At the time I have no idea what that means. It isn't until I truly notice her I want to know. So, shortly after my twelfth birthday, I ask my mother.
"Mom, what does it mean to be my, God Mother?"
"I was wondering when you would ask that question. Joan is your God Mother and George is your God Father. If something were to happen to your father and me, they would take over for us, caring for you."
"Oh. Like what?"
"Well if we were to get into a car accident and... and... "
"Yes," Mom said clearing her throat before continuing. "Then Joan would become your mother and George your father. They would also take care of you if both dad and I were hurt at the same time and can't. Joan asked she be included in your life just in case something happened and she needed to care for you. She wants you to know her so you won't be afraid."
"Oh, okay. Thanks."
That is the best news I ever heard. She isn't a blood relative. Oh, and the part about her taking care of me if something is to happen to my parents isn't bad news either.
Over the next couple of years, I grow close to Joan. At every event, which she attends in my life, I sit and talk with her. I tell her what is going on in my life and what my dreams might be at that point in time. She seems so happy to hear every word I have to tell her. When I first did, she seemed a little surprised, yet also pleased. As I grew older, I start to play sports. She attends every one of my little league games. Sitting in the bleachers with my mom and cheering me on. Then comes pony league. She is there but seems sadder. When she attends my birthday parties, she comes alone.
It is my sixteenth birthday when I get the nerve up to ask her. We are sitting in the driveway the night of my party looking up at the stars. She is sipping a beer while I take small swigs out of my bottle of Pepsi.
"Joan, where is George?"
"Oh, god," she replies, her shoulders droop as her face, full of sadness, turns my way. "Sweetheart, George and I have divorced."
"Oh, Joan, I'm so sorry."
I am no stranger to divorce. Several friends on the block have been through them. It is sad to watch and I bet it is horrendous to experience.
"Thank you, sweetie, you are such a joy to have in my life right now, I thank the stars that you and I can share our lives and experiences."
"Me too, Joan and I have wanted to say this for a long time now I just didn't have the nerve... I love you."
"Oh that's so sweet, I love you too."
She leans over and kisses my cheek, placing her hand on my head. She sits there smiling at me for a long time, stroking my hair gently. Then she stands, looks down at me and turns, hurrying away into the backyard. I swear she mutters under her breathe, 'If only... '.
Over the next couple of years, I just enjoy her company when I can. She is so easy to talk to and an avid listener. I tell her about everything I experience. My loves, my losses, my ups, and downs, she listens to them all, intently, she is always concerned about my well-being and helps me work through my emotions.
As I get older, she gets more and more beautiful. It is true she is athletic. In our conversations, she tells me about her workout regime and I am truly impressed by how well it is working for her. Although she is not my mother's contemporary, Joan is at least ten years, if not more, younger than mom, Joan has withstood the sands of time far better than my mother.
Chapter II
The year's roll by and before I know it, it's 1968. I have graduated high school and turned eighteen. It is also July 4th, Independence Day and we will celebrate all three in one weekend. The fourth lands on a Thursday. All the neighbors decide to have their annual block party on Saturday, so on Friday, all my relatives come over for my graduation slash birthday party. This year Joan is staying the night, so she can attend the block party the next day. It is nice to have her here. When it comes time to open my presents I save hers 'till last. From my other relatives, I receive some really nice things. Things I can use while I am away at college come fall, but not what I really want.
I have three presents left, all from Joan. Smiling I open the first. As the wrapping paper crumples in my grasp, I see it's an eight-track tape player for my car. That makes me very happy; it's just what I want. The next one turns out to be four tapes for the player, all contemporary rock bands. The last is just a card, I open it and start to read. My jaw drops open and I can hardly believe my eyes. I close the card quickly, lest someone else read what Joan wrote there.
Looking up at my God Mother, I notice the slight nod of her head. My heart is pounding with excitement and joy. I mumble my thanks to her and lean over kissing her cheek as she places her hand at the nape of my neck.
"Whenever you want my love," she whispers in my ear.
To said I am in shock is an understatement. Smiling I just nod and back away thanking everyone for the gifts they have given me.
"I think I'm going out to install this," I said holding up the tape player.
I need to think. I need to calm my racing heart. I need... I need to talk to someone, but know there is no one. Walking back to the garage, I hear the back door open and close. As I collect the tools I will need from the bench in the garage, Joan walks in and leans against the bench watching me pull the tape player from its box.
"Joan," I start.
"What it is my dear?" she asks.
"Why?" I can't verbalize what is on my mind.
"Oh god, have I offended you?"
"What? No. No. Never mind. I love you."
"I love you too. May I help?" she asks.
"If you would like too," I answer.
"I would, thank you."
For the next hour, we lie on the front seat of my car, head to head. We talk about my starting college in the fall. I am going to her alma mater where she still teaches. I have also wrangle myself into two of her classes. One is a required course the other is an elective. She sternly tells me I will not get any breaks because I am her godchild. I tell her I didn't expect any and I will be working hard to pass her classes.
About that time, we finish installing the player. Sitting up I push the key into the ignition and start the car. It rumbles to life with the radio blaring. I quickly turn it off and turn the player on. Taking one of the tapes from Joan, I slip it in the slot. As the music starts, I increase the volume. Smiling I turn to Joan who is smiling broadly back at me.
"This sounds great," I yell.
Joan just smiles nodding, then she puts her right hand behind my neck and pulls my lips to hers. I kiss her back. Now I'm not saying I'm a virgin, but I have not had all that many opportunities at kissing girls. Joan pushes me away smiling, then pulls the tape from the player.
"It's about time I got back inside."
"Huh, oh, yes, yes of course. Thank you again for this; it's exactly what I wanted."
"I know sweetheart, enjoy," she tells me handing me the tape and sliding out of the car.
Sitting in the car, I watch her hips sway as she walks to the back door and disappears inside. Listening to the rumble of the exhaust, I think about Joan. I blip the gas pedal, as I think about the words I read written on the card. I race the engine listening to the roar of the pipes. Smiling I shut the engine down and climb out. Tossing the tape in my hand onto the front seat, I close the garage door and go back inside. Mom is sitting in the kitchen with my aunt when I return to the house.
"How does it sound?" she asks, as my aunt goes into the living room.
"Good," I tell her moving to go into the living room too.
"No, please sit."
A mom, son talk is in order, I guess. I sit facing my mom. Looking into her eyes, I see emotions I couldn't place. Emotions I have never seen in her eyes before. Worry mixed with sadness.
"You will be going away in the fall to college and I just want to make sure you are prepared for the things that happen there."
"Mom, I'll be home every day, it's just across town. And if there are times that I need to stay close to school, Joan has offered me a room at her place."
"I know sweetheart, I know. It's just... as your mother, I worry about you."
"I know you do mom, but I'm all grown up now. Look at where my eyes are compared to the many time we have sat having talks like this in the past."
I am at least a half a head taller than mom is now. She smiles nodding her head as she chuckles.
"You're right of course. You are all grown up. My little boy has grown into a man. You know I love you just the same, though?"
"I love you too, mom, just as much as I did when I was little," I tell her smiling.
Raising my hand, I caress her cheek looking into her eyes. Slowly I lean forward so as not to startle her and gently press my lips to hers. A sigh escapes her throat as I pull away from her soft, warm lips. Shaking her head, she rises quickly from her seat and hurried into the living room. I sit there trying to figure out what is going through her mind, what is going through mine. My lips are tingling where they touched moms. Suddenly, I am a confused little boy again.
Two hands placed on my shoulder startled me back to reality. Looking behind me I find my cousin, she finally made it to my party. Standing I take her in my arms for a friendly hug and kiss on the cheek. We are the same age, her being a month older, she laughs as I pull her close and crush the breath from her slender body. She is my best friend next to Joan. We are very close.
"So how's the birthday boy," she teases pushing away from me.
Her mother comes into the kitchen at the sound of her daughter's voice so I don't have to answer her. Aunt Jean gathers Karen into her arms. Karen hugs her mother back as they exchanged pleasantries. Karen hands me a gift-wrapped box as her mother pulls her past me. Smiling she mouths, "We'll talk later" to me. I laugh knowing we never will. Karen has been away at college and it has been months since her mom has seen her. She graduated high school a year ahead of me. Her birthday being a month ahead of mine she started school a year before me.
Taking the present I go back into the living room to open it, as it would be rude not to. Again, it is something I will need for college and there is a card inside. Before I can open the card Karen, who joined me on the couch, forestalls my movement.
"Open that when you are alone," she whispers.
"Why?" I whisper back.
Now that the wrapping paper is on the floor, the rest of the family is ignoring us, all except Joan. I notice her watching us intently from across the room.
"It's a surprise, but a surprise you shouldn't share with a room full of relatives. Trust me on this Cole, please."
"Okay," I tell her slipping the card in my pocket.
"Good, now give me a kiss and tell me to thank you." I lean in and kiss her gently on the lips.
"Thank you, Karen," I said loudly.
"You're welcome," she replies, then moves back to continue talking with her parents.
Chapter III
Smiling at everyone, I get up and go back outside, sitting in the covered glider on the front lawn. It is a beautiful night out, with nary a mosquito to bother me. As I idly glide back and forth, I hear the back door open. Joan is standing in front of me, just out of the way of the glider, shortly thereafter. Planting my feet, I stop the swing.
"Sit please," I tell her.
"I will, thank you if you tell me what I have done wrong."
Sitting next to me, I raise my foot and the glider starts it's back and forth motion once more. Looking into her eyes, I smile and shake my head. What I am feeling for her is beyond what I have ever felt for anyone.
"Joan... darling," I almost choke on that word; it is not a word I would normally use talking to Joan, "I am not upset with you. It's me I'm upset with trust me. Here I am, eighteen years old and I can count the number of girls I have kissed on one hand. That would be you, my mother and Karen. There have been others, but you wouldn't know them, two of them to be precise. And then to... to be... "
"I knew it is too early in your life for that," she interrupts.
"No, it's not. That's the whole point. I was ready a long time ago. Karen showed me some things, but she is just as naïve as I. Don't look so shocked, yes, we experimented, touching each other, kissing, but that's as far as it went. Honest."
"Cole, I'm not judging you, honest. I am concerned for you. I am wondering how... what... college is a ruckus place. You will no doubt see things you have never seen before."
"Joan, I have seen porno flicks, so there is most likely nothing I haven't seen before."
"Ah... well then, you are well schooled in the sexual arts then. You know what to do to a girl to make her moan, to make her groan, to make her call out your name and not someone else's?"
"Oh... I guess not then, but I have seen such things. I may not have done them; no I'm not a virgin... "
"Really? Who is the lucky girl?" Joan asks smiling at me.
"It was," I start lowering my voice looking around to make sure no one was lurking and would overhear, "the girl next door."
"She is very lucky then."
All of a sudden, her lips press against mine. Soft and hot, they press gently. I close my eyes just enjoying the feel, the burning that accompanies this kiss. She scoots closer to me, pressing her body against mine. My hands come up, one to caress her face, the other to find something I have wanted to touch for a long time. As my hand finds her breast, she moans deep in her throat and presses her breast into my hand.
I feel her tongue flick out and touch my lips, then withdraw again. She pulls her lips from mine looking me in the eye. She doesn't attempt to remove my hand from her breast.
"When a girl flicks her tongue out to touch your lips it means she wants you to do the same. She also wants you to keep pushing your tongue into her mouth, as far as you can. Okay?"
I nod, dumbstruck. Her lips burned against mine again. Her tongue touches my lips once more. I open my mouth, push my tongue forward, as I squeeze her breast. Her tongue meets mine inside her mouth, she moans and the breath in her lungs explodes out of her body. Her arms wrap around my shoulders as she pulls me tightly against her. We swirl our tongues around in her mouth for what seems like hours. I explore her breast, squeezing and caressing the pliant flesh to my heart's desire.
Suddenly, there is a hand on my shoulder that scares the shit out of me. Looking up from my heart attack, I see Karen. She is giggling, as is Joan.
"Everyone is getting ready to leave, so I came out first to let you know."
"Thank you, Karen," Joan said.
Karen leans over kisses me hard, forcing her tongue into my mouth. Being bold because she started the kiss, I reach up and caress her breast. She just moans into my mouth pulling away quickly.
"No, no, no, some other time maybe," she said spinning around and heading back to the house.
"What do you think she meant by that?" I asked, not expecting an answer.
"She loves you very much and wouldn't mind having sex with you," Joan said flatly.
"You heard me, now we better go said good-bye."
Rising, I take her hand in mine as we wander around to the back door. I let go of her hand just as we see my relatives standing around talking. That is the way of things at these gatherings. Everyone talks and talks and talks, until it is time to go. Then they stand outside and talk some more.
I go around saying goodbye to everyone, kissing my aunt and grandmother on the cheek. Karen receives a quick buzz on the lips. My uncle and grandfather a handshake. Another ten minutes of talking and my grandfather, fed up, as usual, hustles grandma to the car to the laughter of everyone else. My aunt and uncle said their final good-byes and climb into their car. My cousin stands there with Joan and me talking until my parents said goodnight and go inside. My mother gives me a curious look before she closes the back door and turns out the porch light.
The darkness of night closes in on the three of us. Afraid to move, lest we stumble and fall, I gently place my arm around Joan's waist pulling her close. Once our eyes adjust to the darkness, the three of us wander back to the glider out front. The front porch light is still on bathing the darkness in bright light. Joan covers her eyes spinning out of my grasp. I hurry to the front door, open it, flip the switch and turn out the light.
Chapter IV
When I return to the glider, I find Joan and Karen in the outside seats, leaving me the middle seat between them. Sitting down I place my hand gently on Joan's knee, just below the hem of her dress. Back then, ladies wore dresses. Karen also attired in a dress, that is just a little too short for her long legs. I miss those days.
"Cole, you have to promise me one thing," Karen demands.
"Sure, anything," I reply.
"That envelope I gave you. You must never, ever, let anyone see what is inside."
She now has me curious, really curious, but I would never betray my cousin's trust.
"Of course, but now you have piqued my interest as to what is inside."
"I knew it would, but please don't open it until you are alone, really alone."
"I won't, Karen, I promise on my love for you."
"I love you too."
"Now you have my curiosity piqued, dear Karen," Joan said softly.
"Oh, he can show you, just nobody else."
Karen leans over grabbing my face in her hands and kisses me gently on the lips. They are gone before I could really enjoy them. Yet her face is still right there in front of me, eyes glinting in the moonlight.
"I really love you, Cole, remember that."
Now I am really curious. I put my hand behind her head pulling her lips to mine. I push my tongue out touching her lips. She groans as it does. With a sigh, she opens her mouth letting my tongue in to swirl around hers. Before I knew what is happening my hand is on her breast, squeezing, crushing, caressing. She pushes me away breathing heavily.
"Not now, not now. Tonight you, tonight you are for another," she whispers.
I am now completely confused. Grabbing my ears, she kisses me quick then looks deep into my eyes. Shaking with what I can only assume is passion she drops her chin to her chest.