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My Wife and My Boss

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Widower boss compels his subordinate to offer his wife.
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"Since how long are you married?" asked Mr. Singh as I was called in his cabin.

"It's about two years, Sir," I replied.

"Do you have any issues?" Mr. Singh asked.

"No, Sir," I replied, "Not yet."

Mr. Singh smiled and said, "I saw your wife five or six times. She is very charming."

"Thank you, Sir," I humbly replied though wondering why after the duty hours my boss was asking all the personal questions in the evening of May 2020.

But I also felt proud at his compliment. After all, my wife Simi is extremely beautiful. She had dark bright eyes, wheatish complexion, height of 5'6", slender legs and a youthful body with 34-30-36 statistics and aged 24 years.

Suddenly Mr. Singh crossed the border line and said, "I think she is sexy enough on bed and you server her well."

I was angry at such outrageous words and said, "Sir, it is outside border lines. Let's concentrate on official business."

"Yes, yes," Mr. Singh regretted, "Sorry Dinesh, let us concentrate on official issues.

Actually you see our office has remained closed since last part of March. Our principal activities have suffered. You are a worthy administrative staff. But in the present situation our company has decided to retrench all administrative staff including you after paying you three months salary."

It was a bolt from the blue. Suddenly I became jobless and there was no other source of income. I am married, I have my parents at our native village who are also dependent on me. It was like the sky suddenly falling on me. I couldn't control tears and looked sullenly at Mr. Singh.

Mr. Singh pretended sympathy and said, "Can we discuss unofficial issues and try to save the situation?"

I nodded helplessly. Mr. Singh was now rude and did not bother about my feelings. He directly asked me, "What is the size of her boobs?"

"34," I said trying to control my anger.

Mr. Singh said, "I have observed your wife for long. She has a real sensuous look; her lips are juicy, glances very sexy. And when she walks her asses move so sensuously as to make a dead man's cock stand in desire. Have you ever fucked her ass?"

"No," I replied as my head stooped in insult at the words of my fifty plus old boss.

But I tried to digest everything to save my job and clenched my teeth to control my anger.

"We can strike a compromise," Mr. Singh told me without least hesitation, "I want to fuck that bitch. You send her to my bed, I will ensure that your service is not terminated.

There is nothing to feel angry or insulted. If you lose the job, someday she might have to earn living in a red light area. I am a widower and my wife died 12 years back. I have my needs which your wife can meet. I assure I'll take good care of her and she will enjoy it. Now the ball is in your court."

For about twenty minutes I didn't reply as mixed emotions tormented me. Had it been possible I would have killed my boss. But I was helpless. Slowly I replied, "You're taking advantage of the situation, Sir. She is of your daughter's age."

"That's my and her issue," Mr. Singh said, "You're to decide whether you will arrange to send her to my bed and retain your job."

"She is from a middle class conservative family," I stated, "I can't ask her to please your lust. It'll shatter our marital life."

"See Dinesh," Mr. Singh said as if assuring me, "More conservative, more I enjoy. They are ashamed and don't behave like sluts.

However, I tell you frankly during my career many married and unmarried female employees and wives of employees have been to my bed. They were all conservatives, puritans and prude. But once they parted their legs and took the cock of someone other than their husband, they liked it, enjoyed it. After all, forbidden things are more fascinating."

"You may be right, Sir," I said, "But I can't ask my wife. At least have some mercy not to make me stoop so low before my wife."

Mr. Singh thought for some time and asked, "What is the academic background of your wife?"

"She is a graduate, Sir," I replied, "With PG diploma in Computer applications."

"That's good," responded Mr. Singh, "How about if I appoint her as my Personal Secretary?"

I wanted to ask him that if he wanted to retrench me for the economic slowdown how can he appoint my wife. But I preferred to be silent as such questions might made him angry. Finding me silent Mr. Singh again said, "Be clear that I don't really need a secretary but I'm entitled to one. If your wife joins I will enjoy to see her sensuous figure in front of me. She will get initiative salary of about 25k.

Since you can't ask your wife to please me on bed, I can try to seduce her. But remember, to take her to bed, I might use little force or guile or deceit. Or even blackmail her. You will have to be silent."

I was thinking the extent to which this old man can be scheming and poisonous. But apparently said with all humbleness, "Sir, please do keep in mind about our reputation."

"Don't worry, Dinesh," Mr. Singh assured, "I have the issue of my image too. Nobody except three of us will ever know it."

"What if you fail to seduce her?" I dared to ask my boss, "Shall we both be thrown out?"

He gave a viperish smile and said, "Don't expect so much that this old man would fail to seduce. After all, I am not throwing the company's 25k per month in drain.

But one thing, if I fail she will lose her job. Yours will continue since you have agreed to send her to me."

I was wondering how deftly he involved me in the game making use of my helpless situation and tempted me with a job offer for my wife. Deep inside, I was feeling insulted to think about his plan, at the same time I was wondering about his ability at this age to handle a young lady sexually and to be frank I couldn't also forget the additional 25k extra per month.

Mr. Singh spoke again, "Don't brood over this, Dinesh. Since you have agreed, we are both going to fuck her at our convenience. She will continue to play the roles of your wife and ny mistress. Can we now talk dirty about her?"

I just nodded and he asked, "Does she keep her quim clean shaved?"

"Yes," I replied.

"In any single night, how many times you two mated at maximum?" he enquired.

"Thrice," I said bowing my head.

"Good," said Mr. Singh, "It means she is quite hot."

As I didn't reply he continued, "When my wife was alive, she used to suck my cock. Has your wife ever sucked?"

I was feeling free with my boss gradually and said, "No, she is too conservative. Only once she kissed at its tip."

"Did you ever suck her cunt?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

"What is the most sensitive part of her body?" Mr. Singh wanted to know, "That puts her on fire at slighest caress?"

"Her nipples," I shamelessly disclosed, "She goes crazy when I pinch or suck them."

That evening our conversation ended there as the boss had call from the head office. As I was walking out of office, he gestured me to bring Simi to join her job from the next day.

Once at home I felt both angry and jealous to think that the boss would defile Simi. I asked myself if I shared too much personal information with him. Finding me gloomy, Simi came near me put her hands around my shoulders and kissing on my lips wanted to know, "You look very thoughtful today? Is there anything wrong?"

I felt guilty inside because passively I had agreed to send her to my boss to save my job and if my boss succeeds in tempting her I would be a complicit in that even if nobody knows it. However, told Simi, "There is a vacancy of Secretary for which you may be considered if you like to work there and the initial salary would be around 25k."

"I don't believe my luck at this hard time when people are losing their jobs!" exclaimed Simi.

"But I have thought of another problem", I said, "That old bastard Mr. Singh is a lady killer and may be one reason of his being so benevolent could be his motives otherwise."

Simi laughed and said, "You are too concerned. After all, he is not going to take me to bed. All that he might do is to flirt or watch me from close proximity. If you don't have any problem with that I would like to join."

It was really ironical. I could not tell her that boss was planning to take her to bed and I have given indirect consent. Still I said, "There are rumours about his reputation in taking women to bed."

"If you don't like, I won't join," Simi said, "But in my view it is an opportunity given by providence. Just imagine I can pay the EMIs of house and car loans from my salary and your burden will be less."

I had never thought of this and after Simi pointed out I said, "You join and then if you don't like you can resign at any time."

Even at that time I never imagined that instead of resigning from the job, my conservative wife will resign to the wishes of the boss.

Simi joined during the last week of April and was happy at her job. I could see her new personality that was more confident and smart. But it was after a month in the job that I noticed a remarkable change in her dress. Earlier she never wore anything except traditional saree or salwar kameez, and did not like sleeveless attire.

But towards mid-May, I saw her going to office wearing a peacock blue saree and a matching sleeveless blouse. The neck of the blouse had a cut that exposed both her cleavage and a considerable portion of her back. I teased her about this and she laughingly said, "You are to worship a god the way he is pleased."

Simi's evolution was startling. By June ending she had started wearing tight jeans. Even in saree or salwar her asses moved sensuously when she walked; with jeans they became more seductive. Our marital sex life continued to be hot and erotic.

During hot July, Simi surprised me by wearing jeans shorts at home that exposed her slender legs. The day she wore it first we ended up having sex in the evening itself. Whlie making love when I told Simi that she had changed much and had become more sexy. Simi gave a bite on my lip and replied, "Time and situation call for change."

I could feel her changes; I knew she was no longer the conservative wife and had become hotter. But could not guess how far she had advanced with Mr. Singh.

In the evening of 15th August we were at home. It was a sultry weather. Simi was wearing her jeans shorts that ended above her thighs showing her sexy smooth legs. Her upper part was clad in a sleeveless tops that revealed her clean armpits. The edges of the sleeveless tops near her armpits were wet with her perspiration. Although the AC in the bedroom was on still we could feel the oppressive humid weather.

At around 8, the doorbell rang. Opening the door I found my boss Mr. Singh waiting. He regretted to have disturbed us at the odd hour for some urgent official work. I invited him inside and put on the fans of the drawing room requesting him to take a seat. Then I went to the bedroom and told Simi with a naughty smile, "Your boss could not remain without seeing you for two days and has come for some urgent work."

Simi gave a mysterious but naughty smile. I thought she would change her dress before appearing in the drawing room. But to my astonishment she appeared before Mr. Singh in same outfit and his glances were licking her shamelessly. Mr. Singh apparently took out some files and pointed out something to Simi. Simi suggested, "It's very hot here. Let us go to the bedroom so that we have the AC."

Once in the bedroom, Simi asked Mr. Singh to open the laptop so that she can do the job there. Meanwhile, she asked me to bring some snacks and drinks from the kitchen. In the kitchen I was surprised that Simi had already kept chicken nuggets ready and wondered whether she knew that Mr. Singh would be coming.

I carried the snacks to the bedroom and enquired what drink Mr. Singh would prefer. Simi said, "It is so sultry, let us take beer."

While going out of the bedroom to bring beer from the refrigerator, I noticed Mr. Singh and my wife sitting side by side in front of laptop and the elbow of Mr. Singh was touching the bare thigh of my wife. I came back with three beer bottles and glasses. Simi served us and we all got busy with snacks and chilled beer. The official work was left for future and by the time it was fifteen past ten three of us had finished five bottles of beer and were quite tipsy.

During this period I noticed Mr. Singh patting on the back and bare thighs of Simi several times and there was mere indulgent smile from Simi. Often within me I got angry but then remembered my job.

At around 10.30, Simi came near me and in front of Mr. Singh put her arms around me, kissed my cheeks and said in a flattering voice, "If you don't mind, I have some works with Mr. Singh and it is confidential. Will you mind to spend the night in the guest room?"

I was not ready for such blow and looked at Simi in amazement. Simi said, "Don't give that look of being hurt, dear. I too was hurt when I heard your conversation with Mr. Singh to send me to his bed to save your job and getting a job for me.

Of course, you can stay in the bedroom too if you assure to remain on the sofa and don't disturb us on bed. After all, a cuckold husband enjoys to see his wife with other man and there's no doubt about your being a cuckold. Otherwise, you won't have agreed to his proposal. But thank you anyway, you opened the road of economic independence for me and my empowerment. It's up to you to decide whether you want to be here or prefer to be in the guest room."

Simi's words were insulting but they also aroused shame and anger in me. Shame, because my complicity with my boss was exposed to my wife by Mr. Singh and anger because he used this to turn her against me helping in seducing her. But more than everything, it was insulting when your wife asks you to leave the bedroom for her erotic affairs with the boss or gives you the alternative to stay and enjoy as a cuckold watching your wife getting fucked.

I couldn't answer for sometime and looked at the ground. Mr. Singh said to Simi, "Don't blame him as a cuckold. Let's cajole in front of him and see if he gets excited. Then we will decide."

Mr. Singh, who was sitting beside Simi, started groping her bare thighs and complimented her sexy legs. For the first time that day I saw Simi again in her conservative self as she removed his hands uttering humbly, "Please, Sir."

Mr. Singh got angry and said, "Are you pretending to be puritan in front of your husband? Remember, you are to take revenge on your wicked husband who planned to send you to my bed."

"Sir," pleaded Simi, "Try to understand. I had never thought of sex with anyone other than my husband. At your suggestion, I started wearing all modern outfits and today appeared before you in this scanty dress.

But Sir, I am both afraid and ashamed to cajole and that too in front of him. Please stop it here. I don't need the job."

"Don't behave like a prude," hissed Mr. Singh, "I have been watching your sexy figure since you were married to Dinesh and during last few months, I kept me in anticipation of enjoying with you.

You don't need the job. Ok. For your disobedience, I will throw out Dinesh too. So it is best that both of you retain your jobs by offering you like a good girl to me."

"Sir, if she is not willing," I tried to intervene, "It is your failure to tempt her..."

Mr. Singh didn't allow me to finish and pushed me roughly on the sofa and said, "Sit here quietly and watch how I handle this bitch and make her a slut."

He roughly hugged Simi and pulling her towards the bed said, "You can't run away from the game halfway. You are going to be my whore in front of your husband."

Simi was afraid and tried to fight back but her strength was no match to that of Mr. Singh. She called for my help, "Dinesh, please stop him."

I tried to get up but was too tipsy. Repeatedly I tried to get up but was too tumultuous. Mr. Singh looked laughingly at my efforts and said to Simi, "I made him drink enough beer. So don't expect him to help you. Like a good girl strip out of your dresses and be one with me."

Simi pleaded for mercy, tried to fight back, appealed to Mr. Singh but he kept pushing her towards the bed with her face towards the bed till her knees touched the edge of the bed and then with his knee he gave a stroke at the back of Simi's knee so that she fell on the bed with her face down and Mr. Singh's six feet plus body was on her.

Simi was also quite tipsy at the after effects of beer to move properly. Mr. Singh forcibly turned her face and kissed her lips sucking them hard. He had pushed a hand inside the jeans shorts of Simi and started kneading her asses. I made several more efforts to get up but was too dizzy to keep body balance.

Simi was trying to resist Mr. Singh. But he had ripped of her tops and unclasped her bra exposing her young and well shaped boobs. Then he turned Simi on her back and took the tops and bra out of her body. He began to lick the brown aerola of her boobs and suck her nipples hard. Simi was then trying hard not to let Mr. Singh to remove her shorts and panty.

But within about fifteen minutes, Simi was stripped completely. Mr. Singh started fingering her love spot making Simi shiver. However, when Mr. Singh started licking her pussy Simi began to moan that revealed her rising passion. As her moans became intense, I could sense her body becoming ready to surrender to the assault.

Finding her arching the body, Mr. Singh got completely nude. His cock was hard and erect. In lenght it was bigger than mine, at least by two inches, but smaller in diameter. Simi was lying on her back when Mr. Singh pressed her cheeks hard. Simi instinctively understood something and kept her mouth tightly closed. Mr. Singh began to slap on her cheeks till she was compelled to open the mouth and disregarding all her pleas pushed his dick inside her mouth and commanded her to suck it.

Mr. Singh teased me, "You didn't teach her to suck nicely. She will need few classes with me to learn it."

After sometime, Simi was turned again on her belly and Mr. Singh began to slap hard on her asses making Simi scream intermittently. He placed his tool between her asses and began to push its tip to her asshole. Simi was crying in pain and pleaded him to spare her. But Mr. Singh said, "I have long fantasized to fuck your sensuous ass. Just get ready. Today I will snatch away the virginity of your asshole and you will be my slut."

His cock invaded her asshole so violently that Simi screamed in pain and tears came to her eyes. But once his tool was fully inside he began to pump her hard and flooded her asshole with his cum within about ten minutes. However, that was not the end of our ordeal.

Once he had fucked her ass, Mr. Singh pulled her by the hair and commanded her to suck his tool and clean its mess. By the time Simi cleaned it, his tool had become hard again. He now started playing with her labia lips and pushed his tongue inside her already wet cunt to tease her clit. Perhaps it took fifteen minutes when Simi, my once conservative wife, began to arch and twist her body and began to moan like a slut in uncontrollable sexual passion. Mr. Singh was pleased and said to me,"I wanted to see her like this. She is really a hot whore. Watch as I fuck her pussy now."

Mr. Singh roughly parted Simi's legs and pushed his long dick slowly till its entire length was absorbed inside Simi's pussy. From the beginning he started hard strokes making Simi scream, moan and beg for more. When Mr. Singh spurted his load inside my wife's pussy and both hugged each other in orgasm, it was 1 AM.

That night Mr. Singh slept with Simi both embracing each other. Next morning as I awoke I found them nude and in each other's embrace. In the morning, Mr. Singh ordered me to bring coffee for them. After drinking coffee, Mr. Singh asked Simi, "Did you enjoy?"


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