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Mom and The School Delinquent Ch. 01

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The School Delinquent seduces a mom.
1.4k words

Part 5 of the 18 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/09/2017
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Author's note: All characters are 18 years of age or older.

My name is Robert Robinson. I'm 18 years old and currently in my senior year of high school. I live with my single working class mother in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Used to have a dad, but he died in a car crash last year. So it's just been me and mom. She worked even when dad was alive. but only took night shifts, so she can drive me to school during the day.

Mom works as a nurse at a clinic here. Best at her job and beloved by everyone around her. Her name is Penelope Robinson. She is 42, but doesn't look a day over 35. Her looks are breathtaking. With long dark hair, blue eyes and a voluptuous and curvaceous figure. She turned heads where ever we went.

To add all that together and put that in simple terms, she was fucking hot. Guys at my school talk about her. Calling her the Milf Nightingale. Though they mostly talk about her tits and ass. I know she has great assets, because I've seen her naked a few times by accident. Mom is a C cup, but they are also perky and sloped. Her butt is big, but also firm.

When she is at work, I go through her drawers and steal a pair of her panties. Using them to jack off as I watch milf porn on my PC.

I know what you are going to say. Only a sick depraved pervert of a son would do that. Let me ask you this. Wouldn't you do the same thing in my shoes?

Moving on.

Anyways like I said, guys at my school talk about her constantly. But the person who talks about her the most and makes my life hell, is Chad Bradington. He is the school delinquent and is also my tormentor. Everyday when mom drops me off at school, he harasses me.

From stealing my lunch money to embarrassing me in front of girls. I hated him with very fiber of my being. Why are all the girls attracted him? Do all girls like bad boys?

Chad stood at 6'2, is 19 years old and was nothing but lean muscle. He had short brown hair and tanned skin. He shows up to class late and doesn't pay attention to what the teacher is saying either. Smokes weed and sells it too. He is on the verge of repeating senior year again. I say again, because he got held back last year for doing the same things.

His friends are no different than him either. If he picks on me, then they do as well. Sometimes before class they would put my head in the urinal and give me a swirlie. I'd stink for the rest of the day. Because they would also use it, while it is happening.

I could never bring it up to my mom. Cause I don't want her to worry. Even though she would help me, I would just feel guilty. Besides, I want to show her I can handle my own battles. I want my mom to think of me as a man and not a little boy.

One day about a week later, I was delayed from leaving school. The reason? Chad dumped my homework into the toilet and pissed on it. Laughing as he did. By the time class started, I had only partly finished it. So I was made to stay after school and redo the whole thing.

When I was done, I left the classroom and walked toward the school entrance. What I saw stopped me in my tracks. Chad was by our car talking to my mom. By their expressions, it looked like he was flirting with her. When I got outside and closer to them, he turned around.

"Well there's my little buddy!" said Chad, "was talking to your mom about you."

He gives me a quick headlock and acted playful. Which my mom laughed at.

"Okay boys that's enough," she said while laughing.

"Sure thing Mrs. Robinson," said Chad politely.

He lets me out of his headlock and walks off. Waving at mom as I got in and she drove out of the school lot.

The drive home was pretty silent. At a red light, mom sighed.

"Do you have something to tell me?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean," she said, "now tell me."

Did she find out about me stealing her panties and using them as I watch porn? No way!

"I don' t know what you mean-" I began to say.

"Tell me why I had to hear from that nice boy that my son is being picked on!?" she said cutting me off.

She turned to look at me briefly. Her eyes were full of rage, yet sorrow too.

"I didn't want you to worry mom," I said quietly, "I didn't want you to think of me as weak."

"I'd never think that about you." she said.

She touches my cheek softly.

"You are my son and I Iove you," she said.

She pulls into the driveway and turns to face me.

"So don't keep me in the dark anymore got it?' she said.

Mom then hugged me tight.

A few days later, Chad didn't show up for school. Which was a relief to me. As I didn't have to deal with his shit. After school ended, mom didn't show up to pick me up. She also wouldn't pick up her phone when I tried calling her either.

"It must be busy at the clinic," I thought.

So I left a voice message and walked home. Our house isn't that far from the high school to begin with. A couple of blocks at most if anything. The hard part was crossing the busy intersection that divided our neighborhood from the school and mini mall.

Once I safely crossed it, I was in home turf. As I got closer to the house, I noticed mom's car wasn't there. Which was odd as mom is always home around this time. Instead I saw one that isn't her's parked there.

Just then I saw the front door open and mom walks out with a guy who looked around my age. Both were smiling and talking on the steps for a bit. She then handed him something. It was small, white and folded. A piece of paper? He then placed it in his pocket. Then got into his car, which I now know was a Mustang convertible and pulled out of our driveway.

Mom watched him drive down the street and turn a corner. Then went back inside.

"Who was that?" I thought, "A friend of mom?"

I was curious. But decided against it for the time being. I walked up to the front door and stepped inside. Closing it behind me as I took off my shoes.

"I'm home!" I called out.

"Welcome home sweetie!" came my mom's voice the kitchen.

"I just started making dinner," she said as I entered the kitchen, "so it'll be a bit."

"Why didn't you pick me up from school?" I asked.

She turned to look at me.

"Oh it's in the shop," she said.

"Then how did you get home?" I asked.

"Uh a kind person did," she chuckled, "honestly sweetie what is with the questions?"

I then told her about seeing a guy my age leave our house just a bit ago.

"Yes that was the guy who gave me a ride home," she said.

"Why was he in our house then?" I asked.

"I offered him a drink and paid him for his troubles of driving me home!" mom said getting upset.

She then sighs.

"Besides it is clearly none of your business!" she snapped.

She then softened her approach and sighed again.

"Sorry just tired sweetie," she said, "dinner will be ready soon okay?"

She then turns back towards the oven and continues cooking. I decided to go to my room and start on my homework. Mom called me for dinner a half hour later.

Later that night, I heard sounds coming from my mom's room through the vent on my floor. Sounded like she was pleasuring herself. Her moans drove me to jerk off. I finished long before she did. I wonder who she was thinking of?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Too short, even for Chapter 1. But, looking forward for Chapter 2.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Nice but too short >.< Amazing setup so far

Asperger27Asperger27almost 3 years agoAuthor

Wow so much love and hate from my readers. Awwww missed you guys. i've been busy and racking my brain for new materials. Have this series and another series in tbe works that I promised a fellow reader I would make.

P.S. please leave your bullshit hate emails to yourself. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you hate my works then you can kindly GTFO and don't let tbe door hit you on the way out of my stories.

To those who remain faithful to me and gave me encouraging criticism, thank you and I promise to do better every time.

Said my peace.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Screw all these people. I love it keep writing

EyelanderEyelanderalmost 3 years ago

Glad to see you're back, stop with the 1 page tease stories :(

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I really hate mothers that do this to their sons! They are skanks!! Horrible!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Mediocre at best.

The bully stuff is moderate.

The teachers know nothing of the bullying?

Mom has seen no signs?

Gave it a 3 because you MIGHT get to something.

Taboo is the barelyear redeeming factor; that is if you are not supposed to fucking your classmate's mother!

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