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Faithfulness Ch. 02


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"I think it's better now that you've pissed on it," Katie said. "But, I'm still going to throw it in the trash where it belongs."

"Good, good," The Pastor said approvingly. "Oh, and Steve, make sure you have the carpet steam cleaned tomorrow. I want this house to be in top condition for when I come over to fuck your wife. Now, see what I have here for you." He pulled out another picture from his bag, and it was a long thin picture, horizontally oriented, and it was a large size picture of The Pastor's cock! It looked like it was done by a professional photographer, the lighting was perfect, and it was very high resolution, high grain, so every little detail was clearly defined. His cock spanned from one end to the other, and the height the picture was set so that the cock just fit in the frame with a little space above and below. The background was black, so his cock stood out all the more. The picture was caught in a moment where a huge drop of sticky thick clear precum was dripping from the tip. "What do you think?"

My wife clapped her hands and said, "It's perfect!"

Maggie said proudly, "We have one just like it in our bedroom."

I didn't say anything, and the Pastor turned to me and said, "Steve? What about you?" I clenched my fists, I don't know how much more I can take! But I knew I had no choice!

"It's much better, thank you Pastor," I said, though it must have been clear from my voice that I was barely containing a rage of emotions.

"Glad you think so Steve," The Pastor said as he put a hand on my shoulder. "I just wanted to make a small gesture to celebrate you and your family becoming even more devoted to the church! Now then, I think it's time we got down to business. Maggie, sweetheart, go get cleaned up. Make sure you look your best. Katie, get me your iPad." Without a moment's hesitation, both women did as the Pastor said, Maggie went into the attached bathroom and washed the Pastor's cum off her tits and face and redid her make up, using Katie's. Katie came back almost immediately with our iPad and handed it to the Pastor. "Steve, take off all your clothes, and get on the bed. Katie, bring over that little stool." Katie had a little white leather stool for her make up tool, and she brought it over for the Pastor, and he sat down on it. When he did, he noticed I hadn't taken off my clothes. "Now, Steve, do we have to get Charles on the phone?" Defeated, I pulled off my sweater and pants, and got naked, and then sat on the edge of the bed facing him.

Maggie came back in, looking stunning. She was naked except for her high heels, and when she walked, she had a strut that said she knew perfectly well how stunning she was. Her long blond hair flowed, and her big round tits, even without a bra, were high and firm, and jiggled just a little with every step. To my surprise, she came and sat down on the bed beside me. She put one arm around my shoulders, and another on my thigh, and she pressed her massive boobs into me. I couldn't believe how soft her skin felt, and how she smelled so sweet. I felt a little delirious. Could it really be that I had never in my life felt a woman's tits up against me like this? It felt so good. My dick sprang to life. It was nothing like the Pastor's monster of a cock, but I was maybe harder than I've ever been.

The Pastor said, "Enticing, isn't she? I bet you've thought about fucking her before, haven't you Steve?" I didn't hesitate to nod, and The Pastor went on. "It's been a hard night for you, hasn't it Steve. You've been cum on, pissed on, humiliated, made fun of. You've watched your own wife fuck and suck a man right in front of you, and it's like everyone has fun watching you suffer. Does that about sum it up?" Again, I nodded. "I bet you'd like to get something out of this night. To let out all that rage, to let out all that anger. Wouldn't you?" I didn't know exactly what he meant by letting it out, and I was so confused from Maggie, who was seductively stroking my thigh, her hand getting oh so close to my dick, but never close enough to touch it. She licked my ear, ever so gently, just so I could barely feel it, and I felt her hot breath. I couldn't think straight.

The Pastor continued, saying, "What if I not only gave you a chance to let that rage out, for the first time in your life, I permitted you fuck a woman?" I looked up, and I won't lie, even after all the humiliation and the hurt of having twenty years of betrayal and being cuckolded revealed to me, the possibility of having sex with Maggie was overwhelming! I thought I might start cumming just from the thought of it? I strained and squeezed the muscles in my pelvis. If I was going to have sex, I didn't want to just cum in the first few seconds! But then I thought, the Pastor might be lying to me, a game of his to build my hope up and tear it down. Rob said that's what he did.

"Is this some game?" I said. "Are you going to just tease me and then not let me do it?" The Pastor laughed. My wife, Katie, knelt beside him, and, holding the base of his cock, gently licked it up and down, taking sticky precum into her mouth.

The Pastor said, "No, this is not a game. I will actually let you fuck Maggie, and you're going to cum on her huge tits. Are you sure you want to though, after all, once you know what it's like, you're going to want it even more, and I can't promise I'll ever let you fuck anyone else ever again. Hahahah!"

I didn't care, I could barely hear his words. I said, like an impatient child, "No, I do! I want to fuck her! I want to fuck Maggie!"

"Even though she's you're best friend's wife?" The Pastor said. I suddenly remembered my promise to Rob, to stay away from Maggie, and I realized what the Pastor's game was. He was making me betray Rob. Finally, after a literal lifetime of not experiencing what it truly means to fuck a woman, I was going to get a chance to fuck one of the most beautiful and sexy women any man could ever hope to have a chance with, but it was only going to happen by me turning my back on my very best friend. "I think he might be reconsidering, Maggie," The Pastor said, and then continued, "Why don't you give him a taste of what he might experience.

Maggie started to move like an experienced dancer, first brushing her big jugs up against my face, their soft skin gently caressing mine. And then she pushed me back, and she lowered herself down so that she was on her knees between my legs. She wasn't touching me, but she was pressing and squeezing her boobs right by my dick so that it was as if she was giving me a visual of what it might look like for her to tit fuck me. And then she lowered her mouth down, open, and brought her thick sensual lips so close to the head of my cock, I could feel hear breath against it. She kept her eyes on me the whole time, and my eyes were wide like a deer caught in the headlights. I must have looked foolishly desperate. And then, she darted her tongue down to just touch the tip of my cock, just light enough that I felt it for a fraction of a second, and just like that, she licked a drop of my precum from the tip of my cock. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHOOOOOHHH GOOOODD!!" I said as my head rolled backward. She had barely done anything, but the visual of it, the implication, the teasing of it. I have never experienced anything like the feelings running through my body, it was like my whole entire life this was what I wanted even though I never knew what exactly it felt like.

And then Maggie stood up, and walked back to the Pastor, and she leaned against him, her big tits brushing against his head. I sat up, desperate to feel her touch again, and the Pastor could tell, and he laughed. "Now, Steve, Maggie hasn't even done anything yet. Imagine what it would be like to experience something real with her." I could imagine, I could imagine all too well. I was in such an emotional state, having been humiliated and mocked all night, and then suddenly been given this much promise. At that moment, I wanted nothing more than to fuck Maggie!

I asked, the desperation in my voice, "What do I have to do?" The Pastor and Maggie smiled at each other, knowing that they had me.

The Pastor said, "It's easy, Steve. We're going to do a little video call with Rob here on your iPad. My guards will have a screen for him in his little cell. You're going to fuck his wife while he watches. And you're going to mock him as you do. It's that easy."

I felt terrible, knowing what that would do to Rob. His best friend, betraying his trust, fucking his wife, mocking him. The Pastor really did construct cruel games for his amusement. And yet, I wanted to fuck Maggie, I wanted to fuck her so bad! "I wouldn't know what to say," I said, pathetically. It was pathetic because I was saying that I was willing to betray my friend just for a chance to have sex with a beautiful woman, but I was using the excuse of not knowing how to follow the Pastor's orders as if that gave me some kind of out.

"Oh, it's easy enough," The Pastor said. I'll give you a little demonstration of the kind of attitude you need to have. Trust me, once you let the right feeling overtake you, it becomes very easy. Let me show you." The Pastor then stood up, and he grabbed my wife Katie by her hair, and roughly pulled her in front of him, and roughly stuffed his massive cock into her mouth. He turned slightly so I could see, and in the state of arousal I was in, I couldn't help myself, I was so turned on watching my wife with another man's cock in her mouth. The way she had to stretch her lips to fit it in, it was so powerfully erotic. The Pastor looked at me and he pointed his finger at me and said "AAAHHHHH OOOHH YEAHH!! SEE HOW YOUR WIFE LOVES MY COCK? SHE'S BEEN SUCKING MY COCK SINCE THE DAY I MET HER!! SHE LOVES MY COCK MORE THAN SHE LOVES YOU!! DID YOU SEE HOW YOUR WIFE JUST SMILED AS I PISSED ON YOU? HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL? HOW DOES IT FEEL TO WATCH YOUR WIFE DO FOR ANOTHER MAN WHAT SHE NEVER DOES FOR YOU??"

The Pastor pulled her off his massive dick and sat down again. My wife returned to her place, sitting on the floor beside him, one hand casually stroking up and down the shaft of his pillar like cock, and looking at me as if this was all as normal as could be. The Pastor picked up the iPad, and started pressing some buttons on it. "Alright, are you ready? Oh, one thing, don't cum until I say so. I know it will be difficult, but Maggie is an expert, she'll know how to move and how much."

Maggie came over, and she pushed me back onto the bed as she crawled above me on all fours. Her long blond hair cascaded down around me, and then she lowered herself, and I felt her big round tits press down on me, and she put her lips on mine. I hardly even knew what to do! She guided me with her tongue moving my lips apart. I felt so hard, I was so worried I would cum! And then! AND THEN! She moved downward, her tongue running down my chest! OH MY GOD! SHE WAS GOING TO SUCK MY COCK!! I WAS GOING TO GET MY COCK SUCKED!! She held her mouth over my cock just like she did before, and I stared at her like a crazy man, I didn't even blink, I didn't want to, because I did not want to miss a moment! She lowered down more, and then a little more! OH MY GOD!! IT'S REALLY HAPPENING!! IT'S HAPPENING!! She lowered her tongue, and then I felt it, warm and slippery move around the head of my dick. I couldn't believe it! HER TONGUE WAS ON MY COCK!! AND THEN!! SHE PUT HER MOUTH ON ME!! MY COCK WAS IN MAGGIES MOUTH!! I could have died right then and there and I would have died a happy man! I never had any idea what I was missing out on.

As if it was way off in the distance, I heard the Pastor speaking into the iPad, though I could only hear a murmur from the other end of the conversation. The Pastor said, "Ah, they're online. Hello? Is he ready? Alright, face the camera toward him. Hello Rob! How are you doing? Hahahah! I expect you're doing terrible, of course. Did you enjoy your little visit from your best friend? Hahah! Oh, of course I sent him! Hahaha! What's that? You don't believe me? Well, why don't you ask him yourself? HAHAHA!!" The Pastor stood up, and walked over beside the bed, and he turned the iPad facing me. I glanced over, and I could see Rob's face clearly because they had some kind of harsh light focused on him.

Rob said, "What, what's going, who, is that Maggie? Maggie? What are, what, is, is that Steve? STEVE?? STEVE?? ARE YOU WITH MAGGIE?? WHAT ARE YOU, WHAT ARE YOU, ARE YOU FUCKING MY WIFE??" Just behind the iPad, I could see the Pastor, and he nodded at me, to cue me. I was so lost in the pleasure of having Maggie's mouth on me I didn't know if I'd be able to carry on with what the Pastor wanted me to do. But, I thought about what the Pastor said about reaching deep to try some feeling, and I thought about how I was the lucky one, because if I tripped up it could be me in that cell instead of Rob, it could be my son, but instead, here I was, getting head from an impossibly gorgeous woman! I tried to channel that unfairness, and focus on how just for once, things were unfair for ME!!

I looked into the camera and yelled, "THAT'S RIGHT ROB!! MAGGIE'S SUCKING MY COCK!! I'M GOING TO FUCK HER TOO!! HAHAHAH!!"

Rob sounded so broken when he said, "Steve, I thought, I thought we were best friends. You promised me you'd get me out of here. You promised you'd stay away from Maggie. I, I trusted you! I thought you, of all people, would be the one person I could trust no matter what?"

As Rob spoke, Maggie moved up, so she was riding on top of me. She lowered her pussy down onto my dick, and OH MY GOD! I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! It was the most amazing sensation ever! And the way Maggie looked, writhing on top of me, her huge boobs bouncing and jiggling above me. At that moment, I'm sorry to confess, I couldn't give a fuck about Rob at all! His wife was the perfect fuck! She'd be the perfect fuck for any man, but for a man like me, who had never had any woman before, there is no way I can express it. I realized though, that she would only keep fucking me so long as I did my part for the Pastor's game. I looked back at the camera and said, "FUCK YOU ROB!! WE WERE NEVER FRIENDS!! I JUST WANTED TO FUCK YOUR WIFE!! I'M GLAD YOUR IN A PRISON SO THAT I CAN FINALLY FUCK HER WITHOUT ABLE TO DO A FUCKING THING ABOUT IT!! I NEVER WANT YOU TO GET OUT!! I WANT YOUR WIFE!! I WANT TO FUCK YOUR WIIIFE!! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU NOW!! TAKE A LOOK ROB!! TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR WIFE RIDING MY COCK!! HAHAHAH!! THINK ABOUT THAT WHILE YOU SIT IN YOUR CELL!! HAHAH!!"

I had been mostly looking at Maggie while she rode my cock, but I glanced over and could clearly see that Rob was crying. I had never seen a man look so devastated. Some part of me deep inside realized how much I must have crushed him, how devastating it must be to have the one last person you trust take that away from you. But, I was stopped from thinking about that too much, as Maggie gently placed a hand on my cheek and turned my head so I was looking at her. One look at her perfect tits bouncing as she fucked me, and I forgot about Rob! It's terrible, but the way she looked and seeing her motions as they matched up with the sensations in my body, I wouldn't care if Revelations started! I just wanted to fuck Maggie.

The Pastor turned the iPad back to face him, and he said to Rob, in a childish mocking imitation, "AWW WAAAAHH!! 'MY BEST FRIEND BETRAYED ME'!! HAHAHA!! HOW DOES IT FEEL, LOSER? YOU HAVE NOBODY!! NOBODY!! EVERYONE YOU KNOW WOULD DITCH YOU IN A SECOND FOR A CHANCE TO FUCK YOUR WIFE!! HAHAHAH!! YOU FUCKING LOSER!! YOU LOOOOOOOOSERR!!! HAHAHAHA!!" The Pastor turned the iPad back to me for me to say one last goodbye.

As I yelled, Maggie lowered herself so she could passionately kiss and lick my face. Then she turned to the camera and said, "Do you have any friends left that I can turn against you? Hahaha!!" Then she turned to me and said, in a seductive soft voice, "Say goodbye to the man you used to be friends with." She then kissed and licked at my mouth while I turned to speak to the camera.

I yelled, "GOODBYE YOU FUCKING LOSER!! I WON'T BE THINKING ABOUT YOU!! NOT WHILE I FUCK YOUR WIFE!! HAHAHA!" Then the Pastor turned off the iPad, and he handed it to my wife who put it away. Maggie got off my cock, and then she backed up so that she got off the bed, and she was on her knees, and she had both arms under her mammoth tits, holding them up and squeezing them together so that they were huge round orbs, with deep, deep cleavage between them. I panicked, thinking that because she got off me, they weren't going to let me finish.

But then the Pastor said, "Alright, stand up, and jerk off onto her tits. Get all your cum right there between her big boobs." I was disappointed to finish by just jerking off, but, I was also more aroused than I had ever been in my life, and I needed to cum desperately. You have no idea what a superhuman effort it was on my part to hold back!! I jumped to my feet, and started masturbating furiously, and quickly came. Just as instructed, I squirted three or four little streams of cum into the space between her tits. The cum pooled there, as the chasm between her tits near her chest formed a little cup. It was nothing like when the Pastor came, it was just a normal amount, which, now that I had seen how he came, seemed like very little.

"Alright, now slurp up your cum and swallow it," The Pastor said. I looked at him, a little shocked and confused. Did he maybe mean for Maggie to do it? "I want to make sure you haven't forgot what's at stake and how obedient you really need to be. Come on, don't make Maggie hold her tits like that forever. They're heavy you know! Hahahah!!" I bent over, and steeling my resolve, put my face right against her huge round breasts, and slurped out my cum. I just had to force it down. "Lick up all around the sides. Don't leave any of your disgusting semen on such a perfect woman." I did as instructed, and tried my hardest to focus on the fact that at least I was licking a beautiful woman's breasts. When I was done, the Pastor said, "Alright, Maggie, go clean up. Steve, go wait downstairs, I'm going to fuck your wife properly now. I'd ordinarily make you watch, but I think your wife and I should have a little privacy from you this time. There some things I do with your wife that is just between me and her." I walked out the door, and he slammed it shut behind me.

Maggie went to our main bathroom and had a shower. I went down and sat on the couch. Now that I had cum, my mind was no longer fueled by crazed lust, and I felt horrible. I had turned my back on my best friend. The best, the only, sex I'd ever had, and I would forever remember it as the time I broke my best friends trust, and crushed the last hope he had. What kind of man does that? I not only broke our friendship by lying to him and breaking promises I made when I saw him at the prison, but I did all that by doing the one thing that no man should ever do to a friend - I fucked his wife. I fucked my best friends wife. And I wanted to believe that it was because I had to do anything to protect my son. But I knew, if I was being honest in front of God, that she could almost seduce me and make me want to fuck her any time she wanted.

While I thought of her, she came into the living room. She was clean and fresh, and strode into the room completely naked as if it was perfectly normal. Her skimpy Tshirt and jean shorts were on the floor in the living room. She came in and put them on. Even putting on clothes, her movements were slow, seductive, and hypnotic. I wondered if maybe while the Pastor fucked my wife, maybe something would happen between Maggie and I. But, she went around behind the couch, picked something up and then came and stood in front of me, and I saw that she had my wife's wooden paddle with her. She held it in one hand and lightly slapped her other hand with it. "We have a little time to kill while the Pastor fucks your wife," she said with a smirk. "And Katie tells me you need to be punished when you cum."


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