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Faithfulness Ch. 02


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After a few moments of panic, I looked down and saw there was dim light below me. I felt around for the ladder and kept going. I reached a floor not too far down, and then I could see there was a sort of hallway, really a tunnel carved out of volcanic rock. At the other end was more dim lighting. It seemed here and there were old style incandescent bulbs, dim yellow ones, strung up by exposed wires, clearly put in recently, whereas the walls were carved out over a hundred years ago. I wondered, as I wandered further into this adventure I found myself on, how far I would be able to push the excuse of, 'I'm just a tourist who wandered into the wrong hotel!'. If I found myself confronted with men with guns, I don't know what I'd do. I'm not a spy or cop or hero in an action movie.

I came into an open room, and I was shocked and disturbed by what I saw! It WAS a prison! There were about 6 cells, and in four of them were men, completely naked, shackled to the walls! It smelled terrible, a distinct sharp smell of urine, and I didn't want to stop and imagine what the plumbing conditions were here. I took out my phone and began snapping pictures. I didn't want to use my flash, for fear of alerting a guard, so the pictures were dark and blurry, but clear enough for my purposes. I felt adrenalin rushing through me, but not in a good way. Seeing now that there really was a prison, that Charles wasn't lying, both made me realize that I had stumbled into something far greater than a friend who had broken under some kind of stress, and that there really would be guards or security or something, and I was seriously in danger! What would happen if I was caught? I was outside the U.S. where who knows what law would apply? Who knows what law applied to these men?

I looked at them one by one, and then I saw him. Rob! Just as Charles had said he would be, my best friend Rob was there, on the floor, lying back against the wall, half sitting up, his wrists shackled in massive iron chains. They were old and rusty, but that was just the surface. They were heavy and solid. Without a key, escape was impossible. I felt bad, but I took a picture of Rob before going to wake him up. I called his name, trying to be loud enough for him to wake up but no one else to hear. I was able to reach through the bars and shake his foot. He stirred. His eyes opened sleepily, and then he saw me and his eyes widened in surprise. And then he looked terrified.

"Steve!" He said too loud, and then realized he needed to keep it down. He looked around to make sure no one in the other cells stirred. "Oh thank the good Lord! Wait - is this another one of his tricks? Another game just to set up my hopes just to ruin them?"

"What are you talking about Rob? Who's tricks? I came to find you!" I said. "I, I had no idea it would be like this. I just wanted to come talk to you, to find out what really happened. I couldn't believe it, even though there was a video. I know you Rob. We're best friends. Please, tell me you were set up or something!" I could see Rob was looking at me in the eyes, trying as hard as he could to see if he could tell if I was telling the truth. I couldn't even imagine what kind of deception he might think I was a part of, but after staring at me for a while, he seemed to feel that I was sincere, and of course, I was!

Rob said, "Steve, you have to get me out of here! You have no idea what kind of hell this is! He keeps us here just to play games with us! All the men in here, we were once like you, like I was, thinking we were living this ideal life, but when we got too close to the truth, when you find out what is really going on, he puts you here, and then the real suffering begins! He keeps us around just to play mind games with us, to make us feel hope, and then hurt, to feel love, and then betrayal. He's a monster, Steve! He,"

I had to cut him off and say, "WHO? Who are you talking about Rob?"

Rob said, "The Pastor!" The words hung in the air. I would have laughed, but, standing where I was, this was no joke or set up. This was a real prison, a real place. Rob could see I didn't believe him. He said, "Steve, listen, The Pastor is not what he seems, and there's more. All the women you know, your wife, your friend's wives, their daughters, my wife, my daughter, they're not what they seem either. It's all just a big game for them! Everything they do is just to satisfy their sadistic whims! They get off on the betrayal the hurt. The more they can betray and hurt, the more they,"

I cut him off again. He was ranting, and clearly hadn't had the chance to confide in anyone for a long time. I couldn't believe what he was saying, but, something was going on. I had to find out what, but talking to Rob here where he was a mess wasn't going to help. I had to get him out. "Rob! Rob, listen, you need to calm down. Listen, I can't get you out now, I wasn't expecting anything like this. But, I know where you are now, this has to be illegal or something the way you're being held here. I'm going to get back to America, and then I'll come back for you. I promise you, Rob. I promise I'm going to get you out of here." Rob started to cry, tears of hope.

Rob said, "You promise, Steve? I've had too much hope get crushed, but you wouldn't do that to me?"

I said, "I swear to God, Jesus, and everything that's holy. I'm your friend, Rob, your BEST friend, and I swear will get you out of here. You just have to hang on. I can't do anything now. I need to get back. Listen, I promise, I won't tell the Pastor anything. But what about your wife, Rob? Is she being blackmailed or anything?"

Rob looked panicked, "No, Steve, listen, you can't go to my wife! God, the way she enjoys coming here with the Pastor and tormenting me! All the years she betrayed me! I need to know you're on my side, Steve! Out of everyone other than the Pastor, the one person I need you to not go to is my wife!"

I said, "Okay, okay, I promise. I won't see your wife! You can trust me! I'll get to the bottom of this, I swear! I am going to help you!"

Suddenly Rob had a change of attitude. He looked around the room as if he expected to see someone, then he looked at me, bolting upright as much as he could with his chains on. "Steve, how did you find this place?"

I said, "It's amazing, Rob! It was Charles! Can you believe it? After all these years, Charles showed up! I think he was taken by The Pastor, like you, but he escaped, and now he wants to help to," Rob cut me of.

Rob said, "No! Oh no! Steve! You have to get out of here! You have to save yourself! He knows! The Pastor knows you're here!"

I said, shocked, "What? What do you mean?"

Rob said, "Charles never escaped! He's been down here the longest, he's been so twisted by the Pastor that he's now the Pastor's loyal servant! He actually believes that the Pastor's cock is God! If he led you here, then it's a trap!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I said, "What did you say about The Pastor's, The Pastor's 'cock' did you say?"

Rob ignored my question because he was too frantic, "LISTEN! Charles's is not what he says! You can't trust him! Steve, you have to go! And you have to stay away from the Pastor! He knows! Go on! GO!!" I got up and backed away. it was all too much. Was Rob mad? Was he telling the truth? What exactly was this place? Was Charles not to be trusted? Then I heard some noise off in the distance, maybe up some stairs. I realized I was lucky to have been in this place for as long as I had.

I quickly said, "I'm going to save you Rob! You can count on me!" And then I ran toward the tunnel that led to the ladder I came down. This time, as I was facing the other way from when I came in, I noticed a wooden door, a little off to the side of the tunnel. Painted in black right on the wood of the door, so it was a little hard to make out in the low light, it said 'Somewhere Else'. I thought that was strange, and I thought I should take a quick look, in case there was something I could photograph for evidence. So I pulled out my phone and stepped to the door. I opened it slightly, and as soon as I caught a slight glimpse of what was inside, I recoiled, and let the door fall shut again. I can't bare to repeat what I saw. All I can say is there were shackles for holding a man down, and there were plumbing pipes and tubes and, no, that's all I can say. It was clearly some kind of room for administering horrible punishments that I don't even want to imagine.

I closed the door, picked up my phone, and looked back at Rob in horror. His wide eyes told me he understood that I now understood that this really was some kind of Hell. And then I heard a door open from the top of some stairs opposite me. Both Rob and I looked in that direction, and then back at each other. The look on his face, more than words could ever express, simply said, RUN!! I didn't stop to worry if I could be heard or seen. I went up, out the hatch, and ran toward the boat. Charles wasn't there, but the old man was waving me emphatically but silently for me to hurry. I dove onto the boat, and then the motors kicked in, and we were reversing quickly out into the blackness of the open sea. It wasn't until we were a good twenty minutes away and I was sure there were no boats following that I crawled over to where the fisherman was steering the boat and I asked, "What about Charles!"

"No safe on island," The old man said, "we have go now. Charles on his own." I looked back and I wondered if I was wrong to just keep going. If Charles was the Pastor's minion, as Rob said, then I should definitely leave him. But, it was all a whirlwind, and as much as Rob was my best friend, he was clearly under a lot of stress, to the point where it was unclear how much of what he was saying was real and how much was hallucination. He said something about the Pastor's penis being 'God'? That was clearly insane. I didn't know what to do, so I let the boat keep going.

When I got back to the island, I went to my hotel, and I stayed up the one or two hours before sunrise. I couldn't sleep. It was as if someone had turned my whole world just a few degrees to one side, and now I saw everything in a whole different light. Wasn't it strange how my wife said she never wanted sex, wasn't interested in it, and yet dressed so provocatively and seemed to flirt with so many other men? She often disappeared with other men, and I always assumed nothing was happening because I just assumed she wouldn't do anything. But was my assumption based on the truth? What about all those times my wife had counseling sessions with the Pastor, and she seemed to dress especially sexy for those? For the Pastor. The Pastor. He introduced my to Katie, he introduced Rob to Maggie, he introduced all of us to our future wives, and now all our daughters were going to him. He was so involved in our lives, it was like he was guiding us through every step.

I actually wasn't sure if I should head back home immediately. What if there was something to what Rob was saying? Would the Pastor, or whoever who was in his, what would you call it, a cult? Would they do anything? I knew I had to get back to the U.S. soon, but I was unsure about heading all the way home. I decided to get back to Miami, and stay at a hotel until I knew what to do. It took about two days because flights around the islands have limited schedules, and you have to go through bigger islands with the major airports. But, I got to Miami and got to a hotel. And then I heard a notification on my phone. My son, Simon, was Skyping me. I answered, saying, "Hey son, what's going on?" We spoke with video on, it was good to see my boy.

Simon said, "Hey dad, guess what? I'm in Germany!" To say the least, I was surprised. I asked what he was doing there, and he explained, "The day after you left, I was contacted by this freelance student advisor, you know, one of those guys that helps you work out which colleges to apply for? He said that they had this scholarship program, and the student who was supposed to get it disappeared, and the student advisor knew the Pastor, who recommended me, and they gave the scholarship to me! But I had to take advantage quick because the semester system is different here. I wanted to wait until you got back, but everything was a rush." Simon went on to tell me about how great the university was, and how he loves it, and how they've arranged for a European tour on his next break - so he won't be home for a long time. I felt it was suspicious, and then, Simon said, "Oh, hey, dad, that student advisor is in the hall, I didn't know he was back from his trip yet. Let me go get him!" Simon put down the phone, and then after half a minute, the phone was picked up and I suddenly felt a hollowness inside me.

It was Charles! His beard was trimmed and he looked very professional. He looked at me like he didn't know me and said, "Hey, you must be Steve, Simon's said a lot about you! Sorry for all the rush, but I'm sure you understand what it means for Simon to be here! I hope we can count on your full cooperation and support. We'd really like to keep Simon here, and see him do well, and not have to see him go off to 'Somewhere Else'." Charles smiled a big smile, as if nothing was amiss. However, the message was clear. I was to do as they say, or they would send my son to that prison. I thought about if I should go to Germany to try and rescue him, but, I knew that wasn't going to work. I didn't know how they kept watch over him, and if I made the smalled mistake - I couldn't even bear to think of my son going to that place.

Charles put Simon back on, and we talked a little more, and I cried, and I told him it was because I was sorry that I didn't get a chance to see him first, and not because I feared for his life.

After I hung up, as if on cue, I got a phone call from my wife, Katie. She asked, "When are you coming home?" I said tomorrow, I should be there in time for dinner. She said, "Good, because I'm inviting over The Pastor and Maggie for dinner. Just a little dinner party. Don't be late." That was the moment I knew my wife was in on whatever Rob was talking about. And I knew this wouldn't just be a dinner party, that I would have to do something, or bring something. Did they want money or me to do things for them? I had no idea what was going on.

I asked, "What am I supposed to do?"

"Just behave as if nothing unusual is happening," Katie said. "No matter what, just behave the way you always have. Don't worry, honey, you'll be fine, just remember, NO MATTER WHAT, don't react differently than how you usually are."

"He's your son too," I said quietly. I thought it might start a fight, but I had to know. Didn't she love him too? Didn't she fear for his life?

My words didn't inspire any harsh reaction from her, though. She seemed not only comfortable with the situation we were in, but, she sounded more relaxed, more happy than usual. She said, "Simon has his role to play in God's plan, just as we all do. I know you'll do your best to follow God's plan, so he'll be fine. Don't worry so much honey. Things will be better now that you've reached a higher revelation of God's truth. You're actually lucky, not all men accept the truth, and, well, they end up 'Somewhere Else'."

I caught a flight the next day, and I parked on the street in front of our house, as my wife told me to do in a text. When I got in the front door, I could smell dinner being made, and it smelled delicious. The dining room table was set, with our best china and everything laid out stylishly. I noticed there were four places, set so that there were three places on one side, and one on the other.

Katie came and greeted me, giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek to say hello. She had on a light pink dress with white polka dots, kind of like a very traditional housewife dress from the fifties. Her luxurious black hair was pulled back at the sides, and then flowed down her back. The top of the dress had large buttons and a collar like a dress shirt, but Katie had the top two buttons undone, and the button that was just where the bottom of her huge boobs were must have been reinforced heavily to be able to hold her massive tits in. The fabric around the buttons was stretched to the maximum. Her big tits were pressed together for maximum cleavage, and mostly exposed, only just barely covering the nipples. The skirt portion was loose and flowed, but was so short that depending on how she moved or if she bent over, you could see glimpses of the crease between her perfect ass and her strong thighs. Her legs looked long and sexy atop her high black platform heels. She also had her make up done perfectly.

I showered and put on clean slacks and a sweater, and just as I was ready, I heard our garage door open. I heard some car doors, and then the door that connected the kitchen to the garage. I knew it must be The Pastor, arriving in his large black SUV, but I wondered why he needed to enter the house from the garage. The door connecting the garage door to our kitchen opened, and The Pastor entered, and my mouth dropped.

The Pastor was completely naked! And that would be enough to shock me, but, he was also fully erect. More than erect, throbbing and quivering with intensity. And his cock was larger than I ever imagined a man's cock to be! It was rigid as if it were made of marble, and yet had a fleshy quality to it, heavy, and yet sticking almost perfectly straight out from him, actually aimed upward slightly. It was covered in glistening precum which seemed to be in plentiful supply, oozing constantly from the tip of the intense purple head. And yet he walked in as if nothing was amiss, as if his pulsing erection was nothing anyone should note.

Maggie followed in behind him. She wore a super tight light pink heather Tshirt that only just covered her huge breasts, that stretched and lifted the shirt so that the very bottoms of her huge tits could be seen underneath. It was also low cut, so that even thought it was technically a shirt, it had more in common with a bikini top, albeit with short sleeves. Her tight white jean shorts were similarly skimpy, the waist low and the torn edges of the bottom came up so high on her smooth round ass that most of her ass cheeks were exposed. She also wore high white platform heels and her make up and hair looked like she had spent most of the afternoon at a salon. She looked so fuckable, so hot, that I could feel my penis move in response as she got close. Maggie had a large paper shopping bag with her, it was square and flat, and and she put it on the kitchen table.

The Pastor smiled and said, "Hey there, Steve, good to have you back!" He put out his hand for me to shake. I remembered the instructions, I was to act as if everything was normal. Misbehaving even a little bit would send my son to that terrible place.

I shook his hand, and said, "Glad to be back." However, I wasn't totally convincing. My voice was weak and broke a little, as I was trying to bury feelings that I knew I was not allowed to show.

My wife stepped past me and said, "Pastor, thank you for coming over!" She was beaming with happiness, and she stepped past me, almost nudging me out of the way, and as she came up to him, she put one hand on the thick shaft of his long cock and the other lovingly around his neck. Expertly stroking the shaft of his cock, she pressed into him, her massive breasts pushing into his strong chest, and she kissed him more passionately than I had ever see her do. Their tongues intertwined and slid over each other in plain sight of me. She had never once kissed me like that! She never once touched my penis like that! I felt an automatic and primal jealousy. My own wife doing things she would never do for me, and doing it right in front of me! They kissed like that for a minute or more, which is so long when you are watching something that is both erotic and also heartbreaking. I knew it was just the beginning of the night for me.


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