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Conference Adventures Pt. 01

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Hot encounter at Conference.
1.8k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/05/2021
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Every February, I attend a teachers conference in San Diego. It is always nice to escape the grey rainy days in the Northwest and refresh with a little California sun and blue skies.

I have been attending this particular conference for many years, so I have lots of fun catching up with friends and going out for lots of fun group dinners. The conference is small with only 150 people, so you get to meet a lot of them across the three days of the conference.

I had seen Liz over the years at the conference, but never talked to her. I learned in a session last year that she teaches Kinesiology at a college in Wisconsin. This makes sense since she looks extremely fit. She is 5'6" and has a beautiful curvy body with a large set of breasts that always look like they are trying to bust out of anything she is wearing. I would find out later those DD breasts are even more beautiful up close.

I had noticed her a lot over the years and tried to not stare too much, but it was hard to take my eyes off her and her smokin 'hot body. She always attended the conference with her friend Suzy in tow and that meant I never really got the chance to talk to her till this year.

This year, I added one day to my conference stay to relax and get some sun around the pool. The conference hotel is in Mission Valley just outside San Diego and is in a beautiful setting.

The conference wound down mid-day on Friday and most people either flew home that afternoon or the next morning. By Saturday morning, the hotel was pretty deserted. I got my book and sunscreen and headed down to the pool after breakfast. It was a beautiful Southern California day - temperatures were in the low 80's with a bright blue sky, and not a cloud anywhere to be seen - unlike back home. No one else was by the pool. I found a lounge chair, sun screened up, and dozed in the sun only to be awoken by a woman's voice asking me if she could use the lounge chair next to mine.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked.

"Sure, be my guest," I replied groggily.

When I finally got myself woken up and recognized it was Liz.

"Oh, hi, you were at the conference weren't you?" I asked.

"Yes, my name is Liz" she replied.

"Hi, I'm Jim"

"I knew your name because you gave the opening plenary talk last year," Liz added smiling.

We both talked about how quiet the hotel was and how we both thought it was a great plan to spend one extra day by the pool in the sun before going back home to our respective winters. We chatted about winters at home and our summer passions. It turned out that we both loved the outdoors. Liz told me stories of spending her summers canoe tripping in Northern Michigan and I told her about my summer trips backpacking in the mountains of western Canada.

She announced she was going to work on her tan a bit and removed her wrap to reveal a very skimpy white bikini. I said earlier that her breasts always looked like they were trying to bust out of whatever she was wearing - this bikini had impossibly tiny white triangles of fabric that barely covered her areolas and the strings holding everything in place looked like they were straining from the load. I tried not not to stare, but it was really hard not to. She smiled when she caught me a few times staring for a bit too long, and said,

"I usually don't wear a bikini this skimpy in public, but thought no one else would be out here at the pool so early," I smiled and thought, lucky me.

She turned onto her back revealing a thong bikini that disappeared between her beautiful butt cheeks. She handed me a bottle of sunscreen.

"Do you mind putting some on me? I don't want to burn"

I tried my best to not to jump to my feet.

I got up and went over to her chair and started to put sunscreen on her shoulders and arms, moving down across her back. Then I started to put sunscreen on her legs, working up from her ankle towards her wonderful looking butt cheeks. As I got higher, I wasn't sure what to do and stopped short at the top of her legs and asked if she wanted more on.

"You missed my ass, I especially don't want to burn there"

With this permission, I squirted some sunscreen and my hands and gently rubbed her cheeks all over. Eventually I was more concentrating on how great her ass felt then putting sunscreen on.

"That feels really good, make sure you get everywhere"

I redoubled my efforts and was now really grabbing and massaging her ass. She arched her hips a bit and was pushing her ass towards my hands and began to squirm a bit.

She announced "that feels so great, but I am overheating a bit, and am going to take a quick dip in the pool"

I put the sunscreen down and sat back down in my chair. I wasn't going swimming with my stiff cock now making a tent out of my surf shorts. I thought I would just sit there awhile with a towel hiding my erection.

She got up and slid into the pool and swam a few laps then propped herself up on the edge and asked if I wanted to join her.

"Maybe later" I replied.

I did want to join her, but my erection was now in full force - I wasn't getting out of this chair anytime soon, since a few other people were now lying around the pool.

She swam a few more laps. She swam to the edge and pushed herself up onto the deck. What a sight, her tiny white bikini was almost transparent when wet. Her areolas and nipples stood out proudly and you could clearly see her pussy lips through her now transparent thong. She walked over and sat back down and toweled off and put her wrap back on.

"You look like you workout," she asked me - a bit like a question.

"Yes, at home I work out at the gym at least a couple of times week," I replied.

"I am going to the gym later, do you want to join me?" she said smiling.

"Sure, when do you want to meet?" I asked.

"How about we meet in the gym at 2?" she replied.

"I will see you then," I said, trying not to smile too much.

She got her stuff and disappeared into the hotel.

Promptly at 2 I headed down to the gym. She was already there working on one of the weight machines. The place felt deserted except for us.

"Hi Liz, I see you started without me," I said, smiling and pretending to put on a bit of a pouty face.

"Very funny, I just started, this is my first set," she replied smiling.

We both dropped into our routines and worked our way around the weight room.

After 45 minutes she announced it was time to stretch and got a mat and began to stretch. What a sight. She had a tight pair black yoga pants on that showed off her wonderful ass and let you almost see the shape of her pussy lips. The outfit was completed with a tight jog bra that showed lots of cleavage.

I got myself a mat and sat down beside her and began to stretch myself. After a few minutes she asked if I could help her stretch.

"I would love to," probably sounding a bit too eager.

We arranged our mats side by side and she got us facing each other, with our legs wide open, feet touching, and holding each other's hands. She would gently pull me forward, then I would gently pull her forward.

Every time she pulled me forward, I would get closer to those beautiful pussy lips pressing through her tights. I would swear I could almost smell that wonderful musk of an aroused woman. Every time I pulled her forward, I would take a nice long look down her top at those wonderful breasts. We did this for a couple of minutes until she let out a little shriek then clutched her left thigh.

"Ouch, my thigh is cramping!" she said.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked quickly.

She motioned to massage her left inner thigh. I got on my knees and started to massage her thigh.

"Oh, that's better, please keep doing that, it's still very close to cramping again" she pleaded.

I massaged her thigh and was slowly working up her inner thigh. At first, I stopped at the top of her thigh just short of touching her pussy. But she kept asking for higher and higher please. I tentatively stroked the crease at the top of her inner thigh where it meets her pussy.

"Please keep going," she said.

With that permission, I gently let the back of my hand rub up and down her pussy a few times as I massaged her upper thigh and then I stopped and waited.

"Your hand on my pussy feels great, please don't stop now'" she pleaded

With that permission,, I started to gently rub up and down her lycra covered pussy with my fingers. She started to squirm a bit and began pushing her pussy against my fingers. I could even feel her clit through her tights. I started stroking circles around her clit and then began to softly wiggle her clit back and forth with my finger. She was getting so aroused and grabbed my hand and started to grind it on her pussy. Her pace picked up and she eventually arched her back and shuddered into a very intense orgasm. She had her eyes closed and was jaggedly breathing as she recovered from her orgasm. I leaned in and nuzzled my face against her lycra covered pussy and gave it a kiss.

She finally opened her eyes and said "thanks, I needed that".

Then she pushed her hand inside her tights and pushed a finger into herself. She pulled her finger out and reached out and proceeded to push her very wet finger into my mouth. I greedily sucked on her finger and could taste her wonderful pussy juice.

She started to get up and leaned in for a slow kiss and said "why don't you come back to my room for a shower".

[See you in Part 2]

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