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Taking What's His Pt. 02

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On her way home from work Claire gets kidnapped.
1.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/16/2018
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I hear a moan from the bed. I set my beer on the floor, a smile on my face. Play time. "Good, you're finally awake," I say. Her head turns toward me and sees me sitting in the chair, my hands resting loosely between my knees. Her eyes widen at the realization of the situation she's in. She tugs at her bonds.

"Stop," I order sternly. "You'll only chafe your wrists if you keep that up."

She stops instantly and stares at me with those beautiful eyes of hers. I know she must feel intimidated. I'm freaking huge compared to her. Tall, with broad shoulders and strong arms. Strong enough to carry her wherever I want. Strong enough to keep her where I want her. Trapped between my body at all times. "Where am I?" she asks fearfully. Good. She should be afraid. It's just her and I now. Forever.

"You're home, baby," I say in a raspy voice. My voice betrays my emotion. I can't believe I actually pulled this off! Everything went off without a hitch. Damn, I'm good.

"Home? This isn't my home," she says, bewildered.

I move closer to the bed. "It is now. This is your new home. Our home," I say as I brush her cheek. She shivers.

"Please, don't hurt me." She begs in a small voice.

"I'd never hurt you. Well, unless I need to punish you." I chuckle.

Her eyes widen and she whimpers. She's so cute. Probably never been punished in her life. She's due for one I'm sure. The thought of punishing her sweet little ass, making it a cherry red, makes my cock spring to attention. I inwardly groan. I can't wait to get my hands on that ass.

"Don't be scared, baby. You're safe here. You'll never have to worry about anything again. I'll take care of you." She gulps. I bet her pulse is just racing. In fear? Or anticipation? Maybe a bit of both. The thought just fuels my desire. Her eyes flit around the room, looking for an escape I imagine. Just try it baby. I'll catch you every time you try to run.

I pull the chair closer to the bed and lean in closer to her. "Now," I say, as I rest my hand on her hair. "I'm sure you're wondering what you're doing here. In short, you're mine and I'm never letting you go, so don't ask."


"Never. End of discussion." I say with a determined look. "If you try," I continue, "I will punish you. Do you understand me?" She nods her head yes quickly.

"Good. I'm glad we've got that settled." I sit up straighter in the chair and look at her. I just can't enough of looking at her. Seeing her laid out on my bed is every fantasy I've had realized. "Now that we've got that established, let's move onto other things. There are a few other things that you need to understand. You are mine. Your body is mine. Everything about you is mine, Claire."

I gulp. "How do you know my name?"

"I know everything about you, baby," I say with a grin. I lean back in the chair. It creaks under my weight. The sound echoes in the quiet room. I can't wait for her sounds of pleasure to echo throughout this room instead.

"Y- you can't just take people you know. It's illegal! You won't get away with this!", she stammers in indignation. Haughty little thing isn't she? "Baby girl, I already have." I assure her with a laugh. Like I care what the law says. It's only illegal if you get caught.

Now that she's awake I can see her beautiful eyes, the most beautiful green I've ever seen. Will our future children have her eyes I wonder. I hope so. I hope they have her brown curls too. Thinking of her hair I lean over and give one of her curls a tug. She gasps. She licks her lips which makes my cock spring to attention. What I wouldn't give to feel those lush pink lips stretched around my cock. Soon. Soon I'll teach my sweet little virgin how to deep throat a cock. It'll be a pleasure indeed.

"What are you going to do to me?" she breathily whispers.

"Well first," I start, "I'm going to cut off these clothes you have on so I can see the beautiful body underneath."

"Please don't." she begs.

Not saying anything I open the dresser drawer and take out the scissors. I circle them around a finger excitedly. I do have a flair for the dramatic. She gasps and freezes. I go over to her and run my fingers down her cheek. "Shh. Calm down. I won't hurt you." Yet.

I go to cut her shirt. She shivers the second the cold metal of the scissors touch her skin. "Wait!! I like this shirt." I chuckle. She's so cute.

"Baby, that's too bad. I want to see you and it's in the way so it's gone. You won't be needing your clothes anyway. I want you open to me at all times. Understand?" The stern look on my face brokers no argument. She nods her head quickly. Looking at her beautiful face I see two things. Her fear and her arousal. Her mind tells her no, her body screams yes. I start cutting her shirt from the bottom, the sound of fabric being cut the only sound in the room. I cut through the sleeves and pull the shirt out from under her making her open to me. She's wearing a push up bra that showcases her tits. My mouth practically waters at the sight of them. I run my finger along the edge of it her nipples harden. She is not unaffected by my touch.

I snip the straps of her bra and unhook it. I toss it across the room. Her tits now completely open to my gaze. They're huge in comparison to her tiny body, alabaster like the rest of her. Her nipples are dusky rose are hard as points, just begging for my mouth. I toss the scissors away and eagerly cup her tits. So full. So plush. Just perfect for me to lay my head upon. To suck. To bite. To fuck. She unconsciously pushes her tits into my hands. Her body can't resist what it wants. I tweak her nipples causing her to gasp once more. She's sensitive. This is going to be so much fun.

Still holding her bountiful tits in my hands I look her straight in the eyes. "You like this don't you baby? Your body knows it's master." She bites her lip which causes me to growl. She doesn't know what she does to me. She shakes her head fervently. "Lying will get you spanked baby girl. Do you want Daddy to spank you?"

"No!" she shakes her head, "I'll be a good girl."


I knead her tits in soft rhythmic squeezes while I reach down and kiss her mouth. I suck on her lower lip causing her to moan. She tentatively kisses me back. My baby doesn't get kissed often, if ever. The thought makes her even more appetizing. I kiss down her slender throat, between her tits. I lick her there, causing her nipples to become even harder. I latch on to her right nipple and suck hard. I let go with a pop and blow around it. I give her other nipple the same treatment. So sensitive my baby is. I wonder how sensitive she'll be once I breed her. Will I be able to make her come by just sucking on her tits? No doubt. Mmm. Yes I can't wait for her tits to get bigger and more tender.

I lift my head. She's breathing hard and her eyes show her arousal. "Your body doesn't lie. It wants everything I have to give it. It wants me to fuck every tight little hole you have. It needs it. You need it." Her eyes widen. "I bet your panties are soaked right now. You ache for my cock inside you don't you?" I reach for the button of her jeans and tear them off. I spread her legs and inhale her arousal. Her scent drives me wild. I lick her through her slick panties and she arches with a whimper. "So wet for Daddy," I rasp. I rip her panties off and dive right in. Her legs fall open shamelessly. The lady doth protest too much....

Wrapping my lips around her clit, I suck her, lick her. Her moans echo around the room. It's music to my ears. Spreading her legs even wider with my shoulders, I tongue her, driving her crazy with passion. I lick inside her, feel her quiver. I can taste it, her cherry. My dick gets even harder than it already was. My baby is untouched. Not for long. I put a finger inside her, fucking her with it. She's impossibly tight. I make sure not to pop her little cherry. That privilege is for my cock. Panting, her hips circling, I can tell she's close. "Come for me baby, come all over my face." She climaxes with a startled cry. I lick my lips. I've never tasted anything so delicious. I'll never get enough.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Doth protest too much

Hi! Just so you know, when you use the saying "The lady doth protests too much" it means that someone is protesting too much for someone who doesn't like it. Ie. "Oh my God you like Danny!" "Shut up, no I don't! He's not even that cute, and his hair is way too floppy. How could you say that? You're so gross. He's gross too. Ugh." In that situation, if they really didn't like Danny it would make sense that they say, "No I don't, that's gross," and be done with it. So the first situation is when you would say "Methinks the lady doth protest too much.'

If someone doesn't protest at all it is an inappropriate time to use that.

I like the kidnapping premise :) keep writing please!

LolaTheVirginLolaTheVirginabout 6 years agoAuthor
Author Note

I wrote this right after the first chapter but it kept getting sent back. I did a bunch of editing and it finally got posted so yay!! Hopefully I'll have better luck with this next chapter being accepted. To those who were kind, thanks for the lovely comments y'all! I really appreciate it. :)

Innocent Venus, thanks so much for the offer! I might have to take you up on that!! :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Good job writing! I think that it could use a little more character development. Should she be fighting him more? She really had no reason to be scared of him except for his size and scissors there isn't anything too scary about him.

I think it would be more realistic if she fought more. If she does this then it gives him a reason to spank her and then she can be scared.

If you need someone to proofread then let me know!

-Innocent Venus

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Please continue

I'm not sure why you have a few negative reviews. You write well and I enjoy the storyline. Although, if your going to continue with this story perhaps make it longer or post a chapter more than once a month. Please continue the good work!

Justagirl24Justagirl24about 6 years ago

"I can taste it, her cherry." That's just terrible writing. Also, where is the character development? I feel no attachment to either of them. She doesn't try to scream or fight? She just willing accepts his "dominance" over her? Here's to hoping this story gets better!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Keep it up!

Very nice continuation! I thought it was interesting how she's afraid but her body is reacting the opposite way. I'm excited to read the next one!

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