This is really fucked up and I'm enjoying every word of it. Lizzy has ruined me for other women.
not enough background and buildup, but I really liked this story
Very, very nice...I like where this is headed...5 Stars ..
The other girl in chastity? If you mean Willow from the previous chapter no, she's not married. If you...
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This is really fucked up and I'm enjoying every word of it. Lizzy has ruined me for other women.
TatankaBill on Addicted Ch. 20 (3)not enough background and buildup, but I really liked this story
lc69hunter on Carrie Wants to Watch Mike (5)Very, very nice...I like where this is headed...5 Stars ..
MyBareTorso on Revelation Pt. 02 - CFNM (4)The other girl in chastity? If you mean Willow from the previous chapter no, she's not married. If you...
oneagainst on High Life: Alice Makes a Change Pt. 08 (2)Fun.
Shaglus_Ziegler on First Time Showing Tits Ch. 05 (16)