Please read before emailing us with questions.
Submission Guidelines
- How to get YOUR story on Literotica.
- Get your story perfect for submission to Literotica!
Monthly Contests
- Write your way to fame & fortune.
These articles are sure to help improve your writing!
Guide for Amateur Writers of Erotica
- An awesome writing resource that covers all you need to know
to write excellent erotic stories.
An free online guide to the basics every writer should know.
An online guide to the basics every writer should know.
'Real' Fiction - General tips on how to make your stories 'real'.
Submitted by TheWriter (4.33) 07/03/01
26DD vs. 36B - A quick note on bra sizes.
Submitted by Stickyicky (x.xx) 05/14/04
A Checklist for a Good Editor - Advice on proper editing.
Submitted by Selena_Kitt (4.70) 12/14/08
A Crash Course in Grammar - A little English Grammar that won't cure your insomnia.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 02/19/02
A Fruitful Exercise - Spontaneous writing exercises can produce fruit!
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.75) 02/04/11
A Note from a Reader - A few suggestions for writers.
Submitted by Bhob (4.57) 07/11/04
A Note from a Reader Ch. 02 - More of the same, & thanks.
Submitted by Bhob (4.21) 07/20/04
A Plea for Accuracy and Truthfulness - A 'How to' for writers of erotica.
Submitted by History Nut (4.29) 08/13/07
A Quick and Dirty Guide - Porno writing, the easy Tammy method.
Submitted by TammyTrueheart (4.38) 07/06/06
Alliterative Enhancements - Enhance your story with alliteration.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (2.83) 08/10/08
Always Anonymous - How to discern which comments are valuable and which aren't.
Submitted by Transverse (4.59) 05/19/09
An Extensive Guide to Sexual Terms - Need to new words for your story?
Submitted by darkaltar (3.82) 01/28/04
Are You Fishing... - Are You Fishing for Literary Inspiration?
Submitted by My Erotic Trail (4.11) 05/14/06
Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? - Should you self-publish?
Submitted by darkduelist (3.79) 11/25/05
Art of Erotica - Make your "moaner" story a "screamer"!
Submitted by Quint (4.41) 04/10/03
Basic Text Formatting 101 - How to format your story for submission to Literotica.
Submitted by michchick98 (4.31) 05/11/08
Be a God! - How to deal with story-haters and others.
Submitted by BadSanta (4.67) 08/18/10
Bite-Size Morsels - Writing the short-short story.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (1.00) 02/10/10
Bold or Italic? - A How-To on formatting stories for the web.
Submitted by Alex De Kok (4.49) 04/23/02
Can You Kiss Me Like This? - An author's take on writing the perfect kiss.
Submitted by RedHairedandFriendly (4.47) 05/15/06
Choosing the Right Words - How word choice can improve your erotic writing.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.38) 02/17/01
Comic Captions - Writing them is fun, but it's not all that easy.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.50) 04/14/10
Common Errors Ch. 01 - Part One of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.09) 02/13/05
Common Errors Ch. 02 - Part Two of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.10) 02/14/05
Common Errors Ch. 03 - Part Three of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.61) 02/19/05
Common Errors Ch. 04 - Part Four of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.14) 02/20/05
Common Errors Ch. 05 - Part Five of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.32) 02/21/05
Common Errors Ch. 06 - Part Six of different words that are incorrectly used.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.42) 02/22/05
Complete NaNoWriMo - How to complete NaNoWriMo and help you as a writer.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.73) 05/04/07
Creating Constructive Feedback - How to help improve the stories you read.
Submitted by Zanzibar (4.47) 04/15/04
Creative Construction of Character - How to not write like everyone else, & well.
Submitted by Quint (4.59) 04/04/02
Cure for Writer's Block - Helpful hints on identifying & coping with writer's block.
Submitted by damppanties (4.83) 10/11/03
Dealing With Negative Feedback - No, you can't reach through the monitor & smack sense into them.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 10/02/01
Describing Breasts - Whether female or shemale, describe them with love.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.93) 02/11/08
Dialogue This - How to make your characters talk.
Submitted by Firebrain (4.88) 09/29/10
Dialogue: The Eternal Problem - Why is dialogue in stories so often real crap?
Submitted by satyricon.21 (4.36) 07/21/06
Doggerel for Dummies - If it's fun to read it & to write it - give it a try!
Submitted by Boxlicker101 (4.48) 05/01/07
Doggerel for Dummies Pt. 02 - More fun with bad poetry.
Submitted by Boxlicker101 (2.50) 12/29/08
Doing the PWP One-shot - The Quick & Dirty way to write a Porn Without Plot One-shot.
Submitted by MorganHawke (4.18) 01/31/11
Down, Boy! - Writing the Alpha Male in contemporary fiction.
Submitted by Firebrain (4.79) 01/08/11
Ease Your Way Into the Sex - Easing your characters into sex scenes.
Submitted by Queen_of_Dairy (3.53) 09/07/01
Easy Guide To Better Writing - A simple checklist for improving a story's readability.
Submitted by Wm_Sexspear (4.65) 04/12/02 
Editing One's Work - Discusses using a text to speech program as an editing tool.
Submitted by History Nut (4.73) 04/12/06
Editors & Etiquette - How to use the Volunteer Editor program to your advantage.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 02/17/01
Elements of Literary Erotica - A discussion of writing the best literary story you can.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.53) 05/07/08
End Goaling in Writing Erotica - Observations on why/how of writing erotica for the Internet.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.34) 08/27/06
English 101: Parts of Speech - The eight parts of speech made simple.
Submitted by lindiana (3.93) 03/28/05
Entering a Themed Literotica Contest - How to decide whether to enter a themed Literotica contest.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.47) 05/21/07
Erotic Haiku - Erotic possibilities in haiku & senryu.
Submitted by jthserra (4.57) 04/12/04
Erotic Synonyms - When Roget's just won't do.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.26) 02/26/02
Erotic Writing Process - How Shale came to write 'Harrad Redux'.
Submitted by Shale (4.40) 11/25/06
Forget-Me-Not - Humorously fatal mistakes erotic writers make.
Submitted by Transverse (4.62) 05/12/09
Framing Erotica - Hetero- to homo- to bi- to pansexual: evolution at work?
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.00) 09/10/09
Getting Your Characters Pregnant - A writer's guide to breeding.
Submitted by PrincessErin (4.47) 09/04/08
Grammatical Erotica Pt. 01-02 - Styles of writing/styles of making love.
Submitted by Sappholovers (4.53) 04/17/04
Happy Endings - ...and why it's good to avoid them.
Submitted by istanbulnoir (3.38) 11/17/07
How I Could Enjoy Literotica - ...even more. (aka How to write better for Lit, or anyone).
Submitted by diggypop (4.62) 11/13/10
How I Wrote "Quality Control" - The same approach can work for you.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.00) 12/10/09
How NOT to Write - A reverse How to Guide.
Submitted by CornishBabe (3.97) 07/28/07
How To Be A Good Editor - Tips & tricks for dealing with a writer.
Submitted by LadyCibelle (4.42) 02/02/05
How To Be a Happy Hooker - How writers can be better, happier hookers - with examples.
Submitted by Rumple Foreskin (4.60) 05/19/07
How to be Prolific - Strategies for writing A LOT.
Submitted by WFEATHER (4.16) 08/07/08
How To Break the Literotica Toplist - The formula in each category.
Submitted by Tink4Fairy (4.49) 05/18/07
How to Create Erotica on the iPhone - Draw and import drawings from your iPhone for Literotica.
Submitted by Middleagepoet (3.67) 11/09/09
How to Create Some Special Effects - Instructions on audio effects in Sound Recorder.
Submitted by SunrockSin (5.00) 12/14/08
How To Deal with Negative Feedback - One author's suggestions for others.
Submitted by Master_Vassago (4.26) 04/28/03
How to Eliminate Writer's Block - Freddie's surefire ways to eliminate writer's block.
Submitted by BOSTONFICTIONWRITER (x.xx) 05/12/08
How to Get a Round - A brief look into three French forms of poetry.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (5.00) 12/20/07
How To Get People to Read Your Story - The importance of a good title.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.30) 05/05/01
How to Get Your Characters Naked - The fine art of undressing is just that.
Submitted by sack (4.56) 07/03/06
How to Give Characters Random Names - A surprisingly simple & effective name generator.
Submitted by cheetah83 (4.37) 05/14/06
How to Give Constructive Feedback - A really short guide to giving constructive feedback.
Submitted by MagicaPractica (4.32) 08/10/07
How to Just Get Kinky - The ABCs of some pretty kinky stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.11) 11/22/06
How to Just Get Kinky-er - The DEFs of some kinky and stinky stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.27) 11/23/06
How to Just Get More Kinky - The GHIs of more kinky stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.25) 11/24/06
How to Just Get More Kinky-er - The JKLMs of more kinky-er stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.80) 11/25/06
How to Kinky and Get More - The NOPs of kinky and more.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.83) 11/26/06
How to Kinky-er and Get More - The QRSs of kinky and some common sense
Submitted by Decayed Angel (4.00) 11/27/06
How to Kinky-er or Just Weird Stuff - The TUs of kinky-er and weird stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.80) 11/28/06
How to Kinky-er or More Weird Stuff - The VWXYZs of kinky-er and weird stuff.
Submitted by Decayed Angel (3.79) 11/29/06
How To Make Characters Talk - The ins and outs of potent dialogue.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.75) 07/26/02
How to Name Your Characters - What's in a name? More than you might think!
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.45) 01/05/01
How To Piss Off An Editor - What not to do in dealing with an editor.
Submitted by LadyCibelle (4.59) 12/02/04
How To Plot Flash Fiction - Very short fiction still needs a plot.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.50) 05/02/08
How to Post a Comment on Lit - One author's advice on how to comment on Literotica stories.
Submitted by Cphucker (4.10) 01/08/10
How To Pull Up Your Story Score - Writing quality erotic fiction is not beyond you.
Submitted by MaxSebastian (4.64) 06/12/01
How to Punctuate Like a Pro - A relatively painless look at punctuation.
Submitted by KillerMuffin (x.xx) 02/05/03
How to Read Stories on Literotica - Using story categories to enhance your reading experience.
Submitted by DrKG (4.38) 05/10/08
How to Record a Text with Audio Story - Instructions on submitting text with audio to Lit.
Submitted by SunrockSin (4.57) 12/13/08
How to Rhyme - Nothing can destroy a poem quicker than poorly handled rhyme.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (3.50) 12/24/07
How to Sell your Smut. - Make money from your sexy scriblings.
Submitted by English Lady (4.62) 05/05/08
How to Spot a Literotica Author - Ever wonder if your neighbor is one?
Submitted by LadynStFreknBed (4.48) 07/06/07
How to Submit a Text with Audio Story - The final steps to submitting a Text with Audio story.
Submitted by SunrockSin (4.40) 12/16/08
How to Survive Survivor: Tracking Scores - Scorekeeping in Literotica's year-long writing game.
Submitted by SunrockSin (5.00) 01/01/09
How to Take Erotic Pictures - ...of yourself, using this illustrated guide!
Submitted by fieryjen (4.49) 02/06/07 
How to Win the Survivor Contest - Tips on how to win the writing contest.
Submitted by dirtyjoe69 (5.00) 12/25/06
How To Win the Survivor Contest - It's easy and it's fun! (Well, not so easy...)
Submitted by BOSTONFICTIONWRITER (3.00) 05/06/08
How to Write "Above the Fray" - Suggested elements for creating high-quality erotica.
Submitted by WFEATHER (4.58) 06/06/05
How to Write a 750 Word Story - The single most controversial story at Literotica today.
Submitted by SunrockSin (4.29) 12/27/08
How To Write A Character Biography - Guided exercise that lets the character emerge from within.
Submitted by JUDO (4.48) 06/14/02
How To Write A Fib. - Getting to grips with a new form of poetry.
Submitted by PrinceThelo (4.67) 02/03/09
How To Write a Fifty-Word Story - Fifty word stories? Easy? Try to write fifteen.
Submitted by oggbashan (4.55) 05/14/06 
How to Write a Good Sex Scene - Tips on believable written sex.
Submitted by dweaver999 (4.59) 05/06/07
How To Write a Holiday Contest Story Entry - Practical writing advice for newbies & others.
Submitted by sack (4.60) 11/22/04
How to Write a How-To - Contribute your brilliance to the world! (Contains sarcasm.)
Submitted by Noira (4.00) 02/01/11
How To Write A Poem - There may be less to it (and more) than is imagined.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.00) 01/25/09
How to Write a Porn Review - A quick and dirty guide to reviewing porn.
Submitted by Sean Renaud (3.22) 03/30/09
How to Write a Sestina - Some history and advice in writing sestinas
Submitted by MungoParkIII (2.33) 12/23/07
How To Write a Song - Tips and tricks for the novice, pro, or clueless.
Submitted by DeeZire (4.23) 05/10/08
How to Write a Tanka - Some history and advice on how to write a Tanka.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (4.38) 12/18/07
How to Write a Triolet - Some history and advice on how to write a Triolet.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (3.50) 12/22/07
How to Write a Villanelle - Some history and advice on writing a Villanelle.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (5.00) 12/17/07
How To Write Fiction - How and where fiction writers get their experience.
Submitted by AzPilot (3.71) 02/15/10
How to Write for a Text with Audio - Writing for a Text with Audio submission on Literotica.
Submitted by SunrockSin (5.00) 12/15/08
How to Write for Literotica - A guide for new authors.
Submitted by Bakeboss (3.60) 02/12/10
How to Write Good Sex Scenes - A brief list of examples and observations for better sex
Submitted by JUDO (4.45) 10/08/02 
How to Write Historical Fiction - Advice to would-be writers of historical fiction.
Submitted by jon.hayworth (4.50) 06/19/02
How To Write Incest - A very specific writing how-to.
Submitted by AsylumSeeker (4.14) 05/10/07
How to Write Interracial Cuckoldry Stories - Tips for writing stories in Interracial cuckoldry theme
Submitted by nocluescooby (3.79) 08/09/07
How To Write Lesbian Sex Scenes - Writing F/F scenes appealing to women.
Submitted by Colleen Thomas (4.76) 06/04/04 
How to Write Other Japanese Poetry - How to write other Japanese Poetry forms.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (4.50) 12/19/07
How to Write Period Pieces - An amateur historian's notes on some of the pitfalls.
Submitted by Colleen Thomas (4.79) 04/28/06
How to Write Romance - The secret formula. (Sssh!)
Submitted by MarshAlien (4.81) 05/22/07
How to Write Simple & Light Poetry - How to write simple and light poetry forms.
Submitted by MungoParkIII (1.00) 12/21/07
How To Write, Haha! - Yes, she dared to call it that!
Submitted by DireLilith (x.xx) 07/04/07
How To: English Titles - How to distinguish and use English titles.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.96) 01/07/05
I Pushed My Pud Up Her Poop-Chute - & other words/phrases to avoid in stories.
Submitted by Quint (4.34) 03/28/02 
It Ain't Literature - What is the difference between a good and a bad story?
Submitted by fishgullet (4.32) 11/15/04
It's and Its - The key to learning which is which.
Submitted by Whispersecret (4.78) 02/11/02
It's Not Just Talking Dirty - Tips on writing erotica while leaving one's clothes on.
Submitted by Barnaby (3.82) 01/18/09
K.I.S.S.: P.O.V. - Different P.O.V.s and how to use them.
Submitted by Gaelfling (4.18) 04/06/08
Keeping It Interesting - Variety is the spice of life in erotica, too.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (5.00) 09/09/09
Let The Characters Do The Talking - A short guide for writing believable dialogue.
Submitted by ronde (4.79) 01/08/04
Make Big Bucks Selling Fiction - How to sell your dirty stories and make big bucks.
Submitted by BarbraNovac (4.45) 10/03/08
Make Big Bucks Selling Fiction Ch. 02 - The Marketing Process - Section One.
Submitted by BarbraNovac (4.33) 12/09/09
Making a Realistic Vampire Story - Some stories just seem more real than others.
Submitted by Goldeniangel (4.67) 03/03/08
More on Haiku: Anthropomorphism & - More on Haiku: Anthropomorphism & Suchness
Submitted by jthserra (3.67) 01/25/04
More on Haiku: Books - Delve deeper into haiku with these helpful books.
Submitted by jthserra (4.13) 01/30/04 
More on Haiku: Kireji... - Through break, true beauty of haiku is realized.
Submitted by jthserra (3.89) 04/10/04
More on Haiku: Nature & Kigo - The use of Nature in haiku.
Submitted by jthserra (4.20) 02/05/04
My Take on Blowing With Words - Different examples of writing blowjobs for erotic stories.
Submitted by RedHairedandFriendly (4.62) 05/01/07
My Take on Writing a Female Orgasm - Descriptive orgasm examples & words to consider.
Submitted by RedHairedandFriendly (4.59) 03/04/06
My Thoughts on Writing Erotica - Things author considers important to good story writing.
Submitted by epiphany65 (4.55) 06/06/06
My Views On Writing Erotica - A Literotica author shares his views on writing.
Submitted by EroticaSeanStyle (3.74) 03/19/03
News You Can Use - News as fodder for fiction writing.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (x.xx) 01/15/10
Not Seventeen: More on Haiku - Continuing investigation into English Language Haiku.
Submitted by jthserra (4.37) 01/20/04
On Writing Celebrity Fantasies - Advice on how to pen the best celebrity stories.
Submitted by AchtungNight (x.xx) 03/23/09
Online Dance: The Seven Veils - A mini lesson on dancing with words.
Submitted by simply_cyn (3.87) 06/24/04
Partnership 101 - Collaboration made simple(r).
Submitted by Coming Together (4.62) 03/21/08
Parts of Speech Pt. 01 - The ins & outs of Nouns and Verbs.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.64) 02/09/05
Parts of Speech Pt. 02 - Pronouns, adjectives, and all the rest.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.67) 02/09/05
Pick the Nits Before You Submit - How to edit your story.
Submitted by WhiteWave48 (4.76) 05/10/08 
Pimp Your PCs - Get them to tell you they love your "work".
Submitted by sarahhh (4.46) 05/20/08
Pirate Adventure Source Ch. 01 - High seas nomenclature to make your story more realistic.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/26/04
Pirate Adventure Source Ch. 02 - Do you know a schooner from a frigate?
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/26/04
Pirate Adventure Source Ch. 03 - Information on high seas weaponry & more.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/26/04
Practical Writing / Story Telling 01 - Introduction: one author's views on writing erotica.
Submitted by The Avenger (3.88) 02/06/07
Practical Writing / Story Telling 02 - One author's views on classical story structure.
Submitted by The Avenger (3.47) 02/07/07
Practical Writing / Story Telling 03 - Hunting, gathering ideas and drawing up a skeleton.
Submitted by The Avenger (3.88) 02/08/07
Punctuation Use - Punctuation and its proper usage.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.64) 02/09/05
Punk-Chew-Ay-Shun - Simple grammar, for simple folks.
Submitted by Dreams of Desire (4.21) 09/09/06
Realistic Incest In Stories - How to write realistic incest stories.
Submitted by 1337_G1RL (4.06) 03/02/06
Same-Sex Settings - All-male environments can generate hot storylines.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.89) 02/27/08
Save the World - You're thinking , "What the fuck does that have to do with erotica?"
Submitted by wife2hotblk (3.22) 01/24/10
Self-Review for Literotica - Honing your story for submission yourself.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.36) 05/12/08
Show or Tell - Illustrations of how to convey meaning in fiction.
Submitted by gauchecritic (4.53) 07/12/03
So, You Want to be a Writer? - Blink and you're dead.
Submitted by RC_of_Doom (4.79) 01/21/11
Some Whys and Hows of E-Publishing - Some ideas to consider if you are eyeing e-publishing.
Submitted by sr71plt (4.54) 09/07/10 
Story - The right words & phrases can help you gain readership.
Submitted by Literotica (x.xx) 01/02/06
Story and Searches - Making Literotica work for you.
Submitted by wishfulthinking (4.25) 07/15/05
Story Telling 101 - What makes a story believable.
Submitted by Build_it_write (4.91) 01/20/09 
Submitting Literotica for Beginners - How to get Italics, Bold, and Underline without a .doc file.
Submitted by s53mith (4.59) 05/22/07
Testing Story Formatting - Check how your story will look on Lit before submitting it.
Submitted by Weird Harold (4.41) 08/19/02
The 10 Commandments - ...for amateur fiction writers.
Submitted by TheEarl (4.66) 11/12/02 
The Art of Writing Smut - It's not as easy as it looks, but is a lot of fun.
Submitted by Boxlicker101 (4.53) 05/19/06
The Bisexualizing Effect of Erotica - It’s Implications for Writers.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.00) 04/28/10
The Correct Use of Affect/Effect - How to affect your readers to the proper effect.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of Buy/By/Bye - Know your homophones.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of Its/It's - Know your homophones.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use Of Lay/Lie - Know when to lie & when to lay!
Submitted by R. Richard (4.62) 08/10/04
The Correct Use of There/Their/They're - Know your homophones.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of To/Into/Too/Two - More homophones to know.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Correct Use of Your/You're - You're choosing proper words for your readers.
Submitted by R. Richard (x.xx) 12/25/04
The Erotic and the Speculative - The challenges and opportunities of erotic SF.
Submitted by leapingfox (4.17) 05/27/08
The Fiendish Guide to Punctuation - A complete guide to punctuation in English
Submitted by OmegaZone (3.70) 07/29/04
The Only Guide to Erotic Writing - The only guide you will ever need.
Submitted by Randen (x.xx) 03/31/02
The Pregnancy Fetish - A writer's guide to pregnant characters.
Submitted by PrincessErin (3.75) 09/17/08
The Real Story - Construction and use of fucking machine.
Submitted by Puppygirl (4.11) 11/24/05
The Secret to Good Writing - Being your own editor can lead to being a better writer.
Submitted by WindyCityMadman (3.85) 03/11/02
The Slang of Exotic Dancing Ch. 01 - Slang can add color, humor and distinct realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.32) 07/09/04
The Slang of Exotic Dancing Ch. 02 - Slang adds color, humor & realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.50) 07/10/04
The Slang of Exotic Dancing Ch. 03 - Slang adds color, humor & realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.67) 07/11/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 01 - Slang can add color, humor and realism to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.07) 07/06/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 02 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.26) 07/07/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 03 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.00) 07/08/04
The Slang of Pornography Pt. 04 - Slang can add color, and humor to dialogue. (Continued 3)
Submitted by jthserra (3.71) 07/09/04
The Slang of Prostitution Pt. 01 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue
Submitted by jthserra (4.14) 07/12/04
The Slang of Prostitution Pt. 02 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (3.50) 07/13/04
The Slang of Prostitution Pt. 03 - Slang can add color and humor to dialogue.
Submitted by jthserra (4.24) 07/14/04
The Working Backward Heuristic - Writing ass-backward can be an effective approach.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (4.50) 12/16/05
Then vs Than - Learning the English language, one word at a time.
Submitted by Angel Love (4.41) 04/15/06
This Sucks Balls - How to, and how not to, give valuable feedback.
Submitted by Transverse (4.70) 05/16/09 
Tips for Better Writing - Some notes on helping others improve their writing skills.
Submitted by Johnboy9 (3.68) 12/31/10
Transgendered Fiction Plots - Tips for plotting trangendered fiction.
Submitted by Cal Y. Pygia (3.30) 08/01/04
Understand Breasts & Bra Sizes - Tiny tits, huge hooters - never 36D.
Submitted by elfin_odalisque (4.63) 05/24/06 
Understanding Human Sexuality - The evolutionary mechanics of sexuality.
Submitted by edcrane (4.11) 03/31/05
Understanding Proper English - Seventh revision: English as The Wanderer writes it.
Submitted by The Wanderer (4.63) 10/16/06
US English 101: Parts of a Sentence - Grammar made simple.
Submitted by lindiana (3.86) 08/24/05
US English 101: The Phrase - Grammar made simple: the third lesson.
Submitted by lindiana (3.23) 12/25/05
Use of a Grammar Checker - Why a writer should consider using a grammar checker.
Submitted by Timothy_Dickey (3.09) 08/21/07
Using Literotica - A guide of the categories for potentially lost readers.
Submitted by Goldeniangel (4.63) 02/21/06
What is Haiku? - An initial introduction to haiku.
Submitted by jthserra (4.62) 01/15/04
What is Senryu? - What is the "exact" difference between haiku and senryu?
Submitted by jthserra (4.09) 02/11/04
What is Zappai? - To characterize all zappai as failed haiku or senryu would
Submitted by jthserra (3.27) 02/22/04
Whipping Your Characters Into Shape - Those darn characters insist on having minds of their own!
Submitted by Noira (4.67) 01/29/11
Winning Survivor - With One Story - A guide to winning survivor, with a twist.
Submitted by Iamcanadian28 (4.60) 07/10/08
Word Choice - Suggestions for writing a successful erotic story.
Submitted by wyo_girl (4.27) 03/19/04
Word Choice - A response to wyo_girl's article.
Submitted by evelyn_carroll (3.82) 10/20/04
Words of the Week (2005) 01 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Jan. 24, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.50) 01/25/05
Words of the Week (2005) 02 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Jan. 31, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (2.00) 01/31/05
Words of the Week (2005) 03 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 7, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (2.50) 02/07/05
Words of the Week (2005) 04 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 14, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (1.00) 02/14/05
Words of the Week (2005) 05 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 21, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (x.xx) 02/21/05
Words of the Week (2005) 06 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: Feb. 28, 2005.
Submitted by velvetpie (5.00) 03/01/05
Words of the Week 01 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 5/31-6/6.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.96) 06/04/04
Words of the Week 02 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/7-6/13.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.00) 06/07/04
Words of the Week 03 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/14-6/20.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.85) 06/14/04
Words of the Week 04 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/21-6/27.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.00) 06/21/04
Words of the Week 05 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 6/28-7/4.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.33) 06/28/04
Words of the Week 06 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 7/5-7/11.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.00) 07/05/04
Words of the Week 07 - Weekly vocabulary words for writers: 7/12-7/18.
Submitted by velvetpie (3.73) 07/12/04
Words of the Week 08 - Weekly vocabulary for writers: 7/19-7/25.
Submitted by velvetpie (2.67) 07/19/04
Words of the Week 09 - Weekly vocabulary for writers
Submitted by velvetpie (4.00) 07/26/04
Words of the Week 11 - 2004 Final.
Submitted by velvetpie (4.55) 12/28/04
Write a Successful Romance - Tongue-in-cheek tips to the toplists.
Submitted by starrkers (4.72) 05/06/08 
Writing FETISH Fiction - Fetish fiction ISN'T Kink fiction.
Submitted by MorganHawke (4.38) 07/22/09 
Writing Horror - A brief guide to writing scary stories.
Submitted by al_Ussa (4.80) 12/31/09
Writing in Love - Keeping love real for the reader.
Submitted by Frogsoup (4.75) 01/06/09
Writing Porn From The Heart - Confessions about writing.
Submitted by Histarter (4.40) 06/13/06
Writing Quality Sex Scenes - Guide for those who struggle with fucking.
Submitted by TheEarl (4.68) 09/05/03
Writing Real Sex - The answer to "How Do You Write Such HOT Sex Scenes?"
Submitted by Selena_Kitt (4.54) 10/29/10
Writing Sci-Fi - A brief guide for aspiring authors.
Submitted by al_Ussa (3.89) 07/31/10
Writing Sex Scenes - Elements to consider when writing sex scenes.
Submitted by WFEATHER (4.50) 12/11/10
Writing Smut for Profit - It's not just an adventure - it's a job.
Submitted by MorganHawke (4.60) 11/22/03
Writing With Your Audience In Mind - Help your audience relate to your characters.
Submitted by Chicago Bob (4.57) 09/21/02