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How to Write for a Text with Audio

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Writing for a Text with Audio submission on Literotica.
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When preparing to write something as a Text with Audio submission for Literotica you will first need to decide upon one of two possible courses to follow. Invariably the Text with Audio submissions at Literotica all either fall into the very popular lightly scripted pieces written mostly in first or second person point of view with a lot of descriptive passages accompanied with very sexy moaning and sound effects or the less popular story written mostly in first or third person point of view and read basically as a narrative.

Keep in mind that, much like the poetry categories, the written portion of the Text with Audio submission will be accepted by Literotica's system with fewer than the normal minimum of seven hundred and fifty words. This will allow writers of the less structured, more sound effect based submissions to simply provide an introduction and then go pretty much free form for the rest of the story. The writers are basically free to create as seductive, sexy and stimulating performance as they can whether there is any story or not. Basically a person with a sexy voice, some well rehearsed heavy breathing and some artful moans can create a wonderful auditory experience.

Keep in mind when scripting this type of performance that the basic strength of this submission is in the one on one rapport which can be easily lost with technical glitches or breaks in the flow of speech. Also, if the words are too heavily scripted they may sound like they are being read, may also diminish the rapport. It is best keep the dialogue, sound effects and moans flowing as smoothly as possible.

The other, less popular approach to the Text with Audio submission to Literotica is to simply read a story to the listener. While a submission can be just a recording of any story already written, a much better approach would be to write a story with the sound in mind. When writing a story you know you will record you can work your story more toward sound, perhaps increasing the dialogue, or consider some possible sound effects, or background noise.

When writing the story to record, the first thing you want to do is keep it simple and short. Try to avoid overly complex language which may be difficult to speak when recording. You will want to keep the story short mainly because as you record it, especially with the higher sound qualities, the sound file will get big. With a big story it simply gets too unwieldy to transmit a seventy, eighty or ninety megabyte story.

If you are writing a Text with Audio story to compete in the Survivor Contest you will need to make sure your text portion of the story is at least 750 words, even if the submission software will allow shorter submission. Also, Survivor rules require that the text and the audio match. Now a slight deviation in the reading is okay, but if the recording deviates entirely from the text, the story will not be allowed.

Once the story is written you'll want to record it with your performance in mind. Now you are not expected to be an actor here, but you should try to take complete advantage of the sounds you use. Inflection in your voice can add context to the words, perhaps bending the meaning some special way. You'll want to imply emotion and action without overdoing it. Again, you are not acting you are interpreting.

With dialogue you will want to impart some difference in the reading for each character's voice, but be careful to remain consistent throughout the entire story. Again, you will want to keep it subtle here, and avoid accents unless you are particularly adept at creating the accent. There is nothing so phony than an obvious fake accent.

When reading a character of the opposite sex, for example a woman reading a man's dialogue, don't try to change your voice to sound exactly like a man, try to simply deepen your voice slightly, perhaps rough it just a bit. You are trying to imply a man's voice here not imitate it. Similarly, men, while reading a woman's dialogue, soften up your voice slightly, use a higher tone, but once again, imply it is a woman speaking, don't try to imitate a woman's voice.

While moans and groans are a key point of the first type of story, in reading the story here, you'll want to use these as sparingly as possible, again try to imply the upcoming orgasm rather than act like you are coming. Let the reader's imagination take your subtle lead and let them see the orgasm rather than listen to you pretend.

Of course some background sound effects can add to the presentation, perhaps even some music but just be careful not to let the effects overrun the story. Once again, for the Audio for Text submission you will need to decide if you want to present a story or act out a situation, both can be rewarding for the reader if you keep your end result in mind.

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