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Incest/Taboo Stories

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Lust in the Loft Ch. 02

 — Velvet is cozier than ever. by sirhugs02/03/034.43

Lust In The Sun

 — On holiday, a mother becomes a slut for her son. by DSDS199307/31/114.22

Lust in the Time of Corona

 — Post-op flies from London to NY for work & to visit cousin. by DianeRedfern03/31/203.93

Lust Is Fulfilled

 — Father-in-law takes all. by hahayes11/25/033.78

Lust on the Prairie

 — A mother and son find love in 1867. by LonRivers03/07/234.56HOT

Lust Varied Ch. 01

 — A man adjusts to life with his aunt and cousins. by Inkysquid71811/30/174.51HOT

Lusted After

 — One slutty sister, used by two hard cocks. by SussiesLainey07/27/154.00

Lustful Anne Ch. 01

 — An uncle helps his niece unload in more ways than one. by AphroditeReborn05/21/084.32

Lustful Anne Ch. 02

 — Anne teaches her sister how to have fun in the sun. by AphroditeReborn07/11/084.31

Lustful Hatred

 — Siblings can't ignore the lust for each other. by Slutygirl19904/14/204.20

Lustful Mom

 — Mom and Son Discovering lust. by hardmouthfull8507/17/113.77

Lustful Mothers: The Collection

 — Four mothers who fuck their sons (and love it!) by HeyAll12/26/164.65HOT

Lustful Resistance

 — Can he resist himself from fucking her? by Slutygirl19903/12/204.26

Lustful Sunday

 — A mother and son give into desires. by TabooSins12/09/194.41

Lustful Women III, Inga Ch. 04

 — Inga is demasked when crossing the taboo line under-cover. by Libertine06/18/214.45

Lustful Women III, Inga Ch. 05

 — Pure lust, shameless carnal frolicking, great finale. by Libertine06/21/214.25

Lustful women IV, Harriet

 — Mom doesn´t resist when her son makes passes at her. by Libertine07/27/214.54HOT

Lusting after Busty Mother

 — Perverted son lusts after his naive mother's gigantic tits. by ThatIsNotSupposeToHappen01/18/204.18

Lusting After Janay

 — Widowed father gives in to lust for daughter. by kwamae05/17/094.40

Lusting after Karlie Pt. 01

 — Lust for a busty daughter by TimSteel08/02/204.36

Lusting After Mom Pt. 01

 — I jerk off to my mom's big tits. by chriscole1205/14/194.18

Lusting After Mom Pt. 02

 — I give my Mom a massage. by chriscole1209/30/194.47

Lusting After My 75 yo Mum

 — A true account of my frustrations and minor successes. by RustyDusty06/11/123.65

Lusting after Ragini

 — A summer with my daughter-in-law at home. by freethe01/01/224.37

Lusting for Brother

 — Sister is sick of just watching. by xojasonssisox04/20/134.28

Lusting for Brother Pt. 02

 — The next day... by xojasonssisox06/23/204.45

Lusting for Eva

 — Learning to love my sister-in-law. by mountainbikeman06/08/034.44

Lusting for Grandmother

 — Visiting grandmother stirs a guy's desires by ffarkus11/10/064.78HOT

Lusting For Him

 — She craves his affection. by x0DespicableMe0x05/11/113.94

Lusting for Mom

 — Son has a deep yearning for mother. by black saphire01/10/084.37

Lusting for My Sister Jenna

 — Sis fears incest but I'll go nuts if she doesn't frig me. by GiddyDreamer09/02/214.51HOT

Lusting Lonnie

 — These guys are much more than kissing cousins. by CHOKLITDONKEYDIK09/25/044.40

Lustville Tales Ch. 01

 — A challenge is issued between a brother and sister. by GreekGOD1808/11/213.93

Lustville Tales Ch. 02

 — The challenge begins! by GreekGOD1809/07/214.86HOT

Lusty Big Sister Rosie Pt. 01

 — My daddy makes a blue movie in 1950! by CandyRobards01/04/193.88

Lusty Big Sister Rosie Pt. 02

 — Daddy and his horny sister prepare for a blue movie audition. by CandyRobards06/04/194.16

Lusty Big Sister Rosie Pt. 03

 — Mr. Pudgy, porn director, begins to audition Tony with Rosie. by CandyRobards11/12/213.83

Lusty Big Sister Rosie Pt. 04

 — Mr. Pudgy explores Tony's big cock while sister Rosie guides. by CandyRobards11/15/213.77

Lusty Big Sister Rosie Pt. 05

 — Sister Rosie gets juicy watching brother Tony being handled! by CandyRobards11/19/214.22

Lusty Big Sister Rosie Pt. 06

 — Auntie Rosie rides Tony's socked toes and Tony cums! by CandyRobards11/26/214.38

Lusty Bitchs Moms & Slut Girls Ch. 01

 — Two lover moms expanding the circle of their incest love. by Vally6805/09/184.20

Lusty Bitchs Moms & Slut Girls Ch. 02

 — Two lover moms expanding the circle of their incest love. by Vally6805/10/184.24

Lusty Bitchs Moms & Slut Girls Ch. 03

 — Two lover moms expanding the circle of their incest love. by Vally6805/12/184.15

Lusty Bitchs Moms & Slut Girls Ch. 04

 — Two lover moms expanding the circle of their incest love. by Vally6805/13/184.03

Lusty Bitchs Moms & Slut Girls Ch. 05

 — Two lover moms expanding the circle of their incest love. by Vally6805/14/184.30

Lusty Bitchs Moms & Slut Girls Ch. 06

 — Two lover moms expanding the circle of their incest love. by Vally6805/15/184.32

Lusty Blue Eyes

 — Jilted professional woman comes home to Daddy. by KillerMuffin03/04/014.53HOTEditor's Pick

Lusty Blue Eyes Ch. 2

 — Sister gets a taste of the action. by KillerMuffin03/17/014.44

Lusty Blue Eyes Ch. 3

 — Dad & daughter dine in. by KillerMuffin06/16/014.22Editor's Pick

Lusty Busty Sis

 — Their parents went away for a weekend. by chuchipuchi09/05/043.05

Lusty Family Pt. 01

 — It is the 1st part of the family incest sex. by 143freebird09/18/203.42

Lusty Family Pt. 02

 — Rathi's answer to her father in law. by 143freebird10/19/204.21

Lusty Father

 — Fiance is seduced by my father. by Mrquill8301/05/233.37

Lusty First Time with My Sister.

 — Four-week build up gets sprayed on his beautiful sister. by LesterFoxhunt10/11/124.06

Lusty Lord Millhaven Ch. 07

 — Aunt Rosa offers her magnificent body. by dass445011/08/054.46

Lusty Red Riding Hood Ch. 03

 — Red's revenge on mama. by Honeymuff05/14/064.31

Lusty Siblings

 — Siblings feel the lust while watching the body outline. by Nayna05/02/213.99

Lusty Siblings Cheat on Husband

 — The siblings join to cheat husband. by falguni05/14/214.17

Lute Gets Aunts in His Pants

 — In House of Mirrors, Part 2, Lute's aunts join forces. by RootRadio11/20/224.60HOT

Lydia Ch. 01

 — Sibling I/T Intergenerational talk. by CuteSlaveLisa06/02/193.45

Lydia's Mother

 — Lydia, home for the summer, has an observer. by Elodiegirlie06/17/214.36

Lydia's Mother Ch. 02

 — Josh and Caroline get closer... by Elodiegirlie09/16/224.59HOT

Lydia's Surprise

 — Seperated when they were young, united as adults by bassbelly01/29/094.38

Lygon Street

 — Two Australian siblings have sex in a restaurant. by AnxietyMan08/30/174.22

Lying in the Sun with Ellie

 — His little sister follows him to a secret spot in the woods. by addieQ03/29/104.42

Lying in Wait

 — Will one brother's revenge be another sister's triumph? by mrwings08/09/133.81

Lying There

 — Jill's wish to please makes holiday a success. by senwood03/31/054.40

Lynda Ch. 1

 — Brother learns to love gorgeous sister in a new way. by Explosion6106/13/014.18

Lynda Ch. 2

 — Lynda returns to NY, & gets an unexpected call. by Explosion6106/15/014.45

Lynda Ch. 3

 — Lois returns from New Orleans. by Explosion6106/23/014.46


 — Brother catches her in the act. by Pablojr203/05/134.22

Lynn and Bobby Ch. 07

 — Lynn helps a mother who has a problem with her son. by LynnGKS02/18/104.32

Lynn and I

 — Daughter wants to be Dad's sex partner. by orvette110/30/104.35

Lynn and I with Mom

 — Mother comes home for a night of sex. by orvette101/12/114.27

Lynn and Jake

 — It started at the Ball. by Jena12112/27/074.11

Lynn Fancies a Ride, or Two Pt. 01

 — Lynn receives her son, who is back from college. by Tangledskein11/19/194.56HOT

Lynn Fancies a Ride, or Two Pt. 02

 — Lynn has a further family helping. by Tangledskein11/20/194.74HOT

Lynne - My Stepdaughter Pt. 01

 — My wife passed away. Now it was just me and her daughter. by Lynda6803/21/213.73

Lynne - My Stepdaughter Pt. 02

 — My stepdaughter seduced me. Afterwards. by Lynda6803/23/214.05

Lynne - My Stepdaughter Pt. 03

 — Me and my stepdaughter have begun a relationship. by Lynda6803/24/213.87

Lysette's Gift

 — A fantasy about love, death, and, maybe, what comes next. by beachbum195812/14/144.81HOT


 — Lyza learns to mind. by StarGlyderz02/14/024.11

Lyza Ch. 2

 — Lyza's lesson continues. by StarGlyderz08/01/024.37

Lyza Ch. 3

 — Lyza asks for more. by StarGlyderz12/13/044.29

Lyza Ch. 4

 — Lyza returns home. by StarGlyderz12/20/044.47

Lyza Ch. 5

 — Lyza and Maria. by StarGlyderz12/22/044.54HOT

Lyza Ch. 6

 — Lyza and Mother. by StarGlyderz07/16/054.54HOT

Lyzzie’s Mom Buys Her Lingerie

 — Lyzzie gets a new wardrobe for her birthday from mom. by LonzDoe10/30/224.62HOT

M Club Ch. 13

 — Things go sideways for Sean at home. by WatchingCloud09/24/174.50HOT

M.I.L.F. vs Stud Ch. 04

 — My further domination of a stud. by mrsmillwood12/10/124.00

M.I.L.F. vs Stud Ch. 05

 — Mother's Intuition. by mrsmillwood11/23/143.99

M.I.L.F. vs Stud Ch. 06

 — Kyle's Beginning. by mrsmillwood01/05/153.97

M/s Bowling Trip - Back by Request

 — A late night discovery leads to early morning pleasure. by traceynetn11/07/224.58HOT


 — Frustrated after date, he overpowers Mother. by hotpup05/30/054.18

Ma's Outlaw Sons

 — Holed up, Ma & the boys need sexual relief. by Axeltheswede03/07/024.22

Maa Bani Randi

 — sex story. by ajitsexy08/24/113.00

Maataa's Duties

 — Unquestioned obedience when their son bathes. by KaeyMee12/15/113.56

Mabel's Announcement

 — Mabel’s husband, Arthur, comes home after a month-long trip. by Amnoartist01/09/222.81

Machine Language

 — A mother and son story, with a twist. by MarciaRH10/14/063.86

Macy and Maddie's Milk

 — Macy's mom takes an new drug that causes her to lactate. by HighLumin03/13/214.53HOT

Macy and Tom

 — Step-brother and step-sister explore each other. by SmallTitFan07/09/144.63HOT

Macy and Tom Ch. 02

 — We tell Mom and Dad. by SmallTitFan08/10/144.65HOT

Macy, Maddie, and Michaela's Milk

 — Macy's cousin is introduced to their milk-crazed lifestyle. by HighLumin04/01/214.48

Mad about Mark

 — Cousins Mark and Amanda have their turn at passion. by Chased07/26/12

Mad for Mom!

 — Son's persistence pays off. by bogey4u05/18/184.54HOT

MAD Women-Modern Angry Divas Ch. 02

 — Some things never change. Some things remain the same. by SusanJillParker06/22/153.67


 — My Sister Stays the Night. by avery61709/06/204.08


 — What if you didn't mind a crazy woman? by Baztrachian05/03/204.24

Maddie and Matt; Starting Over

 — Siblings, a new beginning. by ExHoustonRN12/08/224.51HOT

Maddy Cums Home

 — Curvy Maddy meets Daddy for the first time. by James_Steele09/14/204.60HOT

Maddy's Sweater

 — Uncle discovers grown-up niece. by coram03/25/234.35

Made for Each Other Ch. 01

 — Two unsatisfied siblings bond over shared frustrations... by BathroomHero01/05/224.38

Made for Each Other Ch. 02

 — Sexy siblings' feelings might just be mutual... by BathroomHero08/18/224.53HOT

Made For Loving Me

 — Dria discovers what beautiful cousins are really made for. by velvetslit10/24/044.18

Made in Pakistan

 — How he seduced his girlfriend's sister. by nakoo08/25/012.83

Made in Thailand

 — Vacation in Thailand ends in incest for mother and son. by sanilas05/19/133.96

Made To Love

 — She is forced to accept that her son is her lover. by MarkThyme11/09/034.12

Madeleine's Glory

 — The making of Madeleine Montgomery. by MisterGordonslittlegirl01/07/234.50HOT


 — Daughters show their mother a good time. by Lillyflower7211/17/014.31

Madge with a Spadge

 — Adventures of promiscuous mother, daughter and her husband. by luvanuki07/26/173.22

Madge with a Spadge Ch. 02

 — First intimacy with daughter while mother sleeps. by luvanuki07/28/173.42

Madge with a Spadge Ch. 03

 — Family barbeque. I take Denise parking. First fuck. by luvanuki08/03/173.91


 — Daddy starts obsessing over his daughter's body. by Kinetic912406/19/184.57HOT

Madison and Daddy Ch. 01

 — I am a cheater, and my daughter catches me. by LorenzoAbajos10/08/144.29

Madison and Daddy Ch. 02

 — I am a cheater, and my daughter catches me. by LorenzoAbajos10/11/144.48

Madison and Daddy Ch. 03

 — My daughter loves me, loves mommy, and mommy loves girls. by LorenzoAbajos10/14/144.48

Madison and Her Father

 — His body betrays him and reacts to his grown daughter. by LaughingRaven05/15/214.34

Madison and Her Father Ch. 02

 — His Daughter takes charge and punishes him. by LaughingRaven05/18/214.38

Madison and Kelly

 — My best friend and I enjoy our daughters' social media. by Lucas9609/26/174.66HOT

Madison Ch. 01

 — Sexy revelations from my sister. by CABONE03/08/094.55HOT

Madison Ch. 02

 — More sexy revelations from my sister. by CABONE03/09/094.71HOT

Madison Ch. 03

 — My trip with my sister concludes - but does our story? by CABONE04/25/094.69HOT

Madison Ch. 04

 — Now my wife has a sexy revelation. by CABONE04/28/094.68HOT

Madison Ch. 05

 — Mysisters and my wife for the weekend. by CABONE06/23/094.73HOT

Madison is Out of Control! Pt. 01-03

 — Teen Daughter can't be stopped. Will she take Tim with her? by SixmileCoffee06/04/224.52HOT

Madison is Out of Control! Pt. 04-05

 — The big family wedding has left her with a lot options. by SixmileCoffee06/12/224.65HOT

Madison is Out of Control! Pt. 06-07

 — Finally a weekend away for Madison and her Father. by SixmileCoffee06/21/224.58HOT

Madison's Milestone

 — A lustful dad has the perfect birthday present in mind... by Princess Bistone11/29/213.94


 — A Mexican mother does what's needed for her son-in-law. by Subtext09/24/194.35


 — Aunt and nephew, the ultimate reality. by easylivin03/05/064.16

Maelstrom Ch. 01

 — Long lost son causes chaos. by rachlou08/25/084.52HOT

Maelstrom Ch. 02

 — Long lost son causes chaos. by rachlou08/26/084.51HOT


 — An age of yearning finally ends. by Witchazel04/18/114.39

Maggie & Her Mom

 — Daughter discovers her Mom's a hottie! by happy_man_now06/29/04

Maggie & Her Mom Ch. 02

 — Mom helps Maggie to her hardest cum. by happy_man_now07/04/04

Maggie & Jim

 — Brother discovers sister playing by happy_man_now06/14/04

Maggie & Jim Have Fun At The Gym

 — Group sex & incest in changing rooms. by happy_man_now08/12/04

Maggie & Jim Play Some More

 — The siblings remember a camping trip. by happy_man_now04/05/04

Maggie and her Sister

 — Mother's party teasing of her son has consequences. by miss_D_mena01/09/214.64HOT

Maggie Ch. 02

 — Brother and sister cement their love. by Witchazel05/19/114.53HOT

Maggie Gets It: For Halloween

 — Disguised sister finally gets her brother's perfect cock. by Defluer10/28/204.41

Maggie Kept Returning to My Life

 — A reoccurring lifetime affair based on two coincidences. by Cleevedreams05/27/204.65HOT

Maggie The Marathon Runner Ch. 01

 — Use the measuring stick by daddygoesdeep10/27/124.35

Maggie's Farmyard Stories

 — Maggie is unfairly punished at her Aunt and Uncle's farm. by oolala07/02/123.40

Maggie's Gift

 — Maggie gives her Grandpa a surprise birthday gift. by Scorpius194507/13/184.43

Maggie's Secret Wish Ch. 1

 — She wanted her daddy, & got him & something extra. by honeydew06/24/013.82

Maggie's Tale

 — Mother and daughter cuck mom's boyfriend. by Imstillfun10/08/164.62HOT


 — Father and daughter love. by fadedgiant03/19/13

Magic Ch. 02

 — Father and daughter love continues. by fadedgiant04/09/13

Magic Cock Pt. 03

 — Aaron comes home and is enmeshed in his parents' threesome. by SleepytimeChloe03/29/204.07

Magic Fingers

 — Father has a special gift. by Noah03/28/02

Magic Fingers Ch. 2

 — Rouen: the holiday continues. by Noah04/25/02

Magic Leads to Out of Body Incest

 — Two siblings discover they have magical fingers. by JBEdwards10/09/174.60HOT

Magic Mushroom Mummy Ch. 01

 — Horny witch mum thirsts for son. by WayOfThePeef01/30/213.96

Magic Mushroom Mummy Ch. 02

 — Horny witch mum magically makes son's penis huge. by WayOfThePeef06/10/214.03

Magic Wanda

 — Hot stripper shows virgin nephew some new moves. by amsterdam12/29/024.72HOT

Magic Words

 — A sister finds love for her brother after reading his story. by islandic04/24/134.30

Magic, Love, Family Pt. 00 Glossary

 — Glossary of terms for the series. (no sex) by tmark009909/08/20

Magic, Love, Family Pt. 01

 — In a family full of women, Ray feels the pressure to awaken. by tmark009908/24/204.47

Magic, Love, Family Pt. 02

 — A major surprise awaits Ray after his aunt's arrival. by tmark009909/16/204.79HOT

Magic, Love, Family Pt. 03

 — Ray finds love with Lily. Can he forget Miranda? by tmark009909/24/204.66HOT

Magic, Love, Family Pt. 04

 — Ray meets his aunt again and discovers her secret... by tmark009910/06/204.73HOT

Magic, Love, Family Pt. 05

 — Rose has more than a few ideas for Raymond. Can he escape? by tmark009902/10/214.78HOT

Magical Incest Ch. 01: The Black Candle

 — Son finds a way to magical seduce his mother. by bob0356707/01/144.50HOT

Magical Incest Ch. 02: Oily Love

 — Son seduces his mother with a magical back rub. by bob0356707/04/144.52HOT

Magical Incest Ch. 03: Black Mirror

 — Son seduces his mother in her dreams. by bob0356707/07/144.55HOT

Magical Incest Ch. 04: The Talisman

 — A Mystic helps a son fulfill his darkest desire. by bob0356707/11/144.58HOT

Magical Incest Ch. 05: The Hex

 — Son and mother unite after being tricked with a spell. by bob0356707/13/144.63HOT

Magical Island Paradise

 — John is stranded on a magical island with a young beauty. by BjornUlfson02/25/173.83

Magical Mischief Whore Pt. 01

 — Life takes a strange turn for siblings Scott and Beth. by Simply_The_Lex04/14/173.95

Magical Mischief Whore Pt. 02

 — Life gets even stranger for siblings Scott and Beth. by Simply_The_Lex04/18/174.52HOT

Magical Mischief Whore Pt. 03

 — The strangeness becomes clearer for Scott and Beth. by Simply_The_Lex04/26/174.50HOT

Magical Mischief Whore Pt. 04

 — The final part. by Simply_The_Lex04/29/173.69

Magical Night in the Sky Bus

 — Defluer's Urban Legend proves real with my sister & friends. by Defluer10/23/214.75HOT

Magical Sister Transforms Me Ch. 01

 — Magical Sister Transforms Me to Use Me. by FrostLayer08/05/224.61HOT

Magical Tea

 — Sisters share a mystical tea in the deserts of southern Utah. by addieQ07/09/074.70HOT

Magnificent Little Sister Mia

 — Mia needs comforting from big brother on Valentine's Day. by storyteller1902/06/214.69HOT

Magnificent Mammaries

 — There’s nothing like a pair of big tits. by standingstones12/13/204.20

Magnus and His Family

 — A new novel, all about incest! Kristen and her dad cuddle up. by kathrynmburke02/09/204.48

Magnus and His Family Ch. 02

 — Kristen completes her union with her father. by kathrynmburke02/15/204.62HOT

Magnus and His Family Ch. 03

 — Paul finds his mom Imogen primed for cuddling! by kathrynmburke02/19/204.48

Magnus and His Family Ch. 04

 — Kristen helps Magnus's friends with their problems. by kathrynmburke02/25/204.27

Magnus and His Family Ch. 05

 — Paul introduces his mother to his friend Curt. by kathrynmburke03/01/204.39

Magnus and His Family Ch. 07

 — Paul invites the team over to enjoy his mom. by kathrynmburke03/15/204.39

Magnus and His Family Ch. 08

 — Kristen and Adele have fun with Magnus and his pals. by kathrynmburke03/22/204.54HOT

Magnus and His Family Ch. 10

 — Reunions all around: Kristen and Paul, Magnus and Imogen. by kathrynmburke04/06/204.65HOT

Magnus and His Family Ch. 11

 — Magnus & Imogen get together--and so do Paul & Kristen. by kathrynmburke04/15/204.63HOT

Magnus and His Family Ch. 13

 — Adele cuddles up with Dad; Curt's dad gets into the mix. by kathrynmburke04/27/204.48

Magnus and His Family Ch. 18

 — Darcy finds that cuddling up with her bro is lots of fun! by kathrynmburke06/04/204.61HOT


 — A story of love between brother and sister who are twins. by AmandaMaybeTV06/28/16

Mahesh's Descent into CFNM Ch. 04

 — The ladies decide Mahesh's future. Mom's pants come off. by indsub8910/01/203.94

Mai, Mother

 — The joys of having sex with an Asian stepmother. by pennylesspauper10/22/124.48

Maid of Dishonour

 — Can Stephanie get her brother to the church on time? by JohnTom1011/10/224.41

Maid of Honor Pt. 01

 — My wife's niece gives me a pre-wedding night to remember. by groomleader02/22/224.50HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 02

 — During the reception, Carolyn gets me ready. by groomleader02/25/224.61HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 03

 — My wedding night with a niecely twist. by groomleader02/28/224.63HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 04

 — In the City of Light, I get to deflower my wife's asshole. by groomleader03/05/224.57HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 05

 — Carolyn's welcome home. by groomleader03/13/224.56HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 06

 — More of the hoenymoon lust for Carolyn's pleasure. by groomleader03/21/224.67HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 07

 — Carolyn gets marked all over. by groomleader06/19/224.68HOT

Maid of Honor Pt. 08

 — Carolyn gets her Auntie. by groomleader07/15/224.67HOT

Maid on Terrace to Mom on Bed

 — Indian married maid fills husband's void with mom & son. by sansar05/23/094.38

Maid Seduction Ch. 02

 — Maid seduction leads to mom seduction! by ilakhanji06/15/164.00

Maid to Fuck

 — Son walks in on dad doing the maid. by Veronica Sweet10/27/024.13

Maid to Measure

 — It all started with the Philipina maid. by Poontanga08/17/083.94

Maid to Slave

 — Sexy Mom submits to husband, son, and...? by Wildfire42702/08/034.21

Maids in the Mist

 — Sister in law asks him to add another woman to the tryst. by JWarrior4701/28/213.63

Mail Call

 — I get a surprise after getting it on with my cuz by Art Martin07/20/034.49

Main Man

 — Work for Dad. by Suburb08/12/184.22

Maisie's Halloween Trick

 — Maisie has plans for her brother & it's not Halloween candy! by ilikeitlikethat1810/02/144.51HOT

Major Mars Ch. 02

 — Major’s step-mom helps him decontaminate and then stay warm. by Twanquavius10/09/224.55HOT

Makara Ch. 03

 — Plagued with dreams, Makara tries to adapt to her new life. by Tara297708/11/184.59HOT

Makara Ch. 05

 — Training, dreaming, Silas, Cade, and Rodan. by Tara297701/25/194.70HOT

Makara Ch. 06

 — The aftermath of his actions, and the start of the meeting. by Tara297705/02/194.72HOT

Makara Ch. 07

 — She gets kissed, and it's one thing after another for Makara. by Tara297708/14/194.78HOT

Makara Ch. 08

 — Her and Atlar spend quality time via meeting with the humans. by Tara297702/04/204.50HOT

Makara Ch. 09

 — Makara's mate is revealed. by Tara297706/18/204.45

Makara Ch. 11

 — Makara is seduced by Rodan, and discovers hidden truths. by Tara297710/22/204.56HOT

Make a Wish!

 — Every wish has a condition attached to it. by tmark009910/25/194.50HOT

Make Daddy Cum

 — Daughter takes care of Daddy’s every need. by VCDC05/20/234.24

Make Him Cum! Make Him Cum!

 — Husband gets revenge on promiscuous wife with her daughter. by VCDC04/09/234.27

Make Love Not War

 — Feuding brother and sister find a fun way to make up. by SEAWATER109/24/144.50HOT

Make Love, Not War: A Sibling Share

 — In 1969 bickering twins learn 2 love each other from hippies. by silkstockingslover06/26/194.64HOT

Make Me a Southern Sandwich Please

 — Brother and his hot wife visit me... by LadyTiff09/30/194.75HOT

Make Me Into An Anal Whore, Daddy

 — Brittany gets her ass trained by Daddy and Uncle Billy. by DrMick04/10/064.01

Make Me Man, Mum

 — A gay, fetish son makes love to his mother. by coley_3312/06/013.85

Make Me Man, Mum Ch. 2

 — Mum and friend Lisa do son with strap-on. by coley_3312/22/014.13

Make Me Pregnant

 — Sis-In-Law wants a baby. by grantvigor04/05/084.35

Make Me Pregnant

 — His mother's request came as a shock. by miss_D_mena04/20/234.68HOT

Make Me Pregnant Ch. 02

 — Hot couple decide to make sure. by grantvigor04/21/084.40

Make Mommy Cum

 — Beth is such a good girl. by -Sadie26-05/18/044.32

Makeup Sex with Daddy

 — If this is how he makes up, I need him to feel guilty more! by pghpa07/05/17

Makin' It Even Pt. 01

 — Brother discovers the joy of tanning with his sister. by CousinObsessed11/05/184.49

Makin' It Even Pt. 02

 — The siblings' tanning leads to other adventures... by CousinObsessed11/09/184.54HOT

Making a Baby

 — A family discovers incest while trying to have a baby. by bob0356711/05/134.51HOT

Making a Baby

 — Short story about the pleasure of family loving. by rayandcarrie199901/18/223.94

Making a Family Business Pt. 01

 — Brother discovers younger sister earning money thru porn. by Saltysooner06/01/194.70HOT

Making a Family Business Pt. 02

 — Mother discovers her children's online porn business. by Saltysooner06/05/194.71HOT

Making a Family Business Pt. 03

 — Mom reluctantly gives in to incestuous desires. by Saltysooner06/08/194.77HOT

Making a Family Business Pt. 04

 — Matt learns more about his mother. by Saltysooner06/22/194.62HOT

Making a Marriage Work

 — A husband driving his wife and mother home after dinner. by NineHorseHtich10/10/214.05

Making a New Decision

 — Max and Melanie's adventure continues on National Nude Day. by petuchi1007/06/124.28

Making a Play for My Stepdad Ch. 01

 — I make a play for my stepdad... and win. by Sucker_Sue11/28/184.36

Making a Slave

 — Incest, facesitting, and Femdom. by Jerre11/05/033.90

Making a Whore: A Surprise Awaits

 — An otherwise normal trick gives her a great surprise. by black saphire05/17/114.47

Making Amends

 — Kara recieves punishment from the whole family. by BeccaAnn08/10/024.27

Making Amends Ch. 2

 — Kara continues to please her family. by BeccaAnn08/14/024.39

Making Angelina My Cum Slut

 — Angelina's my cousin, and I'm about to make her my cum slut. by Eyuder07/25/173.99

Making Art with Mom Ch. 01

 — Mom models for son in art project. by psalmuse04/07/133.18

Making Aunt Rayne Ch. 01

 — Young man and sexy elder aunt enjoy sex for years. by SECONDSTORYMAN01/15/144.27

Making Aunt Rayne Ch. 02

 — My Slut by SECONDSTORYMAN01/30/144.28

Making Babies Ch. 01

 — Son and daughter-in-law ask me for a "favor". by SmallTitFan02/20/164.59HOT

Making Babies Ch. 02

 — The first romp didn't get her pregnant, so . . . by SmallTitFan06/15/164.50HOT

Making Dad Cum in My Mouth

 — Mom and daughter suck and fuck with her dad. by Giveandgetoral12/06/104.62HOT

Making Dad Cum in My Pussy

 — Daughter makes love to her dad. by Giveandgetoral12/13/104.47

Making Dad Cum with My Hand

 — Daughter get's paid to give her dad a helping hand. by Giveandgetoral11/25/104.24

Making Dad Cum with My Hand Ch. 02

 — The hand job turns into much more. by Giveandgetoral09/13/134.39

Making Daddy Feel Good

 — Daughter takes lust into her own hands with passed out Daddy. by Locksey12/14/224.29

Making Daddy Happy

 — Emily takes her father's love to the next step. by candyfloss6903/10/084.05

Making Daddy Hard Ch. 01

 — He wants his daughter. by Daddysgirl4112308/29/143.76

Making Daddy Mine Ch. 01

 — James is starting look at his daughter in a new light. by Thyckness01/10/084.30

Making Daddy Mine Ch. 02

 — Daddy finds out what his slut daughter wants from him. by Thyckness06/04/084.42

Making Daddy's Little Cum Slut

 — Stephanie gets what she deserves after missing curfew again. by Kitkat10309/08/104.07

Making Daddy's Little Cum Slut Ch. 02

 — Stephanie get's Bs, and a reward. by Kitkat10309/16/104.07

Making Dessert

 — Lifelong friends enjoy themselves while making cookies. by Foolishbutsaine04/23/074.20

Making Ends Meet

 — His new job has extra benefits. by MountainDewMan08/27/194.82HOT

Making Friends at Lake Como Ch. 10

 — Making friends at Lake Como. by flashgordon56200601/24/174.45

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