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Makin' It Even Pt. 02

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The siblings' tanning leads to other adventures...
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/05/2018
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I went inside before my sister did. I was hungry and wanted some food. My sister followed suit not long after.

I was standing in the kitchen making myself an omelet and I hadn't put my clothes yet. My dick flopped around between my legs as I marched around the kitchen. I noticed when my sister came back into the house that she had put back on her bikini bottoms, but not the top. I wasn't sure why, but I couldn't complain. Any opportunity to stare at my sister's amazing bouncy tits for longer was not one I was going to pass up.

"Hey sis, want an omelet?" I said energetically as she walked in the kitchen, her magnificent boobs bouncing up and down with every step.

"No, but thanks. I'm just gonna make myself a sandwich."

Almost simultaneously, we both walked over to the fridge for the various ingredients we needed. My sister crouched down and rummaged through the drawers on the bottom. The fridge was small, so rather than intruding, I just stood next to her and waited.

As I stood next to my crouched sister, my dick began getting hard again. A bit faster than usual this time. The harder it got, the more dangerously close it was to her face. If I was an inch closer, I would have been poking her in the temple. She seemed to stay crouched for an abnormally long time as she juggled ingredients and material in her hands. I watched curiously as scavenger hunted the fridge.

When she finally stood up, the unplanned happened. My rock hard, bulging dick brushed down her face as she projected herself upward. In about the length of 1 second, the side of cock pressed against her forehead skin and continuously down to her chin. It was too quick to tell if her lips touched it or not, but nonetheless, my sister's face had come to into contact with my penis. I was frozen in time.

I expected her to yell, scream, cringe or be grossed out.


No reaction.

She simply turned back around toward the counter and began assembling her sandwich. I was in awe. I actually stood there with my mouth agape for a couple of seconds.

I resumed making my omelet, and she left the room before I did, making her way up to her bedroom. A little bit of pre-cum came out of me without having to touch myself. I couldn't fathom what had just happened.

To my dismay, I didn't see her for the rest of the day. She stayed up in her room and I wandered around downstairs. It was actually pretty good opportunity to get some more school work done, but I know I couldn't concentrate. Eventually, I put some clothes back on.

By 11 PM, I had to get to bed, and I headed upstairs. I got ready to take a short shower before bed as I usually do, wearing a towel and holding my special soaps that I hid in my room so no one else would use them.

I put my hand on the knob to the bathroom door when my sister suddenly came out of her room with a basket of laundry. I turned to face her. My sister had seen me in a towel a million times, as did I her, but somehow after everything we'd done to each other over the last few days, it created a stirring tension. A tension of a sexual nature, no question.

"Going to bed soon?" she asked.

"Yeah, few minutes. How bout yourself?" I replied.

"Same. Just gonna put some laundry on first."

"See you tomorrow".

I opened to door to the bathroom and stepped one foot in before she interrupted me.

"Hey, actually..." she said nervously.

"What, what's up?"

"I hope this doesn't sound weird, but...can you give me a backside massage before I go to bed? It kind of feels really good when you do that outside with the sun tan lotion. It's really relaxing."

"Sure, I guess, but how?"

I knew how.

"Just imagine you're putting san lotion on me, but with no lotion. It might help me fall asleep faster." she answered.

"Okay. Sounds simple enough, I guess."

"Okay cool, wait one minute."

I closed the bathroom door and my sister speedwalked down the stairs with her laundry basket. I awkwardly waddled into her bedroom still wearing my towel, leaving my soaps on the floor in the hallway next to bathroom doorway. I stood patiently by the side of her bed. About 2 minutes went by before she came back, wearing her super short gym shorts and that same white tank top from earlier. She was putting her hair in a ponytail as she came in.

She immediately flopped stomach-down on her bed and presented her bottom to me. I hesitantly (but not really) sat down on the edge of bed next to her, my towel riding up to my knees.

I didn't quite know where or how to begin.

"So, should I start?" I promptly asked.

"Just like normal like you would with the sun tan lotion, I guess. I don't know just like...rub it. Whatever way you move your hands when you put the lotion on feels really good."

"Alright, I'll try."

Just like with the lotion, I slowly placed my palms upon each of my sister's butt cheeks. With the slightest of pressures, I moved them in a circular motion.

"No, take the shorts off, silly!" she quickly interrupted.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I chuckled. "I wasn't sure what you meant."

I hesitated before a few seconds before I reached my sister's waistband. Somehow, even though we'd both seen each other in the flesh and rubbed our hands all over one another multiple times already, the lack of any outside incentive - a la the lotion - made me a little nervous. Despite my unexpected butterflies, I pulled downward and brought my sister's tiny excuse for shorts past her feet and off body. I was surprised to learn she wasn't wearing any underwear.

"Do you usually go commando to bed?" I asked in response.

"Sometimes. But tonight it happens to be that all my underwear is in the wash."

"Ah, I see."

With a bit more confidence, I placed my hands back upon the surface of my sister's ass and pretending like I was applying lotion. Rubbing it bare was a totally different experience than when your hands are covered in a substance. More particularly, I hadn't seen my sister's vagina this close-up before. Much of it was sticking out from between her legs, and I couldn't help but stare as I rubbed her ass in circles. It was so clean and perfect. There wasn't a single hair on it.

I massaged with increasing pressure as time went on. After about 5 minutes, I had almost convinced myself I was a professional masseuse. My sister's face read that of ultimate relaxation. She looked to be in a state of blissful satisfaction.

In light of ruining the flow of things, I took another risk. Keeping up with the increasing pressure in which I was squeezing and rubbing, I moved my left hand downward towards her vagina and pressed harshly on the surface of the lips. She react immediately.

"Ooo! That felt really good too. Keep doing that please."

I was surprised, but I obeyed. Continuously moving my hands from her ass to vagina and back, I massaged and pressed and rubbed for several more minutes as per her wishes. She made small talk as she slowly drifted into as dreary slumber-like state. Something about her upcoming school assignments and work. I relayed the conversation, telling her about my potential plans for after college. It was a lovely, intimate moment, and I had noticed that my penis had become hard again. My sister's eyes were closed and she couldn't see it poking out of my towel like a catapult. I wished that she could.

Another several minutes went by and my hand's were starting to get sore. I was loving this, but in fairness, I actually did need to take a shower.

"You still awake, Sis?" I whispered quietly.

"Yeah." She paused. "Just so relaxed."

"Well I'm glad."

A brief silenced passed.

Suddenly she had a proposition.

"Hey, why don't you try using something other than your hands?"

I was generally confused, but hopeful about what she could be hinting towards. "What do you mean? What should I be using?"

"In between my legs, why don't you try using like...your tongue or something? As like an extra."

I was dumbfounded. Was she serious?

My circular rubbing motion slowed to almost a complete halt as a shock ran through my body. "Are...are you sure?" I asked instinctively.

"Yeah. It'll probably feel really good. Just try it."

I couldn't believe what I was about to do, or better yet, what she was asking me to do to her. I positioned myself on the floor at the foot or bed, kneeling with both knees on the carpet. A lack of support caused my towel to fall off, and I was completely nude once again.

I used both hands to firmly grasp my sister's ass as I moved my head slowly, slowly, slowly towards her crotch. I closed my eyes and stuck my tongue ever-so-slightly out of my open mouth. Eventually I felt the tip of my tongue push against my sister's pussy lips, a feeling I never would have imagined that I would experience.

She moaned instantly. It sounded like a pure moan of pleasure as opposed to a "sex moan" but I couldn't tell. Either way, my tongue was beginning to make its further and further into my sister's vagina. It tasted sweet like a pink cotton candy.

I took it out, as to test the waters.

"Is that good?" I asked.

"Mmm, yeah, that's great. Keep doing what you're doing."

She responded in a loud exhale, as if she had been holding her breath in for a long time. She was clearly enjoying the massage she was receiving.

And it continued. As I did my best to maintain the steady, soft butt massage, I rubbed my tongue, and occasionally the rest of my mouth, around the edges of, on the surface of, and deep, deep inside my sister's beautiful vagina. It was a pleasure of immeasurable quality for both parties. And to think all of this started with her asking me to put some lotion on her back. How might far we have come.

After a while it seemed as if my sister was entirely motionless. She wasn't reacting anymore. I slowed eased off.

"Hey, you asleep?" I whispered even quitter than last time.

No answer, which obviously meant yes.

I just knelt there with one hand still resting on my sisters' ass, the middle finger was digging into her the crack. This would be a perfect time than ever to continue with this masquerade, but I couldn't. Instead, I just...stared. Stared at my sister's lovely, wet, perfect pussy, which was just inches away from face. It was one of the most beautiful sights I'd ever laid eyes on. Better, the taste of it was still on my tongue and in the back of my throat. I swallowed a big gulp so I could save it for later.

I eventually stood up and put my towel back on. I took a loose blanket that was crumpled up on her floor and placed it over her gently. She looked so peaceful and trying to use the blanket on her bed would have disturbed her peace. I grabbed my soaps.

I turned her light off as I exited the bedroom and headed for the shower, in awe of what had just transpired. I basically ate my sister out, and not only did I love it, she did too. What on earth was happening?

The next morning was an anxious one. It was our last day at home together before mom and dad came home from their trip and I wondered if anything else was going to take place. If something didn't, I hadn't the slightest clue how I would deal with my own feelings. Surely our parents wouldn't stand for such activity.

I sat at the kitchen table in only my boxers, doing a little bit of homework and eating cereal. It was about 11 AM, and I heard my sister shuffling down the stairs.

She entered the kitchen with a crazy case of bed head and was rubbing her eyes. She was still wearing the same white tank top, and she'd put her super tiny shorts back on. "Good morning" she said as she entered.

"Good morning, sleepy head." I replied.

"Aren't mom and dad coming home today?"

"No, tomorrow. Or at least that's what they say."

"Shit. I was enjoying having the house all to myself."

"Me too, Sis. I've been enjoying it a lot. Somehow I think it makes me concentrate better on my schoolwork too."


There was a silence as she made her coffee and slowly woke up. We had some more meaningless, irrelevant small talk over breakfast, then she mentioned that she finished her book. It actually sounded really interesting the way she described it's plot. She brought up that there was a movie version too, to which I proposed we rent it from OnDemand later, and she agreed.

"Hey, I'm going out with some friends later and I'm gonna be gone probably most of the day," she said while putting her empty coffee cup in the sink. "But I figure I'd one more tanning session in before I go. You wanna join?"

"Another one? Your already pretty tan there, Sis."

"Not completely, no. I still have tan lines on my lower area because I wasn't doing them the whole time. Look."

And suddenly, she pulled her shorts down and showed her "lower area" to me - she was right, it wasn't as tan as everything else, but it wasn't something I expected to see so suddenly during breakfast.

"Oh damn, you're right." I agreed. "Probably your chest too."

"Yeah, so I'm gonna go out there in like 15 minutes. Join me if you want."

"Yeah, maybe, I gotta finish up this assignment."

But of course I was going to join.

15 minutes later, I walk outside and see my sister on her lounge chair, already completely naked and ready to go. I was taken a back. Even though I had seen her naked a number of times now, her body still startles me when I see it. Especially her perfect bouncy, round boobs.

"Hey." she greeted me as I walked out onto the patio wearing my swimsuit, already the outcast in the scenario.


She was rubbing lotion on her boobs as she greeted me. They swayed back and forth and bounced all around with every push, shove and rub of her lotion-soaked hands. I could watch that all day if I had the chance.

"Did you finish your assignment?" she asked?

"Uh no, almost. I'll do the rest of it later while you're gone."

"That's cool."

I laid down on my back and leaned back in the tanning chair.

"Are you gonna take your shorts off?" my sister promptly asked.

"No, I think that area is pretty much covered. I don't wanna get too tan where I'm brown down there. Plus I think I'm just gonna sit out here and enjoy the sun today."

"Cool deal. This should be my last one for a while myself."

That was a total lie. I had to keep my shorts on or else she'd be able to see the stream of pre-cum that had shot involuntarily from my penis the moment I saw her sitting out here. I longed to take my shorts off and show her my penis once again.

My sister repositioned herself to the edge of her chair, facing towards me directly, and opened her legs wide. She started rubbing lotion all over her groins and clit lips. Her legs were open so wide that I could almost see the inside of her vagina when her fingers inevitably moved the lips from side to side.

She blurted out loudly while rubbing the last of the lotion of herself. "Oh my god, I almost forgot to mention! That massage you gave me last night was fucking amaaaazing."

"Really?! Wow, I'm glad you liked it! I thought you fell asleep 'cause you were bored."

"No, oh my god, no. Never. That was like the best massage ever. I fell asleep cause I was in heaven."

I genuinely smiled. "Well then, I'm glad I can be of service. Maybe we could switch it up and you can try massaging me tonight.

A nervous look fell upon her face. "Oh God no, I know I'm not as good as that as you are."

"It's just like you said though. It's just like putting on lotion except without any lotion. It's easy."

"Alright, I guess I'll try it.

"I'm looking forward to it. Speaking of lotion, it looks like we're running out there."

"Yeah, well, this is the last I'm gonna use it for a while anyway so that's okay." she replied as she looked down at her vagina, rubbing in harshly the last little spurts of sun tan lotion that she could force out of the bottle.

She stopped and looked down at it, then somehow opened her legs even wider than before. She moved her pussy lips and skin around, as if examining her own genitalia like a doctor.

She suddenly asked me, "Does this look properly covered to you?"

I wasn't sure what she was asking me to look at, so I just replied, "Looks alright to me."

"Okay." she said as she moved herself back over and layed down on her tanning chair next to mine. She lay with her legs sprawled open, as if she were on the stirrups giving birth.

We sat out there relaxing quietly for what might be the last time for about 20 minutes before I realized I had developed a boner so stiff it made a tent pole in my bathing suits that pointed straight up at the sky. Now that she was laying there with her eyes closed, I had hoped she wouldn't open them and look over. Somehow having a noticeable, but concealed boner was almost more embarrassing then having an exposed one. Especially since it looked like the pre-cum that had shot out was making a little stain at the tip.

Suddenly, the house phone rang. We both heard it faintly through the porch sliding door that wasn't closed all the way. People rarely called on the landline, so we were both curious who could it be.

Without hesitation, my sister acted on it.

"I'll get it." she said as she got up and started walking towards the door. "I'm about done out here, anyway, I think."

Her beautiful chesticles bounced up and down with a force as she stumbled out of her tanning chair and walked around me towards the door and headed inside, still completely naked.

I took the brief moment by myself to fix my appearance. I tired pushing my massive, pulsing erection down towards my leg, but it kept popping back into place. This was very loose fitting swimsuit around the legs. I didn't want to make myself uncomfortable my laying on my stomach and crushing my erection so it seemed the easiest solution would just be to take them off after all.

And so I did. I did my best to wipe the pre-cum away with my fingers. I listened to the muffled, undecipherable voice on my sister on the phone as I slid my trunks off and threw them on the ground beside me. Here I was again laying out bare-ass naked in the sun with my meaty shaft pointing towards the sun. I patiently waited for my sister to come back so I can look at her nude body again.

An unexpected amount of time went by. I thought she would only be on the phone a few minutes. It must have been at least 15 by now. Who the hell was she talking to? The good part was that after a while my woody seemed to soften up

I decided to relax and close my eyes for a bit before I heard the sliding door suddenly open. I jerked my head to my left.

"Who the hell called? That was a long call." I said as I saw my sister standing there.

The fact that she was taller than me suddenly kicked into overdrive. I looked at her beautiful naked body from down below. Being so low to the ground on the tanning chair, she almost towered over me.

I noticed some unsmoothed smears of sun tan lotion on her vagina right near the lips, which was only a few feet away from my face.

The shadow of clouds covering the sun seemed to block her face.

"That was mom. Apparently her and dad and all their friends have decided to stay for 3 more days. So we'll have the house to ourselves for a couple more days." she said.

"I thought it was only a 7-day cruise."

"It was. But they won some kind of contest to get more days or something."

"Oh, well that's cool, more time to myself."

"Yeah, definitely."

"Why'd she call on the house phone?"

"I have no idea. But she yammered on, that's for sure."

We both chuckled.

I pointed out to her the little smear of lotion on her lower area as she walked back around to pick up her stuff she had brought out with her (lotion, sunglasses, cell phone). All the while, she made no notice of the fact that I had taken my shorts off.


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