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Lying There

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Jill's wish to please makes holiday a success.
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Day 3

Lying there by the pool, soaking up the mid-morning sunshine. I'm on holiday with Adam, my partner of three years and his parents at their villa in the Algarve in Portugal. It's August and it's hot; too hot to go far and I'm quite content to stay right here.

Adam is over there reading. I can see him as I squint into the reflective sunlight. Sparks seem to fly off the water. Silence. Jane and Graham are comatose, soaking up the sun like carcinophilic vultures.

I didn't notice Adam disappear indoors.

'Won't someone come and do my back?' I complained plaintively, yes, childishly.

Graham must have heard me. I felt an unaccustomed hand touch my back. I felt the sun-cream pour over me and he began to spread it, working it fully into me. Moving down my back. I lay still, silent. I knew it was Adam's father.

He rolled my bikini bottom down by about an inch. I wondered: 'God, what's he doing?' I was just lying there, motionless. He stopped.

'Just making sure there's no burn on the seam, Jill.'

That's me. Jill.


After lunch I swam in the pool. Adam joined me, followed by his parents. Fun, splash around. Adam dried me. I went back to my book.

Graham and Adam are wearing very brief costumes which clearly show the bulges of their packages. Adam's is bigger, I note with misplaced pride. I notice Jane has remained topless after drying herself when she left the pool. She's lying on her stomach though, for now. I can't see her breasts. I suppose I am curious, yes. I know they are quite big and certainly well bronzed.

Adam is chatting to her. I sometimes think I'm invisible. He comes over.

'Fancy a shower?'

I think: 'You want more than a shower, so no.'

I say: 'No thanks, I'm fine. You go.'

Fact is, I'm off sex. I don't know why. I'm just not getting, you know, lit up these days. I'd like to. One time I'd have jumped at Adam's offer. That's what it was: an invitation for a fuck and I turned him down. Routine, it's all a bit routine. Apart from Jane. She might move the applecart. Can't see her actually upsetting it.

Evening at a bar: German bloody lager. Bored again. Only interest is that Graham has been checking his e-mails. Younger son is now definitely coming. Flight lands tomorrow 5 a.m. With friend unnamed and unsexed, apparently. Interest stirs but I'm too tired. Maybe it is the heat. I'm drained and I know I'm not being nice. I feel foul. Ashamed a bit, too. Try harder tomorrow.

Went to bed at ten. Left them chatting by the pool again. God it's all so damn repetitive. Lotus eaters the lot of them


Day 4

Lying there by the pool, soaking up the early-morning sunshine. They've gone off prima luce to the airport to fetch John and pal. ''Misery guts' [me] decided to stay here. I'm topless: thought I'd try it whilst I'm on my own. It feels nice; free. I can shake my tits about and feel the warmth on them. Mmmmm. Yes, it's ok. Might take the lot off for a bit.

I do. Fully stripped - never done it before outside. Even in the heat the air is cool on my skin. That's nice too. Really natural although it doesn't all look too brilliant. White bits. Need to improve there. I'm fair skinned and don't tan that well anyway. Feels quite sexy. I can touch myself a little so easily too. That's good.

I swim. That's really loose. The water flows so smooth. I am of the water now not merely in it . I look at myself and that's good. I feel more like I used to. I want to look nice now. The desire is coming back, I think.

Out of the water. Dry myself off. Back in our bedroom. 'Our' as if it was the site of our bedroom activity. No. God I'm horrid. Adam must hate me: I haven't let him shag me for weeks. I ought to. I know: he hasn't done anything wrong. Better if he did. If he wasn't so damn nice! I think of Graham's hands on my back: perhaps he'll do that again today.

Back to the bedroom. I put on a new bikini Adam insisted I buy. It's so brief I have to trim some hair that protrudes at the top of my thighs. I take extra care with my wavy red hair and make-up. The bikini feels incredibly tiny. I actually feel sexy again.

Sound of a vehicle. Probably the taxi with all five of them inside. Horn sounds. Who do they think I am? The maid? No, I'm making an effort, remember!

'Sorry,' calls Graham as I open the front door. 'Have you any cash to pay the driver, Jill?'

'Sure, Graham, give us just one tick!'

There that sounded better didn't it? I ran [yes, ran] and came back with the dosh. I handed it to Graham.

'Use that, dad,' I said with a big smile. Dad! Really, perhaps that was over the top. I was going to seduce them all, then. It would be more fun than sulking anyway.

Adam came round the front end of the taxi, before the others were able to clamber out. Five people and the luggage in this small Honda Jazz had been a bit tricky, I gathered.

'You look amazing, Jill' Adam said.

'Thanks,' I said and kissed him briefly on the lips. He looked pleased and kept looking at me. Perhaps invisibility was my own fault.

John was helping his friend from the car. I was the last to realise exactly what sort of friend he had brought with him. I had only met John briefly before and didn't really know him either, but his friend was a beautiful Asian girl [from Singapore, I learnt later]. Small but with a lovely figure, I guessed, from what her tightly-fitting blouse and trousers revealed.

'Hi, Jill. Bet you don't really remember me, I'm John and this is Anna: Anna, Jill.'

I recall we shook hands, all three of us.

'You look fantastic, Jill,' said John.

Now I did feel better. Perhaps the applecart might lose the odd wheel yet. They began to lug cases to their room. Clearly they were sleeping together. I picked one up and carried it over for them.

Adam dug me in the ribs. 'Where did the real Jill come from?' he asked.

'Found her this morning,' I retorted.

Then softly: 'Sorry, Adam, I am trying.'

'I'm glad you put it on,' he said.

'How would you feel if I went topless later?' I asked.

'You know I'd love you to.'

'Just checking now that the others are here.'

He smiled and went back to get the last things from the taxi. The driver was clearly keen to be on his way. Fare's fair.


Heat of the day. Anna and John are relaxing by the pool. All six of us. Anna in one piece black. Looks fabulous. Low cut at the back. Jane sunning herself on her back topless. She got up to bring cold drinks round. Told me how nice I looked today. Breasts swinging in my face. I offered to help.

'Thanks, Jill. Could you refill the ice cube thing in the fridge? Otherwise I'm sure we'll run out now we are six.'

Now we are six! Sounds like a kids' book from school. But I jumped up and went inside, tossing my hair sexily at Graham and Adam who were both watching me. John too. The pale blue skimpy bikini was having the right effect on them too. I felt pleased to have cast off my black humor at last.

I went to our bedroom and unfastened the bikini top, throwing it on the bed. If Adam didn't mind then I certainly didn't. A more even tan, if I could achieve just a light tan without burning, would be nice to go back to work with.

I fixed the ice.

Strolled back to my towel and spread it on the concrete, not on the sun lounger. Lay down on my back.

'You need protection on there too, Jill,' called Jane.

'Right,' I answered. I understood why she had said 'too.' Adam was applying sun-block to his mother's back.

Hesitantly I called: 'Graham.' I waved a hand at him. He came straight across. Turned on my stomach. Was I too daring?

'I can do my own front,' I said with a grin.

Nice feel as his firm hands worked on me again. It was a massage as well, really. Down my back, between my shoulders. I wanted him to touch my bikini bottoms again; move them aside or something. I was actually excited. You know: turned on. A bit wet, I expect.

Graham shocked me: pulled my bikini bottoms right down off my ass. No fuss. I felt eyes watching. He did my cheeks and top of my legs but didn't push down too far. Dead erotic but not invasive. God, I wanted cock for the first time in weeks. He pulled them carefully back up and continued down my legs. Finished up with a gentle pat on my bum.

'You're done,' he said.

'Thanks, dad.' Wish I was done though. Adam watching through his dark sunglasses. Can't tell his reaction. Want him to touch me. Desperate. Anna has disappeared.

I doze, on my back again. On view and enjoying it.


Anna is walking slowly back to her lounger. Topless. Minimal string bikini bottom. Lovely firm breasts and no sign of a tan line. Used to it. She's just been weighing things up. Sensible girl. In control.

I sit up. 'Swim, Adam?'


We both dive in from opposite ends of the small villa pool. Meet in the middle. Adam grabs and pulls me to him. I feel down into his costume. He is rigid.

'Where've you been all this time?' he mutters in my ear as he holds me. He is standing on the pool bottom holding me suspended in the water, his hand supporting me there under my crutch.

'Fuck me afterwards,' I whisper in reply. 'I want you.' As I finish a huge splash to my left and then to the right. John and Anna swim around us. I feel a hand pull down on my bikini bottom and a hand grope inwards trying to touch my cunt lips. It's John. I push away and escape. Leaving myself naked in the water. My costume floats to the surface.

Adam goes after Anna who seems to put up little fight. He leaps on her and they struggle in play. Anna loses her costume. Unless she pushed it down herself. I suspect. We swim around: I go over to Adam and push his costume off. Anna finds it and throws it on to the poolside.

Eventually we all climb naked from the water. That seems to place a marker. Adam says he's off for a shower. I tag along with him. John and Anna put towels round their waist and carry on soaking up the sun.

We shower quickly and scamper to our room. Start to dry each other. At last I know what I want. Throw myself on the bed on my back.

'Come here.'

Adam crawls on to the bed, positioning himself over me. I spread my legs as he clutches my breasts and extends my rock nipples.

His cock is there, waiting. Now it is touching me, just showing it can. I push down with my hands and feet trying to raise myself in an inverted all-fours, pushing my crazy cunt to meet its pleasure. I push up to take him inside.

Adam responds to my move, which always delights him and slowly pushes his rod home. One long slow glide until I am fully taken. I am being shagged at last.

We build to a steady rhythm and as he nears his climax he lowers himself more completely onto me and pulls my breast as he rams more severely into my utter willingness.

'That's wonderful J,' he murmurs in his ecstasy. 'I'm going to fill you now.' Grunts, breathless pants. Spurting into me at last.

I come too: I could be anyone's slut at that moment. I'm thinking of Graham and John and of Adam himself. Watching him, maybe. Yes, definitely.

We rest a while. More affection than for ages. I feel better with myself. And nicer. We dress lightly but ready to go out to the restaurant on the little square. Where the stray cats roam and copulate noisily worshipping the setting sun. We head outside by the pool: no-one there. They must all be enjoying a siesta or whatever. Probably more likely the whatever.

Adam takes me in his arms again. We kiss.

'Did you like dad touching you?'

'Yes. Do you mind?'

'No. I touched mum.'

'Fine then.' Left it at that.


Supper was filling, with some good local wine to lubricate the conversation. Anna seemed at ease. I had undone a couple of buttons of my blouse as it was very warm that evening. Even outside on the terrace. Anna had been wearing a bra which showed through her shirt; now it had gone and the shapes of her breasts and the color of her areoles and flat nipples showed clearly through the sheer cotton. She's been to the ladies' room. Looking great. I knew my blouse would not show the same. I undid another button and looked at Adam. He squeezed my hand and smiled. Being a bit of a slut is more fun than being in spoilt brat mode.

'I think some of your software has been down recently, Jill,' Adam said to me quietly.

My hand roamed to him and I said: 'Your hardware seems all right now.'

'Yes,' he said. It's better when it's used regularly.' We giggled at our childish puns and he kissed me, pushing his tongue inside my mouth and squeezing a breast in front of the others.

Walked home in the moonlight. Cool breezes. A foursome went on ahead. Graham and I some way behind as he was insisting I have some of the change to compensate for what I shelled out for the taxi that morning.

'Don't be silly, dad: you're treating us to the holiday - so forget the taxi, please.'

'All right. one condition: call me Graham, not dad. Graham seems more equal, you know, more friendly like.'

Like getting rid of the age gap. No. I've stopped the bad thoughts.

I took his hand as we followed on up the slope.

'Jane and I might go naked some of the time tomorrow. How would you feel about that Jill?'

'No problem, Graham.' I told him I had spent some of the morning naked for the first time and how I'd enjoyed it. He didn't ask if I would go naked too but I felt I would.

There was something sexual in the air between us.

'I'd like to rub some cream on your front too sometime, Jill' he said, still holding my hand.

I avoided a direct answer.

'When do I get to return the compliment then?'

'Tomorrow. Then you can start wherever you like.'

We had caught the others up and dropped the conversation but we didn't hide the fact that we were holding hands. I noticed Adam look.

I'd tell him I'll do whatever he wants as long as he lets me swim free a little. I had a bit more to drink and then I dragged him off to bed. We fucked rough and quick and fell asleep in each other's arms, hazed by the alcohol.


Day 5

Lying there by the pool, soaking up the mid-morning sunshine, again. I'm happy. There. Said it. And I'm going to do things today I've never done. I'm not bored now. I've learnt you dispel your own boredom. You adjust your own invisibility. You make it what you can, what you want. Too much worrying about what someone'll fucking think about you. I'm me. Right? If you only get one shot at it, life, whatever, then you do it your way or fuck up.

Lecture over.

I'm topless as are all the women. In fact no-one's wearing much at all.

I'm watching. I don't think Graham told the others he plans to go naked with June today. I'm waiting. I want to see. I want to see what the others do. I'm going to strip with Graham and June if I spot them. I'm more alert than before. I crave it.

Graham comes over, bottle of sun-cream in hand. I'm on my stomach. He works on me again. I'm used to his strong hands now, like old friends. They pleasure me subtly. Working down my back. He pulls my bikini bottoms down again, right down. He removes them totally. I say nothing. I am naked. The first. Proud almost.

Firmly he works his fingers on my ass cheeks and pushes down into my crack a little. I turn my head to the other side to look towards Adam. He is creaming his mothers breasts as she lies on her back about ten feet away. She smiles at me. I can tell she is very aroused by her son. I bet she wants it.

It's hot now.

Graham is nearing my feet. I turn over. No words are spoken. He knew the signal and that I wouldn't have turned over otherwise.

He's doing my tits. He's rubbing the protection into my nipples and mounds. He's working lower over my tummy. I'm loving this. I grin at Adam but he's busy. Anna's eyes meet mine. She licks her lips. I think she's enjoying it too. Good. Fucking brilliant: I'm so wet and ready.

'Graham,' I moan almost. He pauses and looks. His hand is down by my pussy. I nod. A finger strokes me. Up and down. Up and down. I writhe a little in the bliss of arousal. I nod at him.

Graham pushes a finger up into me. In. And out and in again. I'm thinking: I can't help it, Graham, I can't stop it. In silence. I have come, gloriously.

I say: 'I'm sorry, Graham. I've come.'

He bends his face to mine and kisses me. 'It's all right, Jill. Now do what you want to me.'

Lies back on the hard concrete.

'Use my towel.'

I get up on all fours and move off my towel. Graham lies down on it. I tell him to lie on his stomach. Enjoy, girl.

Anna and Jane: watching. Adam has those dark glasses on again. I start on his shoulders, brown and muscular. I knead them like old dough. Pushing, shaping.

Working down, slowly, inexorably. Waistline. 'Could do to lose a bit there, Graham,' I tease. No, it's true, really. Pull his shorts off. Yes, completely. Throw them towards the doorway. Done. Naked. I work on his ass, daring to explore deeper. Carry on down. He's looking at Jane and Anna. They're all looking at my breasts and my ass as I display myself to them as I work round Graham's body. My client. Anna is touching herself, I think. Just stroking gently. You know where.

'Turn over.' Complies. His rod erect in the air. Silence. I straddle Graham and pour it on his chest. Rubbing, smoothing, Eyes glued to each other. Working down, slowly, inexorably. I reach it. I'm creaming his penis. Fingers enclosing, holding tight, movement up and down. Fast. His lovely knob. Graham smiling at me.

'I want you,' he says. Adam must hear that. 'I want to shag you, Jill.'

'If I'm allowed,' I reply, 'then yes.'

He comes. Gushes, spits like a hosepipe that's got air trapped. Little pumping fits of semen. Fall on his chest. I rub it in and then place my hands on the ground either side of his head. Hovering over his chest. I lower myself to his lips and kiss him, gently. Nipples brushing against him. Lower so we just push together, barely. I move away.

'There.' I get up and go to get a fruit juice from the tray by the doorway. I toss Graham's shorts inside. I notice that we are suddenly all naked. They had cast the last items whilst Graham and I played. I look at Anna first. I don't know why. She smiles and I see her little dark bush.

Rest. It's been almost too much. I didn't mean to shock but I was lit up at least. I swam free, Adam. I tried to think everything through, about Graham. You know, how I felt now. I had enjoyed myself immensely - and I was proud of what I had done.

I lay back and relaxed. Glancing round I saw Adam lying beside Jane. Adam got up, went inside. Came back with a jug of iced water. Brought me a glass.

'Good girl,' he said. 'You're allowed, by the way, but only while you're on holiday, mind.'

'You too, then,' I reply. We have an understanding then.

'Good.' Walks back to get two more glasses of iced water. One for himself and one for Jane.

Seems I must have nodded off for a while.

I wake to the sound of panting. I see Adam and Jane in the shade of the parasol. Adam is on top of her, almost, sucking on Jane's breasts. I see his erection between them. Jane's eyes show how excited she is. I see a slight shift of Adam's hips. A shift I recognize only too well. He is going to penetrate her, to fuck her. He wants her and she him. He pushes firmly down towards his mother's cunt. And in. He starts to take her. She groans her unremitting consent. Graham looks across to me. I smile and hopefully he can read my wishes too.

Next time I looked around Anna seemed to be waiting for me. She smiled and signaled with a brief nod of her head. I guessed I was to follow her.


Anna from the rear looked neat. Tight little ass and a lovely straight spine. She seemed so natural now she was naked. She led me to her bedroom. Anna and John's bedroom. I walk in. Tidy. Very tidy.

On the white bed. Can't take my eyes off it. A big, black, shiny dildo. Big? It's enormous.


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