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Going Out With Daddy Ch. 04


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But his daughter kept a tight grip on him, imperceptibly shifting back and forth at the base of his thick cock. Oh, Christ, what was he going to do?

"Don asked me to go get some stuff from Home Depot for him," Carol called down. She found it interesting that neither Tim nor Marie had turned to look at her. Could they be... No, they wouldn't be that bold, right?

"How long are you going to be," Marie called out. Tim noted the emphasis on the word long and grunted in surprise. This was insane! His cock refused to go down. He couldn't concentrate on it at all. If anything, it was getting harder, if possible. His hands aimlessly wandered around Marie's back.

"Probably about an hour or so. What are you guys going to do?"

"Hard to say," the girl replied, barely suppressing the mirth in her voice. This was too much fun, for sure. Her hand slipped up the length of her father's dick. There was some nice slippery pre-cum at the top, which she used to slither back down slickly. "We'll think of something, I'm sure."

Carol's quick eye caught the movement of her daughter's arm. Oh, my God! The minx! Right in front of her! This was too perfect. Tim still hadn't said anything. Probably petrified she was going to find out. Well, maybe she could torture him a little.

"Have you seen my sunglasses, Tim?"

"What? Uh, no. No, I haven't." Oh, please, God don't let them be down here.

"I think I left them by my chair over there. Do you see them?" The poor man looked frantically over by his wife's abandoned chair. There was her iced tea, and a book, but he didn't see the sunglasses. Oh God, if she came down, what would he do?

"Uh, I don't think so, Carol. Did you look inside?"

"Oh, for crying out loud, Tim. Do I have to do everything?" He heard take the first step down. He tensed, desperate. He could fling himself into the pool. It would look weird, but better that than her finding out.

Marie giggled to herself. Despite her father's obvious tension, his cock was still as hard as ever. She tickled lightly up and down the length of his shaft, then gripped him more tightly. With a twisting motion she stroked downward. He groaned softly.

"Oh, wait. Here they are! On the top of my head. What an idiot I am for not noticing before. I sometimes think I can't see things right in front of my eyes!" Her steps reversed and she started across the deck. "See you in an hour, guys!" She stopped just at the back door.

"And keep up the good work there, Tim. Make sure you cover everything, especially any area that's white. We don't want our sweet girl to get burned." Things were definitely going well. Now she had removed any worries about her interrupting them, she thought, as she got into her car and drove away.

"Fuck, Marie! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Well, Daddy, if you'd like simply answered the question, I wouldn't have had to undertake investigative measures." She still held him lightly.

"Still! To do that, with your mother right there!"

"You didn't do much to get away, I noticed," she said calmly, her hand squeezing and releasing him rhythmically.

"That's beside the point, Marie."

"Is it?" Her little hand started stroking him again. Oh, God, he was out of control. "Whatev, Daddy." He had to do something, move somehow, but the sight of his daughter's pretty hand moving on his deep red erection was entrancing. Finally, he broke away and moved down to the foot of the bed.

He was going to punish her for her inconceivably careless behavior. He was going to punish her by... Well, he didn't know exactly how, but it had to start down here at her feet. Getting fresh sunscreen on his hands, he went to work on her left foot, rubbing it in in smooth caresses up to her calf.

"Oooh, Daddy," she purred. "That's nice." From his position, she knew that he would have an outrageous view of her. She tried to imagine it: her long legs, smooth and tan, coming together at the base of her ass, where hardly anything covered her. She hoped she looked as luscious as she felt. It was the point, wasn't it? To make him see just how much of a woman she had become.

Tim's eyes were fixed on the junction of her legs. The way she was lying, with her legs together, he couldn't see much. But he had to. He moved up to her calf and subtly pulled it outward an inch, two inches. That wasn't really enough yet, at least not to see everything. The other leg would be next.

"This one time? I was with this guy, you know?" Her singsong voice caught him by surprise. What was she doing?

"Uh huh," he said, starting to work on her other foot.

"So I'm going down on him, right?" His breath caught in his throat. Jesus! Was she trying to give him a heart attack?

"Marie! I thought I said I didn't want to hear about this stuff!" She got up on one elbow to look over her shoulder at him. He could see the side of her right breast come away from the cushion and hang down in a sweet cone shape.

"No, wait, it's like totally relevant, okay?" She smiled sweetly at him, and then settled down. Deliberately, as she lay down, she let her legs fall apart a little. Had to reward him, at the very least, for putting up with her tease.

Tim could see the crease of her bikini bottom between her thighs, there, covering in its little pouch the hidden sex beneath. That little mound, the symbol of her womanhood, that he knew was completely bare. Oh, God, how smooth it must feel!

"So, anyway, he's in my mouth, and he's like grunting and panting the way guys do, you know? And I'm like a little bored, actually, 'cause it's taking so long for him to get off." Tim was enthralled by her story. God, she sounded so blasé about the whole thing. As if it happened all the time. She could have been telling him about going to the mall. He had progressed up her leg to the calf on this side. With a little pressure, this leg came out a couple of inches also.

There. In full daylight, the sun streaming over her ass and between her spread thighs, there was her sweet sex, encased in the white bikini bottom. The fabric was tight against her, so tight that it felt like every detail of her teenaged pussy was painted on. He could see the individual labia, the crease between, the little spread at the top. His tongue crept out to moisten his suddenly dry lips.

"So, I guess my concentration must have slipped or something, and I wasn't holding on to him in the way I usually do. And he has his hands on my head, not like controlling me or anything, but you know, guiding me. And we hear a sound at the door, and he jerks forward at the same time as I'm moving forward on him, you know?"

Tim looked down at himself, somehow surprised to see that his hard cock was still outside of his trunks. Oh, well. Nobody here anyway. With some luck, maybe he could move it against her a little. As he watched, a bead of pre-cum bubbled out, and dribbled off of the tip. Fascinated, he stared as it slowly dripped down in a long drawn-out string from the end of his cock. Finally, it made contact with the back of Marie's calf, and coalesced there into a perfect glistening drop. Fuck, that was so hot, he thought.

"So, next thing I know, Daddy, he's all the way inside of my mouth, all of him buried in my throat. Such a weird feeling, you know? I didn't even gag or anything. I must have like instinctively swallowed when he got close to the back of my mouth."

Holy crap. Tim returned his concentration to her story. Was she telling him that she had deep-throated some teenaged kid?

"And we both freeze, like we don't know what to do? He has his hands tight on the back of my head, and it feels so strange, I'm like crammed full of his cock, every bit of my mouth taken up with this big thing."

Tim's hands were now on the back of her thighs, just above her knees. To reach comfortably, he put one knee between her spread legs. He was in a haze of lust now. Everything was blocked out except the sound of her voice, the feel of her skin, the pulsing of his erection. How lewd was it, to be kneeling between his daughter's legs, his cock out, while she told him about blowing some guy?

"And that's when he came, you know? The first shot went like straight down! Daddy, can you believe it? He had the nerve to come like that! I had no choice but to swallow the stuff."

"Uh, I, uh, I thought you liked to swallow..." Had he just said that?

"No, silly, only yours! I'm no blow-job slut, you know. Going down on a guy is just a way to be close without going all the way, right?"

That was some twisted logic, Tim thought, but he was in no position to preach. His hands were working their way up. With little caresses and sweeps he moved from outside to inside her legs. He was so close, ever closer to that little patch of material. Now his thumbs were just inches away.

Marie felt how close he was as well. Her little body was hot as hell, sizzling under the combination of everything that had happened in the last twenty minutes. She was practically wiggling under his touch. He was so confident, so manly. So wonderful and cute!

"So he like pulls out quickly, and the other shots go where they're supposed to go. You know... On my face and chest rather than in my mouth. And he's like spluttering an apology. As if!"

"Uh huh, Marie. I'm beginning to wonder what the point of the story is." Although just hearing about his girl's face painted with come is a pretty darned good point, actually. His thumb brushed up against the edge of her bikini bottom, there between her legs. It felt wet there, he noted.

"Mmmmm... Yeah, I'm just about to get there, Daddy." He moved up a little higher between her legs. She felt his movement, and accommodated him by spreading her legs a little more. God, she was so opened in front of him. He marveled at the sight of her tight ass, and he was inspired to move up there.

"Plenty of white skin here, sweetie," he remarked huskily as his hands skipped up onto her butt. So hot, so firm!

"So. The point. The point is, Daddy, is that I could take that guy all the way in, don't you see? So if you would just tell me how big you are, I would know if I could do the same thing to you!"

Oh, God. That was too hot. He felt himself pulsing, and he closed his eyes, desperately trying to stave off the climax he felt building in his balls. He thought about his business, the books, the upcoming events he had to plan. The moment passed, and the urge subsided.

He opened his eyes again. Around the fingers of his left hand, there was a small pool of pearly pre-cum, running down the curves of his daughter's ass to collect at the small of her back. He quickly caught the sticky liquid with his fingers and began to massage it into her ass cheeks.

"Well?" So saucy. He stared at his hands as they pulled the teenager's cheeks to the side. With her legs spread and her cheeks pulled apart, he had a perfect view between them into the valley of her ass. It was an amazing sight, the paler skin that used to hide behind her modest bathing suits now exposed to the sun, the thin red string that ran right down the center, and there, in the deepest portion, the darker skin of her anus spread out on either side of the string, the crinkled flesh a deep pink color.

She knew what he was looking at, and it made her squirm. It was as if his eyes had fingers of their own; she could feel his gaze on that most private of places. God, if the string weren't there, he would even see the tiny hole at the center. She had never thought of her ass as being particularly sensitive, but at this point, with all of the mental and physical stimulation, every bit of her body felt like an erogenous zone.

It felt like he had dribbled more sunscreen on her, although she wasn't sure how he might have done that, as both of his hands were on her the whole time. Still, he was massaging the lotion deeper and deeper into her ass, his thumbs once again approaching her most private unseen areas.

"I'm... ooh... I'm waiting, D—daddy." Her voice was so sultry now, so full of longing. The invitation was there, and he wasn't going to refuse it. His thumbs passed over from pale to pink skin, pulling on the edges of her anus. She shuddered. So wrong...

"You're waiting, Princess?" He had regained confidence. This was okay. This was all right. "You want me to tell you how big I am?"

"No—I mean, yes... no... oh, God..." His cock was continuously dripping at this point, leaving the length of it slippery and wet. The tip of his thumb slipped under the tiny string and settled directly on her ass hole. He felt it twitching under the pad of his thumb. His sweet innocent daughter was lifting her hips at him, desperate to get the finger to move, to make it go somewhere, in, down, to increase stimulation.

"I'll be happy to show you how big I am," he whispered, pushing against that sweet little hole. The muscles resisted his pressure, and she moaned. With a smile, he let his thumb push off of that lovely spot and slip across the tiny space between ass hole and pussy to settle at the base of her womanhood.

"Mmmmm... Ohhhhh," she moaned. "Daddy, oh God, Daddyyyyy, pleeease..." He moved above her, one hand on the cushion by her side, the other remaining between her legs. Slowly lowering himself, he gently placed the tip of his straining member directly on the just vacated space. His thumb slipped inside her dripping pussy, surrounded by the slick flesh of his daughter. So hot...

"Let's see how long I am, Marie. Let's see how long it takes to get from the tip to the base, shall we?"

Marie was going wild. Was he really going to... to fuck her? Was he really going to push that huge thing into her tiny butt? She couldn't stay still. It was so hot, even more so because she couldn't see him. Her eyes stayed tightly shut. Even that thick thumb deep inside of her felt like heaven to the overheated girl. God, the head of him felt so thick, so hot, so... wide!

Pressure then, pushing, and she raised her hips against him. But he had other ideas, and the tip of his cock slipped off of her ass hole and into the crack of her valley. The shaft stayed in thrilling contact with her anus, every millimeter of contact a tingling explosion of pleasure.

"One inch," he whispered. The movement against her was agonizingly slow. The thumb inside of her didn't thrust, made no crude movements. And yet it was somehow slowly stimulating her in the most insane ways.

"Oooooohhhhh," she whined. She wriggled against him, her cheeks forming a sweet cleft for him to move through. The sunscreen and his pre-cum mixed together to create a delightful lubrication. It was as hot as he could have hoped for.

"Two inches." She could feel her excitement building up, a wave rising through her, a desire so intense, so vibrant, so... wrong. It was all the more exciting because it was wrong. How could she be this girl? Where did this come from?

"Three inches." He was in complete control. He knew to the second when his climax would come. He knew that she would come at the same time. It was like being the leader of a perfectly tuned orchestra. Everything worked together exactly.

The pressure against her anus was exquisite and constant, the drag of his skin over her tender bud like a soft tongue against her most guarded place. And his thumb felt like it was vibrating inside of her. She had a mini-orgasm, a shudder, just a preview of the huge wave that was mounting inside of her.

"Four inches." Her trembling added sensation to the delight of moving against her. His balls were between her thighs now, approaching the back of his hand. He couldn't imagine how it had come to this, only where it would go from here. Limitless possibilities...

"Five inches." His whispering voice was right behind her, right at her ear. His breath was hot and sweet. His hand against her pussy was pushing her deep into the cushion. Her clit felt the pressure and throbbed in pleasure.

"Six inches."

"Oh... Oh, fuck... oh, God..." She was moaning continuously. Somehow his hand twisted, and his thumb moved inside her, and now the web of his palm was directly against her clit.

Now his balls came to rest against her pussy, the heat and wetness like a balm to the cool breeze. He knew she was almost there. So was he.

"Seven inches, baby," he husked, and pushed hard against her clit, at the same time pressing the base of his cock directly on her anus.

"OHHHHHH!!" With a wrench, Marie spasmed beneath him, shuddering, trembling. At the same time, his own climax exploded, forcing his seed up his shaft with a force beyond belief. It spattered between their bodies wetly, splashing on her back nearly up to her neck in several jets.

He collapsed on top of her, his weight pushing the breath out of her for a second. His cock throbbed between them, her pussy clenched on his thumb. His breath was harsh on the back of her neck, and then, slowly, slowly, their heart rates came down.

He gently disengaged from her, his slowly wilting cock sucking away from her ass. He carefully pulled his thumb out from her and looked down on his sweaty, exhausted, sated daughter. The bottom was skewed, the string out of her ass, but the little pouch had fallen back into place over her sex. She still looked hot, the image of a satisfied woman.

"That's all there is, Princess." She moaned softly, still basking in the aftershock of her intense orgasm. "So?"

"Hmmm?" She wasn't sure what he was asking.

"So, do you know now? Whether you would be... uh, able to..."

"What?" She looked over at him dreamily, her eyes blinking in the dazzling sunlight. "Oh! Whether I could take all of you?" She smiled lazily, a wicked glint in her eye. "Oh, Daddy, I don't know. I have no idea how big that guy was!"

"Why, you—" He gaped at her, then laughed, turning away and rolling his eyes. "You little tease, you." But he was delighted, not upset. She giggled, then turned her head away again.

"Mmm, Daddy. I like the new lotion you used on me. Could you make sure it's all rubbed in? Especially the white areas..."

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josenussbaumjosenussbaumabout 1 year ago

This story is getting worse: daughter becoming a slut (she wasnt really in the first chapter), dad having no spine, and mom ever-manipulating. Add to that there there is actually nothing happening storywise...

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


The position had been awkward, and his pants were tight around him. These were the only reasons he hadn't exploded right at that very second into the depths of his girl's mouth.

"" many guys with such poor control! Lol.


And then she had sat up, a little dribble of glistening creamy white running down her chin. She smiled at him, her face red from the exertion, a little sweaty, her eyes moist. She deliberately ran a finger through the excess sperm on her face and held it up to examine it. Then she slowly sucked it off of her finger, her eyes never leaving his.


Full description of the scene, yay! Forgiven, hehe ;)


"Tim! Are you up yet?" His wife's steps on the stairs brought him to his senses. What the hell was going on around here? His hand flew off of his cock, and he turned on his side away from the door so that she wouldn't be able to see how hard he was.


Lol, pussy!! Its just your wife, not like your fucking mommy is catching you wanking off, rofl. Hell, she prolly would have came in and finished you off if you had acted like a grown man!


He was fully hard now, his trunks constraining him down the leg. But he didn't want to adjust it right now.


No, he wasnt fully hard, might have had some decent blood flow, but certainly not hard! If it had even tried to get really hard down his pants leg he would have been in major pain and stopped whatever he was doing to fix it and get it pointing up to relieve the pain! Lol.


"Aww, Daddy. Were you hoping that I was a virgin still? Pure and innocent and all that shit?" He gasped at her frankness, his hands frozen at the edges of her tits. "Well, Daddy dearest, I'm no virgin, but I'm no slut either, get it? I've only ever been with a couple of guys."


Well, yeah. I was hoping you were a virgin, pure and innocent and all that shit. Especially after last night when you went on about how giving blowjobs was the new way to avoid having sex. You're eighteen and you've already been with a couple of guys? Your mom can finish this up, I have some things to do in my office. (Exit, stage right.)


He relaxed at her tone of voice. He had been afraid he had offended her.


Wait, what? He was afraid *he* had offended *her*?? (Shaking head sadly...)


That she might see her daughter, with her hand where it don't ought to be?"


Hehehe, thats why I be likin' them thar english classes they give 'em yunguns! ;)


Tim groaned, his eyes closed. He couldn't move if his life depended on it. All of his senses were fixated on that light touch.


Dam son, its just her hand! No wonder you pop off like a fizzy drink at the drop of a hat! Lol! You should jack off more, build up a tolerance! Rofl ;)


He knew that the shock would allow him to go down when Marie let him go, so he thought he should be okay.


You're kidding, right? Does he have an emergency release valve on that thing or something?! Even with a scare it'd take me minutes, lol! (I remember when I was a teen and jacking off in the recliner in the living room, thinking the house was empty, when my mom walked in! Rofl;). He would be so busted!!


He was going to punish her for her inconceivably careless behavior. He was going to punish her by... Well, he didn't know exactly how, but it had to start down here at her feet. Getting fresh sunscreen on his hands, he went to work on her left foot, rubbing it in in smooth caresses up to her calf.


Spank her!! Spank her bare ass!! Grow some balls first, then spank her!! ;)


Tim's eyes were fixed on the junction of her legs. The way she was lying, with her legs together, he couldn't see much. But he had to. He moved up to her calf and subtly pulled it outward an inch, two inches. That wasn't really enough yet, at least not to see everything. The other leg would be next.


Spread 'em!! Just grab those ankles and spread those ankles wide, rip your shorts off, put your forearms down on her back and wrap your fingers around her slender neck thats letting air out of that potty mouth, and ram your slick, hard, long, thick cock balls deep up in that dripping wet tiny, slutty pussy!! If she tries to get up then help her, grab those perky titties, pinching her nipples hard between the knuckles on your first two fingers and pull her body up hard against you while you keep ramming deep into her, balls slapping hard against her swollen clit! ;)


So, anyway, he's in my mouth, and he's like grunting and panting the way guys do, you know? And I'm like a little bored, actually, 'cause it's taking so long for him to get off." Tim was enthralled by her story. God, she sounded so blasé about the whole thing. As if it happened all the time. She could have been telling him about going to the mall.


...well she certainly SOUNDS like a slut!! If it walks like a duck.... ;)


"Uh, I, uh, I thought you liked to swallow..." Had he just said that?

"No, silly, only yours! I'm no blow-job slut, you know. Going down on a guy is just a way to be close without going all the way, right?"


....wait, so you're a slut if you swallow? Rofl ;). If the girl doesn't swallow, I'm out of there! Thats about as bad stopping stroking just as you start your orgasm, lol.


Oh, God. That was too hot. He felt himself pulsing, and he closed his eyes, desperately trying to stave off the climax he felt building in his balls.


You're gonna cum just from her talking to you?! pathetic... (Facepalm)


"One inch," he whispered. The movement against her was agonizingly slow. The thumb inside of her didn't thrust, made no crude movements. And yet it was somehow slowly stimulating her in the most insane ways.


Awwwwww!! Come on you ass tease! Just stick it in there and FUCK her!! Either hole!!

...well that was a pretty good and fun, cock tease of a chapter. I think I'll stop for the night and go wake my wife up and fuck her now, thank-you! :)

sexydad50sexydad50about 9 years ago
Very very hot!

Great writing! Very hot. Columfa is a very very accomplished writer with very hot stories. One of my favorites.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

This reminded me of the time my Uncle Keith was over and I asked him to rub sunscreen on my back. He ended up bringing me to two great orgasms as he fingered me. The rest of the family had no idea.

sexydad50sexydad50over 12 years ago
Reread this series

Great writing very hot and sensual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

After this read i am sooo wet! I cant even think striaght! I love the 'one inch two inch ect.' its soo hot.

sexydad50sexydad50about 14 years ago

Has to be hottest thing I have ever read on this site. The slow lead up to the incredible passion just increases the tension! SO delicious! Wish there were more chapters available. Such a good author!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Great Story

This is one of the best stories that I have read on Literotica. I look forward to reading lots more about Tim, Marie, and Carol. Keep up the good work and drive "Daddy" nuts!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Keep Don out of it

End this with a 3some between carol, Tim, and Marie. Before the climactic threesome, have lots of episodes of public sex between Tim and Marie. Again, keep Don out of it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
this is a great story

keep up the good work,write more of this story,its great

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

One of the best stories I've read. I find myself looking for more every day. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Was that the door bell ? I'm CUMING

I'm not guessing at anything , I enjoy the suspense . Nice story .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Love where this is going, keep writing!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichalmost 15 years ago
What is Carol up to?

What is Carol up to? Is she trying to get Tim hooked up with Marie,for some reason not yet explained?If she gets her husband and daughter hooked up,could she get her son Don into the sack? Very interesting,what a wicked web that Carol might weave. I'm just trying to look ahead of your sinister plot,it makes for good reading.Thanks for the good post......Rich

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

One of the hottest series i've read on here. Don't go getting crazy with the continuation of this. Keep it real and full of tease.

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