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Tendrils of Corruption

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A high elf arrives in the Rift is corrupted by the Void.
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Aunaría Brightohoenix stepped gingerly across the lifeless rock that was the Telogrus Rift. It seemed to be drifting through the nether, reminding the high elf of her time spent in the Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley of Outland. The chaotic, fel energies of the nether there roared across the zones and threatened those who resided there with constant destruction; in the rift, however, the inescapable darkness seemed to reach for you in an unending hunger. The deep twilight skyline was filled with what appeared to be dark, shifting tendrils that fluttered about haphazardly, sporting erratic and jerky movements.

Aunaría had to fight to keep her wits about her. Despite her best efforts, she found her skin crawling with dread. She didn't know where to look to escape the growing despair. Thoughts began filling her head, and the monk had to use all her training to maintain her inner balance. It was the only thing she could do to keep from losing herself. She reminded herself that she had to stay focused. With a deep breath, Aunaría forced the encroaching whispers from her mind and continued her searching.

She had entered the rift mere moments ago against her own better judgment in pursuit of her long lost brother, Ezekiel. She had lost him shortly after the Third War. Their foolish prince, Kael'thas Sunstrider, had lead most of her surviving people down a dark that Aunaría could not willingly follow. She had made the difficult choice then of exile; a choice her younger brother did not have the strength to bear. While she made the treacherous trip from Quel'thalas to Theramore Isle, her brother swore allegiance to her traitorous prince and remained in Quel'thalas to aid in the rebuilding. She had not seen him for years since then, but he was never out of her thoughts.

Then the news of the rebellious void elves reached Stormwind and eventually to Aunaría herself. Among those few named was her dearest brother, Ezekiel! Without hesitation, Aunaría booked her long awaited pilgrimage to her ancient homeland. It was a treacherous trek, but she had succeeded. Through the days of travel and rumor tracking, she had found her way to the portal and then inside the Telogrus Rift.

"Still haven't decided if that's a good thing or not," the elven monk thought to herself. She had not yet found any of the rumored void elves, but she had also only been in the rift for mere moments. Aunaría realized the futility of standing around and picked a direction and started walking, scanning the area around her as she went. She could find no trace of any elves as she continued on.

Only the tendrils. They kept shimmering in and out of reality. At times they seemed to not even witness the monk, while at other times they seemed to be darting straight towards her with murderous intent. The tendrils never struck her though, as they would veer off after having been noticed by the high elf. Aunaría found them strange and unnerving; she worked to make sure none ever snuck up on her and caught her off guard.

What was even more unnerving than the tendrils of shadow were the whispers. They too, came and went without consistence as they invaded the high elf's mind.

You will die here.

You belong to us.

We will have our way with you soon.

There is no escape.

Aunaría shook her head violently, driving the thoughts from her. They were dark and sickening, and she had no place for them among her thoughts. They went as fast as they came, but they still unnerved the monk greatly. It took all her concentration to keep her chakras balanced and her Chi flowing.

After what felt like an hour of searching, Aunaría's mental fortitude was fading; she reasoned that she had to meditate. She found a clear patch of ground, sat down crosslegged, closed her eyes, and began to reach within herself to find answers about her missing brother. But, as she meditated, shadows about her began to grow. Unbeknownst to the monk, the tendrils she had bore witness to began to solidify in mass around her, no longer things of shifting cosmic energy.

YOU WILL BE OURS! The scream erupted between the high elf's ears and shattered her concentration. Her eyes snapped open just in time to see a shadowy tentacle shoot out towards the monk. Years of training had made Aunaría extremely agile; she quickly rolled out of the way of the tendril and jumped to her feet. The tendril refused to give up. It readjusted it's trajectory and dived in the direction of the monk once again. In what seemed like a blur, the monk sliced down at the oncoming tendril with the tips of her fingers and slashed through the living darkness. A scream of pain filled her mind with such ferocity that it forced the elf to her knees, momentarily stunned by the outburst. The tendril had shrunk back because of the attack, but unfortunately it was not the only tentacle that had manifested.

Attempting to regain her compuse, Aunaría began to rise once again to her feet, banging on her head lightly as she rose in an attempt to drive out the voices. Still slowed by the mental assault, another tendril shot in, this one finding its mark. The tendril snaked in around Aunaría's left arm and tightened fiercely around her wrist! The high elf yanked against the tendril, but it held firmly. The monk desperately reached for the sword hung at her back with her right hand, but as if anticipating this, another tentacle wrapped itself around her free hand, holding her tight.

"What in the-" the monk began, but found her tongue swallowed as she was hoisted into the air with quick motions. She was now about two feet off the ground, dangling from her wrists. The monk kicked violently with her legs. It was in vain. She lacked the range and momentum to strike out against her bonds. Two more tendrils seemed to appear out of the gathering darkness surrounding the entangled monk; these both found their ways to her. The two each took a leg, and then forced them apart.

Aunaría saw her options dwindling by the second and began to panic despite her best efforts to remain calm. Both her arms were held by a tendril, each holding them above her head in a Y formation. Her legs were held by the two other tendrils, one wrapped around her right thigh, the other holding her a few inches above the ankle. The monk struggled desperately against her living bonds, but only caused the tentacles to tighten their grip on her further.

Still fighting to break free, even more tendrils seemed to materialize before the monk. These came at her slowly, as if thriving off the girl's distress.

"Somebody help me!" Aunaría shouted as she continued to fight against her bonds. Desperation dripped from her words. As if spurred on by her cry, the incoming tentacles shot forward at a rapid pace. These began pulling at her clothing. Two of the shadow tentacles slithered down her tunic; the tendrils drained the warmth from the elf and she jerked away. The tentacles held firm and began tearing at her leather top. The sound of stitching ripping filled the area and soon her tunic fell to the floor. Aunaría's eyes widened with shock as the tentacles began caressing her breasts. If the monk didn't know better, she would think the tendrils were even teasing her nipples!

The monk struggled as the tentacles continued toying with her breasts and nipples, and even let out a brief sequence of moans. Aunaría knew she shouldn't be enjoying this, but the whispers in her mind had gotten so commanding and overwhelming that she was losing herself.

Enjoy being ours.

Let us love you.

Let us devour your love.

She found herself unable - or maybe unwilling - to fight. More tendrils found their way to the quivering high elf; these began destroying the monk's pants just as the others had done to her tunic. Aunaría, lost on her thoughts and the sensations of coming from her breasts, only offered a weak "no" as defiance against this new attack. Her pants and even boots soon found themselves ripped and discarded, scattered about the floor. The tentacles holding her in place shifted her slightly, making it seem as if she was now laying on her back. The two tendrils toying with the petite elf's breasts continued to do so, however they had gotten rougher and began squeezing them with more force. The tips of the tendrils began wrapping themselves around her nipples and tugging on them harder, forcing the breath from the high elf. Moans of pleasure escaped the monk's mouth as ecstasy overrode her feelings of fear.

All that remained of the elf's clothing was a thong that only covered the essentials. This simply would not do for the shadow tentacles, however. Two tentacles came together before the elf's nether region, and slipped under the thin blue fabric of the elf's panties. The elf opened her mouth wide as a groan of pleasure spilled from her lips. One tentacle began straddling her lips as the other twisted around her clit, teasing her vigorously.

Aunaría went rigid with anticipation as the two tentacles slipped away briefly to rip off her final piece of clothing. The thing snapped on one end and hung loosely from her right leg. One tentacle continued to play with the elf's clit- at this point, Aunaría was dripping wet. Pussy juice even began to slowly drip down her thighs.

"Please take me. Make me yours!" The elven monk begged to the voices in her head. The shadow tendrils obliged her. As the other tendrils continued to wrap around the elf's body, one slowly slid into the her wet pussy.

"By the Light, yes! Please fuck me..." the words trailed off as the tentacle began to explore the dripping chasm. It started to go deeper into her, then pulled out. At this point, Aunaría was on the edge of orgasming. The tentacle continued to push in deeper and deeper, then would pullout and repeat the process over and over, always going deeper. Another tendril began rimming the girl's asshole. Aunaría suddenly felt some kind of warm liquid leak into her ass, but before she could question it, the next tentacle had plunged into her second hole. It thrust and retreated in a frequency separate to that of the tendril in her pussy. As one thrust into her, the other pulled out. The cycle continued on as each tentacle went deeper inside her still. Eventually, the elf noticed a bump forming in her tummy with each thrust of the tentacle in her pussy. By the light, it had gone deeper than anyone else had ever gone inside her before.

Aunaría let out a continuous scream, one of both pain and pleasure. The tentacles in her pussy and ass had gone deeper than she had felt was possible. Her body quivered with each thrust, and as she screamed yet another tendril found its way into her throat. She could not believe it. In a matter of minutes, she had all three of her holes filled to the bursting point. The tentacles forced their way inside her as she shook with growing pleasure. The high elf found her pussy stretched beyond natural limits as one, and then two more tentacles dug their way inside her pussy! She wanted to scream in agony, wanted to say it was too much for her, but once again she couldn't find the desire to. Her ass stretched to the point of nearly tearing as two thick tentacles pounded away inside it. She had six tentacles inside her now, two squeezing her breasts to the point of them being numb, and one tentacle playing with her clit. It was all too much for her as she squirmed against the impossible odds. Minutes passed as the tentacles continued to have their way with her. The tentacles all seemed to speed up rapidly thrusting even faster and deeper inside the high elf. Aunaría felt the tendrils twitch and pulsate within her.

Then it happened.

You are ours now, void elf.

Warm, sticky, purple liquid spilled out from the tentacles. The purple liquid exploded within her throat, pussy, and asshole. The tendrils released what felt like gallons of the purple cum and it filled Aunaría's asshole and uterus before they slowly pulled out of her. When they finally came out, sticky purple semen leaked out of the monk's asshole and pussy. As this happened, Aunaría finally lost all control of herself, and her body shook and convulsed as she finally orgasmed along with the tentacles. Her whole body twitches. Cum dripped off of her and out of her. Exhausted, the monk passed out. The tentacles gently guided her down to the rocky surface beneath her.

When she awoke, Aunaría was incredibly weak and sore all over her body. As she picked herself up, she noticed something was different about her. Her pinkish skin was now a light purple, her bright blonde hair was now a dark violet. She felt tentacles that seemed all too familiar attached to her scalp and hidden under her hair.

Welcome to our family, void elf. You belong to us, Aunaría Darkphoenix!

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SummerLockdownSummerLockdownalmost 3 years agoAuthor

I don’t know how to directly reply to someone else’s comment, so I’m doing it here! Just wanted to say thanks for the kind words, yours was the first comment I’ve received so far! I’m really glad you liked it! To be honest, I was a little embarrassed at first submitting this story, but so far it’s blown up the most. It’s gotten over a thousand views so far, and sitting at a pretty good rating as of now. I couldn’t be more proud of it :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved this story! I'm a big Dungeons and Dragons fan. This story was everything I was hoping for

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