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Ahegao Mom: Tentacled Alien breeder

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Son watches his posh mother becoming an alien breeder.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Ever since my dad passed away leaving us with a vast fortune, all my mother has been focused on is splurging the wealth on herself. She lived without a care in the world and rarely ever enquired about how I was doing.

Sure, she did buy a massive penthouse for both of us, paid for my education, gave me hefty pocket money every month, but she never had time for me and barely even interacted with me. It is as if she lived in her own personal high society bubble.

She is a socialite and these days she calls herself one of those 'influencers' on social media. Endorsing various brands on her profile, attending posh parties, hanging out with other celebrities are a part and parcel of her life. I still remember her gushing over the phone to her best friend about meeting with the Kardashians the other night or how Paris Hilton had complimented her.

Mrs. Sarah Stone, my 48 years old mother, did not look her age at all. Regular visits to the gym, practising pilates, and yoga have kept her figure well toned and tight even at this age. She looked almost half her age.

She is a living testament to the saying, 'You are not ugly. You are just poor.'

Even though she never had any implants, her 33 figure was solely due to her healthy diet and regular workouts. She did have a few minor procedures though, a botox here, a tummy tuck there, some facial contouring as well.

Her perky tits were not big enough, but modest in size. A decent 33B. Her butt was not huge either but almost the same size as her boobs. Overall, with her slim waist, she looked nothing less than a model in her prime.

Her blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and her perfect pouty lips thanks to the small visit to her plastic surgeon gave her the perfect photogenic face.

As for me, I, unfortunately, inherited my father's look, which was average to say the most. Mom really never introduced me to any of her social gatherings. Even when she had parties at our house, she would send me away to stay with my friends. She never posted even a single picture of us together on any of her social media handles. It was as if the world did not even know of my existence.

I am 19 now and have just joined college. Nobody would even believe me if I told them that my mother is Mrs. Stone, the famous influencer with over 800k following on social media.

I was actually homeschooled since childhood with various teachers, consequently never had much of any friends, let alone a girlfriend.

But what I soon realized was that secretly I was a voyeur and a pervert. Having a hot and rich mom gave me the perfect opportunity to hone my perversion.

Even though she did not care about me or acknowledge me, I followed her every move.

I would explore all her stuff in her room when she would leave the house. I would follow her every post on social media and read every comment. I especially liked the ones where they would insult or humiliate her.

She would often make posts about partying at a club, maybe wearing an extremely pricey little black dress or carrying a shiny designer bag. And the comments would pour in, most of them would be really mean. Some would call her degrading things, while some would ask her to get naked on the internet, while some would ask her to open an online paid adult account by her name.

But mom behaved she was way above that. She did not expose herself unnecessarily. The maximum exposed photos I have of her are the bikini pictures that she had posted while on a vacation in Costa Rica, where of course, she did not take me. She was wearing a purple bikini, flaunting her tanned perfect body in her signature diamond-studded huge sunglasses.

She would stay in our house for very little time, spending most of the nights at places she would never tell me about. But whenever she was at home, I would secretly spy on her. When she would return home late at night, quite tipsy after drinking at a high-class party, her short tight dress almost threatening to expose her nipples, I would sit in the shadow above the staircase and watch her secretly.

She seemed to have quite an active sex life as well. I rubbed my dick as I watched her bring a different man every other night to our house and literally drag him to her bedroom and shut the door. I would tiptoe downstairs and place my ears on the door, hoping to hear her talk dirty. But all I would get are muffled noises and intermittent screams of pleasure from behind the door.

When she would leave in the morning and after the maid has cleaned her room, I would venture inside it. I would lay on her bed, the very bed where she got fucked last night, and would take out my small dick. I enjoy rubbing it against her bed imagining her naked and getting rammed in different positions. While rubbing myself off, I would open her social media account and watch her recent pictures, where either she would be modeling in different sets of clothes for a brand or endorsing a product in a very sophisticated manner.

With her perk uptight posture, fluent confident English, a well-maintained MILF like figure and model like face, she can sell off literally anything. And the brands love that.

She would lock her cupboards so I couldn't get any access to any of her clothing or her stockings or her immense collection of lingerie and shoes.

So I will just end up ejaculating on her bed and rub my cum all over it.

But all of this changed one day.

Out of the many reasons I remember it for, one of them being that it was one of those nights during which mom decided to stay at home alone by herself. She had asked me not to disturb her in any manner and to stay in my room no matter what. Being the meek kind of boy I am, I agreed without arguing.

It was around 1:00 am in the night when I heard some rattling sounds downstairs. I woke up to find our front lawn being extra-ordinarily illuminated by some light source. Just like the ones you find on a huge football field. You can barely look at the lawn without squinting your eyes.

My curiosity got the better of me and I decided to sneak out of my room. I slowly opened the door and carefully looked down the staircase.

3-4 armed guards were rummaging through the things in our drawing-room. All of them were heavily armed and had night vision goggles on. I ever so slowly moved downstairs and somehow managed to get in front of my mom's room to warn her, but it was locked from the inside as usual. Consequently, I could not even call her as it will attract the attention of those armed men.

But as fate would have it, I was soon spotted by one of them and before I could even react he seemed to fire something like a dart at my neck.

Vision blurred and knees weakened, I dropped down limply on the floor and the whole world went dark.

I was awoken by the crackling noises coming from a communication speaker. I felt so groggy waking up. My head swam and throbbed like anything. What the hell did they shoot me with anyway? Very slowly I tried to get up and take note of my surroundings.

I found myself in the middle of a large room. The walls and floor were painted fully white. Big blinding white lights hung from the ceiling and gave the room a laboratory vibe. On one side of the room, in place of a wall was a huge mirror which I would later come to know was a one-way looking glass, meaning that you can see what is happening on only one side of the room and not the other way round.

The room smelled like it had been freshly sanitized. The smell of refined alcohol almost made me nauseous.

There was a single door just beside the mirror-like wall above which was the speaker which continued to produce static noises.

But I was not the only person in the room. In the center of the room was a solitary rectangular mobile bed, to which my mother was tightly strapped. 1 strap ran tightly across her legs and another ran straight across her arms and torso, effectively pinning her in position. A 3rd strap covered her mouth which prevented her from speaking.

She was wearing an uber-expensive shimmering red dress. It was very tight and almost clung to her body. It ended just a few inches below her waist, so in her restrained position, I was able to get a pretty good view of the black satin lingerie underneath her dress. The strap above her torso pressed her down with such force that you can see her milky white cleavage peeping out from above her shiny red dress.

The rest of her long legs, which she spent hours working in the gym, and her well-pedicured feet, behind which she spent almost a few hundred bucks per week were covered with long nylon black stockings. Her long-heeled red shoes lay down below.

I saw her looking at me and violently trying to break free from her bonds. She motioned me to come close to her and to free her restraints.

Just as I got up and started moving towards her, the speaker came to life.

An old and frail male voice started speaking. 'Stay right where you are little boy and don't you dare move another muscle.'

I stopped dead in my tracks and both me and my mother stared at the speaker.

It continued, 'Apologies, I did not introduce myself. I am Dr Richmond, the lead scientist in my team. Welcome Mrs. Stone, you are one of the few lucky women who have been chosen specially for our little experiment. As for your son, bringing him wasn't part of the plan but he just got into our way.'

I thought to myself, 'Wow, just great! So I am unwanted here as well.'

'Let me be very clear about the objective and purpose of our experiment right away.'

I and mom looked at each other and the speaker in bewilderment.

Dr Richmond continued in his same monotonous voice, 'You might not be aware of, but currently, you are being held in Area 51. The laws of the state and the country do not hold within the perimeters of this wall. Years ago we chanced upon an alien ship when it accidentally went off its course and crashed, right here in our country. Most of the dwellers of the ship were dead but we did manage to get 3-4 specimens out of there alive. Since then our team has been continuing various experiments on them and by this point in time, we do know a lot about them. Except for, how they reproduce.'

A chill ran down my spine. Images from the 'Alien' movie flashed through my mind. How the alien offsprings of the face-huggers broke open the rib cage of its host and emerged out. It was all pretty gruesome.

'For that, we needed subjects. Unfortunately, all the recovered aliens were males and thus we have no way of knowing for sure how they mate with each other. So, we had to try that with the females of our human species. But as we soon found out, they refused to mate with just about any female of our species. They have special requirements, which we still now haven't figured out. So we offer them a new human female every night, whom we choose accordingly taking into account certain patterns, and see how they respond. So far, the result has been less than satisfactory. Let's see how tonight turns out to be.'

I broke into a literal cold sweat. My stomach was in knots. Is he serious? Is this part of some elaborate practical joke?

I could sense the fear emanating from mom. Her eyes were wide with horror. Beads of sweat trickled down her cheeks and disappeared into her tight cleavage.

Finally, Dr Richmond said, 'Just a small warning, please do not try to resist Mrs Stone. They prefer it a lot more when the subject is perfectly still.'

'Commencing Experiment Number 674. Release the Krakens.' bellowed the mad doctor's voice.

The gates opened with a large crashing sound. The doorway got filled with smoke and for a few moments, I could not even see properly what was happening there.

A few moments later, 2 of the most unearthly creatures marched in.

They looked exactly like half-octopus and half-human. Each one of them was 7-8 feet tall, pitch-black in colour. They had a large globular jelly-like head that bobbed as they moved. There were a pair of green eyes right in the middle of their giant blackheads. Below the head, in place of the rest of the body, they had numerous tentacles. The tentacles varied in size and shape. Some of the giant ones supported the entire weight of their body. The other tentacles worked as organs of locomotion.

The tentacles secreted a greenish-white slimy goo which helped them glide along the floor with ease. As they slowly lumbered towards us, they left a trail of slime on the floor.

As they came close to me, I crouched on the floor and completely covered my face with my hands. I was about to beg them to spare me when I noticed they simply went past me, totally ignoring my presence.

Dr Richmond's voice crackled over the speaker, 'This is interesting. The aliens deem the boy to be of no threat at all and thus have completely chosen to overlook his presence.'

The aliens seemed to be moving over to the main attraction at the center of the room. Mom was too stunned to even make a single noise. She kept looking here and there and towards me. Her eyes pleading me to help her.

Once the aliens encircled her bed, they started to probe her body with their tentacles from above her clothes. Gagged by the strap, mom's body swayed side to side as the ticklish sensation overpowered her. After some time, they stopped what they were doing.

'They seem to like this offering. Unbound her.'

With the doctor's new orders, mom's restraints fell apart. Her legs and body became free, the gag from her mouth loosened as well. She hurriedly took it off in one frantic pull.

She faced the glassed wall and shouted out, 'Do you even know whom you are messing with, you pieces of shit? One word of this from me and I will shut down your entire operation. I know you can see and hear me from the other end. So I am saying this out clearly once and for all, let me go or else there will be consequences.'

Silence for some time. Then the room got filled with the laughter of the demented Dr. Richmond.

Mom fumed and shouted, 'I can give you money. How much money do you need? I can give you all the pleasures in the world. Anything you want. Let me go. Just let me go. I have very high connections with some extremely powerful men and can get you whatever you need.'

Finally, Dr Richmond spoke, 'This isn't one of your high-class parties Mrs Stone. Here you cannot seduce rich men and dig gold out of their pockets. Here your money will buy you nothing. Here you are just another subject in our scientific experiment. And the more you co-operate the easier will it be for you.'

Finally, mom realized the futility of her argument and bolted for the door. This was when all hell broke loose.

As she ran, she slipped on the greenish-white slime and fell headfirst on the floor. Almost instantly the 2 creatures extended their tentacles and wrapped her perfect stocking-covered feet. They pulled her towards them and slammed her against the bed.

2 tentacles literally ripped apart her expensive shiny dress. It now lay in tatters all across the room. Another set of tentacles grasped her arms and abducted them, while another set forcefully stretched her legs wide open.

Mom now lay on the bed spread-eagle style, wearing nothing but her black designer lingerie and black nylon stockings. The lingerie itself cost a fortune, I realized.

The tentacles were quick in their work. They tore open her underwear in one sudden swift motion and exposed her quintessential athletic body. She was left with only a pair of stockings now.

This was the first time I was seeing her naked. She had been doing some real work on her body for it to be so toned. I noticed she had an innie pussy where her pussy lips were puckered inside her vagina and the clit was extremely small. Her tits were also average-sized, but very uptight.

She started to shout, 'You filthy aliens. Just let me go, you pieces of vermin. Eww... stop touching me. Just leave me alone. Don't you dare touch me.'

But all her words were in vain. Fresh tentacles emanated from the body of the black aliens and started to vigorously rub against her naked body. They exuded the same greenish-white slime and very soon my mom's body was slathered in the goo.

She vigorously shook her body and tried to break free. With each struggle, the vice-like grip of the tentacles tightened. The coils grew in number around her stocking-covered legs and her arms.

She started screaming frantically when another single tentacle wrapped itself around her neck. The louder she screamed, the more pressure it exerted on her windpipe.

Struggling to breathe, she managed to mutter, 'How dare y---'

She never finished her sentence. A single small tentacle wound its way through her nostril, curving down all the way and came out through her mouth. Her eyes and nose began to water profusely. Her eyes rolled at the back of her head. Her tears and saliva mixed with the slimy goo and covered her pretty face.

All her make-up, including her red lipstick and dark eye-shadow, splattered across her face.

Suddenly a massive tentacle, the size of a human fist, forced its way into her mouth. Her mouth opened up like never before. Her eyes rolled further back into her head. She was literally gagging and choking on this sheer massive tentacle that went deep down her throat.

I could see the pulsations on this particular tentacle. Like it was pushing something down through it. It rhythmically began to shift in and out of her mouth. As if it was rubbing itself along her entire upper food pipe. Her mouth yanked open farther, and she started making gurgling noises.


Green and white slime oozed from deep within her mouth and nostrils. Till this point of time, her body was quivering and writhing and resisting as best as it could. Every muscle in her body was as tense as possible and every cell of her organism resented this. But as the tentacle pumped more and more slime, her body seemed to surrender, It slowly went limp. Her muscles relaxed.

Gradually the tentacle pulled out from inside her mouth. She literally had the slime guzzling out of her mouth. It was so copious in amount that her whole bed was flooded with the slime-mixed saliva coming out of her mouth. Her eyeballs were still rolled backward, eyelids partially closed. Her body stayed still.

Dr. Richmond's voice spoke over the speaker, 'I did warn your mom not to resist, didn't I? Had she listened to me, this would not have been the outcome. But now her fate is sealed. We must wait for her transformation now.'

Transformation? What was he talking about?

I looked in a questioning-sort-of-manner towards the glass wall.

Dr. Richmond seemed to confirm my worst fears, 'It seems that the aliens did not like your mother in her current form. Maybe they felt that she was not fit for breeding their offspring with her current physique. Also, her resistance must have angered them and thus they decided to make her more submissive. Therefore they have decided to transform her into the perfect breeding tool.'

'Look at her. Look at your mother. See how she is changing. Magnificent, isn't it?' laughed Dr. Richmond.

I turned my head and what I saw gave me a raging hard-on.

There, sitting on the bed, was a totally transformed woman.

She had the same face as my mother, but everything else was pretty different.

First of all, her boobs have become massive. They had grown severely out of proportions for her body. They were almost 3 times their previous size. They had become immensely heavy and voluptuous. They looked extremely engorged.

Her pink areolae had also massively increased in size and become darker like they do in pregnant lactating females.

Her nipples had become extremely thick and erect, almost the size of a thumb. And from them, a continuous stream of warm milk was being ejected from her nipples. The stream dripped down and fell on her thighs.


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