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Hypno-Submission Pt. 06

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Hypnotist deepens his control over his two conquests.
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Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/08/2020
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Part 6: Brenda

Brenda shot a few "Good girl's at Katie during the day, but just enough to annoy her without getting her angry. Cynthia looked a little worse. She obviously wasn't sleeping enough.

I wonder what Master is doing to her?

She knew not to ask him though. Her day proceeded uneventfully, although she found herself assessing the various girls she saw.

She'd be a nice choice for Master. Not her though. Mmmmm, that one is sexy.

By the end of the day, when she had not heard from her master, she began to worry that he had forgotten her while playing with Katie.

Her heart soared when her phone buzzed. She read the directions to his place, grabbed her keys, and rushed out the door.

When she walked into her master's home, she saw Katie with her hands out to her sides as her Master walked her into the room. Katie's whole body turned red, as she recognized her friend.


"Hey, sis!" Brenda greeted.

"Sis?" asked Katie.

"We're sister slaves now!" Brenda exclaimed. "I've been waiting for you to become Master's. I submitted right away. We are going to have so much fun together."

She glanced down at Katie's crotch.

Hmmm, landing strip, not shaved like me.

"Together?" Katie asked, her eyes looking over to Boratus.

Brenda started to explore Katie's body with her hands. "Mmmmm, yes, serving Master, playing with each other. Gotta admit, I've wondered what it would be like to fuck you for a while."

Brenda could see Katie struggling to will her body to move.

"But I'm not into girls," Katie said.

"Not yet," Brenda replied, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "What do you think tonight is all about?"

"But ... I ... no ..."

"What is your purpose?" Brenda asked.

"To obey and please my Master," Katie replied automatically.

"Exactly," said Brenda. "So if Master wants you to like girls?"

"Then I must ... no ... I don't ... but I meant ..."

Good. Not as much Master's slave as me. I need to be his favourite.

She turned to Boratus. "Looks like she still needs some work, Master."

Boratus, who had been quietly watching the interaction, nodded. "Looks like. She's still partly in fantasy. She believes at one level that she's mine completely, but at deeper levels she's still not there."

"But I am yours Master, mind, body, and soul," Katie argued.

"Would you fuck a random guy I brought in here?" Master asked.

"I ... uh ... would you really do that?" Katie asked.

"Would you wander down the neighbourhood naked for me?" he asked.

"Master, I suppose, but..."

"Would you fuck me in front of your mother, telling her you belong to me completely?"

"Master!" she gasped. "I could never! My mom-"

"This is my point," Boratus said. He turned to Brenda. "Would you do any of those things?"

"In a heartbeat, Master," she replied, pulling out her phone. "Should I call my mom now and tell her what I am?"

It would make turning her into your slave harder, but I'll find a way.

Master chuckled. "No, pet. Not now."

Brenda stood smugly smiling, full of pride for being Master's favourite. She saw the jealousy in Katie's eyes.

"You'll help me train her, won't you, pet?"

The blonde nodded eagerly. "Of course, Master." Her blue eyes twinkled. "As I have been."

"As you have been?" Katie said, stunned.

"Good girl," Brenda said.

"Ohhhhh," Katie moaned. "I knew you were doing that on purpose!"

"Duh," Brenda replied.

Master Boratus walked over to his pants and removed his belt. "Now, Katie has to be punished for disobeying. She sucked my cock without permission."

Brenda chuckled. "Master, you know there's no way she could resist your cock." As she spoke, her gaze moved down to look at it. Immediately, her eyes began to glaze over.

"Brenda!" Master snapped.

She jumped. "Sorry, Master." She reached out for his belt as he handed it to her. "One new slut to break in by a broken-in slut. Then I get to play with her?"

He nodded again. "Then you get to play with her."

Boratus handed her belt before going over to Katie and repositioning her. She moved like a mannequin. He eventually had her bent over halfway on the arm of the couch. Brenda stepped up behind Katie. The brunette tensed immediately in anticipation of the first swipe, but Brenda did nothing as she looked at her Master.

Boratus stepped up so that his sen-erect cock hung close to Katie's face.

"Suck it and be punished," he said. "Resist for two minutes and you can avoid your spanking."

Katie nodded, involuntarily licking her lips. Boratus' gaze drilled into her. Brenda saw her eyes start to glaze over.

"Everything I say while you suck my cock will go straight into your brain and program you," he said. "Do you understand?"

Katie nodded again. "Yes, Master."

"Do you consent to this?"

"Yes, Master."


Brenda watched her friend. It didn't take long before she could hear Katie's breathing change. Each breath became more forceful as she summoned up her willpower to keep from cock sucking her master's cock.

Boratus wasn't even swinging it this time. Brenda admired her master's own willpower when she realized that he was remaining semi-hard so that the tip of his cock pointed directly at Katie's mouth.

At about a minute and a half, Katie's head moved forward and enveloped her prize. She began to suck enthusiastically, at which point Brenda hit her hard with the belt.

"Oh!" Katie squealed. Her mouth came off Boratus' cock and she looked up at him sheepishly.

"Try again," he ordered.

She nodded, using the sting on her ass to strengthen her resolve.

She didn't last a minute the next time. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as his cock slipped between them. Her eyes rolled back as she closed them, as though her whole body felt pleasure from sucking that cock. Brenda let her suck for ten seconds before hitting her again.

"Ohhh!" Katie exclaimed.

Brenda noticed it was less of a squeal this time.

On Katie's third attempt Boratus had to bend his cock down to face her. She was obviously having an affect on him. She lasted less than thirty seconds before she lunged forward to taste him once more. When Brenda spanked her, the "Oh," had become a definite moan. The brunette hardly paused afterward before sucking her master's cock right up again.

When Brenda struck her again, Katie let out a squeak, but did not stop sucking.

Boratus smiled. "There she goes."

As he said those words, something shifted in Brenda's world. She felt like she was tranced and yet not. She controlled her actions, but felt ... suggestible.

"You are my obedient slave," her master said. As her mind took in the words she brought the belt down on Katie's ass. This time she focussed on the luscious tanned flesh as it jiggled rather than Katie's head as it pushed into her master's crotch. Her friend's behind had reddened quite a bit.

I just want to bite it.

"Your purpose is to serve and please me," Boratus said. His words drilled into her, the truth of them, the importance. She spanked Katie again who moaned in pleasure.

Look at her getting off on the spanking. I bet this is her first time.

"Obedience is pleasure. Obeying me brings you pleasure. Pleasing me brings you joy."


"Mmmmmm," Katie moaned around Boratus' cock. Her head bobbed faster.

"Good girl."

"Ohhhhh," Brenda said as she heard Katie moan in unison.

"The more willing you are to obey, the more you become mine."



"You want to become more mine. You are my obedient slave."



"You feel your body and mind surrendering to me as your arousal grows. You feel yourself becoming happily, mindlessly obedient with each spank."



"The more my cock gets sucked the more you admit you want to surrender your mind and body to me. The more you admit you need to. The more it happens."



"At the next spank any remaining resistance you have with shatter and you will become fully mine as you cum."


"Fuuuuuuck!" Brenda screamed as an orgasm overtook her.

Jesus, he was programming both of us.

She squeezed the belt in one hand and used Katie for support with the other as her knees buckled. Meanwhile her friend writhed in pleasure, her master's cock slipping from her mouth as she moaned out her own orgasm. Her brown, curly locks hung dishevelled as she panted. The look in her brown eyes as the orgasm passed was one of primal lust.

Damn. If she had control of her body, she'd knock Master over and impale herself on his cock.

As if reading Brenda's mind, Boratus moved around behind Katie and drove his cock into her.

"Yes!" Katie exclaimed. "Fuck me, Master! Fuck your obedient slave!"

"What is your purpose?" Boratus asked.

"To serve and please you, Master. Obedience is pleasure. Your pleasure is my pleasure. I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours. I'm yours!"

Katie came again, screaming. Brenda noticed she'd been playing with her clit as she watched.

This is hot as fuck.

"Will you obey any order?" Her master asked as he kept pumping.

"Yes, Master!" Katie yelled as Brenda said it quietly.

"Will you fuck anyone I tell you?"

"Yes, Master!" They both said.

"Brenda, position yourself on the couch so this slut can lick you."

The blonde bounded to the couch and then she scooted up until her knees draped over the arms with Katie's head between them. She expected hesitation in her friend's eyes, but that animalistic look, along with a greedy smile, bore into her before all Brenda saw were brown curls as a tongue and lips made her eyes rolls back in her head.

"Oh fuck, she's actually pretty good, Master," Brenda said, breathily.

"Cum when I cum," her Master ordered.

"Who?" asked Brenda.

"Both of you," Boratus stated.

Brenda nodded. Katie only licked and sucked and nibbled. Brenda knew the little slut wanted to do a good job and make their master proud. She would have done the same thing. She knew that, before the night was over, she would.

Boratus lasted long enough that both girls worried they'd disobey and cum. Finally the words they needed to hear escaped his lips. "Cum."

"Cumming Master!" Brenda called out while she felt the vibrations of Katie's scream in her crotch.

Boratus deposited is semen in his newest slave before draping his body over hers and kissing her cheek as he held her. "Good slut."

Katie raised her head, a smile of pure joy on her face from his words.

"Release," Boratus said as he lifted himself off her. Immediately, Katie's body gave in. She dropped to her knees.

"Thanks, Master," she said. "What are your orders?"

"Have a seat next to Brenda."

"Yes, Master."

Brenda could hear the happiness in her voice as she followed their master's orders.

Boratus stood in front of them. "Now, let's see how well you did. Would you fuck a random guy I brought in here?" Master asked.

"Of course, Master," Katie replied.

"Would you wander down the neighbourhood naked for me?" he asked.

"I'll do it now, if you wish, Master."

"Would you fuck me in front of your mother, telling her you belong to me completely?"

"Oh. I don't think my ... my mother could handle that, Master."

"What your mother can handle doesn't concern me. You obedience does."

"Can we please keep my being a slave a secret from her, Master?"

"Ugh," Brenda grunted, putting her face in her hands.

"Yes, still not there," Boratus agreed.

"I'm doing my best, Master," Kate pleaded. "I want to be yours completely. I need to."

Boratus picked up a marker and tossed it to Brenda. "Do me a favour, pet. Write, 'obedient slut' across her tits."

Brenda pulled the cap off and straddled her friend.

"Oh," Boratus interrupted, causing Brenda to turn and look at him. "And write it backwards so she can read it in a mirror."

"Yes, Master," she said before turning back and marking up her friend. "Done, Master."

"Good girl."


"Now scooch down and write, 'Master's cum dump' on her belly with an arrow to her pussy. And when you're done, lick my cum out of that pussy."

"Mmmmmm. Yes, Master."

Moments later Katie was moaning again. A few minutes after that, she came again. Brenda pulled her face away, looked up at her friend, and smiled. Then she slowly, seductively made her way up along her friends body until they were face-to-face. She moved in for a kiss, but Katie pulled her face away.

What's wrong? Ask Brenda.

"I don't want to kiss you," Katie replied.

Brenda leaned back, annoyance on her face. "But you were okay with eating me out and letting me eat you out?"

"Because Master ordered me to," Katie said.

Boratus chuckled. "It seems she's not attracted to you, pet."

"What?" Brenda exclaimed, her face flaring red.

"What I mean is, she's still not attracted to girls, not that she doesn't think you're beautiful." He looked at Katie. "Do you think Brenda is attractive, slut?"

Katie nodded. "She's very pretty, Master. And you're right. I'm just not into girls. But I'll fuck anyone you tell me to, man or woman."

"Even your mom?" her master asked.

Katie's face paled. "Master, that's incest."

"But it would be an order," Boratus said firmly.

Katie pulled on her locks, and twisted them in her grip. "I ... I ... Master, really?"

Boratus let out of breath. "So, still more work to do on you."

"You really want me to fuck my mom?" asked Katie.

"Whether I want you to or not is not the point. Whether you're willing to do it for me is. If you are truly mine, you should not have a problem telling your mom, or anyone, what you are. You should actually be proud."

"I understand, Master. I hope you program this issue out of me. Right now, though, I don't think I could fuck my mom."

"That you want me to program you that way is a good sign," her master told her.

A happy grin spread across Katie's face and she relaxed.

"For now, grab that marker and write 'Master's eager whore' on Brenda's tits and 'Property of Boratus' with an arrow pointing down on her belly."

Brenda giggled. "That's not right, Master."

Boratus raised an eyebrow. "You're not my property?"

"Oh I am," Brenda explained, "but the arrow makes it look like only my pussy is yours when you own my whole body and my mind.

Her master smiled at her. "Good point. Katie, no need for the arrow."

Brenda shot a wicked grin at her friend.

I'm his slut. I'm his favourite. Until you fully give in, IF you fully give in, Master loves me more.

Boratus sat down on the far couch and held up his phone. Brenda noticed Katie tense for a moment then relax.

That's it. Master gets to do whatever he wants.

"Now, make out and feel each other up. Mutually masturbate until you both cum. Just be careful not to smudge the writing.

"Yes, Master," the girls said in unison.

I've so been looking forward to you tasting you and feeling those tits. Finally!

Brenda loved the taste of her friend. Her hands went quickly to Katie's big tits. As happy as she was to feel them, squeeze them, and taste them, a thought slipped into her mind.

I wonder what Cynthia's will be like.

Boratus recorded the whole interaction, taking intermittent pictures as well. As much as the girls enjoyed obeying their master, there was a bit of performance as well. Brenda noticed it in Katie.

She's overdoing it a little. Probably trying to make up for the fact that she doesn't actually want to play with me. She's just doing it for Master and wants to show him how much she loves obeying him.

Her thoughts kept her arousal from growing as quickly as it would normally. Soon Katie came from Brenda's fingers thrusting in the her pussy. The brunette moved in quickly and covered Brenda's mouth with her own. At first, Brenda thought she'd finally given in and started liking her, but she heard Katie whisper, "Oh, Master," between tongue play.

The slut is imagining she's making out with Master.

She wanted to be angry, but Katie's mouth and fingers were doing too good a job.

Fuck it.

She gave in and let the busty brunette pleasure her. She kissed and sucked. She thrust her hips onto wet fingers. Soon an orgasm erupted. Pulling Katie in tight as she shuddered, Brenda moaned into her friend's mouth.

At last, they just held each other, foreheads touching, both girls breathing heavily has their systems calmed down.

Brenda opened her eyes almost at the same time Katie did. They looked at each other then began to smile. Both began to giggle.

Katie moved in and give Brenda a quick peck on the lips. "Friends?" she asked.

Brenda smiled. "Sisters, she replied."

"Sisters," Katie repeated.

Boratus give a slow applause. "That was sweet. Anyone for pizza?"

"Yes, Master!"


I've been receiving some interesting emails on what people think is coming or what they want to happen. Some surprises ahead. Stay tuned.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So good!

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 3 years ago

very interesting and yes, I love it. this story just draws the readers in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I've never left a comment before in this site, but I had to here. Amazing story, I absolutely love it. Please keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Love it

Have loved these stories from the start and they just keep getting better but I'm dying for the introduction of Cynthia into all this

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Such an enjoyment to read, especially after the foreshadowing (if you can call it that) in chapter 2. Just incredible to see Katie's and Brenda's journeys intertwined. I can't wait to read what's next!

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