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Acquisitions Ch. 01

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A mild control program lets John acquire women.
4.1k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/18/2020
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John Taylor approached the college lecture hall followed closely by two young women. John was just old enough to look out of place on a university campus, although he could still pass for an older graduate student. The backpack he wore helped him blend with the students around them. The two girls were obviously undergraduate students. One was Caucasian, with a short, slender build and shoulder length blonde hair. The other was hispanic, with a taller build, more generous proportions, and long black hair.

Ellie and Marta were attractive enough, but neither was up to John's standards. For the moment, he needed girls that wouldn't attract undue attention.

Each of the girls was expressionless, starring straight ahead with empty eyes as they followed John to where he stopped in front of the main entrance of the lecture hall. "Ellie, you take this door," John said.

The blonde blinked and some life returned to her eyes. She took an iPhone from her coat pocket and sat on a bench near the door and casually started browsing her phone. To anyone passing by, she would appear to be a bored student waiting on a friend to get out of class.

John resumed walking. Without a word, the hispanic girl followed behind him.

When John reached the back door to the lecture hall, he again stopped. "Maria, you take this door," he said.

Like Ellie, a sudden look of purpose appeared on Maria's face before she, too, pulled a phone from her pocket and leaned casually against a wall near the door, staring at the phone.

The two women would cover the doors. It was 5:30 P.M. and nearing the end of the end of the lecture—the lecture last of the day. It was unlikely anyone would try to wander in, but John had learned to take precautions. His work was more enjoyable when it went predictably.

John cracked open the door to the lecture hall and peaked in. At the front of the room stood Professor Samantha Johansson. At 35 years old, Professor Johansson was young for a college professor. She was around 5'5", brunette, and wore a conservative skirt and blouse along with glasses. She was pretty, and John gave a quick smile as he remembered the fun he'd had with her when they'd first met. A university professor was a useful asset, given John's taste in women.

In front of Professor Johansson, around 100 students sat in ascending rows of seats with small, fold-down desks in front of them. The class was Psychology 101. John had selected it because the students tended to be a fairly representative sample of the university as a whole. It was an introductory class, so there was a good mix of freshmen and sophomores trying to decide if they wanted tp pursue a psychology major, as well as juniors and seniors trying to squeeze in a few science credits before graduating. The class also tended to have a fairly even mix of male and female students.

John watched silently through the cracked door for perhaps 30 seconds while Professor Johansson gave her lecture, then he pushed the door open and slipped inside. He walked straight toward Professor Johansson, who paused her lecture and frowned at him, irritated by the interruption. When John reached her, he leaned in close and whispered, "It's time your students learned something useful."

Professor Johansson's eyes widened in surprise before glazing over.

John moved back toward the door he'd entered through, but did not leave the room. He stood against the wall and watched Professor Johansson.

"I apologize for the interruption," Professor Johansson said to the class. "One of my research assistants had an update on a clinical trial I'm working on. If they results look interesting enough, I'll tell you more about it next class." As she talked, she moved toward her laptop, which sat on a table at the front of the room. It was connected to a projector, which controlled her PowerPoint presentation.

"Anyways," Professor Johansson continued, "as I was saying, the Stanford Prison Experiment had some unexpected results. Ethical concerns would prevent anyone from repeating the experiment today, so the original experiment has remained an important teaching tool since 1971. It's hard to believe the results without hearing from some of the participants first hand, so I'm going to show a clip of some interviews." Professor Johansson closed out of her PowerPoint presentation and navigated to her desktop, where she clicked on a video file labeled "Class Film."

At the edge of the room, John pulled noise canceling headphones from his backpack and put them on. He then puled a pair blue tinted glasses from the bag and put those on as well.

Windows Media Player opened on the projector screen and Professor Johansson clicked "play." A low hum came from the project's speakers and the screen began rapidly flashing a sequence of colors. Professor Johansson sat at her computer quietly, her task complete. She stared ahead at nothing.

John looked out at the class. All eyes were on the screen. John moved to the front of the room, near Professor Johansson. He looked up into the audience in said in a loud, clear voice, "Everyone please raise your right hand." He watched carefully as every student raised their right hand while continuing to stare at the screen. John saw no signs of hesitation or confusion from any students. The video had not failed him yet, but that was no reason to be careless.

John leaned over Professor Johansson's laptop and closed out of the video. The students continued staring ahead at the projector screen where the video had been moments ago.

John tuned to Professor Johansson who also had her right hand raised straight up in their air. "Put your hand down Samantha," John said. "Sleep until I tell you to wake." Professor Johansson closed her eyes closed and laid her head down on the desk in front of her.

John turned his attention back to the class and smiled. He enjoyed this part almost as much as he enjoyed came next. Almost. "Put your hands down," he said. "Listen carefully to my instructions and follow them without hesitation."

"Everyone please stand up, John said." The entire classroom of students silently lifted their desks and stood, still staring forward at the blank projector screen. "I'm going to list some criteria. If you do not meet one of the criteria, sit back down, lower your desk, and sleep until I instruct you to wake."

"The first criteria," John said, "is that you are female." All the men, roughly half the class, sat back down, lowered their desks, then laid their heads on the desk and closed their eyes.

"The second criteria," John continued, is that you are between the ages of 18 and 30 years old. Two older women sitting together near that back sat down and went to sleep.

"The third criteria is that you weigh no more than 120 pounds." Another dozen women sat down and slept.

"The final criteria is that you have never had any sexually transmitted disease." Three more women sat down, lowered their desks, and closed their eyes.

"If you are still standing, walk down the stairs to the front of the class,"John commanded. Around 30 women made their way to the aisles on either side of the classroom and walked down the stairs to the front of the class. They formed a silent group in front of 
John and the sleeping Professor Johansson. Their eyes were blank and their faces expressionless.

John approached the group. "If I touch your shoulder, return to your seat and sleep, he said." John waded through the group, touching the shoulders of women who he considered unattractive. Fifteen women returned to their seats.

"Remove your clothes," John ordered. The fifteen remaining women began undressing. Some started by kicking their shoes off, others by pulling blouses over their heads. After another minute, all fifteen women stood completely naked before John, staring ahead at nothing in particular.

John tapped ten more women on the shoulder and they returned to their seats. Several of the women he sent back were reasonably attractive, but he'd long ago realized there was no need to settle for mediocrity. There were always more women available to him.

Five naked and undeniable beautiful women remained at the front of the room, not a hint of expression on their faces as they stared blankly ahead. Their mouths hung slightly open. John checked the clock. He had about 20 minutes to work with before the lecture was scheduled to end.

All five women were up to John's standards, but John still needed to sort them to ensure he got the maximum value from each of them. "Raise your hand if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend," John said, addressing the group.

Two of the girls raised their hands. One looked Indian, with honey colored skin; wavy black hair; ample, D-cup breasts, and a neatly trimmed landing strip above her pussy. The other was an athletic looking blonde with shoulder length hair pulled up into a ponytail; long, tone legs; B-cup breasts; and a clean shaven pussy.

"You two, stand to the side over here and lower your hands," John said, gesturing for the two women to move away from the others.

These two would be his immediate source of fun. There was no reason he couldn't enjoy the them in this controlled environment, but preexisting romantic relationships complicated John's use of women in the long term. Boyfriends asked too many questions when their girlfriends occasionally disappeared at random times. John could order the women to dump their boyfriends, but that led to questions from friends and family. Easier to avoid that mess.

John turned to the remaining three women. ""Raise your right hand if you live alone," he commanded. Only one girl raised her hand, a petite asian with light skin; straight, jet-black hair hanging down to her mid-back; perky, B-cup breasts; a tight, round butt; and an an unkempt bush. John turned his attention to the girl.

"What is your name?" John asked.

"Akiko," she replied.

"How old are you?" John asked.

"Nineteen," Akiko responded.

"Are you close with your family?" John asked.

"No," she answered.

"Explain," John commanded.

"My parents passed away in a car accident last year in Japan," Akiko answered. "I used my inheritance to attend university in the U.S. I haven't seen any other relatives in years."

"Have you made any close friends at the university?" John continued.

"No," Akiko replied. "This is my first semester and I've been too shy to meet many people."

John grinned. "It's not often I get lucky enough to meet someone like you," he said. "You and I will have plenty of time to get acquainted." John glanced at the clock again. He needed to move things along. "You will check your e-mail tonight when you are home and alone. One of your emails will have an attachment labeled "Life Coaching." You will open the attachment. After a moment's pause, John added, "and as soon as you're home tonight, shave your bush. Now, put your clothes back on, return to you seat and sleep until I tell you to wake."

Akiko reached down and picked up her shirt. "Wait," John commanded, and she froze. John walked over to her and ran a hand down the cheek of her expressionless face. He then reached out and gave her right breast a squeeze. Akiko stood motionless.

"Being patient is hard," John said. "But you'll be worth it. Resume."

Akiko finished dressing, returned to her seat, and laid her head down.

John turned to the remaining two girls. One was hispanic. She had caramel colored skin; wavy, black hair down to her shoulders; C-cup breasts; and a bubble butt. The other girl was caucasian, with smooth, creamy skin. She had straight, auburn colored hair; green eyes; and perky, B-cup breasts.

"What are your names," John asked. "Sofía," the Latina answered. "Megan," the white girl responded.

The main door to the lecture hall opened and Ellie walked in followed closely by a male student. John looked up to the top of the hall where they stood. "Who is he Ellie?" he asked.

"He's the boyfriend of one of the girls in class," she replied. "He said he was planning to sit at the back of the room and surprise her when the classes ended. I showed him the app on my phone, like you said." Ellie glanced at the boy, who stood silently at her side.

"Good girl, Ellie," John said.

Ellie closed her eyes and shivered as John's praise caused a small orgasm.

"Resume your post," John ordered, and Ellie walked back out through the door, leaving the male student standing silently at the back of the room, staring ahead with vacant eyes.

John turned back to Sofía and Megan, then paused. The boy Ellie had brought in was handsome. John wondered...

"You," John said, looking up at the boy Ellie had brought in. "Point to your girlfriend." The boy blinked then pointed down at the naked Indian girl standing off to the side near John.

John chuckled. What are the odds, he said quietly to himself. "Take a seat near the back," John said to the boy. "You can watch the show." The boy sat down in a nearby seat and watched John intently.

John turned back to Sofía and Megan. "You two aren't isolated enough for anything long term, like cute, little Akiko up there," John said, nodding toward the sleeping Japanese girl. But you don't have boyfriends, so you should have time to squeeze in some fun now and then. You two will receive emails tonight with an attachment labeled "Study Aid." You will open the attachment when you are alone."

John paused a moment, then said, "Now give each other a deep, passionate kiss."

Sofía and Megan blinked, then turned toward each other and stared into each others eyes a moment before passionately embracing. Their breasts pressed together as they locked lips. Anyone watching would have assumed the two were longtime lovers.

After a few seconds, the two girls ended their embrace and turned back to John.

"Dress, return to you seats, and sleep," he instructed.

The two girls bent down to collect their clothes, then dressed and returned to their seats.

John glanced up at the clock again. Only ten minutes left. He needed to streamline this process in the future.

John turned back to the busty Indian girl and the athletic blonde he'd set aside earlier. His business was finished; it was finally time for fun. He felt his cock harden.

"I don't need to know your names. This is the only time I'll be seeing you. Try your hardest to make it count." He smiled while the girls continued staring ahead blankly.

"For now, I'll simply call you Slave, John said," pointing at the Indian woman. "Before we get started, smile and wave at your boyfriend."

The Indian girl looked up at the boy sitting near the back of the class. She gave a bright, cheerful smile and waved to the boy, who watched without reaction.

"Now Slave," John said, "crawl to me on your hands and knees and give me the best blowjob you've ever given."

The Indian girl turned back to John and looked into his eyes. Without saying a word she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled forward. When she reached him, she unbuckled John's belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Then, she pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles. Johns cock stood at full attention.

The Indian girl who, even in her own mind, was now called "Slave" stared at John's cock a moment, sizing it up. Then she grabbed the shaft with one hand, leaned her head forward, and slowly licked the length of John's cock. When she reached the tip, she dove forward, swallowing his cock. She began pumping her head vigorously up and down, her plump lips forming a tight seal. Her face remained emotionless as she bobbed up and down.

John let out a sigh of pleasure. Slave was no amateur. The boy watching from the back was lucky.

John looked down at Slave's blank face and said, "there's no reason we can't both enjoy this. You love sucking my cock, Slave. Nothing makes you happier or hornier." Slave's eyes lit up and a smile crossed her lips, or at least as much of a smile as she could have with her mouth still wrapped around John's dick. Her motions became even more vigorous, and she let out a deep moan.

John smiled and looked up to the athletic blonde standing nearby. "You remind me of an ex," he said. "That's not your fault, but I'm going to call you 'Bitch' anyways. Now, Bitch, get over here and suck on Slave's nipples. You're attracted to women now, and the thought of sharing me with Slave makes you incredibly horny."

Bitch blinked, then grinned. She scrambled forward to Slave and began eagerly sucking at one of her large, brown nipples. Slave let out another moan.

After a few minutes of enjoyment, John was ready to mix things up. "Bitch," he said, getting the blonde's attention. "Get on your hands and knees. Press your pretty, little face to the floor and raise your ass in the air."

Bitch obeyed immediately. She dutifully turned her head to one side and pressed her right cheek firmly to the floor then stuck ass high in the air, presenting it to John.

"Slave, eat out Bitch's pussy," John commanded.

Slave let John's cock slip out of her mouth then quickly got on her hands and knees behind Bitch and began licking Bitch's pussy. Bitch let out a whimper, and her nipples visibly stiffened.

After watching the show for a minute, John walked around in front of Bitch and dropped to his knees. "Raise your head," he commanded.

Bitch lifted her face from the floor and found herself eye to eye with John's dick.

"Suck," John commanded.

Bitch took John into her mouth and began rocking her head head back and forth, her blonde ponytail swinging from side to side. Slave continued eating Bitch out from behind, and and John could feel a pleasant vibration every few seconds as Bitch moaned around his dick.

John felt an orgasm building, but it wasn't time for that yet. He still had a few minutes left to work with.

"Enough," he said, and both Slave and Bitch stopped what they were doing. It was time for the main event.

"Slave, kneel beside Bitch."

Slave quickly positioned herself beside Bitch, both on their hands and knees. John admired the girls, Slave's honey colored ass contrasting with Bitch's pale ass. Both girls were visibly wet.

John moved around behind Bitch. He guided his cock into her tight, clean shaven pussy with one hand, and Bitch gasped. He began pumping rhythmically in and out of Bitch. The feeling was phenomenal, and John felt a pang of regret that this was likely to be a one-time affair. Oh well, he thought. There's always a new conquest ahead.

John reached forward and grabbed Bitch's blonde ponytail and yanked hard, pulling her forcefully back onto his cock. Bitch squealed in pleasure.

"Maybe I should have called you 'Pig,'" John taunted, still holding her ponytail as he thrust into her again and again.

Abruptly, John pushed Bitch forward off his cock and onto the ground, where she lay panting to catch her breath.

John slid over behind Slave and lined up his cock with her sopping wet pussy and slid inside. He leaned forward and grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her back hard, slamming his cock into her. Slave gasped, then began rocking her hips back and forth rhythmically. John slapped her ass as she continued impaling herself on his cock. Soon both John and Slave were breathing heavily.

John felt himself building to climax. "When I cum, both of you will have the most intense orgasms you've felt in your life," he said to Slave and Bitch.

Bitch, who was still laying face down on the ground, rose to her knees and began watching John and Slave intently.

John leaned forward, reaching to fondle one of Slave's breasts while his other hand stayed firmly on her hip. He thrust into her again and again until, suddenly, he pulled back and shot cum across the smooth, honey skin of Slave's back.

Both women immediately closed their eyes, moaned, and shook uncontrollably. Slave, still on her hands and knees, let her face drop to the floor as she savored the most intense pleasure she'd felt in her life.


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