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Star Wars: The Legion Saga


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Both Nute and Padmé signed the datapad, memorializing their agreement. Jabba made his mark as well, leaving a trail of slime on the datapad from his touch. How appropriate, Padmé mused.


"Your kindness overwhelms me, mighty Jabba." She answered diplomatically, "But I fear my people need me now more than ever."


Padmé bowed to her host, nodded to the Neimoidians and turned to leave. She suddenly saw the panicked face of Anakin as he ran into the room and shouted.

"Thermal detonator! Everyone get down!" he shouted.

In slow motion, as her mind took it in, Padmé saw the silver explosive levitating its way into the center of the court. Before she could trace its flight path back to the source, she felt Sio Bibble pushing her onto the ground and covering her with his body. The explosion shook the audience chamber like the wrath of the gods. Padmé's hearing was replaced by a high pitched hum that seemed to drown out everything else. As the smoke cleared she felt Sio's weight crushing down upon her. Pushing him off, she saw that the explosion had ripped into the older man's back and left him a bloody mess. His eyes starred vacantly at nothing at all. He had saved her life. And he was quite dead.

Sabé and Rabé had been further away from the blast and they coughed violently in the smoke filled room. Jabba let out a scream of outrage and pain as thermal burns had singed much of his slime-covered torso.

Nute Gunray was alright, his mecho-chair having saved his life by bearing the brunt of the explosion. He scurried out of the room on all fours like a coward. But Rune Haako was a bloody mess on the floor, his clothing and body shattered by the explosive.

Most of the surviving occupants fled the room and now a single dark figure emerged from the smoke. It advanced like harbinger of death, approaching Jabba with an eerie calm.

Padmé struggled to free herself from under Sio Bibble's dead weight as a red blade ignited and slashed raggedly forth towards Jabba's neck.

"OODA! Ughglaaaaaa!" the Hutt gurgled as the lightsaber slit his throat. With a horrendous speed and skill, the attacker spun and stabbed Jabba again, this time nearly decapitating the Hutt. Jabba's gruesome death only a few feet away brought a horrified scream from Padmé.

A small hand gripped hers firmly and pulled her back from the carnage. Padmé turned to see Anakin, slightly singed himself, pulling her away from the dark warrior.

"Come on!" he screamed as he began leading her to safety. As dazed as she was, Padmé crawled back a few feet and grabbed the freshly signed datapad containing the newly signed treaty. It still glowed with power and had not been erased by the explosion.

"What are you doing?!" Anakin screamed as the dark warrior focused on Padmé picking up the datapad in the clearing smoke. His demonic face parted the smoke and his cruel horned head and burning eyes locked with Padmé's for a moment. He was pure evil.

"Let's go!" Anakin yelled.

Padmé turned and ran with the small boy, following him up and out of the room.

Just as the smoke cleared and Darth Maul prepared to eviscerate the two fleeing youths, a green glow off to the right caught his attention.

Qui-Gon Jinn entered the room, his lightsaber ready.

"Aren't you a little short for a Sith?"

Maul forgot everything but the arrogant Jedi in front of him. Igniting his second blade, he leapt into his attack.

Qui-Gon deflected the initial assault and pressed his own attack back. The Sith blocked the attack with his dual blade and returned to the offensive almost immediately. Qui-Gon gave ground and backed up into the middle of the room. The Sith Lord glared at him and attacked again. Qui-Gon parried the blur of red motion and then tried to press for an opening. For the first time in his life, Qui-Gon began to wonder if he was perhaps overmatched with a blade.

The epic clash of blades continued. It ranged all over the blasted remains of Jabba's throne room. The two blade-masters continued to probe each other for weaknesses in a blinding display of skill and speed.

Qui-Gon felt himself tiring under the relentless attacks of the Sith Lord. The dual crimson blade struck repeatedly in a withering vortex of pure hatred. The Sith Lord was younger, his force-mastery centered upon personal combat. Qui-Gon could find no flaws in his form, only the perfection of a force user who had dedicated himself to this very moment for the express purpose of striking down a Jedi.

Through the force, Qui-Gon could sense the approach of his apprentice, now entering the palace. Perhaps if he could hold out, they could defeat this menacing phantom warrior together. Qui-Gon felt his concentration wavering. It was nearly impossible to continually anticipate the Sith Lord's unending variations and improvisations.

The Sith Lord pulled back from his attack, the hatred inside him fueling his power. Qui-Gon realized that he was only seconds away from defeat. The Sith sensed he was tiring. The next parry would be too much for him to defend against. Qui-Gon focused his thoughts on the will of the force. Was it his time to become one with the living force?

At once the attack came. The Sith Lord slashed right and left with his duel blade, it was too much to follow, Qui-Gon was losing his focus on the moment.

And at once he felt the serenity of the force close over him. He suddenly saw it—the flaw in the Sith Lord's attack. It was all based upon counter-moves. The initial attack would allow the secondary attack to be on the Sith's terms, his form relied on controlling an opponent by controlling the opponent's defense. If one could make an unexpected move to cause a moment of hesitation....and then quickly capitalize upon that moment....

In desperation, Qui-Gon Jinn did the only unexpected thing he could. He shifted his footing, bringing himself directly into the blade's incoming path. He could hear Obi-Wan gasp in horror as the padawan entered the room only seconds too late to help. As the Sith cut into his left arm Qui-Gon ignored the pain and let the force guide his green blade with his remaining arm.

For a split second, the Sith Lord showed surprise that his prey had stepped into his attack rather than blocking it. The Jedi's arm was severed in one stroke just above the elbow. As the dark warrior spun to finish his flurry and decapitate his foe, his vision was filled with a bright green as Qui-Gon stabbed his lightsaber directly through the Sith's face.

The green saber pierced the wall behind the Sith Lord as Qui-Gon released his saber and stepped back. The black and red figure convulsed once, then hung there limply, impaled through the face by Qui-Gon's blade. It was over. Qui-Gon fell to his knees, his severed arm on the floor next to him.

Obi-wan ran to his master's aid, kneeling next to him. Qui-Gon fell back in exhaustion as Obi-wan cradled his mentor.

"Master! I have you!"

"It's alright Obi-wan," Qui-Gon said softly. "It's finished."

"At what cost, Master?" Obi-wan sobbed looking at the severed stump of his beloved master's arm in the midst of the carnage all around them.

"It can be repaired by friend." Qui-Gon said, his connection to the force helping to control the pain of his wound. "All is as it should be."

"Let me get you out of here master. Let me get you back to Coruscant."

Qui-Gon looked up at his pupil affectionately. "The boy....I must train him, Obi-wan.....he, he is the chosen one."

"The chosen one? You're in no shape to train anyone right have to come with me to-"

"I will train him Obi-wan." Qui-Gon said with the strength of a man determined. "Anakin Skywalker will be my new apprentice. I will not be returning to Coruscant. "

Episode II: I Am Legion

Chapter 1

The dream was fragmented, distorted, and horrific. A general sense of agony surrounded Anakin. He could not move, he could not act. He could feel his mother's torment. She was feeling pain from all directions, surrounded by evil. She was terrified and calling out for help. He couldn't move! He could see her face now...tears running from her eyes, strange grunts surrounded her...vaguely familiar sounds. Something approached her now, Anakin could not make out the vague form but his mother's screams merged with his own as he awoke in his bed on Kamino.

Throwing the sheets from his bed, Anakin jumped to his feet and ran for the door. Qui-Gon Jinn was standing on the other side waiting for him. Anakin's eyes locked with his master's. Qui-Gon could see the fear and the pain inside his apprentice.

"What is it, Anakin?" Qui-Gon asked, the concern in his voice as strong as the force connection he had developed with his young apprentice.

"My mother, Master!" Anakin nearly yelled. "She was in pain, terrible pain."

Qui-Gon was silent for a moment. He felt the sheer panic in his student. The need to act, the need to do something.

"She needs my help master! She will die without my help!" Anakin pleaded.

Qui-Gon turned to the window overlooking the cloning facility. The clones below shared the face of the young man he had found on Tatooine so long ago. He watched them with pride as they sparred with each other with their vibro-pikes. Each boy a perfect genetic duplicate of the chosen one. To the left, an army of Anakin Skywalkers ate together in the Kaminoan food court. This was his legacy. This was his greatest achievement. The sheer power of such a massive number of midichlorians gave the entire building a kind of almost audible hum. It was the force magnified by a factor of 20,000. With many more well on the way. He had trained them all, raised them all. Created a legion of force users the likes of which the galaxy had never seen.

"Then you must go to her my son." Qui-Gon said softly. In the ten years together, he had come to think of Anakin as his own child. "You must do all you can for her."

Anakin was speechless for a moment. He had expected his master to say that their work here was too important. That he was needed to guide his clones, to be their leader. Qui-Gon had trained Anakin and his cloned selves in the ways of the force but Anakin had always been there as an anchor to the newly created clones. They all knew him as their true self, their leader. If he left now...just as he was needed the most...

"Our work here master? If I leave it..." Anakin began.

"You must go to your mother's aid. Your spirit will be torn in half if you stay here and ignore her suffering."

Anakin thought back to the dream. It was fading now....the images no longer as clear in his mind.

"It may have only been a dream Master...but..." Anakin mused.

"But we both know it was more." Qui-Gon finished.

Anakin was always astonished at how well his master understood him. His desires, his fears, his true needs. Qui-Gon Jinn had shaped his training and development like no one else could have. Anakin was sure of it. Under Qui-Gon's teachings Anakin had developed a much stronger connection to the force than he would have ever dreamed possible. His powers were double what they would have been with another Jedi master. Here on Kamino, without the dogmatic views of the Jedi to encumber him, Anakin had flourished in the Jedi arts. He had spent his days learning from his Master and passing on what he learned to his clone-selves.

It had been a strange experience, seeing thousands of himself training together in the sterile Kaminoan facilities. But over the years, the force bond he had developed with his genetic brothers had made them an indelible part of him. As if he was a single person, existing in multiple bodies. Through the force their thoughts often seemed to merge. It was something he had not shared with his master....a kind of secret shared between ten-thousand. They could at times think as one group mind, their experiences forming a single consciousness. It would come and go, but Anakin knew he and his clones were only beginning to discover their potential. In time they would be invincible.

Chapter 2

Qui-Gon watched Anakin's ship launch from the rainy landing platform. He turned and walked back into the facility with a troubled heart. The same questions came back to him time and again. HAD he done the right thing? WAS this truly the will of the force? He struggled with the idea of the clones as he had time and again over the passed ten years. They were not natural extensions of the midichlorians by any means. They were a cheat. A scientific means of creating super powerful force-users. Time and again Qui-Gon felt that he had broken some fundamental law and there would be a price to be paid.

"If the price of peace is the blackening of my name, I will gladly pay it." He said to the empty room.

"Master Jedi?" Taun We's voice came from around the corner as she lithely glided into the room. "Do you question what we have accomplished here?"

"Yes, Taun We, I question it every day." He answered honestly.

"But you yourself have told us how the Republic has become corrupt and how the Jedi Order is not strong enough to stand against the coming darkness."

"I foresaw a great darkness washing over the galaxy Taun We." Qui-Gon answered, thinking back to his meditative vision of so long ago. "I saw many evil deeds and knew I had to act."

"And to combat this darkness, we have created and army of Jedi more powerful than any the galaxy has ever seen." Taun We stated pridefully.

"That's what I'm afraid of." Qui-Gon whispered. Starring out the glass window at the legion of Anakin Skywalkers all training for battle below them.

"Master Jedi, you must have faith." Taun We's hand slid up his back. The contact reminded Qui-Gon of how much he missed the touch of a woman. As alien as Taun-We was, she still was extremely feminine. Qui-Gon felt his penis begin to stir at her touch as he turned to face her.

As tall as the man was, he still had to look up at the delicate and lithe Kaminoan. They had worked together for years on this world. He found her intelligence and dedication to perfection truly amazing. Starring into her black eyes, Qui-Gon saw a hint of an invitation. His force enhanced abilities sensed the sexual desire in the alien woman.

Qui-Gon leaned in and kissed Taun-We, the cloned skin surrounding his mechanical arm gently touching her elongated neck. The Kaminoan responded, returning the strange mouth gesture so foreign to her people. The Jedi seemed to suck and trace his tongue around her mouth in a way that felt both alien and exhilarating.

Taun We had considered mating on many occasions. Unlike most other Kaminoans, sexual desire was not unknown to her. Although most of her people had lost the genetic need for such an act through centuries of cloned reproduction, something in Taun We's genetic linage had refused to let go of the pleasures of sexuality. She felt her body beginning to release chemicals which she had for so long been denied. Endorphin production was escalating rapidly she noted clinically, as the Jedi moved his hand to the mound between her legs.

So many Kaminoan males would have shunned any advances by her. They would have seen her as flawed, not purged of the genetic mating urge that was so unnecessary now. And so she had turned to this alien man. To give her what her perfectly cloned society had deemed a taboo.

Qui-Gon stepped back from her, not entirely sure how to proceed. He wasn't even sure Kaminoans were capable of sex any more.

Taun We responded by reaching behind her back and releasing the clasps of her dress. She let the dress fall to the floor, revealing a pale white, hairless pussy.

Qui-Gon starred at the strange alien body before him, with growing desire. He removed his robe and slid his brown pants off.

"Please..." Taun We breathed, "Allow me."

With one gentle push, she directed Qui-Gon into a ceiling mounted chair and lithely straddled him. Taun-We reached down and began massaging his erect cock with her elongated fingers. Qui-Gon jumped at her touch, his needs had been denied so long on this sterile planet.

Without further prompting, Taun We held his dick straight in the air and lowered her alien pussy onto the Jedi's waiting erection. Both gasped as his cock slid into her wet slit. Taun We arched her long neck in a way no human could to look down at the coupling. In all of her studies of mating habits of various species, nothing could prepare her for the incredible sight of her own vagina being spit in half as an alien phallus impaled it. Her mouth fell open in shock at the erotic coupling she was allowing to happen.

Qui-Gon placed his hands on her slender hips and began to raise and lower the Kaminoan woman. He had never before seen anything so incredibly sexy as this strange alien's lower abdomen literally bulging out from the presence of his cock in her tiny slit. He had no doubt that Kaminoan men were not so well endowed as human men judging by the vice-like grip Taun-We's pussy had on his dick.

"Ohhh..." Taun We breathed as he began fucking her harder. He could easily raise and lower her as she straddled him. She was tall enough to keep her hoof-like feet on the ground as she rode his dick, but Qui-Gon could feel that her full weight was almost nothing.

As he thrust into her, Taun We began to feel it building. Something she had read much about but never dared hope to experience. It was most likely lost in her genetic heritage as unnecessary. But as it built, she knew it must still be a part of her body somehow. The pleasure she was deriving from this coupling was staggering. More than anything she had ever felt in her life, the intensity of sexuality was simply overwhelming to the Kaminoan.

Qui-Gon stood up, hoisting the light alien into the air, still impaled on his dick. Taun We responded in shock at the sudden change but quickly adapted, wrapping her legs around her lover. As he thrust up into her harder than ever, Taun We felt the orgasm hit her in waves. She was cuming! Something she didn't know she could even do. Qui Gon felt her contract and convulse in her arms. He thrust into her yet harder, throwing her body up and down on his dick in midair until he felt himself beginning to unload into her as well.

"Ohhhhhh!" Taun We screamed, her eyes closed in ecstasy as the pleasure overtook her. It was more than she ever dreamed it would be. She was in a state of pleasure that no Kaminoan could hope for anymore. It was hers alone, this bliss. She opened her eyes to see Qui-Gon panting from exertion.

Lowering her back to her feet, his alien cock slid from her pale pussy, trailing his midichlorian filled seed. At first Taun We was revolted at the liquid mess running out from inside of her. Her sterile Kaminoan mind recoiled at such messiness. Then she quickly shrugged that emotion aside, remembering the pleasure that she had just felt by turning her back on Kaminoan tradition.

"Taun We..", Qui-Gon said firmly, "clean my cock."

"Y-Yes Master Jedi," she stammered, her legs still shaking from the orgasm. "I will bring a sterilizing..."

"No." Qui-Gon stated flatly. "Feel. Don't think. Use your mouth to clean it."

Revolt was her initial reaction. She had heard of other species using their mouths for sexual activity. It had disgusted her at first. But she had reviewed those images countless times with a growing sense of prurient interest. Now was her chance to fulfill her darkest fantasies.

Taun We arched her body and neck towards Qui-Gon. She kneeled before the Jedi and in one quick motion took his cum covered cock completely into her mouth. Taun We's alien throat had no trouble accommodating the entire length of Qui-Gon's lengthy shaft as she effortlessly deep throated him.


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