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From My Mom to My Co-Wife Pt. 04

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Wife describes how her mom becomes her co-wife.
1.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/30/2023
Created 01/21/2021
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Note: This is loosely based on our real-life. I (Nancy) can only be 100% sure of the things I personally witnessed. The rest are recreated from my mom Jan's and husband Mike's recounting. I also cannot be sure of they "felt" at any moment, only what I saw or was told later. There are some moments that are so personal, I didnt ask about, so there is a certain amount of creative liberty. I do have their permission to write our story but they are by no means active contributors. This is part 4, so of course you should read part 1-3 first!

I distinctly remember that first February once my mom came to live with us because of the three incidents which marked a distinct change in the relationship dynamic of our little odd triad. Now, none of us came from a poly background or anything and in fact were too shy to even acknowledge that that is where we were headed. Looking back, we just did what felt good and stayed away from labels like oil from water.

The first incident early on in February was of course the Oscars night which ended in my mom sleeping over in our bed. To me what was big about that night was not the physical nature of it but the

acknowledgment from my mom that she needed to proactively step forward into this journey if this is what she desired. And boy, she did!

That next morning, I woke up for the first time since I was a little girl with my mom in my bed. Mike was long gone of course, his morning jog and exercise routine not something he was going to give up for anything, LOL. We gave each other a smile and a tacit acknowledgment of what has occurred but discussed it no further. I did make note of the fact that mom got up and went to pee in "our" bathroom before heading off to "her" room to change. I just remember thinking, "okay, I thought marking one's territory was an animal thing, but I guess we are animals too at some level." I doubt she even registered it or remembers it now, but I certainly did.

Now the second incident. Of course, mid February come along and with it Valentine's Day. I was a little nervous about how we would do things this year. Mike and I in our 6 years being together had developed a bit of a routine. And he hates breaking routine! But, like it or not, things have changed, and he was the reason they did.

Morning of Feb 13th, Mike announces we are going to celebrate the occasion a day early. Three people dining together on Feb 13th draw fewer curious looks than on Feb 14th. None of this was spoken of course, but that is what I assumed. The reason he gave of course was that he needed to be out of town the next day visiting a vendor.

He then walks over to the other side of the couch and brings over two bags and gives them to mom and I. I dont know why I was apprehensive that he would not think to get her a gift, I am a neurotic idiot that's why, but I did. The dear man that I married would of course never do that.

"Open it up girls!"

"Girls??" he has never called us that before!

Sidebar, our tradition is that he gets me lingerie and I go put it on right then. Any woman knows, you spend 15 mins putting the thing on and the guys have it off in 2, but thats what he wants, and thats what he shall have!

I open it up and of course, Mike isn't one to change routines. Mom open up her package, and just goes, "oh, my."

My brain just goes "Click. We are not changing anything are we?"

"Hey mom, come with me."

We go up to our room, "mom, he is expecting us back down wearing these. That is our thing."

"Honey, are you sure? Maybe he just wants you, and was just being polite getting me something?"

"Mom, look at your lingerie. Is it the right size?"

"Yeah, 34C, but how did he know?"

"Lets put them on mom. It will be fun!"

"Sweetie, I dont know how to say this, but I wish I had known. I need to trim down there! Oh my god I am so embarrassed!"

"Mom! Okay. Put it on and let me fix you at the edges real quick. You are going to do a lot more than trim, he likes it bare. See?"

"Wow, honey, I didn't know you... well why would I know...okay, when in Rome..."

We headed back down to find Mike relaxing on the couch. A light whistle escaped his mouth. Not the loud kind one makes for show, a barely audible one he didn't even know he made.

We both looked good in our one-piece lace set, if I should say so myself. But mom's shy walk down was entrancing him by the looks of it.

We both walked over, gave him a spin, so he could see and landed a kiss each on his cheek.

"Oh!" mom suddenly exclaimed, and we both turned to see what happened.

"The drapes are open!"

"so?" said Mike

"Nothing, it is just so open, thats all."

"I dont believe in hiding beauty."

"Why thank you!" mom gushed.

"Nancy dear, would you put some music on?" mom said to my surprise.

"May I have the first dance Mike?" she said as she walked confidently over to him.

We spent the next hour slow dancing in our living room. What an odd sight it must have been to someone looking in. Two women in lingerie dancing with a guy who couldn't have been more happy.

Once we were done dancing, Mike started to head back upstairs for a shower. My mom cheekily whispers "Nancy, head on up and take care his bulge dear!"

"What's that?" Mike says.

"Oh nothing!"

"Sounded like you wanted Nancy to do something. I think I would like both of you ladies to take care of it. After all, the bulge wasn't just her doing!"


"Now! Both of you. Or would you rather we do it here, open drapes and all."

What followed was the most surreal experience of our lives. None of us have ever had any sexual experience with more than one other person. I wasn't even sure my mom did oral. I was wrong! This woman knew what she was doing. I caught myself in awe a couple of times at what she made his face look like with her tongue and mouth. At first, we were both hesitant, as he lay in the bed sprawled out waiting for our attention. I went to him and start kissing and mom walked over and lied down next to him. She was gently stroking his arms as she watched us as Mike was playing with her hair. At some point, he grabbed her hair more forcefully and guided her to his erection. I know since he stopped kissing me and took his other hand and put it on my head. As we both headed down there, i remember this odd thought that went through my head. "How exactly do two women pleasure one guy?" Mom started licking him up and down the shaft and I just watched her in amazement. At some point, Mike's hand on my head became insistent and I transitioned my attention to his balls.

Mom was completely in charge and there was no questioning the look on Mike's face. What she was doing to him, what we were doing to him, he more than appreciated.

Once he was finished, Mike just said, "I am going to take that shower. Will leave you ladies to figure out your outfits for the night. Don't bother with panties."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow!!!!! Totally wonderful plot-line!!! Do please continue. Could the wife become pregnant and they both "condition" her nipples so that breastfeeding is easier?

tallman441tallman441about 2 years ago

You certainly leaving us wanting more. 5 stars.

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