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Loving Wives Stories

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Wrestling With Life's Cruel Irony Ch. 03

 — Pam finds the courage to tell Jeff the truth. by cdhawkeye96a09/04/064.22

Wrestling With Life's Cruel Irony Ch. 05

 — Jeff confesses a temptation; Tara looks to the future. by cdhawkeye96a09/12/064.13

Writ of Privacy

 — A man should not use his wife to cover a bet. by VeracityHeterodyne04/12/214.10

Writer's Block

 — Sadie inspires her husband. by bustybabe2307/18/033.82

Writer's Block

 — The 750 Project - a wife helps her husband find his spark. by OldKingClancy02/04/194.17

Writing as a Loving Wives Author

 — Why do we write Loving Wives stories. by other2other105/12/224.31

Wrong Gloryhole

 — Consequences of the wrong gloryhole. by Creampielover9912/12/153.80

Wrong Number

 — Wife has phone problems. by Britease10/29/114.07

Wrong Number

 — Man destroyed in divorce finds solace in young trio. by CrazyDaveTrucker6003/12/204.26

Wrong Number

 — 750 words. by Skippy4711/02/224.27

Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

 — He's kidnapped & accused of fucking another's wife. by Looking4YouToo06/29/013.94

Wrong Room

 — Tammy wrote down 1901 instead of 2901. by amischiefmaker11/02/194.58HOT

Wrong Room Wrong Wife?

 — Wrong room or wrong wife? by Dustinweller6904/02/22

Wrong Room Wrong Wife? Pt. 02

 — The awful truth. by Dustinweller6905/01/22

Wrong Room!

 — Shy wife makes orgy-sized mistake by marriedpervs09/29/093.97

Wrong Room, Mistake

 — How I slept with wife's friend by mistake. by Retrografx08/22/214.16

Wrong Side of the Bed

 — Husband and wife switch bodies. by JosephMama01/09/084.16

Wrong Side of Town Ch. 04

 — A situation is resolved. by Tail End Pete09/13/05

Wrong Tent Ch. 01

 — Loving wife indulges on canoe trip with husband. by blackwindow711/16/223.77

Wrong Tent Ch. 02

 — Olivia escalates. by blackwindow711/17/223.65

Wrong Tent Ch. 03

 — Will Olivia have enough? by blackwindow711/18/224.02

Wrongful Revenge

 — Wife is tricked into hurting husband with depraved sex. by simple4910/25/063.20

Wrongful Revenge Ch. 02 - FTDS

 — A wrongful revenge retaliation. by FinishTheDamnStory09/28/144.09

Wrote Finis to Her Marriage

 — She cheated he divorced and later forgave. by Fran2612/19/103.87


 — But we reconciled. Or so she thought. by 622703/03/233.95


 — A surprise package for a cheating wife. by Kalavo12/20/192.66

Wyatt and Ellie

 — Just another B.T.B. story. by carvohi06/16/144.57HOT


 — A new level of swinging. by KissingMarriedWomen06/20/104.15

X squared minus H over P

 — It's her body; her new husband can't tell her what to do. by JimBob4405/04/173.88


 — It was only going to be for 6 months. by BigGuy3307/01/213.36

X-Rays of a Broken Heart

 — Filmmaker goes all out for Halloween. by moreandmore10/05/224.30

Xander and Carla Wilcox

 — A Matt Moreau tribute story. by PiperHamlin10/28/194.16

Xavier and Olivia

 — Looking back at a life spent together. by moreandmore03/01/214.41

Xavier Smith

 — Brutal in the ring, he was lethal outside of the ring. by JimBob4412/19/094.54HOT

Xenodiagnosis of a Marriage

 — Parasites can sometimes turn deadly. by moreandmore12/11/194.22

Xmas Blow Job

 — At last - My wife gives me a blow job. by WirdSmiff01/13/184.19

Xmas Night Out

 — A shy wife is tempted to share her body by tony09090911/12/134.31

Xmas Wishes: How Do You Sleep BTB

 — A modern Christmas Story. by StangStar0612/27/114.35

Xs and Os In The Game Plan Of Life

 — A woman watches helplessly as her world slips away. by moreandmore07/09/214.11

XXL Pt. 01

 — A floundering family man starts to slip under the waves. by JimBob4408/16/184.47

XXL Pt. 02

 — Grasping onto anything that will pull him from the waves. by JimBob4408/17/184.65HOT

XXX Experimentation Ch. 01

 — A young couple decide to experiment with another. by NickDN10/29/203.90

XXX Experimentation Ch. 02

 — A young couple experiment with another as wife has massage. by NickDN11/10/204.01

XXX Experimentation Ch. 03

 — Husband and wife fulfil their fantasies with masseuse. by NickDN11/22/204.21

Yacht vs Motor

 — A becalmed yacht can attract a pirate. by Ashson07/15/134.25

Yankee Doodle Dandy

 — Sea, sun, sand and southern cock. by Oldgaluk08/29/193.63

Yankees vs. Mets

 — Watching big game with a buddy and his wife. by thehumpman05/25/054.16

Yapping Dogs

 — Some bitches never stop yapping. by JimBob4407/28/174.52HOT

Yapping Dogs Ch. 02

 — An ending to 'Yapping Dogs.' by JimBob4405/03/184.73HOT

Yapping Mongrels

 — A darker alternate ending to 'Yapping Dogs.' by JimBob4405/02/184.52HOT

Yardmen Return

 — The yardmen hired return to service the wife. by Saml3102/01/064.03

Yasmin in Canada

 — Six holy men banish the adulterous couple. by tkoberon01/27/203.06

Ye Olde Cat House

 — Couple inherit a whore house by sex4u464708/20/094.36

Yellow Chair

 — Found my wife waiting for me one day. by pegjim09/15/183.14

Yellowstone Discovery

 — Wishing for something won't make it so. by itmgr201006/14/094.52HOT

Yen Ch. 01: Yen's Special Christmas Gift

 — A young wife knows what's best for the relationship. by subby_hubby12303/26/213.68


 — A husband lost a bet he couldn't afford to pay, wife does. by mitchawa01/12/203.15

Yes Does Not Mean Permission

 — When a wife chooses wrong. by Toby_dog05/22/233.76NEW

Yes They DO Get Along Well

 — My wife does my brother. by patdown09/20/093.58

Yes, Again and Again

 — Variety of sexual activities by married couple. by keithswest04/20/073.66

Yes, I Absolutely do mind...

 — I respond to her joke, with my joke. Nobody's laughing. by jsch194705/05/213.51

Yes, I am a Pervert

 — My wife agrees to suck a stranger's cock while I watch. by Pimpofwife02/13/103.74

Yes, I Do Mind

 — The Saddletramp ending to Kalimaxos' "Just Once..." by saddletramp195604/27/214.58HOT

Yes, I Warned Her, But Damn

 — Bride has rough road to travel to be a wife. by fritz5103/05/233.96

Yes, Ma'am

 — Wife gets revenge on her husband for cheating on her. by WinstonS07/16/193.36


 — Suddenly, he's not half the man he used to be. by Harddaysknight10/24/054.07

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

 — The title says it all... by Slirpuff05/05/104.34

Yet another February Sucks sequel

 — Jim takes charge. by pugetman04/12/223.99


 — Short, weird tale of retribution. by Skippy4708/04/194.29


 — Wife finds sexual fitness at the YMCA. by palles09/12/063.95

Yo-Yo Chronicles Ch. 01 Ending

 — No way! I'm keeping my balls! by FinishTheDamnStory12/31/134.45

Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 02-1 Ending

 — Turning the tables. by FinishTheDamnStory03/02/144.32

Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 02-2 Ending

 — Payback Inc.: The Beginning. by FinishTheDamnStory03/05/144.32

Yo-Yo Chronicles Redux Ch 01.5-02.5

 — Different ending to a well written story. by cpete12/08/134.22

Yoga and Cuckoldry for Couples

 — A yoga instructor helps others embrace their evolving roles. by NYbiwm07/10/223.18

Yoga Cuckoldress Ch. 01

 — Lisa's Husband Wants Her to be Flexible in Surprising Ways.. by Cuckold_Confidential09/16/203.60

Yoga Pays Off

 — A friendship at yoga class gets interesting. by Wayne4812/03/184.38

Yoga Session Leads to More

 — Hooking up with my brother's wife. by softcaresses05/17/204.41

Yoga Transforms Wife

 — Wife performs on her male Yoga partners. by Whitetipped03/07/123.59

Yogacation Ch. 01

 — Marty and Mandy meet couple at yoga, make plans in hot tub. by fitfidelityfifty6404/05/233.73

Yogacation Ch. 02

 — Naked hot tub party leads to naked yoga in Mexico. by fitfidelityfifty6405/17/232.62

Yoni's Seaside Resort Ch. 01

 — Kyrhan is invited to the Barbados by a friend. by dan5710/25/093.15

Yoni's Seaside Resort Ch. 02

 — Yoni and Princess play with Kyrhan and his wife. by dan5711/01/093.57


 — Wife has erotic surprise for husband. by Dar_Jisbo08/07/19

You Always Regret

 — Regret is a double edged sword. by PAPATOAD06/04/22

You are My Sunshine Ch. 01

 — Wife's fling has repercussions with more than her husband. by Slick74206/30/214.24

You are My Sunshine Ch. 02

 — What does Jake do and Star Wars. by Slick74207/13/214.11

You are the Flower

 — She is the butterfly. by Skippy4712/26/213.13

You are Under Arrest

 — The perfect way to stop an affair, and burn a bitch. by LT56linebacker04/25/214.41

You Are Your Problem Ch. 01

 — I flirted, I looked, hell - I even touched. by CeeeEsss12/30/084.22

You Are Your Problem Ch. 02

 — The challenge: "Betcha cain't do it." by CeeeEsss12/31/084.33

You Asked Him to Pull Out Ch. 01

 — Loving wife and predatory seductor are humiliated by cuckold. by Grendelpuppy05/28/212.72

You Asked?

 — A cougar takes surf lessons. by hotwife32sd12/10/093.72

You Belong to Me Ch. 01

 — Porter and Peggy - the empty nest and other birds. by BobNbobbi09/25/103.86

You Belong to Me Ch. 02

 — Peggy and Silver in her marriage bed. by BobNbobbi09/30/103.58

You Belong to Me Ch. 03

 — Peggy entertains her Silver lover for the weekend. by BobNbobbi10/05/103.21

You Belong to Me Ch. 04

 — Peggy and Silver's first date. by BobNbobbi10/22/103.67

You Belong to Me Ch. 05

 — Threesome for Peggy and Porter. by BobNbobbi08/14/114.02

You Belong to Me Ch. 06

 — Peggy, Porter, all their partners - Full Circle. by BobNbobbi11/05/113.53

You Bet Your Wife Episode 01

 — Gameshow where your wife pays up for wrong answers. by quale11/23/094.37

You Better Cum Quick

 — I’m gonna be late! by RottenPines03/08/203.23

You Break It, You Bought It.

 — If you break it, be prepared to pay for it. by laptopwriter06/08/204.49

You Can Call Me Jo

 — JoAnn makes best of a bad night. by Snakebit11/27/023.88

You Can Fuck My Wife

 — He yearns to see her with another man. by Blucher04/15/044.03

You Can Fuck My Wife Ch. 02

 — I love seeing another man fuck my wife when she's drunk. by Blucher03/19/104.17

You Can Go Home Again

 — She destroyed his life. Can she build it back again? by blackrandl195803/17/174.60HOT

You Can Handle It Ch. 01

 — Barbara doesn't think she should be a grandmother. by johngalt4708/02/034.09

You Can Handle It Ch. 03

 — Is Barbara discovered? by johngalt4708/15/034.32

You Can Handle It Ch. 05

 — How many people to make you happy? by johngalt4708/29/034.34

You Can Handle It Ch. 06

 — It's the Hollywood ending. by johngalt4709/02/033.38

You Can Love Too Much Ch. 01

 — After 30 years, wife needs more than just husband. by Hooked195707/03/173.16

You Can Love Too Much Ch. 02

 — Some rough times, but I think I'm winning the battle. by Hooked195707/12/173.22

You Can Love Too Much Ch. 03

 — Cuckolded husband finally pushes the revenge button. by Hooked195707/21/173.85

You Can Love Too Much Ch. 04

 — Some stories need to be finished. by Hooked195710/11/173.88

You Can Probably Buff That Out

 — His wife blows a strange to settle a parking lot altercation. by SirRender05/26/223.26

You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

 — A older couple spicing up their sex lives. by Hornysenior03/13/224.10

You Can't Do That

 — A wife feels she should take a lover. by Harddaysknight06/08/074.52HOT

You Can't Do That! Ch. 01

 — She knows that pisses me off. by qhml103/14/134.67HOT

You Can't Do That! Ch. 02

 — Showed you, by golly. by qhml103/18/134.46

You Can't Do That! Ch. 03

 — Sheila. by qhml103/23/134.43

You Can't Fight Nature

 — Like father, like daughter. by StangStar0611/30/124.60HOT

You Can't Just...

 — Memory. by payenbrant10/14/164.30

You Can't Please Everybody

 — Not all men BTB in the end. by Huedogg206/17/124.08

You Can't Throw Everything Away Ch. 01

 — Oprah's book of the month causes problems. by shuttlepilot09/03/114.36

You Can't Throw Everything Away Ch. 02

 — What was in that damn book? by shuttlepilot09/11/114.30

You Can't Throw Everything Away Ch. 03

 — Eileen and Jeanette come to the rescue. by shuttlepilot09/19/114.28

You Can’t Rewind Reality

 — Young Chinese Wife Gives her Husband a Very Special Valentine. by ChloeTzang02/02/224.47

You Cheat!

 — He comes to accept being cheated on. by littleman197211/21/062.25

You Could Have Stayed

 — After a marriage in seven conversations. by NoTalentHack02/24/234.20

You Could've Heard a Pin Drop

 — People in the bar are quiet waiting for the confrontation. by woodmanone12/26/094.45

You Could've Heard a Pin Drop Ch. 02

 — Jake's life after the confrontation. by woodmanone02/21/104.65HOT

You Don't Cheat the Hangman

 — Creole women does what it takes to save husband. by subwryter03/03/133.15

You Don't Deserve A Good Man

 — Misguided and selfish woman discovers herself. by stevewaterloo08/10/143.85

You Don't Fuck With JC

 — A wife and her lover pay for their disrespect. by whiteone_redone04/23/064.31

You Don't Have To Be Coy, Roy

 — She had it all, but it wasn't enough. by qhml106/08/204.61HOT

You Don't Know

 — Until you try. by Skippy4704/04/194.32

You Don't Pull On Superman's Cape

 — I guess I knew what I was talking about. by Slirpuff06/14/104.49

You Encouraged Me

 — I encouraged me wife to take a boyfriend. by neil43903/22/222.71

You Excited Her

 — Tradesman flirts with customer's wife. by Ashson12/25/154.16

You First

 — Couple spices up their love life with wife's divorced friend. by GrahamPersky05/15/194.33

You Fucked Where? Ch. 01

 — The strange places I've fucked. by LeaRN5702/13/123.98

You Fucked Where? Ch. 02

 — Another story of strange places I've fucked. by LeaRN5702/17/124.25

You Fucked Where? Ch. 03

 — Another installment in my series of odd places I've fucked. by LeaRN5702/18/123.98

You Get What You Fucking Deserve

 — An ode to the loving wives that I will never understand. by Tara Cox12/24/124.08

You Got to Know When to Fold 'Em

 — Yong woman hopes to recover from a mistake. by fritz5102/28/204.32

You Got to Know When to Hold 'Em

 — Young woman's choice may cost her. by fritz5102/29/204.28

You Have Come Home From a Long Week Ch. 2

 — Wife and husband invite another to join in. by Nympho1308/09/023.91

You Have Come Home...

 — Loving wife invites a friend to play. by Nympho1304/27/023.51

You Have Made Your Bed

 — A depressing tale of infidelity. by Dylan104/14/223.50

You Have Made Your Bed - Val

 — Val's side of the saga and the consequences. by Dylan104/19/223.73

You Have To Tell Dad!

 — Wife meets a force of nature. by demander01/08/224.09

You Hear The Bullet

 — A Lonely housewife. A horny plumber. What could go wrong? by Djmac103102/01/223.76

You Just Didn't Care

 — Two years too long. She got him. I think. Who cares. by loveofmyLife7502/08/233.92

You Just Don't Fuck With Bubba

 — Husband finds out wife is cheating and gets his revenge. by Sfbullrider12/02/144.07

You Just Don't Understand

 — No, I don't agree. by Skippy4712/02/203.78

You Just Never Know

 — I just never dreamed that my wife would ever go swinging. by WayneGibbous10/07/113.90

You Like To Watch? Pt. 01

 — Couple find out they share a passion for being watched. by Harryandsally04/19/234.35

You Like To Watch? Pt. 02

 — Sara & Ben continue their adventure and push boundaries. by Harryandsally05/07/233.91

You Little Tease

 — Wife pleases herself while teasing husband. by TongueInLips6904/18/10

You Need to Hear My Story

 — Wendy; a cautionary tale. A Vandemonium1 & CTC collab. by SemperAmare04/17/214.55HOT

You Need to Leave

 — Husband ordered to leave his own house by wife and friend. by barkirk02/24/233.79

You Never Asked!

 — She wanted some fun, on HER terms. by Astordatair02/21/233.91

You Never Can tell

 — You never can tell who is speaking the truth!! by dangerouslydead10/28/104.01

You Never Forget

 — First times: never forgotten. by qhml112/06/214.30

You Never Forget How

 — Husband is puzzled by wife's surprising behavior. by ohio08/22/094.09

You Never Forget Your First

 — Angela and I gave each other our virginity, but she wound up. by ReedRichards07/12/203.97

You Never Forget Your First...

 — Tracy gets a taste of her first gang bang! by Sheiseverything03/09/194.01

You Never Give Me Your Money

 — Is love of money the root of all evil? by Harddaysknight06/01/074.50HOT

You Never Know

 — Prim and Proper not So Prim and Proper. by n2it2ru01/27/144.07

You Never Know Ch. 01

 — A story from the Elf. by Elf_Goldberg02/09/094.05

You Never Know Ch. 02

 — A story from the Elf. by Elf_Goldberg02/10/094.00

You Never Noticed

 — Tom finds out his wife has been "working" through lunch. by KingBandor04/10/203.90

You Only Live Once

 — Married couple let it all hang out. by mojoworkin10/30/034.16

You Only Think You're In Control

 — Wife cuckolds blustering husband with his friends. by Imstillfun01/17/164.25

You Only Turn 50 Once

 — A surprise present for an unsuspecting husband. by Pilgrim08/08/184.04

You Owe Me a Stripper

 — Wife gives husband the stripper he never got to have. by DanDraper07/03/214.13

You Play, You Pay

 — She went after everything she wanted. by wieliczka03/20/184.15

You Really Are Worth Every Penny

 — A waitress sells her body to get money for a dream house. by runningonblade09/10/123.07

You Really Got Me Good!

 — Does wife push husband's boundaries way too far? by texxman03/07/193.53

You Scratch My Back, I'll...

 — Wife's hard work pays off for everyone. by carboncopy08/26/144.16

You Should Be Naked More Often Ch. 03

 — We find a way so several strangers can see her naked. by showife09/07/104.48

You Should Have Told Me

 — Consequences of not telling your husband what you want. by GTO_Racer09/25/214.00

You Should Leave

 — A couple tries several times to have a successful threesome. by KingBandor08/29/182.69

You Think I Should Share My Angel

 — What made you believe you were the only one scheming? by moreandmore09/03/184.54HOT

You Think That's a Slut Story?

 — Idle gossip tips man off to wife's longtime affair. by Hooked195708/24/184.47

You Wandered Down the Lane

 — and far away. by A_Bierce08/26/204.06

You Want Me To Do What?

 — Husband wants reluctant wife to try swinging. by taylorsam07/20/174.40

You Want Me To Do What? Ch. 02

 — Doug and Kari continue to explore swapping. by taylorsam07/26/174.38

You Want Me To Do What? Ch. 03

 — Kari and Doug explore a key party. by taylorsam08/02/174.42

You Want Me to What!

 — She want me to be a cuckold for a week...not. by huedogg10/28/114.29

You Want to Do What!

 — Todd Fucken Manson rides again. by Kalimaxos04/01/20

You Want To Do What?

 — Camping trip ruined by obnoxious neighbor. by Damienns66605/31/213.23

You Want to What?

 — Wife tell husband she wants... something. by Zeb_Carter05/05/213.78

You Want What?

 — She wants to share, he has to convince her otherwise. by saddletramp195611/16/194.35

You Watch

 — I watch me watch myself with Barbara. by tdallyn07/18/144.14

You Were Always on My Mind

 — Hospitalized man vows to treat his wife better. by patricia5107/15/094.69HOT

You Will Never Know Our Names!

 — A trusting husband comes home early, need I say more? by Wanden06/27/213.98

You Win

 — A wife is desperate to save her marriage, but at what cost? by Handymanblues03/27/213.66

You Win Some, You Lose Some

 — A story of growth, acceptance & wife sharing. by Max ODrive07/06/014.55HOT

You Won't See Me

 — She makes the mistake; he makes the decision. by Harddaysknight01/22/054.06

You'd Have To Force Me

 — Neighbour wants to play. by Ashson04/20/133.81

You'll Always Have Paris

 — Going after your dreams can have consequences. by StangStar0602/03/113.93

You'll Look Good, I Guarantee It

 — Husband gets some help trying on suits. by StackedAction06/01/174.35

You'll Never Know

 — My wife and back alpha might have happened. by liliths10/07/192.70

You're Family! 01-06 (Rewrite)

 — A story about two best friends and a shared wife. by Jeanluc4you01/26/224.28

You're Fired!

 — I'll see you at home. by BigGuy3307/22/173.97

You're It

 — Three couples play a childhood game. by Slickman03/28/044.41

You're Missing the Point

 — Life isn't like a Hallmark Movie. by Huedogg211/11/124.23

You're No Fun

 — She wants a night out without him. by PAPATOAD08/20/19

You're Nobody ... Ch. 06

 — Afternoon Delight: Doing Mrs. Klugman. by Grouchojim05/03/154.54HOT

You're Not Going Anywhere!

 — Does real love conquer all? by carvohi04/24/134.31

You're Our Bitch Now - FTDS

 — Blackmailing and screwing the wrong man's wife. by FinishTheDamnStory01/30/154.50HOT

You're Still Young

 — That's your fault. by cookingwithgas04/02/233.76

You've Got Another Thing Coming

 — It ain't happening in my house. by BigK1012/04/154.27

You've Got Lucky! Pt. 01

 — About a shy guy next door, who gets lucky. by lovewriter08/03/203.85

You've Got Me Pegged

 — Wife pegs husband for Valentines Day. by bkr12k01/22/214.24

You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

 — Coming home early and all the usual problems. by Harddaysknight05/21/094.16

You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling

 — A Righteous Tale. by demander03/24/223.77

You, Me, and He

 — A sensual, context rich story of a man sharing his wife. by Alltherightmoves02/14/213.78

You’d Better Sleep With Him Then

 — I jokingly give my wife some career advice... by digimoo__01/06/223.03

You’ve Got Mail Ch. 01

 — Your wife has a lover. Want to see the pictures? by LynnGKS01/29/133.83

You’ve Got Mail Ch. 02

 — I was between her legs but in her head she was fucking Ben. by LynnGKS02/12/133.59

You’ve Got Mail Ch. 03

 — Your wife is quality pussy. I’m gonna service her regular. by LynnGKS02/21/133.93

You’ve Got Mail Ch. 04

 — Helpless with arousal I watched that bastard fuck my wife. by LynnGKS04/21/133.41

Young Bride

 — Cecily is a young woman who will get married. by Lady_Mary10/19/213.38

Young Bride Satisfies Best Friend Ch. 02

 — She moves from brother to best friend. by imagine1303/16/08

Young Bride Satisfies Brother in Law

 — Wife finds her wild side while visiting brother. by imagine1307/31/07

Young Bride's First Cheat: My Brother

 — On a family trip, young wife takes brother in law. by katsttrier08/20/09

Young Cheating Wife

 — First time infidelity upsets young couple's marriage. by Un4givon204/05/023.36

Young Couple in FMF Threesome

 — Emma visits a young married couple - surprise midnight FMF. by sensouli05/15/154.39

Young Couple Meets Older Love

 — Younger meets Older and both get a whole new life by Mikro12/16/114.55HOT

Young Couple's Sexual Trials Cont.

 — Me, my wife, and a friend have a history that leads to a MMF. by ILikeIt08/01/214.30

Young Cuckold

 — I let my wife mount another man. by Markdown7203/14/143.88

Young House Wife

 — Shy Indian wife wants a child. by decent_1001108/15/073.86

Young House Wife Ch. 03

 — Shy Indian wife wants a child. by decent_1001109/04/074.17

Young House Wife Ch. 05

 — Shy Indian wife wants a child. by decent_1001112/07/074.35

Young House Wife Ch. 06

 — Shy Indian wife wants a child. by decent_1001101/24/084.32

Young Love, Blind Love

 — So many possibilities but blinded by love. by moreandmore04/21/22

Young Man, Older Woman

 — I fuck a young man for my husband. Why? by mandywilluk200002/10/134.22

Young Masseuse Changes Dynamics

 — Husband gets wife a massage, then it gets interesting. by FN199806/08/213.92

Young Neighbor Ch. 01

 — I watch my neighbor grow up in front of my eyes into a fox. by homeforbreakfast07/21/104.26

Young Neighbor Ch. 02

 — Feelings become more complicated. by homeforbreakfast07/29/104.25

Young Shared Military Wife

 — Sharing with the troops. by sharedhousewife10/07/104.29

Young Studs for Carol Ch. 08

 — The tall stud enjoys the small housewife. by thekarpathianman07/15/143.75

Young Widow Finds Hot Sex

 — A young widow sheds her sexual repression. by DionysusReturns01/15/094.45

Young Widow Meets The Marquis

 — Alex's sexual adventures continue, meeting the Marquis. by DionysusReturns01/27/094.08

Young Wife and the Rough Neighbor

 — Husband catches wife with the neighbor, and watches. by bdavidson03/09/19

Young Wife and the Rough Neighbor Pt. 02

 — Same story from the wife's perspective. by bdavidson04/27/193.99

Young Wife Finds a Lover at Work Ch. 01

 — Young wife starts an affair with a coworker. by LovingWife6906/29/223.20

Young Wife Finds a Lover at Work Ch. 02

 — I continue my workplace affair. by LovingWife6907/03/223.28

Young Wife Finds a Lover at Work Ch. 03

 — My first affair comes to a terrible end. by LovingWife6907/09/223.64

Young Wife on Girls Weekend

 — Night gets exciting when Hanna bumps into a hunky BBC. by Suchet12/22/173.91

Young Wife's First MFM

 — Young wife picks her first choice after husband asks for mfm. by LuckyguyAMG03/17/233.60

Young Wife: Ruined Ch. 02

 — A man's wager ruins something valuable. by CleoRa10/08/144.29

Young Wife: Ruined Ch. 03

 — A man and wife come to terms with their sex lives. by CleoRa10/13/143.88

Young Wives Need Special Training

 — Molly & Susan have flings with each other's husbands. by Dinsmore06/20/054.14

Your 10 to My 5

 — A look into the pain, anger and loneliness of infidelity. by Just_John109/18/204.61HOT

Your Application Has Been Approved

 — Application to a Slut Training School. by zeuspimeios06/18/213.05

Your Cheating Heart

 — Life in a country song. by williepeter01/16/223.88

Your Cheating Heart

 — The proposal looms, and he can't possibly find out. by jmm99905/27/234.41NEW

Your First New Man

 — You explore a swinger club with your husband. by scrawlspace04/10/084.28

Your Hole is My Goal Pt. 02: Dance with a Wife

 — Taking his wife at an Air Force Ball. by lockerman13812/03/184.23

Your Hole is My Goal Pt. 03: 2 Wives & Costume Party

 — Charlie finds Ashley willing and adds another wife to play. by lockerman13812/04/184.39

Your Hole is My Goal Pt. 04: Thanksgiving Dinner

 — Chads wife is seen in the shower then taken in the kitchen. by lockerman13801/13/194.01

Your Husband is Fucking My Wife

 — That stupid bitch. How the hell did she let you get away? by LynnGKS02/03/134.38

Your Inevitable Cuckolding

 — You and your wife relent to a taboo fantasy, and love it. by everyonesavoyeur06/02/184.42

Your Legs or Your Wife

 — She made the supreme sacrifice for her husband. by Just Plain Bob01/29/063.71

Your Love

 — The song by the Outfield. by StangStar0610/16/154.65HOT

Your Loving Wife

 — A player describes how. he seduces your wife. by petewilcox06/15/223.47

Your Mother Should Know

 — Husband becomes a liar, but why? by Harddaysknight10/19/054.57HOT

Your New Toy

 — She helps a friend and her husband with something new. by Dinew12/06/064.06

Your Night Out

 — Wife does two. by hornyhubby2911/30/093.97

Your Pimp's Here Ch. 01

 — Wife Shannon is seduced by a pimp. by janandjustin08/08/044.10

Your Sins Will Find You Out

 — Some fantasies should remain fantasies. by CAROLINA_GENTLEMAN11/12/194.31

Your Story

 — Your group fantasy fulfilled. by JoeStirling11/10/183.73

Your Thank You

 — You thank me for supporting your shared love. by Patsplaything12/06/053.86

Your Thank You Ch. 03

 — Tested and found I passed. by Patsplaything04/20/064.08

Your Turn

 — To a fair minded husband the sky is the limit. by mintabal323910/17/063.21

Your Turn

 — Couple takes turns involving a third party. by Explorer22212/09/064.24

Your Turn Ch. 02

 — Couple involves a third party and gets an alpha male. by Explorer22211/19/094.19

Your Turn Ch. 03

 — Wife engages a dominatrix for her husband. by Explorer22205/06/134.30

Your Wife

 — He gets your wife so you can experience Cuckolding. by wifwat06/18/033.72

Your Wife

 — The first time at your Place. by VicCountry08/07/153.50

Your Wife For The Contract

 — Wife forced to perform for several Arabs. by Tony King03/02/024.27

Your Wife is Going to Get Fucked

 — A fantasy comes true at the end of a late night party. by shivadancer11/13/154.22

Your Wife was Mine While You Slept

 — She cheats in hotel room right next to her clueless husband. by bostonwriter02/06/212.98

Yours to Use

 — A passionate and submissive sex encounter. by Fiery_woman10/10/143.18


 — It should have been the holiday of a lifetime. by ukresearcher10/16/113.16

Yukon - She Never Knew The Real Me

 — An alternate path for ukresearcher story. by greenday041809/21/213.94

Yumi Ch. 03

 — Yumi does threesome and gets her way. by jkun02/10/213.83

Yvette's Summer Adventure

 — Married wife desires another cock. by roomfor1more05/05/113.52

Z Axis = X2-5Y

 — Math is complicated. Cheating is simple. by JimBob4403/08/183.96

Z's Christmas Party Surprise

 — Z and her husband's boss and rival. by Z and Larson06/19/063.83

Z's Decision

 — Larson learns Z's new rule about real men. by Z and Larson03/25/03

Z's First Time

 — Z & Larson discover the cuckold lifestyle. by Z and Larson11/13/02

Zach Camping Trip Ch. 01: A Visitor

 — Zach breeds a hiker that has future impact. by ZachDocEight10/18/214.14

Zain's Little Harem

 — Zain, a successful architect, tries open marriage. by somemann12303/27/163.79

Zapped by The Martian Slut Ray

 — A faithful wife strays for no clear reason. by PiperHamlin06/06/184.09

Zaya is Born

 — A new life was created as others were ended. by BigGuy3311/09/214.31

Zeb, Deborah, and The Garbage Men

 — Zed wants to see his name in a story. Deborah writes it. by flabuf08/03/122.73


 — Husband gets a lecture from his wife's paramour. by Grendelpuppy08/07/182.49

Zebulon Ch. 02

 — Husband and wife seek reconciliation after her seduction. by Grendelpuppy09/10/182.33

Zee's Awakening

 — Asian Wife opens up to new friends. by Ricelovertoo04/10/164.13

Zen and Revenge Might Not Mix

 — Hilarious depends on your point of view. by moreandmore03/08/214.16

Zero Fifty or One Hundred, a sequel

 — An alternative ending to Ahazura's story of the same name. by StrangeLife08/14/163.59

Zero Tolerance

 — My wife, ignored in high school, was a slut at the reunion. by StangStar0607/19/124.63HOT

Zero Tolerance Ch. 01

 — Problems begin in a loving marriage. by K.K.01/20/064.28

Zero Tolerance Ch. 02

 — Mark finds Susan at the party. by K.K.01/21/06

Zero Tolerance Ch. 03

 — Final chapter in Mark and Susan's story. by K.K.01/22/06

Zero, Fifty or One Hundred

 — Another Sequel to Ahazur's Story. by Streetdog02/26/164.40

Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred

 — What will she choose? by Ahazura02/06/164.47

Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred - Alternate

 — An alternate continuation of Ahazura's story. by stormbreyer02/16/163.16

Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred - The Conclusion

 — What did she choose? by Ahazura02/11/164.49

Zero, Fifty, or One Hundred Pt. 02: Alt. Ending

 — An alternate ending to Ahazura's Zero, 50, or 100 Conclusion. by swingerjoe02/13/162.94

Zeroing in on the Problem

 — Cause and effect is a vicious cycle. by moreandmore03/21/224.25


 — WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY! by SweetNothingsAndBeyond05/12/213.29

Zigzagging Through Life's Minefield

 — You never know when the love gods are going to mess with you. by moreandmore03/01/194.01


 — She managed to kill everything, even the flowers. by JimBob4407/01/224.43

Ziplining To Conclusions

 — Some ideas seem poorly thought out when push comes to shove. by moreandmore09/02/204.37


 — Bored wife. by Imbadman05/25/163.76

Zoe Gradually Becomes a Hotwife

 — Over time, husband transforms his wife into a hotwife. by JoeVartos05/21/204.54HOT

Zoe's Perfect Marriage Ch. 01

 — A cheating wife transforms her marriage... and her husband. by HelloVera09/18/154.12

Zoea: My Wife

 — Mistakes were made; what does he do now? by DG Hear06/25/064.16


 — Boss/secretary and their virtual affair. by Melody03/14/053.75

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