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Your Hole is My Goal Pt. 02: Dance with a Wife

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Taking his wife at an Air Force Ball.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/29/2018
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The Dance

September is an interesting month on base here. With the Air Force birthday being this month there's usually at least a gaggle of different dog and pony shows and different events. Since my flight with Ashley two months ago I have been hoping to run into her again and let her know how to get that bra back. She should really have to work at it.

This year there is the Air Force Ball at the end of the month that a group of my friends have all been volun-told to go, which is basically like saying that it was HIGHLY-RECOMMENDED that we attended by our leadership or in another way, we didn't have a choice and were attending the dance.

I never like wearing my full Dress Blues as it means I need to get my medals rack updated and keeping track of the Air Medals I have seems near impossible nowadays with the multiple wars. That being said it looks pretty impressive when it's all put together and makes all of us aircrew look more like a Mexican General than just some shuck that gets paid to put a bag on and play around in a plane and every now and then stick your pole in someone else's hole.

My friends and I will all be going to the dance together and hopefully leaving separately with a new companion. None of us are looking forward to it other than to get a good look at all the wives dressed up and ignored by their husbands. They usually make for easy picking by us arrogant zipper suited sun gods. I always thought that term was funnier than it was derogatory.

I know many of my friends and flybys that had an inflated self-image but many of them were just regular folk. There is for sure something about a flight suit that makes some girls weak in the knees.

About an hour from the party starting I dressed up in my monkey suit and looked like a big blue smurf and I grabbed my bus drivers hat on the way out the door. I hopped in my friend Jimmys new black Chevy Suburban and we headed into town for the hour or so we needed to be there. Along the way Rick in the back seat pulled out a big cooler and started handing out beers to everyone in the SUV.

If we are going to have to be somewhere, you might as well do it hammered. Many trips were spent with this thinking and I think by now I've forgotten more places than most people visit while they are in the military.

When we reached the hotel the dance was taking place in, the parking lot was already full and Jimmy had to pull his SUV into a dirt area behind the hotel. It was dark and no one noticed as the three of us all stood behind the SUV and relieved ourselves against the mesh fence. Now that we were sufficiently drunk and of the right mindset we ambled into the hotel and found the Grand Ballroom without much fuss.

The three of us opened the door to the large room that seemed a football field in length and width with tables and chairs around the outside and a small dance floor in the center about 30'x30'. There is a stage in front of that trimmed with red, white, and blue bunting around it to hide its legs and a backdrop of blue with more bunting and the required American flag and other items that the decorators always seem to put in these things like balloons and streamers across the ceiling.

Tonight will be such a waste of time I thought and saw in my friends eyes as we looked around the room searching the crowd for friends as well as the nearest bar. We located the bar before we noticed anything else and all of us bellied up to the make shift tabletop and each ordered 2 more beers each. Not one of my finest nights but I would be happy to forget all of these formal events.

We located a table close to the bar and quickly sat. I've never been one that enjoys my back to the inside of the room as I feel uneasy with a bunch of people behind me so I sat facing the dance floor and the interior of the room.

I sat drinking my beer and watching the couples talk and dance and enjoyed the talk my friends were carrying on until I noticed someone in the crowd. Suddenly my pants got tight and I smacked Jimmy on the arm and asked if the Suburban was unlocked? He said it was, and that suited me fine. Our practice was to leave whosever car we took somewhere unlocked to allow anyone of us successful with a lady to take her there for a little privacy.

With that information I stood up and made my way over to a grouping across the dance floor. There were two couples seemingly deep in conversation. There was Colonel Johnson, our Wing Commander, that stood straight and tall, he was older with a head full of salt and pepper hair, skinny and good-looking for the 60 years that his body held.

The woman hanging on his arm was his wife Brenda and was fuller figured with a sparkling silver dress that hid her figure as it hung like a moo-moo and left her quite shapeless. I could tell she was uncomfortable and held onto him for protection from judgement and of ridicule by the other women and unkind fellows that are all to common. From my point of view though she must have had a great pair of tits. The way they sat on her chest they were easily DD or even F and I would get lost playing in that fun-zone, but thats not tonights target, maybe another day.

Tonight I am aimed at the woman opposite them. The man stands leaned in towards the Colonel and is intently listening to what he has to say. He has the stripes of a Tech Sergeant on his sleeve and I figure that he's doing his best job of brown-nosing that he can. The woman standing next to him is way out of his league.

She's in a deep red, floor length dress with a slit up her left leg that reaches her hip, the top of her dress is tight to her body and is pushing her breasts up to eye level making her already large breasts even larger. This beautiful woman is my flight buddy Ashley.

As I walked up to them The Colonel first noticed me and gave me a broad smile and bellowed "Hot damn Charlie! How did they wrangle you into this thing?" And he clamped on me with a bear-hug.

"Well sir, they promised me a 6-pack of beer and a stripper! I've had the beer now I'm just waiting on the stripper" I told him as I looked at Ashley. She heard me and brought her left hand up to her mouth in surprise at my candor and I noticed the wedding ring on her finger.

The colonel laughed, and smacked me on the back "Charlie this is Sergeant... Sergeant Harron. Thats right, this is Sergeant Harron and his wife Senior Airman Harron." As a fellow flyer we had been on more than one flight and knew each other pretty well. His wife looked like she was use to this rhetoric and just seemed bored with it.

"Actually I know this beautiful woman here and I wanted to check with her and see how she enjoyed the ride I took her on last month." I said.

I looked over to her and she was blushing almost the same shade as her dress. She averted my look and feigned interest in something on the other side of the world.

The man next to her looked at her confused and asked "Honey, Whats he talking about?"

"He-He was the Boom Operator on that flight I took last month. You remember I told you how we refueled an F-16?" She said sheepishly. " He also said that funny phrase about 'Your hole is our Goal' Remember?"

He accepted this answer and reached out to shake my hand and introduced himself again "Sergeant Chad Harron."

In turn I shook his hand and returned a reply of "Charlie." I've always found that leading with any kind of rank is pointless especially in uniform. You can see the stripes on my sleeve so you don't need to waste our time with your rank unless you are using it as a bullying tactic which it seemed he tried to do.

The 5 of us continued talking casually with me slowly moving in the group and making reaches for things opposite where I am and soon I was able to maneuver myself between the colonels wife and Ashley. If anyone noticed what I was doing it went un mentioned. As I was standing by Ashley I started talking to her more as Chad and the Colonel talked to each other.

I could tell even though he was intent on what the Colonel was saying he was still well aware of my talking with her. After another 10 minutes I asked Jean for a spin on the now quite crowded dance floor. She looked at her husband questioningly and he looked at her and nodded his approval. Apparently I was not a big enough threat to instead take her.

I took her to the floor and for what I wanted to do I needed space from him and his eyes. Pulling her deeper into the crowd we were soon surrounded by bodies dancing together. Rarely do I find a woman that doesn't like to dance and Ashley was no different. My friend raced up and let me know I was being watched hard by her husband.

To this I asked him and our friends to get him sauced and turned around. Being a good man he took this as a job and they all set to work on him quickly filling his drink to over-flowing and directing him elsewhere to meet some other important people that would sway his thoughts from his stranded wife with my lecherous intent. On the dance floor she seemed to automatically liven up and move.

As she danced I would see her bare thigh come out from the slit in her dress and I made contact frequently to let her know I was there and aware. After a series of fast songs they started playing a slow song. Ashley started to walk back in the direction of her husband and I pulled her back into a light embrace, holding both hands lightly at her side and whispered in her ear "Did you want your bra back tonight?" She looked at me incredulously and questioned my intentions "What do you want?" "Right now, all I want is this dance." Was my reply.

I pulled her close and like on the airplane, her willpower all but disappeared as I put both hands low on her hips and she in turn wrapped her arms around my neck. We slowly turned and danced, as we moved I dropped my right hand to her thigh and my left hand to her butt. She tried to disengage my hands but realized it was futile right now and wasn't ready to make a scene.

Soon though she wouldn't want me to stop. I moved my right hand higher and toward the front inside thigh and enjoyed the cover that this large group of people offered us as I quickly reached my goal with the back of my hand as I slowly stroked the outside of her panties.

I looked at her and stated "These feel heavenly, I can't wait until I get them off of you."

To which she sheepishly replied "We can't, I'm married and last time was a mistake." While she said this she made no motion to stop me and I turned my right hand around and began stroking her panty covered pussy with my index and middle finger up the and down the length of her pussy as I could begin to feel her getting wetter and wetter.

She began to lightly pant as I continued adding pressure to the gusset of her panties until I noticed she was wet enough that I was able to easily slide first one then two fingers inside the leg of her panties and they parted her waiting lips. Her face betrayed her with first surprise then ecstasy from my intrusion.

I whispered in her ear, "Your body betrays you Ashley, I think it wants a repeat performance of last month." She made no reply but buried her head in my shoulder and opened her legs a little wider as we continued our dance. I could see that she was about to cum on the dance floor as she responded the same way as in the plane. Just as she was reaching her crescendo Chad came through the crowd and I noticed him with enough time to make my actions as PG as I could.

"May I... dance ...with her... now?" He asked dragging the sentence and looking glassy eyed.

My friends had done their jobs well and tonight was going better than I imagined. I said "Of Course sir, she's your wife and I only want to play a little. No harm in that is there Sergeant Harron?"

Not knowing my game he replied that there wasn't an issue that he could see with that. I passed my partner to him, walked away and looked back at her as she realized that the orgasm she was about to have had just walked off the floor and sadness filled her face to a point that broke my heart. 'Don't worry' I tried to tell her with my eyes. 'We aren't done yet!' I made it to my friends who were all very drunk by now and had lost all chance of bringing a girl home. The only one that wasn't drinking was our driver Jimmy because he lost the DD lottery tonight.

I told them that I had a good one and that I needed to make some plans. I noticed Ashley leave the dance floor and head for the door and Chad was heading toward the bar and our group. I followed to the door and noticed that Chad paid me no mind. As I made it out the door I saw her red dress flash on the left as she made it into the women's restroom.

I slowly walked over to the restroom and just missed as three young Lieutenants walked out of the bathroom together gossiping about all the boys trying to get into their panties tonight and how they were all going to have blue balls tonight. They eyed me expecting more pick-up lines but I ignored their looks and let them walk away before I cautiously opened the door and looked inside.

Not seeing anybody I ventured further in and saw Ashley at the sink bent over slowly splashing water on herself. Not caring if there was anyone else in the bathroom I swiftly came up behind her and kneeled down then, pulled her dress to the side with my right hand and slid her panties to the side with my left then quickly began flicking my tongue on her still hot and still very wet clit. She audibly yelped and physically jumped as she looked in the mirrors and craned her neck to see her intruder.

Seeing that it was me violating her again she actually smiled and relaxed her tense body and responded with an "ohhhhh, it'" in a sexy growl. Lifting my head I told her "I couldn't leave you before you have cum, that would just be rude of me." Again focusing my attention on her clit and then along her pink lips I tasted her sweetness and after 3 minutes of attention she began bucking back into my face and she started biting her right hand to keep from screaming to hard then I felt her whole body suddenly relax and I leaned back on my heels taking in the site in front of me.

Her ass was exactly the way I remembered it and I decided that tonight she would have to do without the thong I held in my left hand. I released the fabric I held with my left and draped her red dress over my right and moved both hands to her hips. She either didn't care at this point or didn't notice but before she said anything I pulled her black lace thong down her thighs slowly and had her step out of them before I stood up and put them in my pocket.

Standing up I leaned over her left shoulder, leaving my right hand sliding down the crack of her ass passing her asshole and sliding slowly into her pussy as I said "Your husband seems a bit drunk, I should find him a ride home and I will make sure that you get home safe."

I then walked to the door and walked out without looking back. As I exited the door the Colonels wife was walking in and looked at me with a confused look on her face. "It looked like Mrs Harron was having some trouble so I wanted to lend her a hand." I said. Not buying my excuse she just told me to be careful and that she's seen a lot but could be persuaded to stay quiet. As she spoke she walked nearer to me until she was standing in front of me.

She reached out and ran her hand on the front of my pants over my rock hard cock that pushed out the left leg. She helped adjust it as she kissed my left cheek and continued, "with this I bet you could keep me quiet." She then stepped away as she saw someone coming and continued, but now saying her motives so they were clear to me but obscured for others. "Find me tomorrow so we can talk about what to do going forward!" She said almost sternly.

The Airman that passed looked scared and avoided any eye contact as he raced in the Mens room. I walked back into the ballroom and quickly found the Colonel to let him know that I needed his help.

"Sir, I need you to take Chad Harron home tonight." I told him.

"We are just leaving. If you can get him to go right now I don't have a problem, Do you know where his wife is?" He asked.

"I will make sure she gets taken care of." Was my reply.

He looked at me first confused then knowingly and walked towards the bar to gather his new car companion. He approached Chad and told him that he would drive him home, Chad asked where his wife was but the Colonel being quick told him that she was enjoying herself and that he personally arranged a safe ride home for her.

They walked out of the Ballroom and a few minutes later I saw Ashley walk in and look around in confusion. I met her eye and signaled her over to our table of drunken idiots. When she reached us I kicked Rick out of the seat next to me and had her sit down. I filled her in on where Chad went and how she would get home.

"I will be riding you home!" I told her matter of factly.

"Don't you mean, giving me a ride home?" She tried correcting me.

"I said what I meant" I replied as I reached out with my right hand and placed it on her thigh.

The night continued as we sat there at our table talking and laughing with my friends as I took liberties with Ashley sliding my hand up and down her thigh as she acted like nothing was happening. After about an hour I moved higher on her thigh and she voluntarily spread her legs as she was laughing at a joke that was so bad.

She grabbed my teasing hand and placed it on her wanton pussy that was still wet and began fingering herself with my hand. Her face flushed and breathing increased and my friends took notice and asked if she was alright, to which she replied "I..just felt...something..CUMMING on" she said as she released my hand and leaned over and asked me privately if she could talk to me outside.

I stood up and followed her out as she swayed and shifted and her saunter brought my attention to her shifting rear. She walked with the confidence of a woman that knows her sexual power. Whether she felt it before now she certainly was showing it now. I followed 10 steps behind her out the doors then through the front doors where she spun around and began passionately kissing me.

We kissed like this for 5 minutes in the front of the hotel for all to see as she ran her hands through my hair and down my back. I scoop my hands under her and lift her up. She is light and carrying her is like carrying a flower around. I carry her around the building and she notices and breaks the kiss and asks where we're going. I tell her that it's someplace more private. She doesn't seem to care and begins her kissing attack once more as I walk toward the Suburban.

When we reach the SUV I put her down and open the back door. I lay the seats down and tell her to climb in, As she's climbing in through the door I can't wait any longer and I unzip my pants and pull my cock out. I grab her hair and she yelps and stops moving forward. I then push her dress to the side until its pinned to our bodies, line up my cock with her open pussy lips and begin stroking in and out With my right hand I lightly pull her hair to know where I am and with my left I begin to unzip the back of her dress.

When it zipped down to the end I slide the top down the left arm and she slides her arm out the rest of the way. I then reach around while still fucking her and I begin to play with her nipple and roll it as I hear her climax again. Hearing this I slap her ass and pull out. I let her hair go and push her into the SUV. I then lay down and have her straddle me.

Quickly she jumps on me and pulls her dress to the side and also pulls her right arm out of the shoulder of the dress to let both bare breasts breath in the fresh air and I relish in my view of her two pert breast topped with that light pink nipple begging to be licked and bit and further down watching her pussy ready to take my cock. Slowly she lines up her entrance with my attentive soldier and slowly pushes down until she is resting on my hips and I groan.


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